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#1Jun'ichi, Nakamura - by Remy D'Aubigne Empty Jun'ichi, Nakamura - by Remy D'Aubigne Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:21 pm



Identity of a Soul

    Name: Nakamura Jun'ichi
    Alias: [N/A]
    Age: He's at least four hundred years old
    Age of Appearance: Late 20's
    Gender: Male
    Character Alignment: Lawful Good
    Division: 6th Division
    Position: Captain

    Jun'ichi, Nakamura - by Remy D'Aubigne Young_samurai_by_cellar_fcp

    Jun'ichi is 1.8 meters tall and weighs about 72 kg. It’s important to note however that beneath his clothing his body is lean, muscular, and a patchwork of scar tissue and gashes from a life on the battlefield. The three most notable a horizontal scar along the bridge of his nose, a gash in his forehead which is covered by the headband he wears, and a puncture mark at the left hand side of his stomach. He has quite a few light cuts along marking his cheeks here and there as well. Upon his feet, he wears simple tabi [socks] and waraji. [straw sandals] which he ties up in a criss crossing patterns just up to the end of his socks, symbolizing his status as a former soldier of fortune. Secured to his right hip is a pouch with segmented areas, containing shuriken, the other miniature bombs, and the other in a protective, reinforced area containing several glass pellets.  Aside from these additions, he wears an ordinary shihakushō when on active duty along with the basic captain's haori.
    Personality: Jun'ichi is a man who has stood on questionable ground and mortality, as numerous trials in his life thus far as crafted somewhat of a stone wall around his heart and he pushes others away with his unreasonable attitude and heartlessness. In combat, Jun'ichi displays what appears to be a frightening sense of apathy and actively goes about winning his battles by any means necessary. By any means necessary literally means that he functions primarily on instinct. Dashing at long at his opponent without much thought or concern for personal safety, what he truly holds could either be pure, undaunted courage in the face of opposition and against odds that regularly stack against his favor. Or it could very well be a sense of uncaring in general; fighting each and every battle on a whim, seemingly brushing closer and closer to death itself. He could very well be a man who is waiting the day his demons catch up to him and rip him apart.

    In days long past, Jun'ichi didn't hold much regard for those who are caught within the midst of his battles. If required, he wasn't above doing something such as taking a child hostage if it created an opening or a chance to escape or attack his opponent. On more then one occasion, he had used an innocent bystander as a human shield and never gave a second thought about cutting through someone if they were simply in his way. It's because of these traits, his past life and reputation, and the cold sense of foreboding that is still around him today, he is feared and detested by those who come across him.

    Now he is bitter, miserable, and alone. His only comfort being his own blade. Disgusted with who he was in his youth, he attempts to atone by putting the blade he honed with countless battles to use for society and seeks to adhere to not only the code of Bushido, but each and every one of Soul Society's laws, no matter how inconvenient or how irritating. But even with that, he is just rude, unsociable, and rather unpleasant company. His tongue is as sharp as it was in his darker days, abusing others and meeting what few offers of friendship and gratitude he does receive with a cold shoulder and a scathing remark. In terms of leadership style, he cannot rally others and inspire them... but he is more than willing to take advantage of his reputation to frighten and coarse others into moving as he would like them.

    Back in the older days, it was all so simple and easy. In some odd way, it would be nice to be just as selfish as he was back then. But now he's got a coincidence and something more to live for and an ideal to slowly bring himself up to. The same joy that he felt in destroying the lives of others? He found that he feels that same way when he can help others who need it. He may scoff and let out the occasional "Tch..", but he will dart into action without question or delay. Now, he is capable of risking his life to defend others and is a very honorable swordsman.

    His behavior are basically defensive mechanisms to prevent others from becoming closer to him and becoming swept up within his battles. Perhaps personal loss at this point is something he cannot accept. The idea of actually trying to protect someone is daunting and this new responsibility is something that weighs heavily on his sword. It's all just another reason he wishes to keep others out of his own personal plights. To protect himself and protect others, he pushes himself into isolation.

