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"God damn, I never thought anyone would wear out the word entertainment this fuckin fast. Damn..." Rhydderch pulled out his sword, looking over it before planting the tip on the sand in front of him. The shining yellow blade reflects the moon as he leans against it. "You may be right about hollows but I like to think those like us are capable of being held to a higher standard." His expression darkened as he pulled the sword from the sand, resting on his shoulder. " Something tells me I'm gonna have to resort to some good ol fashioned violence to get what I need here."

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"there we go...that is what I been waiting for. Let's if your bite is actually worth following."She spoke pulling her hands out of her sleeve as her left brought out a long red sheathed sword with black markings running down the sheath. She adjusted holding the sheath against her hip with her left as her right held the hilt "Show me the want of the power I hold and maybe, I will tell you where I hid it...for all you know I might just be somewhere in my kimono or amongst the sands around us or back home amongst my army and my butler"She spoke allowing her slitted eyes to narrow as she allowed her calm demeanor to change to one that intended to kill. Nakita was never one to step down to talk nor was she going to ever obey or listen to one who only speaks of the 'possible power and dream." She has seen and followed hollows much like him.

They speak a big game and at times show the power but then something always seems to slip to show the power they held was nothing but a lie. They tend to just think to toy with the mask of power, only to slip and show how powerless they were, which just annoyed Nakita to know the possible fight to feel that rush of fear and pain was just dashed into the forgotten sands of their world.


"Bitch has a butler? Well, color me mildly impressed." Rhydderch smirked as he held his blade out before him in on hand. Though her blade was still sheathed, Nikita had shown that she would put up a fight. In the end, he had expected as much, though it would have been so much nicer to just get what he wanted, maybe an ally too. Didn't matter now, there'd be blood in the sand tonight.

"Alright then, let's get the ball rolling, eh?" leaning forward, Rhydderch prepared for a burst of speed. It'd be difficult considering sand didn't make a sturdy surface, but with the extra boost, it would be passable. Sand scattered as he darted forward with unusual speed, appearing above Nikita and attempting to slam his sword down onto her.

Start slow, but not too slow.

Savor the fight.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Yeah, color me impressed too as it was a hollow that tried escaping but actually owed his life to me and has served me for a while. He is one hell of a butler" she said with a smirk taken by surprise of his speed before sensing a change in pressure above hers she brought her sheathed blade up blocking the possible blow that ended in a result of having to bend a knee from the sheer force of the attack. She growled some before giving a push back just enough to allow some room to sondio a few feet away, skidding across the sand to a stop.

"That was too close for comfort," she said holding out a hand firing 3 bala's towards his location in rapid sucession


Propelled into the air by Nikita's blocking of his attack Rhydderch wasn't able to properly counter the resulting bala strikes. He'd managed to block one with his sword, but the other two hit their mark. He was lucky there was a slight power difference, and that bala were usually weaker. Smoke drifted out of the holes in his coat as he landed. "Gotta pay attention. Though I like that reaction time. Let's see how you handle this."

Rhydderch lunged back towards his opponent, reiatsu flaring up as he charged. His left hand formed into a fist, reiatsu surging out of his wrists like small jets, propelling his fist much faster towards Nikita's center of mass.

Ability Name: Skull Crusher
Ability Description: Uses a high powered surge of reiatsu to amplify arm strength for an attack far beyond normal strength and speed of sonido. Reiatsu vents at the wrist flare up as he delivers a fast powerful punch, usually to the face or chest regardless of what is in the way. Usual follow-up to Marathon Burst. Double cero strength, 2 post cooldown

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"True you should pay attention" she teased as she brought her sword, running the sheath along its length. "Weave the Web of their destruction, Supaidākuīn."She spoke feeling to stand a chance she needed an advantage maybe. Her reiastu spiked as her hair freed itself from its bun allowing itself to flow freely around her. Her kimono twisted and turned, attaching itself to her skin transforming to a skin-tight suit that lined her more, female features. Red lines formed as her shoulders and back exposed themselves from the black bodysuit lined with white bone-like structure and red looking markings on the bone. 4 long spider-like legs with pointed painted red tips formed from her back, curling inwards ready to strike if needed "This should work just fine."She commented as formed around her 10 smaller spiders formed from out of nowhere, quickly burrowing into the sands around them to who knows where.

Nakita saw him come towards her as she lunged forwards as well ducking down under the punch before sending two of the spider legs from her back towards his gut along with her blade . some webs formed freely around her hand. if she made impact some hair thing threads would stick while others would break and fly around them



"Oh ho... So you're resorting to that, are ya?" Don't you think that's a bit unfair?" Rhydderch's grip on his blade changed as his opponent's sharp legs hit his body. His Heirro capability was enough to reduce the damage. Mind you, the spearlike legs did pierce his skin, though his burning blood was now leaking out slowly onto Nikita's legs. He'd also need to worry about those threads she'd tossed out, but he had her without beating range, so that took priority.

His reiatsu concentrated near his forehead as he decided to shake up one of his favorite techniques. Usual he'd transfer the damage from attacks through his fist or sword, but this time? He smirked, lunging his head forward aiming to collide his forehead with Nikita's.

Ability Name: Cross Counter
Ability Description: Anyone foolish enough to to manage to impale him on their blade or land a physical blow on him in general is treated to a powerful strike with Le Roi en Jaune's spiked pommel or his fist, designed less to impale the opponent or to knock the wind out of them and return the damage dealt to Rhydderch back to them as it is dealt to him. 3 post cooldown

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Nakita smirked expecting him to try removing her spider legs and trying to get away from her. She winced quickly pulling away feeling a burning sensation, while barely missing the head but as she stumbled backward, catching herself "What the hell is up with your blood?"She yelled in surprise as she never had to deal with anyone whose blood literally burns but then again the wounds she created and the laced venom on her legs worked slowly through his body as she smirked. She was going to enjoy coming at him as this was thrilling and oddly very satisfying. She adjusted the wakizashi between her hands resting the dull end of the blade against her forearm as she brought it up being parallel with her noes as she watched him closely, keeping a decent distance from him, standing ready for his next attack. She needed to go on the defensive and build up as all she needed was a bit of time.

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