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#1112th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:29 am


One always had to be careful about tapping into the unknown presences of the Seireitei's Reiatsu Pressure. There were many Shinigami all with different sensations and actual different power levels. Some were as weak as a child, yet others could level entire cities. It was one aspect of the Seireitei that Eaon couldn't tell if he enjoyed or loathed, however it made his job much, much simpler. In this particular instance the Reiatsu levels fluctuating seemed odd, even for them.

It felt as though there were at least two Captain's involved, perhaps a third. Eaon's experience told him he'd need to be careful, but if this was just some simple spar he wouldn't have to worry. Still no reason not to check in and at least make sure no one was killing anyone else. Eaon didn't know where his Captain was herself, however if she wasn't there to act, the duty to ensure the Division operated correctly fell on his shoulders as it had been for sometime prior to Senna's arrival.

Eaon checked himself before he started to leave, his Shinigami robes worn properly in case of combat, his wrist guards on. Zanpakutou and Wazakashi in place, and Chiaki's ribbon safely tied around his Zanpakutou's hilt. The most important thing of all was Chiaki's ribbon. As long as Eaon had that subtle momento that after all those hundreds of years still smelled briefly of her perfume, Eaon could cut through any nemesis, any foe, and any target. Eaon was a natural manslayer, though he did not enjoy killing, he actually rather hated it. However Eaon was a Shinigami of the law, and as a Shinigami of the law he would ensure that nothing bad was done to his people.

The moment Eaon stepped from the Division Six Headquarters into the sun he vanished. A shunpo, a skill Eaon was particularly skilled with due to the speed it gave him. It was also well practiced by the Shinigami, for it made his sword style, particularly his Battojutsu even more lethal. Thus it didn't take Eaon long to reach his destination, the court yard of Division Twelve. Eaon arrived just in time to see a powerful Kidou be fired in the direction of what appeared to be Captain Senna and one other person whom he'd not ever seen. Eaon decided to observe for now and watch, if this was a simple spar it would be known soon enough, if it was not...well then Eaon would just have to do his thing.

#1212th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:19 pm


She raised her hand and pointed at Hikaru a second time. Senna didn't expect to actually catch the lieutenant with her attack but she would make sure that he felt the white lightening's burn this time around. Her lips parted again as she began to speak but all thoughts of a continued assault quickly left her mind. One moment Captain Sakitoki had started to plead with her and the next his voice had changed and he spoke of himself as if he were a completely different person. She heard his words and felt his rieryoku fluctuate before she actually saw his hands shoot up and expel the built up energy.

Her shinigami training took over her body instinctively and before she knew what she was doing Senna augmented her steps with shunpo and closed the gap between her and Hikaru. She stopped on the other side of the courtyard and was about to inspect Hikaru for injury when she remembered what he was. Disgust washed over her body knowing that not only had she saved the foul creature but she also touched him. Senna pushed herself away from him and slowly positioned herself so she could keep an eye on both Hikaru and Captain Sakitoki. They stood in the courtyard, forming a triangle. All around other members of the division had stopped what they were doing or had come out of the barracks to see what the commotion was about. No one made a move to stop their captain or interfere in any way at all.

"What a time to be alone." Senna thought as she looked between her two opponents. "Stuck between a vizard and a crazed shinigami." She chuckled lightly to herself. She wouldn't give either of the two the opportunity to strike her when her back was turned. She was committed to standing her ground and seeing which one would make the next move. She hoped it would be Hikaru but she would settle for Captain Sakitoki. He had condemned himself the moment he attacked, he had broken the law and Senna had been eager to serve justice from the moment she awoke that day.

#1312th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:55 pm


It was like any other day for the second division captain, things to do and what not. Not much was different all though he had gotten a invite just a short moment ago from the 12th division. A good old fashion tea party. He could not remember the last time he seen some of the captains perhaps a meeting some years ago. With that running through his head, he made sure his shinigami uniform was just so. Sliding his jacket on and then sliding his sword in place he looked in the mirror.

"Dashing as ever."

A smirk came over his face with that own remark. With that all taken care of, he started on his way to the courtyard where the tea party was getting held. He made sure he let his staff have the rest of the day off. It was some what going slow and not much was truly going on.

As he walked he waved to a few shinigami who he new as he made his way. Once he got closer he seen a kido blast, and then another shortly after. He let out a soft sigh, Would he have to be the sane one all the time. He would leap into the air landing on a roof top and started to shunpo until he got to a edge of a roof looking down at Three shinigami. Seemed to be two captains who should know how to act and a seated officer. He needed to break up this hassle, they were acting like morons and showing disrespect for the titles they held, with that he brought up his left and right hand pointing two fingers each. Casting his skill of duel kido a soft blue glow appeared over his fingers.

"Hado number 4, Byakura....Hado number 4, Byakura"

With both of the spells spoke from his fingers he launched two lightning bolts of pure energy, One would slam into the ground just in front of the sixth division captain and the other in front of the 12th. Then he noticed some one else there he laughed softly and shook his head he then raised his voice loud enough for all of them to hear. "ENOUGH YOU FOOLS!"

Taisho would then walk off the edge of the building landing with grace to the ground. His light blue eyes staring deeply at the two captains. "I'm sure all the damages you have caused well be taken from your division budgets. This is no place for mindless damage, All three of you i should report to the soutaicho or even the central 46, but as I am feelings not that mean. I want you both to explain what is going on here. You could of hurt the people around this area. Further more if you start this again i'll make damn sure your behind bars in the second division cells. Also..Norellia Fukutaicho please stop hiding."

