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#21[Private] Heated Steel - Page 3 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Wed May 20, 2020 11:48 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
The Quincy's eyes narrowed as he watched his opponent cloud himself in smoke, hiding his presence as he sent ashes and his signature cancer-stick runoff at Shane. With his mouth covered the way it was, it wasn't too unbearable. The heat stung and aggravated his burns, and if it wasn't for his Ransotengai, he'd have probably lost quite a bit of his mobility. Speaking of his threads...

It seemed as if Sumoki was attempting to use his ashes to burn away his Ransotengai, the ashes reaching the threads controlling his swords well before they reached his body. Snarling, Shane would Hierenkyaku backwards to avoid the ashes sweeping upwards, building up reishi at the shoulder and aiming into smoke, firing off Licht Regen again and flooding the area that the damn Shinigami was hiding in with arrows. Thing is, he had heard that last comment and focused on that specific trajectory, filling any space Sumoki could move to with a hail of death.

On top of that, he allowed his swords to go slack, dropping them before aiming them upwards in a manner surrounding himself, ready to react if the man tried to come in close. You see, it was clear that the Shinigami didn't understand Ransotengai, and it wasn't necessarily his fault. It was one of the rarest Quincy abilities, designed to allow the archers to fight well past their prime. Shane simply had an incredible level of mastery with it, and had managed to expand his usage of it beyond simply his own body. The most important factor, however, is the fact that it was made up of the spiritual matter and energy that a Quincy commands, which wasn't necessarily something one could burn away and destroy. Even as he began to use his threads to cover his wounds externally and link them to his lungs to force them to expand and contract, Shane idly pondered how this would end.

Would this be a good death, should he lose?

Abilities Used:

#22[Private] Heated Steel - Page 3 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Thu May 21, 2020 1:12 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Bad news was apparently the Quincy had a brain after-all, he didn't even let Kuma melt away his Ransotengai strings so really what was life but suffering?

The good news was Kuma also had a brain, and in this instance he had opted to use it. He wasn't in the same exact spot he'd started in, and as such he had avoided many of the arrows though two found their way lodged into his arm and one had almost went entirely through his thigh. Removing them was important only so that he couldn't be spotted, and ash was the only thing keeping him from spewing blood all over the place. The cauterized wounds hurt like hell, Kuma was a half step away from screaming bloody murder as this occurred truth be told.

It was true that Kuma couldn't really burn the threads away, but he was optimistic that covering them and having them burn would be sufficient to cause some problems in the whole puppet act that was Ransotengai. By this point in the fight the Quincy was letting loose a pretty decent amount more energy than Kuma, and was almost certainly growing tired. Truth be told, even the very idea of letting this fight continue had long since grown tiresome for Kuma, but energy reserves were by far one of his greatest strengths. He threw a ball of smoke behind the Quincy, letting it waft at his back and for now? He'd wait.

There was no rush.

#23[Private] Heated Steel - Page 3 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Fri May 22, 2020 12:18 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Shane looked down at his handiwork, resisting the urge to cough up a large amount of ash that had built up in his lungs due to his burns by a hair, and that was only because Ransotengai was forcing him to breath. His reserves were definitely flagging, and his burns hurt like Hell. If this continued, he really wasn't sure he'd make it out, and he had a certain nun to harass later. He made a decision, letting his bow and swords fade and only keeping the Ransotengai needed to move and breathe active, his veins losing their blue glow and the massive amount of reishi he was dragging in beginning to fade as he let go of Letz Stil and Sklaverei. Coughing slightly, he'd call out to his opponent, yawning with drooping eyes clearly ready for a nap. "You know, we could keep going at this, and probably end up killing each other, but there's a cute nun back at the Vatican that I've had my eye on, and I'd hate to die without at LEAST saying goodbye. Preferably, I'd like to live and tap that. On top of that, we're in a major city. I'm not sure about the Shinigami, but the Inquisition exists to protect the World of the Living, and I'm already going to get chewed out for property damage. If it's good with you, I'd say we just call it a night and walk away. Maybe we can finish this some other time over drinks instead of swords, yeah?"

Honestly, that was Shane's preferred method of solving problems, and it worked 90% of the time.

#24[Private] Heated Steel - Page 3 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Fri May 22, 2020 1:48 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Sumoki heard the man relent and immediately threw up a hand. "Works for me. No need to continue this senseless violence while forests are burning everywhere, godspeed and all that good shit. Don't think we'll be drinking buddies any time soon though, call it a hunch but I'm just not all that interested. What do you think Smokey-"

There was instant regret, he didn't want to ask but he had and now that this had been set into motion there was no turning back. Smokey inhaled deeply, his black fur obscuring his features in the haze of his inner world. "Only you can prevent wild fires.."

This particular interaction prompted hot steaming blood to shoot out of Sumoki's nostrils, and he had finally given up. "Fuck it, leaving, I can't do this anymore."

-Thread end-

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