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#1Sangre, La Bruja - by Remy D'Aubigne Empty Sangre, La Bruja - by Remy D'Aubigne Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:07 am


NPC Template

Identity of a Soul

    Name: La Bruja Sangre
    Alias: [N/A]
    Age: Mid 400's
    Age of Appearance: Mid 20's
    Gender: Female
    Character Alignment:Chaotic Neutral

    La Bruja Sangre:

    Her Zanpaktou:

    Personality/History: In days long past, The woman who would be known as La Bruja Sangre had everything any woman would wish for in her time and more. She wanted for nothing; she was beautiful beyond compare. She was waited on hand and foot. Her husband adored her, lavishing her with the finest silks and jewels that money could buy. She gave him two children who loved them dearly. But the young woman felt stifled, suffocated underneath it all. In truth, she craved the one thing that no one would let her have. She craved knowledge. She sought it out through whatever means she could. She sold her soul to the mad, raving devils who came to her in the dead of night, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. They told her that she could have what she wanted; they would give her the knowledge she so desperately wanted. All she needed to do was make a sacrifice. Give them what she deemed precious. Readily, she gave up her husband and children. She killed them as they lay sleeping, slitting their throats and cutting out their hearts, the source of their love and admiration for her. Laughing and stark staring mad, she offered up their hearts and broken bodies to the devils and in turn, they giggled. They gave her knowledge but not what she wanted.

    They mocked her, they told her that what she had done was in vain. She would live her life with the knowledge that she had destroyed her family for nothing and there was nothing she could do to take back what she had done. In her madness and her rage, she gouged out her own eyes and screaming, shouting obscenities until she was found dead alongside her loved ones. Centuries after, the young woman took the name La Bruja Sangre. Her eyes were long since gone, the gouting eye sockets cloaked only with a simple cloth. In turn, she has gained immense power and knowledge over the years. Her time in Hueco Mundo has taught her to respect those who hold great physical strength and mental insight. But it seems she has learned nothing from it all. She still searches tirelessly for ultimate knowledge. No matter what the cost, no matter the consequences she will explore all options available to her in this pursuit. When looking at others before her, she sees nothing; she looks straight past them as if they do not exist. But if she can detect something of interest within a certain individual, she will oblige them to a degree. Individual relationships hold little interest for her. However, she does feel indebted to Reyes for his help in keeping her alive during her early days.

    Intended Role: . While not necessary a physical combatant nor someone active at the front lines, she will provide aid to her comrades by utilizing wards, shielding, and spells reminiscent of kidou.

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