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#11Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:37 am


"I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you a lot." Kuroi whistled as one of his squad members came rushing in bowing at him and Toshi. Kuroi signed a paper and handed it to him. "You have been approved to go help out the shinigami in the human world. Hurry please." Kuroi watched as the shinigami walked out of the room and he turned his attention back to Toshi. "Sorry about that, I needed to approve that so he could go help out that shinigami who is fighting a Vasto Lorde who decided to cause a rampage."

#12Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:14 am


"yes that is quite a problem indeed. As the tenth division captain I pride myself on knowing about the member of all squads. If I may suggest send another member of your squad. A vasto lorde is a challange to even a moderatly powerful captain." I sit back in my chair and read his body language and thinking

#13Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:24 pm


A boy who looks 17 years old with a zan upside down on his back with a five point star shape guard that you can just see and a crystal on a chain that connected to the hilt and has no captain hiroa on but you know he a captain by his reiatsu and the way that he speaks so friendly to you.
    "sorry if i am interprthing something but i just had to get away from my squad it the time of year were they flood me with all sorts of request and paperwork and i have no one in my squad that i can shift some of it to. So i went looking for you tazuma to drink a bit with you before Going back to the grind stone. Sorry you are captain yai right well i am captain muruguma of the 7th squad but you can call me kieran he you so wish."

#14Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:19 am


I look back over my shoulder and look at kieran"yes old friend I was just properly introducing myself to captain yai here with some plum sake. If its ok with captain yai i'm sure you could join us for a drink(i shake the bottle a bit) maybe four."

#15Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:44 am


Kuroi watches as a young man enters his room looking around 17. He grins at the powerful reiatsu flowing form the man. "You are right maybe I should. Trust me Kieran I share your pain. Sit down and join us. We were just talking about a few things." Kuroi reached down and picked up another paper and signed it. He whistled as a male shinigami came quickly into the room. Kuroi waved for him to come over and handed him the paper. The shinigami bowed and left the room quickly.

#16Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:44 am


So who wants one more? I say as I pour another shot into the glasses and as I pull out another cup from my bag. I look at captain yai directlySo captain Yai would you mind terribly telling us about yourself a bit?

#17Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:45 am


"yes please do like where you were born i was born in a slums of Rukon District but i do not know which one for my family used to move around alot they were nomadic people." you can hear the slight undertone of great sadness in my words but then i snap back to the present and listen to what you had to say.

#18Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:55 am


Kuroi leaned back in his chair listening to Kieran while thinking on moment on his past. It was not something he was very fond of but he would give it a try. "I was born in the Nothern Rukongai Districts...I never really remember having any parents. Had no memory just found a piece of paper with the name Kuroi Yai on it and thought that was my name." He stops for a moment to take a drink before continuing. "I then went through the Shino Academy and exceled in Hakuda and Zanjustu. After Graduatuing I went on to join Squad 8 and worked my way through the ranks. After a few hundreds of years I challenged the Squad 8 captain and took his seat. Then I....." His voice came to a sudden stop as his memories replayed of the trial that haunted him everyday.

#19Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:56 pm


"there no need for you to go on if the telling brings up to many painful memories i know how that is. So you excel in zanjutsu and hand to hand eh well it just so happens that were i excel as well and with lightning based kido i was said to be one of the most gifted shinigami that they had seen in a long time. My tazuma is this from your stock if not you must tell me were you got it i wouldnt mind having a few bottles of this sake." i said all this while i sat down and moved the zan on my back so that it was comfortable and then i reached for the cup that tazuma had set out for me and had a drink.

#20Who hates paperwork? - Page 2 Empty Re: Who hates paperwork? Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:31 am


"yes no need to bring up pain from the past. I know as.well as any." I hand kieran his cup and respond to,his question"yes actually I just completed this sake just a few hours ago." I bow my head slightly to kierans complement." I speciallize in zanjutsu and hoho. My zanpacto is sound based. If I may be so bold I believe we could make a formitable team in battle." I,hold up the cup and speak"to new friendships."

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