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#11[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Sun May 17, 2020 5:54 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Shane narrowed his eyes as the smoke cleared, his opponent not where he'd expected before he noticed...Oh. That's not good. There was a lot of smoke, coming at him from multiple directions, even as one of his Seele Schneider-types lashed out towards his approaching opponent's torso. He gritted his teeth as he was enveloped by the hot smoke, and after a moment heard something that sent a chill down his spine. Was-Was his opponent pulling a suicide bombing?

The answer, to no one's surprise, was a solid maybe.

The smoke burst into flames, and Shane started cussing profusely in English, Norwegian, Swedish, Italian, and even a bit of Latin before he burst out of the flames and smoke, panting and worse for wear. He'd managed to cover his face with his arm, and pull his scarf over his face to prevent smoke inhalation, but that was about it. He had second-degree burns in quite a few places, and a couple even started into third. Blowing on a spot where his skin had started to melt on his arm, he cursed and thanked every god he could think of that burns typically didn't scar when they were widespread. Coughing a couple of times, he said the first thing he could think of.

"You know, I didn't think that the Shinigami and Al Qaeda were related, but this might be a pattern I don't like..."

Abilities Used:

#12[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Sun May 17, 2020 6:06 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
So his plan had worked. Sort of. Good news he'd landed a fairly debilitating blow on a surprisingly annoying enemy. Bad news he was covered head to toe in first degree burns (damage reduction babyyyyy) and had a Seele Schneider rip it's way through his stomach, penetrating him in a way he was not only not fond of, but also not capable of healing in the short term. The man made some comedic retort, but Kuma was busy using Healing kidou on the spot where the Seele Schneider had left his back and he was doing his best to reason with his Zanpakuto Spirit, and perhaps even Allah. He listened to them, looking for guidance and divine wisdom to strike at any given moment. Unfortunately, he was graced with neither. Just a large cumbersome black bear with a hat mumbling something about wildfires.

"You're awfully fucking worthless as far as Zan Spirits go.." Kuma coughed up some blood and potentially part of his lower intestine, smiling a bit as he did his best to seal the wound from the back. All he needed was for it to stop the bleeding, all the internal stuff could wait for now.. "You Quincy always were a fucking annoying bunch.. Guess I'll have to approach this situation a bit more seriously from here on eh?.."

In that instant, a cloud of smoke began to obscure Kuma's being, and he eagerly awaited the mans next attack.

#13[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Sun May 17, 2020 7:16 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Shane chuckled at Sumoki's comment, even as the man surrounded himself with a cloud of smoke. Smirking, the oven-roasted Quincy let his bow dissipate, something that most wouldn't think of one doing, and called both his Zanpakuto-strength sword and a Seele Schneider into his hands. Reforming the Seele Schneider that had been used on Sumoki already, along with calling the rest of his blades to him, getting into a balanced, relaxed stance, ready to react even as he prepped his swords, swinging two of them into the smoke in an attempt to flush the Shinigami out and clear it, even as he charged in.

Things were getting serious, and it was going to be fun.

#14[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Sun May 17, 2020 9:58 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
So the Quincy had made a tactical error, seemingly trying to parse through the smoke with his blade like that would somehow work. Kuma collapsed the smoke inwards, trying to suffocate the Quincy before drawing the scattered embers from behind him and beneath him. He launched them forwards, hoping to further burn the Quincy and push him directly into the line of fire. Wherever the Quincy went Kuma would now follow, "Bakudo 1, Sai!" Kuma uttered this quickly as he Shunpo'd to the Quincies face. This wasn't meant to work long-term, simply to allow Kuma an opportunity to resurface in his face and bury his blade deep in the Quincies stomach. Kuma stabbed wildly for the mans stomach as smoke enveloped the two. He would Shunpo to his back provided he had not already been cut-off, aiming a stab for the mans spine if he could manage it.

If he couldn't? All the better, his next plan would come to fruition and move the Quincy right back to square one..

#15[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Sun May 17, 2020 6:20 pm

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
The impromptu mask Shane had made in front of his face with his scarf prevented a certain level of smoke inhalation, which was great, but FUCK if he was going to stick around when the wind started to blow inward, along with some of the remaining ash and embers. The heat was already aggravating his burns, and so he did the best thing he could. Dodge to the right and hope for the best. Didn't work too well in hindsight, since his burns along his left were getting worse, but he prevented himself from being too damaged. The Bakudo was literally the weakest one possible, but in a high-level fight even that could give a lethal advantage, and it would have if Shane hadn't blocked his opponent's blade with one of his generic swords. Once he'd busted himself free, the Quincy blocked the blade aimed for the base of his spine with his left, swinging his right sword towards his opponent's thigh and bringing ALL of his free blades stabbing inwards in a near-360* stab of utter inconvenience, one of the only real options of escape being blocked by Shane himself. Admittedly, only two of them were Seele Schneiders, as his third was currently grinding away at his opponent's Zanpakuto, but it was still going to hurt if it hit.

