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#1[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:50 pm


Natasha wasn't sure why she had stayed in this city for so long. She had been here ever since she recovered from the incident that cost her her limbs. She had been here blending in with the crowds. She had been here living to protect people. She had been here making herself useful and fighting off the hollows that attempted to attack them. What was her purpose though? She was sure this wasn't her entire purpose, but it hadn't come around to find her. She knew there was more she needed to be doing, but she hadn't captured the opportunity. So, she would continue to wait, watch, and fight until it came.

However, the day so far had been peaceful and Natasha found herself sitting on a park bench in the middle of the city. The park was crowded by people that were simply passing through or enjoying the warmth of the day. It was normal, it was calm, and it was refreshing. She watched as people ran through the grass tossing footballs and frisbees. There were others that were partaking in soccer and some that were simply having picnics. The most enjoyment, though, was watching the children run, scream, and play without a care in the world. They were lively, youthful, and one day they would grow up to take over this world.

#2[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty Re: [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Sun Apr 26, 2020 11:41 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
if you don't want to be crucified
raise your hand..
New York City was as vibrant as any shit hole in the USA could be. Shining lights, smog, too many fucking people, it was a downright clusterfuck as far as Ika was concerned and served to do little other than remind him why he wished to avoid it usually. Nonetheless, he was here seeking out a powerful combatant, one he had seen decimating the Hollows he had been sending to the city and had as such captured his interest in a unique and compelling way. She was a cyborg android robot thing from what he could tell, and truth be told she was pretty cute as far as metal went, but still he couldn't help but wonder if her power could be of more use. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd be better served as a pawn of sorts, and more importantly he was curious to see just how powerful she was.

And that's why he was here, sneaking up on the poor girl and probably scaring her half to death as he flexed his Reitsu at her back. "Don't suppose you're familiar with a Natasha hm?.."

#3[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty Re: [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:29 am


It was calm. It was peaceful. She was midning her own business, until someone decided to sneak up behind her releasing their reiatsu just enough to grab her attention. Quickly, Natasha would stand up and spin around pointing her hand canon at the man on the other side of the bench. She would continue to keep her arm raised towards him, even after he had asked her his question. Green eyes would look him from top to bottom once before she would respond, "I'd say I know myself fairly well. May I ask who you are and how you know me?" Natasha would speak in a rather monotone sounding voice.

As far as she could tell, he was someone she should be weary of. She hadn't had but a select few people sneak up on her before. Normally, Natasha could sense a presence before it arrived to her, but he had surprised her and she only sensed his power when he allowed her to. What was his goal?

#4[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty Re: [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:41 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
if you don't wish to be crucified
raise your hand..
The calm and peaceful atmosphere of the park area gave way to a nearby menace, at least that's what movies would have you believe. A crooked smirk dawned Ika's face as his hands clung tightly to his pants pockets. The girl spun around, posting her hand cannon towards him like she had been spooked by her old rapey uncle, the act itself brought an amused eyebrow raise from Ika, as he quickly axe kicked it towards the ground and left his foot on it so that it couldn't be retrieved. He stared into the girls eyes, placing his pointer finger on her forehead as he hunched over to meet her eye to eye. "I've heard a lot about you Human. You've made a habit of destroying the Hollows in the area and quite frankly, I'm not sure if I should be annoyed or impressed with it all."

Ika's eyes lazily worked their way back down to the girls cannon arm. "Nice little upgrade you've got there. Not sure where you found it but hey, color me impressed regardless. Regardless I'm going to let you have it back again but I'd appreciate it if you kept it aimed at the ground as opposed to me. Despite what you may think I'm not actually here to hurt you." Ika would await her response, keeping his eyes trained on the cannon as he slowly removed his foot from it before continuing. "I imagine you're as confused about your powers as I am, and I'm almost positive you don't understand the monsters you keep on fighting, am I correct to assume this?.." Ika would eagerly await her response, ready to sew the seeds he wished to sew as soon as she allowed him to do so.

