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#112th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:30 pm


Chiba Sakitoki walked about the barracks of the twelfth division. He was afterall preparing to host a party. The man walked as he thought to himself. He was in his Chiba personality currently and was making sure he had a variety of refreshments available. Chibahoped to host more tea parties in the future like the one he was hosting currently. The Shinigami looked about as he started to speak his thoughts out loud. "Was the inventations sent? Check. Refreshments? Check. Wait while seeing if the food is done? Not checked." He said to himself as he walked.

He had walked into the courtyard to see various Shinigami walking about. He looked about then resumed his walk to check on the food he had been preparing. As he walked he noticed several other Shinigami staring at him. He was wearing his usual Shinigami attire however he left the Haori open which exposed his upper body.HE only chuckled softly as he checked on the food. The Shinigami that were tending to the food seemed to be doing a fair job at their task. So without saying anything he sighed and returned to the courtyard, where he sat down and waited to see if anyone would come. He had invited all the captains of the Gotei thirteen and also had a sign out front of his division barracks that said anyone was welcome as long as they behave.

#212th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:28 am


The invitation had reached her just as she sat and contemplated what was next on her agenda. She took it as a sign. Yet another captain to meet but it couldn't be helped. She would have to meet with him eventually and at least this way she could at least enjoy some tea. Senna already had an idea in her head of how this one would be and it was just like the others. They all said the words easily enough and did a fine job of acting like they cared but she could see the truth of the situation in their eyes. they didn't care one iota for the law. They just wanted the power and prestige that came with being a captain in the Gotei 13. Their loyalty was not to the laws or the principles that held it together. Their loyalty was to their own selfish wants and ambitions. They either wanted to be buddy buddy with the vizard or worse.

She brushed the thoughts away and locked them in the recesses of her mind for later scrutiny. At the moment she had arrived at the barracks of the 12th Division. Time to enter another lions den. In her mind she made a mental check of all the captains and lieutenants she had met so far. They were all dangerously close of being in open rebellion against the law. Senna sighed and prepared to see how far this captain took his dissidence. She reminded herself of the tea and slowly made her way across the courtyard. The 12th division had not been idle when it came to getting the place ready for the occasion, that much was clear by the decorations and all the squad members that moved to and fro.

#312th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:55 am


Chiba had sighed as he sat there as he started to think that his inventations were ignored. He soon noticed that someone had entered though and soon stood up to greet the person. However before he spoke he looked at the person more closely. It was obvious that she was a female and that she must have been quite well at keeping her uniform. He soon spoke though shortly after rising up, "Greetings guest. Welcome to the twelfth division's first annual tea party. I am the Captain of the twelfth division; Chiba Sakitoki. May I know your name miss?"He asked after introducing himself. However after he had asked he had noticed the woman's Haori.

#412th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:08 pm


Hikaru looked over the invitation that had been sent to the Division 5 barracks. There was no captain at the moment so he felt it would be wise to attend on behalf of the Division being the only ranked member at the moment. He hated being in control of the squad but knew he had no real choice in the matter. Once he realized the invite said the party was today he felt the need to hurry and get ready. Once changed he ensured that his armband was on before heading out the door. He left much paperwork behind and knew that would come to haunt him, but this did not happen every day after all.

As he was on his way he waived to various members of other Divisions. Upon arriving at the Divison 12 barracks he noticed the sign and felt a little more relaxed about entering. He walked quietly through the grounds towards where the main part of the party was to take place. Once there he saw two Captains talking to each other. He then walked over to them, hoping to greet them both and meet smoneone new.

#512th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:21 pm


"Chiba Sakitoki." she repeated the name, more to herself than him. Her eyes wandered as he spoke as she tried to catch a glimpse of everything. At least this one spoke to ladies properly. That still wasn't much to be excited about. She still didn't know how he felt about the vizards and the Captain-Commander. She sighed quietly to herself and decided she could wait to find out. Her fellow captain was more attractive than she had at first seen and she fully intended to enjoy the party. She bowed slightly to the captain, "Senna Nikono...Captain of the 6th Division. Pleasure to meet you."

Senna smiled politely at Chiba and hoped she wasn't blushing. Before she could think of what to say next she heard someone approach from behind her. She put her 'pleased to meet you' smile on her face and turned, ready to be friendly. She jerked to an immediate halt mid step and the smile quickly disappeared from her faced , replaced by a look of disdain.She knew exactly who and what he was the moment she spotted his lieutenant's armband and the insignia on it. This had to be the one she had heard of from the 10th division lieutenant earlier in the day. The Vizard. "You smug bastard. How dare you remain here in Soul Society knowing what you are. Do you think you are above the law?!" She raised her left hand, index finger pointed at the lieutenant's face, and smiled as her spiritual pressure bristled through her and focused at the tip of her finger. "hado number 4, Byakurai.." The air crackled around her then a concentrated lightning bolt shot forth from her finger.

