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Staff Rules and Responsibilities

Here at Bleach Story, staff works a bit differently than in other places. Instead of being the people who make all the decisions. Here, it is a staff members responsibility to serve the will of the forum overall. It is their job to facilitate an environment where the needs of our members can be provided. There are a few different staff positions and each one has its own range of what they can and cannot do.

Head Admin
This is Udarsha, the owner and primary supporter that keeps the forum running. He is the only staff member who's powers are not limited as he owns the place! However, he is mainly the person who changes backgrounds and does other "behind the scenes" administrative work. He'll make sure the forum stays online and active.

General Staff
All staff start out in this position and the goal is to have at least 3 staff members at all times. Their job is to help keep the forum moving along by addressing general things that need to be done. Their powers and responsibilities are the following:

-Locking Threads/Moving Threads
-Accepting/Denying Characters
-Addressing Member Complaints
-Maintaining and Updating Site Information

Specialized Staff Types
After becoming general staff you are allowed to apply for the following positions. After a 1 week training period you can then become one of the following:

These are staff members who truly wish to serve the forum. The name may sound oppressive, however they enforce the will of the members. These staff members hold polls, start discussions, and ensure the politics of the forum stay clean and uncorrupted. Their powers and responsibilities in addition to their general staff powers are the following:

-Changing Usernames
-Changing User Permissions
-Banning Troublemakers
-Starting and Closing Polls
-Ensure Poll Results Are Enforced

Community Mods
These are staff members who's responsibilities fall under the realm of ensuring the community sticks together and welcomes new members. They are the guides who help bring members together and encourage group role play as opposed to going solo. Their powers and responsibilities in addition to their general staff powers are the following:

-Holding Activity Checks
-Welcoming New Members
-Regulating Discussions and Preventing/Ending Flame Wars
-Holding and Regulating Non-Plot Events Such As Tournaments

Mission Mods

Mission Mods
A unique type of staff member. It is the only staff position that does not require you take on general staff responsibilities. This means any member can become a mission mod, however in that case they would be strictly limited to the powers and responsibilities of Mission Mods only and would not gain the powers and responsibilities of a general staff member. They are expected to be drivers and facilitators of plots. Their powers and jobs are the following:

-Regulate RP Requests
-Regulate NPC Creation And Use
-Run Plot Threads
-Hold Plot Counseling Sessions

Staff Pledge

Any member that wants to take up a staff position, including mission mods without general staff powers, must make the following pledge:

"I hereby recognize and respect the responsibilities entrusted in me.
I will stay within the boundaries of my assigned powers.
I will serve the members before myself.
I will complete my staff responsibilities before addressing my responsibilities as an rper.
Should I be found wanting in any of these oaths, I acknowledge the right to defend myself on trial.
Should I be found wanting on trial, I respect the forum's right to strip me of my position."

Joining/Leaving Staff

Joining Staff
So you want to be a staff member, eh? Find some people who think you deserve it. The first requirement to being a staff member is having at least 2 members vouch for you. Make sure you have no current Warning Points on your account or you will be ineligible. You will then be pmed a template and a link to a thread. Fill out the template and then post it in the thread. The two members who nominated you will also be sent templates and links. The templates are designed to give the best possible case to support why the forum should have you as staff. A poll will be held on the same thread once both vouchers and the staff-hopeful member have posted. The entire forum will be given a week to vote and make comments.

The results of the poll will determine whether or not you get the position.

Inactive Staff
Any Enforcer, Community Mod, Mission Mod, or General Staff that have been inactive for one month WITHOUT WARNING will be automatically demoted. They can have their positions again if they prove active by getting on the Active Member List.

If a staff member needs a break, is going on vacation, or is to be inactive for any reason, they MUST leave a notice in the Staff AND Member sections stating that they will be inactive and give an approximate date for when they shall return. These members will NOT be demoted but removed from public lists until their return. Any staff member who has not left a note will be demoted until further notice.

Leaving Staff
If you wish to leave staff, there will be a resignation template in the staff section. Simply fill it out and post it publicly for all to see. The point of this is to both explain to everyone why you are stepping down AND to give you a chance to leave advice or comments to the rest of staff.

Forced Leave From Staff
In the unfortunate event that you are found to have shirked your responsibilities as staff or abused your powers solely for personal gain, it is possible for a member to be forcefully removed from their staff position. Anyone can accuse a staff member of this, however an accusation is not enough. A trail will be held first and active members of the forum will be allowed to get involved. The trial will work as follows:

Step One - A member pms a staff member notifying them of the complaint. The issue will be posted in the staff section and an Enforcer will take over from there.(If there is only one enforcer and they are the subject of the complaint, OR it has been 48 hours since the complaint was posted in the staff section and it has yet to be addressed, any other staff member excluding pure Mission Mods can start the trial.)

Step Two - The thread is posted in first by a staff member stating the accusation. The member who made the complain then posts. The member is required to post proof of how the staff member in question has abused or shirked their powers and responsibilities.

What is considered "proof"
-Links to the abuse in action
-Post Timestamps

Step Three - The staff member in question now has the chance to evoke their right to defend and explain themselves. It is possible that their powers were abused for a good reason or their responsibilities couldn't be completed because another staff member said they'd handle it. Then there is the ever possible issue of Real Life being difficult.

Step Four - The staff member who is running the trial will then open the thread for voting, however it will not be done as a typical poll. Only ACTIVE members will be allowed to vote. There will be an "Active Member/Character" list regulated by Community Mods. Only members recognized as "active" by that list will be factored into the vote.

Step Five - The voting occurs. After a week, the voting is closed. Depending on the results the complaint is dropped or the staff member is forced to resign.

Re-Joining Staff After A Forced Leave
In the event a member is forced out of a staff position, they will not be allowed to apply for a staff position again unless the following conditions have been met:

-It has been at least 1 month since you were removed from staff.
-You must obtain twice the number of vouchers you needed last time.
-The members vouching for you must be different people than before.
-You must have not been forced to step down three times.

This means after a forced leave, a member will need the support of 4 new people. If they are forced out again, they would need a whopping 8 new people supporting them. If the member is still kicked from the position after a third chance, they my no longer apply for staff positions.


Added in Inactive Staff.

Inactive Staff
Any Enforcer, Community Mod, Mission Mod, or General Staff that have been inactive for one month WITHOUT WARNING will be automatically demoted. They CAN have their positions again if they prove active, however.

If a staff member needs a break, is going on vacation, or is to be inactive for any reason, they MUST leave a notice in the Staff AND Member sections stating that they will be inactive and give an approximate date for when they shall return. These members will NOT be demoted but removed from public lists until their return. Any staff member who has not left a notice will be demoted until further notice.

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