#5[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty Re: [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:31 pm


Moments after she had turned around, Natsha's hand canon would be stepped on and forced down to the dirt. Simultaneously, she would continue to stare at him as his finger was placed on her forehead. What was that about? How was that supposed to stop her from doing anything? He was lucky that she had full control of her actions and thoughts. Green eyes watched him calmly, but with great caution, especially as he began to speak to her. However, his words were perplexing as he stated he wasn't sure how to feel about her killing the hollows. What was that supposed to mean? Her mind would go to the only idea that made sense. Perhaps, he was the one that controlled the hollows?

So, she had an idea why he was looking for her, but he would trail off commenting on her arm canon. Her eyes would flicker from his face to her arm and back to his face again, all the while her expression stayed the same. What was this about? He would express that he wasn't here to harm her and would release her canon from under his foot. Green eyes would stay locked on his own as she reverted her canon back into a normal hand, however she continued to remain cautious.

He would ask her a question about the hollows and her powers, which would finally prompt her to speak again. "That's correct. By the way you're speaking to me about it, I assume you have more in depth detail. I suppose I won't have to ask you to explain to me either, will I?" Her appearance still showed a sense of calm, but now her eyes glimmered with interest at what it was this man was about to tell her.

#6[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty Re: [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:24 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
if you don't wish to be crucified
raise your hand..
As Ika forced the girls arm down into the dirt, he was more than amused to notice that the girl wouldn't back down, her stare was still locked with his own which prompted a small smile to part his lips. She seemed perplexed by all of his actions and in truth, that was half the idea since for now that mystique would allow for this to go a bit more smoothly. Her expression was a bit dull, perhaps she wasn't all there since throughout the conversation her expression rarely seemed to change if it had ever changed at all. Ika continued to talk, otherwise unabated by her little show of courage in the face of potential destruction but he was far from inattentive. He noticed the way her eyes danced around his person, tracing his actions and movements with narrow-minded precision. Ika sighed as he let her have her arm back, but for now he knew he needed to be weary as well.

Sharp as a tack isn't she.. Ika couldn't help but feel that way as the Human girl made the correct observation a couple of times, he was more than delighted to see that she had all but confirmed her interest in what he had to say. "Where do I begin.. well you've got Quincies and Arrancar/Hollows and Shinigami, me personally I'm a Vizard, a Shinigami that has been Hollowfied, long story that one. Anyway, all three parties have a quota to fill, a status to maintain.. They don't care if the human world is rubble when they're done, they're more concerned with the Soul Cycle and keeping things as they are. They have no mind towards evolution or change, they're scared of it and by it."

Ika clicked his tongue a minute before continuing. "Hell I basically adopted the Hollows as protection against the Quincy and Shinigami, since their only goal now is to kill me and pretty much anyone else who thinks their billion year old plans have run their course. To be honest, I've even heard rumors of war coming to earth and the results would be.. well.. You've seen what a Hollow can do haven't you?.. Imagine thousands of those, and dozens of combatants worth thousands of those descending on your planet and turning it into a battlefield. It's a likely outcome if things continue on the path they've been heading.." Ika paused a minute, waiting for her to interject and in part to see if she was still listening. Here's to hoping..

#7[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty Re: [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:44 pm


It seemed that her new acquaintance found herself a delight considering she captured each moment that he smiled at her or showed even the slightest sign of interest. Of course, as she expected, the individual before her would immediately jump into the explanation he had been hinting at before. Right off the bat, Natasha had many questions troubling her mind at the word "quincies". What was a quincy? She had never met a being like that before and she was concerned to know that she never knew of their existence. She knew about hollows, but hadn't seen an arrancar yet, although she had heard about them. She knew who the shinigami were considering she did most of their work in this city single-handedly. Surprisingly, this man would outright admit to being something called a Vizard. A hollowfied shinigami? What did that even mean? He didn't look hollowfied to her. At the mention of this, Natasha's perplexed facial expressions would slip through knowing that he would definitely notice. However, she simoly couldn't wrap her mind around these new pieces of information. What was he talking about? His information would turn into a tangent shortly after he had made the many races known. As she had feared, they cared nothing for the human race or the world they lived in. She had been left to fight for the individuals of this city by her lonesome more than likely as some sort of pawn in a game that she was even unaware she was playing. Knowing these details made Natasha's blood boil, although her face would simply return to its usual calm features.