#612th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:16 pm


Chiba watched as the woman bowed slightly. He looked at her appearance more closely as she introduced herself. He blushed as he found her to be quite attractive. He also had noticed another person coming as the Captain introduced herself. Chiba was about to speak when he saw Senna change and yell at the guy. He had expected a lesser attack or a slap but instead she had attacked with a hado spell, much to Chiba's surprise.

Chiba went through all the possible outcomes in his mind and sighed as he watched the attack for a few seconds. He then made up his mind although he knew he would regret it and feel horrible. He then gathered himself as he decided to watch the outcome of the attack. Although he kept his mind on a few hado and bakudo spells that he knew in the case that it would get out of hand. He found his eyes on Senna more than the guy however even though he was prepared to intervene.

#712th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:04 pm


Hikaru had just finished approaching the two captains and heard both of their names when one turned around and looked at him. He smiled kindly at her, returning her smile. He was caught off guard, however, when she started to turn on him. He was about to reply to her untill she attacked him. He then brings up his hands and said, "Hado nubmer 8, Seki." He got the Hado up just in time to block her attack. He then took a moment to take a few deep breaths as he lowered his hands.

Once calm he felt it better to introduce himself in hopes to clear up any confusion that he hoped Senna had. He had, after all, been very careful to make sure that no one knew about him being a vizard and felt that the Captain might just be confused. He smiled at her again and said, "You may have me confused with someone else Captain Nikono. That is why I'll take a moment now to introduce myself. My name is Hikaru Shibata. I'm in line to become the 5th Division Lieutenant. At the moment I'm in the 10th seat and am acting Lieutenant since there currently is no Lieutenant, or anyone in any other seat for that matter."

Hikaru then turned to face Chiba. "I thank you on behalf of our Captain, once we get one, for the invitation to this party. I'll be here on his/her behalf today if that is alright. As I told Captain Nikono my name is Hikaru Shibata, acting Lieutenant for Division 10. It is a pleasure to meet you, Captain Sakitoki." he said, giving a slight bow to the 12th Division Captain.

#812th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:12 pm


She fumed and stared at the abomination as it lied to her face. She was sure this was the one. It had to be and yet here it stood and denied being the animal it was. Senna didn't want to ruin the lovely tea party but the righteous fury of justice burned within her. Every fiber of her being told her to stab the foul beast as many times as she could before anyone jumped in to stop her. Her teeth gritted then parted as she spoke.

"I don't care what your name is and I don't care what problems you are having in the squad you have infiltrated. I don't want to hear about the empty seats, what I want to hear next out of your mouth is you admitting what you are." Senna started to circle around to his side while keeping the 12th division captain within her peripheral vision. She still wasn't sure if was a law abiding shini or not. Without turning to look at the captain she spoke to him. "I'm sorry for the damage I have caused to your courtyard Captain Sakitoki."

#912th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:48 pm


Hikaru then became confused, wondering what exactly Senna is talking about. How does this Captain know anything about him if he's never meet her and no one alive knows about him being a Vizard but Mizuko. "What do you mean by that? I am a Shinigami just like you and Captain Sakitoki. What gives you the right, besides being a Captain, to say otherwise? You have no proof that I am anything other than a Shinigami. Untill you have proof I would suggest you stop trying to accuse me of being something other than what I am."

He takes a couple of deep breaths in order to try to calm himself down. In the middle of a beautiful party is no place for his temper to show up. Ignadao, however, was egging Hikaru on. He wanted to come out and show the Captain a thing or two about Vizards. Once he was a litte more calm Hikaru turned back to Captain Sakitoki. "I'm so sorry you have to see this. This is not the time nor the place for things like this. Lets all just have a good time." he says, smiling.

#1012th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:41 am


Chiba watched the battle closely as he seemed entranced by his fellow captain's movements. However he saw the the other arrival wasn't going to retaliate but also try to reason with the woman he was fighting. He saw that Senna was closing on the poor guy and decided to intervene. "Captain Nikono, if you could please..." He started but stopped as he tensed up and went wide eyed a bit. He knew what his physical reactions meaned but he what he didn't know was which of his other personalities would be the one to surface.

Afterwards he fell to his knees as pain seared his body. He was also clutching his head while he heard the more bloodthirsty personality's thoughts echo in his mind. "Lets get this fight really going.". However the personality quickly switched into control as a wide and wicked smile graced Chiba's already graceful face. He quickly stood up as the crazed personality was able to quickly assert its control over Chiba's body. He then yelled out as hoped to get their attention, "Aw, look what you two have done. You allowed me to shove that goody too-shoes Chiba aside. Now I am in control! Hahaha! Now eat this; Hado #88, Hiryu Gekizoku Raiho!" As the Zeno personality controlled Chiba finished yelling he lifted his hands up and gathered his rieryoku to his hands and felt while watching the hado spell leave his hands in the direction of the other two shinigami.

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