Shane REALLY needed to catch up if he was going to win this one, and this'd go a long way to helping that.

Abilities Used:

#16[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Sun May 17, 2020 6:33 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
It seemed that the man was wearing a mask to prevent some rather annoying smoke inhalation. This was a clever trick, seemingly helping to deal with some of the lung issues that were usually a result of fighting Kuma. All of Kuma's strike attempts had failed, but this was in the end part of his plan. He wanted to get hit as strange as it might seem. The second the blades converged on him he would disappear into a puff of smoke, ignite had done his job for him and he turned up roughly 30 feet away, Shunpoing further back into the smoke. Unfortunately for his opponent, the cloud of smoke would turn into an ash and smoke explosion, dealing roughly cero damage in that general area.

Kuma once more resolved to cast the ash in the mans direction while waiting in the smoke cloud. In an attrition battle such as this it was his best option. He placed his hand against his back once more and applied healing kidou to stop the bleeding, packing some ash into the wound to cauterize it as best he could. He needed to be able to move efficiently if he was going to win this..

#17[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Sun May 17, 2020 6:58 pm

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
The explosion was, unfortunately, right in Shane's face, and not something he wanted to take another of. Like, ever. It hurt, it blasted him backwards, and he had barely managed to get a grip on the reishi in the area to be able to dodge the follow-up attack. Throwing his swords into the air and catching them with his Ransotengai, he called his bow back to his hand and decided to truly make use of the additional power that Blut Arterie gave him. Bringing his swords around, he began to repeatedly swing and stab them towards Sumoki's position, knocking and firing arrows at the same time.

They were normal Quincy arrows, but they fired twice as fast as usual, twice as hard, and there were two times more, all due to his skill with Blut. On top

#18[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Sun May 17, 2020 8:00 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
So Kuma's plan had worked and given him enough time to think and heal up a bit. The wound on his back was sealing shut and he had already moved his hand to the front of his wound, packing it with ash and healing Kidou doing his best to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately for Sumoki, his Reiryoku reserves were being drained as he did this and he knew he couldn't afford to go much deeper than the healing he was doing now. A small grimace parted his lips as he looked up to see the Quincy activate Blut. The man had a lot of energy, too much fucking energy as far as Kuma was concerned. The arrows were launched in a volley in Kuma's general direction, and he did his best to avoid them by throwing a ball of smoke below him before activating Bakudo 26. He slinked away, out of the smoke and began to watch how the Quincy would respond.

Once more looking for affirmation and reprieve, Kuma turned to his Zanpakuto Spirit for some kind of guidance. "Something useful please, please.." Yet his prayers were unanswered. Once again the hat-wearing black bear would turn to him, "Only you can-" "Shut the fuck up fuck!" Kuma laid on his back, still obscured by his Bakudo 26. What the fuck was he going to do now..

#19[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Mon May 18, 2020 7:29 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Groaning as he finished his barrage, Shane decided to breath, considering his opponent had disappeared into nowhere, probably attempting to think about strategies and such. Panting, the Quincy would wince at his burns. If they were simple broken bones, then he could handle that with his Ransotengai easily. This, on the other hand, was just painful as shit and needed a slightly different approach. His energy reserves had a sizable chunk out of them, and while his life wasn't in danger from his current level of burns it wasn't something he wanted to continue. All in all, he was having a bad time.

He couldn't do much while his opponent was under whatever Bakudo he had been placed under, although he thought he heard the Shinigami crying, saying something about a stupid bear. Not enough to find him, but it was still comedic. Extending more threads, Shane would begin running his Ransotengai over his skin and sewing them through his muscles, ensuring that he'd be able to keep moving even with how crispy he's become. Moving would still hurt, but he wouldn't stop until he was dead.

Small things, you know.

Abilities Used:

#20[Private] Heated Steel - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Heated Steel Tue May 19, 2020 1:07 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Shane had some weird reservations going presently, and seemed hell bent on continuing until he was fucking dead. On it's own, this wasn't something Kuma was wildly against, and it prompted a small smile to form across his face. He dropped a ball of smoke, allowing it to envelope his being and mask his Reitsu signature as he made his approach once more, allowing the smoke and embers to suffocate the man before ashes would slowly rush from underneath to scorch him even further. The ashes however had a new directive now, they were going to eat away at the mans Ransotengai strings and destroy them. They'd burn them away and make the man even easier to defeat going forwards. This small detail brought a smile to Kuma's face, even as his Zan Spirits words continued to annoyingly echo throughout his head.

"You're going to have to come at me Quincy, come at me or die."

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