    All things considered though, there is one more aspect to be aware of that many seem to not notice. Jun'ichi’s fierceness, rough attitude, and unreasonable tendencies do much to conceal his cunning intellect. He possesses great tactical prowess that allows him to create and craft strategies very quickly. His intellect in this regard is one of the driving factors of why he has survived so many of his battles and encounters.

    Powers and Abilities: He lacks formal training offered through the academy, has no skill in the use of shunpo, and has no aptitude for kidou. But through experience, trial and fierce determination, Jun'ichi went against the odds and built on what he had, pushing himself to the peak of his abilities and performance. Jun'ichi possesses great physical strength and is capable of moving at incredible speeds. To match his strength and speed, he possesses excellent agility, tremendous endurance, and an abnormally sharp sixth sense, allowing him to evade attacks outside of his line of sight. Jun'ichi has a very tactical mindset when he isn't enraged or blinded by emotion. If given the chance, he will study his opposition thoroughly and adjust accordingly. He is stoic and artful in his craft as well, handling his blade with fluid grace with finesse and dexterity that is often breathtaking. Perhaps it is all of this that makes Jun'ichi a swordsman of no ordinary level and skill. This aspect shows up in every battle, every duel that he finds himself in.

    In terms of actual style, Jun'ichi specializes in Iaijutsu, the art of swiftly drawing a blade though he uses the outdated term, Battōjutsu. Within a short time frame, Jun'ichi draws, attacks and then sheathes his blade; his objective to end conflict with one stroke. It is a feat that is in effect, completely possible as virtually every cutting technique utilized by a katana was intended to kill instantly. Through practice and experience, he is capable of drawing from a number of positions, stand points, and even in seated positions such as seiza. However, he is not limited to this as he can fight through traditional means right after the draw and with equal skill. The katana itself is not a slow sword as it is. There is a great deal of agility involved and it can thrust fairly well. Strokes are delivered in quick succession using a flowing manner and a two-handed grip can generate great power by using a sort of "torquing" method with additional force added from the hips.

    In addition, Jun'ichi is fully aware of the stronger and weaker points of his weapon. For the katana's cutting power and edge sharpness due to it's curved design is indeed legendary, and often exaggerated.  However, it's still a single edged weapon with just eight lines of attack with the addition of a single thrust. The Longsword of western origin for example is capable of sixteen lines of attack, much better and effective thrusts because of it's straight design and maneuvers impossible for a katana. Why? One reason is because a longsword has two sharpened edges. Think about how profound that is for a moment. Jun'ichi has.

    All the more reason, such methods don't surprise him as much as they would those who are ignorant of them, a trait that allows him to analyze someones skill with a weapon or in combat in general and unconsciously take measures to counter such things, a swift contrast to his peers who underestimated their opponents, berating their "flimsy" swordsmanship and weapons only to have their heads severed from their necks. In fact, Jun'ichi isn't one to underestimate the capabilities of anyone around him as even a child has legitimate power and standing in combat with a weapon. These are just a few reasons why he uses other weapons aside from that prideful, recognizable blade that we all know and love so much.

    General Technique:

    Technique Name:Shock wave barrage
    Technique Description:Juni'chi combining shunpo along with his immense reiatsu and his skills in Iaijutsu. Attacks the enemy from any 4 directions, each time Juni'chi would attack using 3 draws of the zanpakuto. Each slash would result in a shock wave of reiatsu, boosted by Juni'chi's shikai's strength. The total of shock waves that can be generated using this technique is 12. The number of shock waves generated from a side can be altered. But then the attack's strength from the side will depend on the number of shock waves generated.

