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#11Rain Down (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rain Down (Open) Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:02 am


Nodding, Grimm understood completely. "If you're an enemy of the human race, then slay me now. I do everything in my power to protect. I do not kill if I can afford not to. I am benevolent. If you think me a threat, eliminate me now. If not, I beg of your assistance." Determination flared in Grimm's eyes, a fire burning behind each pupil. Reflectively, his reiatsu flared around him, he having unconsciously flared it. His words were so passionate and sincere that his reiatsu actually condensed enough to set fire to the grass and plants around his feet.

Realizing what was happening, Grimm reigned in his reiatsu, leaving a circle of ash around him. "Sorry. I get a little worked up sometimes." Smiling sheepishly, the young man straightened himself up and cracked his neck. Blinking a few times, he cleared the sleep that was left in his eyes. "I don't think it matters if you use full power, actually. I just need to see it in action." Turning to face Shinobu, he smiled again. It was almost unnerving how pleasant this quincy was, especially considering he was surrounded by potential enemies. "I know we have a rough past, but we're both working towards the same goal. I have no hard feelings towards Shinigami. They did what had to be done. Population control is morbid, but occasionally it's necessary. And yes, I would love some."

Accepting the bread, Grimm wolfed it down ravenously. His earlier demonstration of power in order to draw attention had left him quite hungry. "Thank you, Eshima-Fukutaichou. I appreciate it very much." Bowing respectfully, Grimm wiped the crumbs off on his black pants before straightening up. Suddenly, a pathway opened between worlds, and a third shinigami entered the clearing. Hmm... perhaps if these two wouldn't help, the third could.

"It's a pleasure, Captain Koshi. I am Grimm Verbrennung. I boast no organization nor rank." Smirking slightly, he nodded his head in respect. "Let me clear you up. I am requesting the help of a shinigami for the development of a technique emulating kido energy. Your captain commander and his lieutenent are attempting to see if I'm worth such a technique, especially considering Quincy and Shinigami past. ...Oh yeah, I'm a quincy." Forming his bow as proof, the six foot longbow appeared from the ring on his left hand. Drawing a simple orange arrow and firing it into the air, the heat trailing behind it left a barrage in the sunlight.

"Any questions?"

#12Rain Down (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rain Down (Open) Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:09 am


(ooc is there a post order ?)

#13Rain Down (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rain Down (Open) Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:14 am


(OOC: Assume there is in every thread I make. So far, this thread's posting order is Grimm, Raiden, Anamist, Taz)

#14Rain Down (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Rain Down (Open) Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:38 am


(ooc ok just wanted to sk )

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