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Alec Kris

Alec Kris
*Alfonso wandered into the area, looking around silently for a few moments feeling a strange presence near as he snapped his fingers and rubbed his back a little due to a lack of exercise which made them a bit stiff, trying to find out who is the person emanating that presence and keeping his guard up but trying to not be too tense*

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Underneath the florescent lights glow the figure of a man would quietly make its way through a random part of the street. His figure was tall with long milky-white hair, pale with little bit of brown tan into it. A passive look graced his cool face and with the occasional soft step he took against the ground he would allow his eyes to look at the crowd that surrounded him. Did he know anyone among this vast number of people? He was about to find out very soon.

Alec Kris

Alec Kris
"hmm..." *Alfonso spoke, noticing where that presence came from as he began to walk towards the male, seeming fairly calm and greeting him somewhat peacefully, not being certain what to think of him at the current moment in time* "greetings stranger; how are you doing this day, if you do not mind telling me?" *as they spoke they looked him up and down for a moment before scanning the area calmly*

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Lowering his head down Thor would have simply been walking through the crowd as if a phantom until, out of no where, one person would come towards him only to introduce himself towards the arrancar. Raising an eyebrow, Thor would speak, "do I know you?" He asked the stranger wanting to know his intentions. While the arrancar was used to strangers coming up and speaking to him, one would say that it was something that did not always occur. Regardless, being the man he was Thor would reply to the strangers question: "well I'm doing quite well. How about you?" Leaning back a bit the man would ask as he would wait for a response.

Alec Kris

Alec Kris
"you don't know me, i just wanted to talk with you; and i'm doing quite fine. i am interested in getting to know you a bit, because your presence feels a bit similar to the one of a hollow, however it also feels like the one of a shinigami, and you seem rational" *Alec spoke, the crowd oddly enough not appearing to notice him as he smiled slightly and seemed to be quite calm at the current moment in time, although there was a very negativistic aura to him if Thor would have been able to sense it, not in an aggressive way but a more anxious and depressed one*

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Thor smirked when the stranger said that his presence while feeling like a hollow, also felt like a shinigami as well. "Heh. I assure you, I'm no soul reaper." He paused, "Names Thor Blerster. The Third Espada." He raised his right hand up in order to see if the man would accept it and show the courtesy of a handshake. Bringing his hand down to the side of his body, he would direct his eye's at the stranger once again, only to speak, "well then...who might you be? I'm assuming you're an advent human? Or are you a fullbringer." His spiritual pressure flickered in and out as he eagerly awaited wanting to know more about his new aquataince.

Alec Kris

Alec Kris
*Alfonso shook his hand when he held it out for a handshake before responding while smiling cutely as he did that* "my name is Alec Alfonso Kris! and i am an advent human. i guess it's nice meeting you, so far you are nicer and far more polite than most of the people i have met in the past"

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
"An advent human, huh? It's been sometime since I met an advent humans, to be honest. You don't seem many of them around; at least introducing themselves to me." Thor clicked his tongue only to take a step back. "So. Tell me: what can you do? What are your abilities? How powerful are you?" The arrancar would bombard Alfonso with questions as his thirst for answers grew.

Alec Kris

Alec Kris
"well.... i guess in terms of shinigami ranking and general power i'm between a senior vice-captain and a weak captain; i have quite a few thorn-related capabilities, i can improve the sharpness of my thorns and sword, i can shapeshift, although i'm planning to never do it again, i can make target symbols even mid-air which make my body move towards them with very enhanced accuracy, and if spammed with short distances can improve speed, and i also have something known as love flames; basically pink flames which don't burn anything, however it can heal wounds and anyone approaching the person being healed will start to feel affection towards them, and the person being healed would feel the same. that works even on people leagues above the healer's power or the ones of the person being healed, and even on hollows and people normally unable to feel emotions"

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Curiosity was something that could not be satisfied. At least when it came towards Thor. He knew he had this eternal itch that he couldn't suppress. He knew how much he fed it, it was still not enough. At this particular instance, he could feel his curiosity building up. It was slow at first. But he knew it would skyrocket soon. It was time to feed his curiosity, even though it was futile when it came to the long term.

"Very interesting...very interesting indeed." the man would go onto say his rubbing his chin, after listening to Alfonso's explanation of his abilities. Of all the abilities that the man had the ability that sparked Thor's curiosity the most was the man being able to shapeshift. Despite meeting thousands of individuals of his hundred-year life span the Arrancar never actually got the chance to meet a shapeshifter; until now, of course. Wanting to gain more knowledge about this peculiar ability the Arrancar would speak, "how does one shapeshift? Would you be able to demonstrate? Though I think it would be best to go somewhere less occupied." Thor would say scanning the area around him. They were in the middle of a random street with people passing them by every second. It would make sense going somewhere else as to demonstrate as doing it here - right now - would gain them some unwanted attention.

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