Green eyes would continue to stare at him with increased interest, even noticing the weird noise he was making with his mouth between thoughts. Turns out he was an enemy to the people that she was beginning to resent, which now made all the more sense why he was here. Except, Natasha was still trying to figure out his goal from giving her all this bew information. What was he trying to accomplish from telling her that war, destruction, and chaos were bound to light up the Earth? She still hadn't been able to fully read this man's intentions, but the fact that he was being so informative allowed for her not to see him as an enemy for now. The man before her would finish speaking and Natasha could only stare at him, even squinting for a moment as she thought about the wave of details that had struck her. After a short pause, Natasha would take a breath in and begin speaking herself, "So, you tell me that the very hollows you've adopted are going to come to Earth and cause destruction. Are you not able to control them? Or are you telling me there's others that can unleash these monsters into our world? There are more enemies than hollows? I feel as though you still haven't told me the complete information considering I still don't understand your goal here. If I had to assume, you came here for a purpose or else we'd never have crossed paths, yet you still haven't told me. So why? What's your point in telling me these things?" Natasha would stare at him again with her eyebrows raised in suspicion. None of this made sense and she wasn't about to play some game after hearing what she had just heard.

#8[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty Re: [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:46 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The girl was a tough nut to crack, but Ika could sense some level of perplexity when he mentioned being a Hollowfied Shinigami, this prompted a sigh to sneak it's way out of Ika's lips before he would continue on. "I guess I should show you so you'll understand.." Ika removed his finger from her head and slowly dragged his hand down his face, trailing his hand would be a mask that slowly took form over his face, leaving her to notice his now masked features. "I think you've got the gist of this whole ordeal now yeah? Good." Provided he was satisfied with her response, he would remove the mask from his face and allow her a moment or to recollect herself. As he continued, it became apparent that she was beginning to understand her lot in all of this, and while she did her best to hide it he could sense her blood beginning to boil beneath the surface.

The girls green eyes seemed to keep track of every movement he made and every word he uttered. She seemed to be trying to parse purpose from Ika telling her this, but the trick to this was the fact that there was very little in the way of intent. Ika only sought to sew some seeds of chaos and discontent, and if her reaction was anything to go off of he had done more to succeed than he could've possibly hoped for. She had lots of questions, it was to be expected in truth but nonetheless he now had to try and explain this situation to a human. What a fucking daring endeavor that was going to be but he did sort of sign up for it. He took a deep breathe, letting his thoughts collect themselves a moment before he'd start to speak.

"First things first, I've adopted some Hollows. I can't rule them all and given their home is bigger than Earth itself I don't think it's fair to assume my control over them works to that degree. They go off to do their own thing, usually no one else is involved but there are some powerful Hollows wandering around that might be able to bark orders at lower class Hollows for all I know. There are certainly more enemies than Hollows, especially depending on what you'd call an enemy.. Anyway, there is over a decade of information stored in this head of mine, expecting me to spill it all out at once for you is beyond silly. My goal is pretty simple, I don't want to be stuck in Hueco Mundo forever, and I've always had a soft spot for this planet you occupy.."

Ika paused a minute, letting his thoughts collect before he'd continue. "I've compiled a list of humans with powers such as your own and I want you to recruit them one by one and form a coalition of sorts, a Committee if you would. You've already got ties to organizations dealing with this type of thing so I believe it'd be much easier for you to accomplish this than for those others. If you gather the people I've written down then MAYBE humanity has a fighting chance against all of this, more importantly I don't want to spend the next 500 years of my life with Hollows. They don't make very good company, and I'd rather come back here where I can relax but I won't be throwing myself into an unprotected war-zone. Get a task force, make something happen, and maybe I'll join you in protecting this rock you're currently occupying. How's that sound eh?.."