Taisho never moved his sight from the three shinigami who he was really having the talk to. He just wondered what they would do, if they were sane they new not to test him, but if they weren't Taisho would have to teach them.

#1412th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:20 am


Hikaru was getting ready to defend himself when he saw Senna jump before him and take out the attack. He was a bit shocked at this and did not quite know what to think. First she is verbally abusing him and then she saved him. It just didn't seem right. He then thought her behaiver after a little odd. He was about to speak out when he saw the two twin attacks. He looked up and over at the Captain who just appeared. He felt a shiver run down his spine as the 2nd Division Captain talked about jail and the Central 46. "Nothing is going on as far as I'm concerned Captain. I was just here on behalf of my Division to attend this party. Captain Nikono then began to verbally attack me and accuse me of something she has no proof of. I was just trying to defend myself when Captain Sakitoki seemed to have changed somehow and attacked. Captain Nikono then stoped the attack and moved to where she is now. That is when you came in. I think that covers it all, unless the other Captains have anything to say." he said.

#1512th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:03 pm


Senna looked at the ground before her and kicked some of the rubble away. Her gaze fell upon another arrogant male. It seemed the Seretei was in no short supply of them. She sighed and felt bad for all the villages and towns across the world of the living that were sorely missing their fool. This one at least made the attempt to sound full of bravado and authority. She rolled her eyes at the newcomer to the party and waved him away dismissively. "Yeah yeah, yap yap yap. I have no use for currency and budgets. All I need is my zanpakuto to serve justice."

She walked past Hikaru and bumped into his shoulder as she passsed him and whispered "I know what you are." There was plenty of time to deal with him later when there weren't so many prying eyes and pointy noses. Senna crossed the courtyard diagonally to form a square and watched each of them in turn, stopping to look at the newly arrived captain. "Just like the lieutenant said. Nothing going on here but a case of mistaken identity." She flashed him a curt smile.

#1612th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:11 am


Chiba watched as he noticed the attacks. "Just as I was starting to have some fun too." He thought to himself as he looked at the newcomer as well. "Yes, whatever they said. Now, I think this is getting dreadfully boring." He said as he turned and started to walk away. However he didn't get far as he fell to knees with a hand on his forehead while one of his other personalities fought for control. "Not now...I am so bored.." He said as he struggled to get up.

#1712th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:21 am


Techimaru's timing had really been on and off over the years, and in Eaon's opinion this time it was a little off. Perhaps it was for the better because no one got hurt, but with what Eaon had seen from atop the Division Twelve building wasn't enough to prove one way or another if any foul play had happened with any of the new Captains. It was a pain in the ass, however it seemed as though Eaon would just have to let this one go as some unknown incident that may or may not have been a problem. Worst case senario he could just ask Techimaru to assign some followers to the other Captains and people involved and see their dealings.

However Techimaru also called Eaon down, which meant in order to be following orders he had to respond. Before one could blink their eyes Eaon felt the sudden rush of wind that flew all around one's body as they accelerated from standing to moving faster than some eyes could see. The power of Shunpo was truly a great one allowing someone to be in one spot one moment and in another the next. In that quick time Eaon made his way down next to his Captain, Senna of Division Six.

At the moment Eaon personally would have rather ended up by Taisho's side as he was a friend, however Eaon felt it was his duty as Senna's Lieutenant to be on the side of her. Besides it wasn't like it was bad being Senna's Lieutenant it just meant that he was working for someone else. Besides Senna would kill Eaon if he broke the laws and he knew that she knew he would do the same to her. Eaon respected that about Senna, her drive was admirable even though sometimes her attitude and temper seemed a little short.

"Sorry to have not made my presence known sooner, I simply wanted to see what if anything was going on here my Captain." Eaon said bowing his head to the other two Captains involved. Eaon rested his hands at his side and kept in position behind Senna ready to move at a moments notice. Eaon was a master of Battojustu, a Battosai in his own right. That made defending from a sheathed Zanpakutou like the easiest thing in the world for him to do and so he never felt nervous about having to draw his weapon. It was an edge even from the start of combat Eaon enjoyed having.

#1812th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:43 am


Salem walked into the Sqaud 12 Barricks. It was differant for him, because he was new to this captian thing. He herd that there was a tea party going on, and he wanted to vist with the other soul reapers. He stood there waiting for someone to greet him.

#1912th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:50 am


Taisho would look over at the three who just spoke to him, They seemed not to be misleading him but he flt like they weren't fully telling the truth. His eyes turned to Eaon as he appeared. Good he was showing he was the Lt of the 6th division and not Taisho's personal friend. A smirk came over his face as he watched Senna. Truly a law division captain acting like a child. She needed to learn how to talk to others or it may end up in deep trouble. He then looked over to see a old face. Well not old but a face he new pretty good.

"Kyotestu Taicho. Been a while."

His eyes turned to the 12th division captain who was indeed acting very strange and he wasn't sure what to do. But he walked over to the new captain of the 13th division. "Seems you haven't grown though. I'm hoping the 13th division is treating you kinder then the 2nd. We are known to be not the kindest of people"

A smirk came over his face as he looked around the area. Sadly he was the veteran captain here. He had held his post for 200 long years and trained a lot of men and woman. Though one person stood out the most. Though she had a very sticky fingers he was sure she stole his hair tie. Damn that woman.

#2012th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] - Page 2 Empty Re: 12th Division's Tea Party [OPEN] Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:57 am


Salem looked at him and smiled, " So u are the Captian of Squad 2, well its nice to meet you." said Salem with a smile. Even though Salem just became a captian, the others don't know about his rank in the Kyotetsu Clan. " So, did you know i was the former vice captain of Squad 2." said Salem.

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