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#1OPEN The Coming Storm  Empty OPEN The Coming Storm Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:02 am


Szyale stepped out of his laboratory and walked down the long hallways of Las Noches, he had just finished a very important experiment and expected promising results from his finds. Los Noches was getting busier with each coming day, many new Arrancars were finding the giant building home. Szayel needed to locate and speak with the new members, and possibly old members, he had a plan and he needed the right people. Perhaps the new blood could open the doors to some great possibilities.

He walked into the old Espada meeting room, how he missed the days when the Espada actually mattered in Hueco Mundo, after the fall of Aizen the new leader of Los Noches had stripped the Espada of all of the rights the title had in hope of creating a new Arrancar organization. A very bold move on his part but not a favorable one of Szayel, at least he had been granted the title of head researcher, he could do his experiments in peace and thats all that mattered.

Szayel sat in his old chair and closed his eyes, he knew that someone would detect his reiatsu in the area and come to visit all he needed to do was wait.

#2OPEN The Coming Storm  Empty Re: OPEN The Coming Storm Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:09 am


Link, still in his wolf form from his daily run, appeared from the skies in front of the pink-haired Espada. He growled at him before quickly putting his head to the ground and whimpering. Link did this as nothing less than as a sign of respect for his superior.

Quickly reverting back to his normal form, Link kept a serious look on his face. This man may be his superior, but that didn't mean that he had to enjoy the company. He came here to simply get acquainted with every higher-up of Hueco Mundo. Respectfully, Link extended his hand for a quick hand-shake, saying nothing through the entire process.

#3OPEN The Coming Storm  Empty Re: OPEN The Coming Storm Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:13 am


Szayel was impressed more or less at the transformation, he had never seen such a feat in an Arrancar, perhaps he would need to take some samples soon. He stood up and walked towards the young man, it seemed he knew his place, the was something Szayel could respect, he extended his hand and shook the newcomers. "Greetings there, I am Szayel Aporro Granz Octiva Espada, and you are someone I do not think I have had the pleasure of meeting"

This one could be a lose cannon he had to be careful, for now he would just talk to the boy and get a better understanding of his abilities.

#4OPEN The Coming Storm  Empty Re: OPEN The Coming Storm Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:17 am


"Link... The name is Link." Shaking his hand, Link backed off a few feet as if to demand for personal space. Link could tell that the pink-haired man was intrigued by his transformation from wolf to Arrancar. The look on the man's face told it all. Looking around him he realized that the man had many test tubes and needles in the room. Link worried that the man would want to perform some sort of test on his body.

Staying silent, Link waited for the man to speak.

#5OPEN The Coming Storm  Empty Re: OPEN The Coming Storm Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:21 am


"So tell me Link, what brings you to the glory of Los Noches?' Szayel moved about the room with an insidious grin on his face "you must be one of the new batch I would assume, seeing the fight in your eye. I was like that to once upon a time, but I learned my place and stuck with my strengths, I became a man of science and I am its servant and lover for ever"

He stopped moving and looked directly into Links eyes "so tell me young one, who do you serve in this chaos state?"

#6OPEN The Coming Storm  Empty Re: OPEN The Coming Storm Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:55 am


"I respect anyone who walks Las Noches with respect in his/her step. I serve no one." It almost seemed like Link was going to muster a smile, but he held it back. Smiling was not something Link did. The terrors of the world had erased his ability to smile.

He didn't know this strange man, but he already respected him.

#7OPEN The Coming Storm  Empty Re: OPEN The Coming Storm Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:12 am

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
Forbidden Memories
A fairly tall man with swept back hair slowly walks up to an brown skinned ebony man with a very muscular body structure, covered in scars. The man with the swept back hair is a bit indistinguishable since his face seems to be blurred out for some strange reason. In fact, much of his physical features are blurred out besides his hair and the arrancar uniform he is wearing. Upon further inspection we see that the brown skinned being is lying on what appears to be a medical table, held down by restraints but unconscious. SEveral bandages cover certain parts of his body, including his eyes and mouth and blood is splattered across him as well. The tall blurred out man watches as a small medical arracar slowly and skillfully uses a scalpel to slice open the unconcious mans chest. It then uses a bzzsaw to break through the mans chest cavity. The tall blurred out man nods to the arrancar and it walks over to a cage that has a young human trapped inside. It grabs the human and brings the young boy over to the table as he screams. Suddenly the everything begins to fade to black..

pale white eyes flap open like shutters and heavy breathing can be heard. It is senshu yamaguchi lying down in one of the dungeons of las noches, it seems he passed out there and was having a dream. The deathly white arrancar breathes intensely as he rests on his hands and knees covered in sweat. He grabs at the hollow hole in his chest.

" i keep dreaming of's almost as if.."

As Yamaguchi realizes he is talking to himself, he stops speaking mid-sentence and picks himself up. He walks out of the dungeon and begins to wander the halls of las noches, trying to gather his thoughts. As he walks, he spots Syazel and some new arrancar he had never seen before. He almost decides to keep walking but then thinks about what just happens and decides to go speak with apporo. He walks up to the two arrancar .

"Granz. I must have a word with you.."

Senshu then looks over at the new arrancar and nods to him.

"I've never seen you around here before arrancar. what is your name. "

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