    Technique Effect Chart:
    The nature of each shock wave is blunt. The effected limb might end up taking damage to the bones resulting in fracture or complete destruction of the bone. The shock wave might result in a blood clot in the effected limb. Rendering the limb useless for some time.
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:The effected limb will have a blood clot. And will be useless for 2 posts. If the target takes full extent of the damage. The target will be incapacitated for 3 posts.
    Opponent is One Tier Lower:The effected limb will have broken bones. The full extent of the attack if taken will result in bone fractures of the whole body.
    Opponent is Equal Tier:The effected limb will have bone fractures or a blood clot which will result in the limb being useless for 2 turns. The full extent of the might cause blood clots all over the body, and incapacitate the target for 1 post.
    Opponent is One Tier Higher:The effected limb will have excessive bone damage with a possibility of a blood clot. The blood clot will last for 1 turn. The full extent of the damage might cause the enemy to faint for 1 post, if it doesn't, it would reduce a user's defensive capabilities, and offensive abilities. This effect will last for 2 posts.
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:The effected limb will have a broken bone if 2 shock waves hit it. The bone will be completely shattered if a third shock wave hits it. The full extent of the damage will leave the body completely numb from all the blunt attacks from different sides. The body won't be able to move for 1 post and would be completely open for a strike.

    Zanpakutō: Kintarō (金太郎 : Golden Boy)

    Kintarō appears as an standard sized katana, with a silver, plain polygonal guard. The hilt is a very pale yellow color and it's sheath is but a simple black.

    Shikai: Kintarō's release command is "Sever" (断つ: Tatsu). Kintarō's shikai transforms it into an Ono (a japanese hatchet) measuring at six feet in length. Kintarō special ability is simple. It generates high amounts of PSI over the area it strikes, giving Jun'ichi phenomenal strength. Buildings and walls crumple in a single blow and bones splinter, allowing Jun'ichi to batter and crush all but the mightiest of opponents with a single blow.

    Bankai: Yasha no Ōren  (夜叉の蓮: Demon of The Yellow Lotus)

    Yasha no Ōren grants Jun'ichi the use of his zanpaktou and creates a golden specter that hovers just behind Jun'ichi's back, visible from the torso up, clad in a shogun's combat armor. Standing just above twenty feet above Jun'ichi, it stands proud, wielding an ethereal, Kintaro's sealed blade as well, wreathed in shimmering golden reiatsu. Yasha no Ōren does not grant mythical power but greatly augments physical strength through use of the specter. With a single lash of it's blade, the landscape itself is transformed, buildings are cleaved apart, and shockwaves powerful enough to be employed as a viable offense are created. It's monstrous and it's power isn't one that can be used lightly. Even lighthearted strokes bring forth immense devastation. It's taxing to utilize for long periods of time and while it does grant absurd physical power, bearing the weight of the specter and exposing himself to it's potent reiatsu not only saps Jun'ichi's stamina, it grinds his bones as well.

    Bankai Technique:
    Technique Name:Pressure dome
    Technique Description: Juni'chi and the golden specter slash at the same time, the direction of the slashes are irrelevant. This results in the creation of an air dome, of 5 meters radius. Anyone who enters this dome, feels the weight of the world on his/her lungs. The more skills or attacks one does in the dome, the more pressure is exerted on the lungs. This technique might lead to the explosion of one's lungs if excessive attacks are done in the dome. Also, since the opponent is gasping for air, his/her attacks don't possess the same strength as they normally would.

    Technique Effect Chart:
    The technique lasts for 3 posts. Can be deactivated at will. Has a post cool down of 3.
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:The opponent's lungs are immediately depleted of all the oxygen and if a single attack is done. This will result in the explosion of one's lungs.
    Opponent is One Tier Lower:The lungs feel the extreme pressure of the atmosphere, rendering every attack of the target, useless.
    Opponent is Equal Tier:One attack while in dome has it's normal effect, after that. The target gasps for air, and other attacks are practically useless. One more attack leads to complete depletion of oxygen from the lungs. Might make the target unconscious if he/she persists and stays within the radius of 5 meters.
    Opponent is One Tier Higher:The user's attacks are useless. The more reiatsu one uses within the dome, the more stronger the pressure on the lungs.
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:Gasping for air, the attacks have their affects halved. After two attacks, the target has nothing else to do but to gasp for air. Unless he/she get's out of the dome.

    Role Suggestions: Do as you will.

#2Jun'ichi, Nakamura - by Remy D'Aubigne Empty Re: Jun'ichi, Nakamura - by Remy D'Aubigne Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:13 am



-Techniques Added

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