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#31Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:41 am


Golden chains emerged to grab Jia. To make matters worse, this shinigami was about to stab his heart. Things may not turn well, but when push comes to shove, things get rough. "You've certainly got ball" Jia says struggling. With his fingerless hand, Jia attempts to block the shinigami's next attack. Still grabbing the sword, Jia tried his flames once again, the flames at such a close proximity would at least burn the shinigami.

#32Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:38 pm


[Sorry it took me a bit to post, and perhaps we should wait on Tazuma to post after this??]

My slash going for Jia's ribs is just barely caught in his finger-less hand, which a squall of flames is now emitting from. I had to move fast or suffer excessive burns. With a low yell my spiritual pressure started climbing as I ripped my blade from Jia's hands, unfortunately the winds around us had picked up even more causing Jia's flames to merge with the reiatsu infused wind, surround the two of us in a fiery tornado of sorts. Backing from him as far as I could I quickly checked my self over, 'Okay... arm burnt-check, uniform nearly ripped to shreds-check, bleeding from all these damn lacerations-check..'

"Well...Jia, by now I'm pretty sure you must be a demon.. but soon we must end this fight, after-all I have a squad and Captain to return too, and I'd rather return walkin!" My spiritual pressure started climbing exponentially, if needed I was now ready too use my bankai.

#33Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:21 pm


Seeing the battle unfolding I back up to watch helios in battle. As I expected to could hold his own against a shinigami but he called him a captain as I have met a few I knew he was wrong but allowed the battle to continue. The shinigami casted a speel which I knew from the past needed an incantation to be strong"jia he failed to use the chant for that spell you can break that easily." I shout out to jia.
The shinigami then raises his power"enough of this!" I shout as I demon flash disappering and reappering beforw the shinigami who could only hear a dull bass thud. "go now take your life and leave us ." I say while throwing a punch to the shinigamis chest at half strength. I the demon flash back to jia.

#34Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:36 pm


"Aww, I was just starting to have fun having fun" Jia bluffed, as his right hand bled. He walked toward the dead shinigami to pull out the unrotted hand, ripping out his fingers. Jia then places them where he is missing some, sewing the wound together with flame. "Ah, much better. Good thing his other hand didn't rot as well" Jia proclaimed, looking at his stittched back fingers. "Alright, soul reaper. I'll let you go, for now, but the next time we meet, I'll be stronger, I take it you will be as well" he mocked. The spiral formed into a ball, forming again into O Fortuna.
He walks back to the stage, to put his instrument back in its case, then proceding to carry it on his back. "Are we going, or what?"

#35Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:31 pm


Coughing harshly from the punch I received from the stronger demon, I realize I have a few broken ribs, I stand up from the wall I had been knocked into before taking the demon Jia's words into consideration. "You are *cough* correct demon Jia, next time I will be stronger, and next time I will not lose to you. *coughs up blood* I begin walking away knowing I had to report this happening to Soul Society, not only had Squad 2 lost a member, but I could have been defeated if the other demon saw fit.

#36Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:24 am


(Are we wrapping things up now?)

#37Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:00 am


"indeed we are helios." I say while forcing a demon door to appear,it is huge and beautifuly carved victorian style. It opens and a white office can be seen on the otherside."seal your reaitsu as you enter or we will be thrown to anywhere." I,instruct helios in the demon doors main rule. I look at him"so are you coming helios. Home is waitimg."

#38Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:39 am


Helios laughed pleasingly. "Huh. I'm already beginning to like this" he remarks. The streaks of crimson which swarmed his body faded away, running into his guitar case. "You have my word for now. In fact, you nearly saved my life possibly, so maybe I can trust you. Just one thing- if this turns out to be a trap, you bet your ass that you will find yourself served on a platter" he threatens before stepping through the demon gate. before going completely through, he holds out his hand and says "We haven't formally greeted eachother yet. Hello, I am JiaWei".

#39Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:27 am


Grabbing jia's hand I speak" nice to formally meet you I am jacob chambers and I assure you this is no trap." I step through the door myself showing it was safe

#40Party Heavy(Invite Only) - Page 4 Empty Re: Party Heavy(Invite Only) Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:21 am


"Well, let us go then" Jia responds "it's not like we have all night." which was true. They hadn't all night. The initiation into Omega- a demon corporation. This man is the big boss, but soon, he will turn to little more than ash... ash blown in the wind. Still, such a thing wouldn't come yet, but when it does, God help us all.
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