#9[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty Re: [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:41 am


Green eyes had shown her true feelings about a mjority of the information she was given and this man was very smart to have seen it. She would hear his sigh as she figured he probably had to deal with every human in this manner. Finally, he would remove his finger from her forehead leaving her much more comfortable where she stood, however she was much more intrigued by what was happening to his face. As his hand scanned his features, a mask would begin to form over his face covering it as his hand made it to the bottom of his chin. Natasha couldn't help but stare at him in the most mindblown fashion. "Yeah. I think I get it," she would respond slowly before he would remove the mask. For a moment, she would continue to stare at him blankly taking in what it was she had just discovered before taking a deep breath.

Finally, he had begun to answer her questions to which she would begin to nod. Now she was beginning to understand this other world of monstrous beings. However, she was a bit more concerned that their world was ao large leaving plenty of room for there to be many more hollows than there were humans. Apparently, they had their own thought processes and worked of their own accord, which Natasha hadn't expected. She had figured someone would be pulling their strings, then again he did say there was that possibility on a smaller scale. She would nod again as this man would tell her that he had much, much more information that was impossible to talk about all in one go, which she was finding now to be far more understandable. She had already learned such a large amount of information and he had hardly told her anything yet. Finally, he would begin to speak about his goal gaining the attention of Natasha entirely. However, it was a much simpler goal than she had expected to hear from him. He wanted out of Hueco Mundo? That was it? Why didn't he just leave then?

Again, he would begin speaking, except this time he was telling her to do something for him. At first, she would look at him as if she was offended in some manner. He had just met her and he expected her to do his work? He expected her to gather people for him? Who did he think he was talking to? She wasn't just going to do whatever he said, until he began to speak about war again. He would tell her that he would help protect the humans and the Earth. He would tell her that if she could gather the people he had been observing, then they could protect themselves. They could be strong enough to fight off the terrors that were bound to attack the world, but only if they fought together. Natasha would stare at this man for a moment as she would squint her eyes at him. She would think about his proposal. She would think about the possibility of saving the lives of the people around her and not having to do it alone. She would think about that purpose she had been searching for for so long. As she continued to squint at him in thought, she would hold out her hand with her palm facing up, "Alright. I agree. I'll do it to protect these people. I'll do it for my home. When I get all of these people together that you're looking for, I expect to see you again. Next time we speak though, I expect you to call me by my name. Natasha." She would speak in her usual monotone voice before unsquinting her eyes and looking at him normally.

#10[Private] The Girl and The Vizard Empty Re: [Private] The Girl and The Vizard Fri May 01, 2020 4:09 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The girl seemed to get the point, her shocked expression and bewilderment seemed to confirm that she understood what she was seeing at least enough so that Ika was confident in continuing on with their current discussion. As he took his mask off he would continue on, occasionally casting a lazy glance towards her nodding head, it was beginning to look like a bobble-head at this point and he couldn't help but smile at the ridiculousness of the situation. He honestly wasn't sure whether or not she'd take him up on his little proposition, the recruitment trail could be pretty irritating and she had no reason to do as he asked if she was being honest. Nonetheless, he was surprised by her answer.. yes.

The sound of it was music to Ika's ears, his burdens were lifted and a near visible weight was lifted from his shoulders. This useful human was saving him quite a hassle, and all she wanted in exchange was affirmation to distract from her innate daddy issues! She just wanted Ika to say her name, that was it. Natasha, he needed to call her Natasha next time they met.. He'd probably forget but for now he was okay with it, and so he winked and bowed lightly. "I suppose we have an arrangement then Ms. Natasha.. be sure not to die before I'm ready to settle in here, that'd be a pity." He let his demeanor tell her he was being sarcastic, and provided she didn't continue he'd turn the opposite direction and begin to walk.

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