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#1Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Party Heavy(Invite Only) Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:55 pm


Thousands years back, the human Helios, has escaped from hell, becoming a demon. Knowing he could not stay for very long without being captured, he had to take cover and find a host. For a thousand years, the demon has been devouring souls, and taking new hosts in a search for power. This search led him eventually to the city of Kagamino.

Helios took the form of an old businessman. He was in an alleyway. The emerging rock singer, JiaWei, walked out of a bar onto the side to have a cigarette alone in peace, to receive the opposite. The last thing the man heard, were the words "smoking is bad" before getting his soul ripped out of his body, and slowly eaten. Before the body could decay, Helios left his old host, to his new host, called JiaWei. He went back into the bar to finish the concert for Jia, and smashed the guitar shortly after.

As his band mates as him why, he said nothing. He simply held out his hands, as a new guitar appeared before their eyes, in a burst of flames, before Helios killed them as well.
Two months later, it is roughly midnight. A concert is going on in the middle of a fairly large venue. The moshpit is fairly crowded, with many familiar and unfamiliar faces. The sounds of electric guitar pierce the night air like a pin to a balloon, but somewhat more beautifully. It is heavy metal, but not quite screamo. Half the audience held up lighters, as though the pyrotechnics on stage weren't enough. Judging from the sweat on everyone's faces, and the ammount of ash on the ground, the concert was nearly over.

Jia is about to end the concert with a solo. His guitar was held near his waste, hanging loosely on a guitar strap. It was in fact, his weapon, O Fortuna. A variation of an E chord arpeggio was played, ending the song with said chord. As Jia played the last, he leapt to his feet, and held the guitar out in front of him with his left hand. The next moment, it was set ablaze, a testament to Jia's powers, though to the audience, it was nothing more than a pyrotechincs display.

As the concert ended, Jia could suddenly feel high ammounts of spiritual pressure. Something was about to happen, though Jia was unsure whether this would be a gift or a curse. To himself in Greek, he mumbled "Af̱tó boreí í̱ den boreí na eínai kaló (This might not be good)."

#2Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:15 pm


Having taken a short leave of absence for a few days for r&r I had decided to go to a concert in the Living World and relax a bit, or that was the plan at least.

Masking most of my spiritual pressure as best I could I was standing midway in the crowd of fans, as the last cord of the song was played I felt a sudden burst in rietsu as the 'pyrotech' went off. Curious and a bit worried I decided to stick around a bit longer just in case this new spiritual pressure baited hollows.

#3Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:04 am


Jia held out his instrument a little longer to see how much applause he could get. With no requests for encores, he headed back stage to recuperate. Even as he finished the last drop of alcohal, Jia was still able to feel the strange presence. There was no doubt, that this was a captain. Captains had high spiritual pressure, that he definitely knew. If he managed to subdue one, and devour his, perhaps her soul, perhaps he could fulfill the prerequisites for unbound form.
Usually, however, a captain would consciously keep their spiritual pressure in check so as not to harm other people. Still, Jia left to investigate. He crushed the can in his hands, then used his ability to rust it quickly, until nothing was left in his hand but a small pile of dust. Jia entered the showing area of the venue to find there was one patron who had yet to leave, the man named Minoru Nao, a soul reaper. Of course, Jia was unsure who the man was, and naturally he would ask. "Hey! You there. Who are you?"

#4Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:43 am


(ooc hey jia can ny demon join this. It ve a great way to bring you into Omega)

#5Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:09 am


Answering the guitarist I reply "Me, well I'm just a passerby although you can call me Minoru if you wish.. and you would be the guitarist named...?" During my reply I had figured out that the odd reiatsu I felt came from this guy. 'This reiatsu it's... so different... nothing like a hollows, yet it feels just as dark if not darker...'

#6Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:14 am


At the concert in a box,i sit and enjoy the show just before the end I get up and walk out of the door . I head down the hallway and into the backstage area.i stand back into a dark area and wait I hear the solo end and the crowd cheer. The artest passes me into his dressing room and a moment later I feel a rush of reiatsu insidei found you finally helios I think to myself smiling fiendishly.
I feel the reiatsu signature behind me as a man walks by not noticing me since I am completely holding my reiatsu back. Jia wei walks out and the two engage in a conversation. I will hold back to see how everything plays out. The only thing I do say is" "Kalosírthes"(welcome home in greek)
When and if Jai looks he will seea handsome man in a taliored black pin striped armoni suit with a red silk tie and black sunglasses on. On my left hand is a familiar sight a dragon signet ring. I stand about 5'10.

#7Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:47 am


"The guitarist named JiaWei" he replied with a smile, gesturing for a hand shake, and bowing ninety degrees "nice to meet you." This man may not be who he's after- perhaps another man in the building? "You look a little cold. I can't let you in back stage, but I think there's a great coffee shop down the street. Even though I can't offer you a place to stay, I can offer you this" Jia reaches into his pocket, and flicks a 50 sen coin at his new acquaintance "I'll be seeing you around." Still, Jia was tracking Minoru's reiatsu.
Right as Jia ended the conversation, he heard another familiar voice say something in Greek. "Well, hello there" Jia turned back to greet the other man, in Japanese of course. He again bowed ninety degrees, and gestured a handshake. This man- Jia knew him from somewhere. Even in his guise, the man seemed familiar. He also had reiatsu, perhaps even another demon.

#8Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:02 am


"Arigato JiaWei, Ah I'll be seeing you around." I say with a small smile, shaking his hand. As I take off in the opposite direction I just barely hear another voice, 'that sounds like greek....' Deciding to linger I quickly ditch my gigai in a safe spot, hide my reiatsu, and take to the darkening roof-tops. I see JaiWei approach a second man who has now appeared, the dark feeling in the pit of my stomach grew, the hair on my neck standing slightly.

#9Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:28 am


Jia waved at his new found "acquaintance", still looking the opposite way, facing the other "stranger". The man in front of Jia was no stranger, however, but someone very very familiar- the ring on his finger simply gives it away. This man is one of the demons. Jia has eluded them for years trying to pursue his own goals. He couldn't let anyone get in the way, not now, not ever, but his weapon was out of reach. O Fortuna sat on its stand- if only Jia could reach it. He clenched his fist, and mumbled to himself "what do you want?"

#10Party Heavy(Invite Only) Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:49 am


I could see Jai eye his guitar"don't do it helios.that would be foolish to say the least.what do I want you ask.that is simple,i want you to come home helios.Hell has changed since you last saw it and ran away." I take a single step towards Jia and smell the air"you know your friend is still here. I can smell him. He's up there." I whisper to jia. Looking,at him again my eyes flash bright green"so what do you say, go for your weapon or come home with me?"

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