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#1A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty A Chance too Meet the Captain. Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:26 am


It was quiet a beautiful day on this day of days, Minoru had been walking about Seireitei aimlessly throughout the day enjoying the wonderful weather, as well as the delicious sake that he had gotten from Captain Tazuma. At this time in the day though the man had a goal, he was too find his way to Squad 2 barrack's and meet his Captain now that he finally had the chance and time too.

Deciding too take to the roofs Minoru burst into shunpo not wanting to waste anymore time, taking off in the direction of the 2nd Squad's Barracks. On his way he was deep in thought, enjoying the beautiful weather and the fact that he finally had the chance to meet his Captain, Amaya Nanashi. Upon arrival at Squad 2's grounds Minoru first noticed the shinigami training, then he noticed the shinigami walking towards him, he was an unseated officer and upon closing in on Minoru the officer spoke up "Ah, you must be the new Lieutenant, Minoru Nao correct?"

[Switch too 1st Person]

Upon hearing the officers question I spoke up answering, "Yup, I've finally got the time to come meet Captain Amaya." I began walking down the middle of the training shinigami, the officer following explaining that he'd show me the way too her office.

Arriving at my Captains office I politely knocked on the door before announcing myself,"I'm the new Lt., Minoru Nao, here to see Captain Amaya." I waited for an answer...

#2A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty Re: A Chance too Meet the Captain. Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:54 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya was sitting in her office listening to some reports on the progress of both the secert troops and her squad. She had a way to get her squad up in rankings as it was her choice who is her lieutinent and who was her 25th seat. Most of the squad use to not take her seriously when she was first admitted into the 2nd division, but alot has happened with how she gained the 3rd seat division upon first arrival only to see the lieutinent kill her captain, that had saved her so many times in the past, to having to kill the lieutinent that acturally had found his way into her blackened heart so many times. She stopped the report, sending her choosen reporters away as a messenger came through her office door. So finally the Lieutinent decided to show his little late head around the barracks. Amaya nodded standing up. She had her hair down currently as it clearly reach out from under her white hood, connected to her captain huka (I dont that is how it is called)) Her plum purple hair moved with the breeze as she sat on top of a high window sil, loving the high ceilings. "Let him in and leave us."She commented as her striking blue left eye looked at the mesenger through the darkness of the hood since her right was covered with her purple bangs. Her captain uniform was customized to her liking as she sighed. She just hoped this lieutinent was better then the last one that did nothing and got himself killed. Amaya had her sword diagnolly upside down across her back with her hilt at the left hip. She sighed again looking out at the barracks at the men training. She was also watching her daughter closely

The messenger bowed and moved out of the room "You may enter lieutinent."Commented to young messenger leaving

#3A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty Re: A Chance too Meet the Captain. Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:10 am


Upon hearing my Captains orders I opened and stepped through the door, closing it behind me I quickly took a seat in-front of her desk before once again introducing myself and explaining a bit of the situation. "Hello Captain Amaya.." I stood and bowed before taking my seat again and continuing, "I'm Minoru Nao, originally I was too be your 3rd seat, but a few events ended up calling my attention and or catching me in them, if you wish I can explain in greater detail in a written report. Anyways as I was saying, I was to be your 3rd seat, but now it seems I managed to find my way to be your lieutenant and I hope I don't disappoint you.. though I'll admit my Shunko is pretty shoddy.." I finish before letting out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding in. Shifting to be more comfortable I placed Yawe on my lap, hands resting on the sheath.

#4A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty Re: A Chance too Meet the Captain. Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:20 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya looked down at him "I know you were to be my thrid seat and turned to my lieutinent I aprroved the change after seeing what had happened to allow this to work. I expect you to outshine most all your members for when I am to die, whether it be battle or anything, I want to leave ym squad in strong hands. Being weak in not acceptiable in this squad. We are more buitl for speed and assissinations in the sense that almost all our hits are death kills. You will spar with memember and help those of not high ranking improve on their fighting in whatever way. We help eachother here."She commented "I will personally train you and one other memeber, who you will meet soon, You two will primarly come with me on missions and such."She added

#5A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty Re: A Chance too Meet the Captain. Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:41 am


Upon hearing the Captains reply I was slightly surprised to hear I'd be training with the lower ranks already, and even more surprised to hear I'd be training with my Captain and another shinigami I've yet too meet. I was already happy to be in Squad 2 and I'm sure the grin I was sporting showed it.

"I'm thrilled to hear I will be training with you Captain Amaya, and I greatly appreciate it. Also I'd more than gladly train with other members of our squad as well as leave on missions with you." I pulled my clay bottle of sake out of a pocket on the inside of my uniform and took a small swig before offering it to Captain Amaya, "Would you like some Captain Amaya? It was a gift to me from Captain Tazuma.

#6A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty Re: A Chance too Meet the Captain. Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:49 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya jumped from her perch dissappearing and reappearing, Using a shunpo "I know tazuma as we go way back ever since the academy. He was the first to acturally catch my attention, my first true friend in this world. If I had to die by anyone's hands i hope it is by his and his alone."She commented shaking her head "Alright to change the subject, we must get going you will be meeting your partner. You two will train with and without me around. I wish for both of you to become great friends and I want you to mostly watch over your partner to wikll find out my reasoning and secret very soon."She commented to him heading or the door she waved her hand having his bottle in her hand "You need to keep better hold of things."She commented

#7A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty Re: A Chance too Meet the Captain. Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:00 pm


Distracted by my Captains words about Captain Tazuma I failed to notice that she had taken my clay bottle of sake while she continue on to tell me that we'd be going to meet my new partner, one who she seemed to feel I needed to watch over. Besides that the prospect of having new friends and training partners was exciting me. My reiatsu fluttered slightly causing a small gust of wind to sweep by me.

I then noticed her heading out the door waving my bottle of sake before she disappeared. Running out in laughter I hollered out "Oi Captain! Give that back!" I began chasing after here using shunpo, closing in once I swipe for the bottle and miss, causing me to lose my balance momentarily, which gave my Captain yet another chance to vanish.

"... I knew I'd like this squad, but stealing my sake on day 1... man" I took off again looking for Captain Amaya and my precious sake.

#8A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty Re: A Chance too Meet the Captain. Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:45 pm


(ooc can I join or is it closed)

#9A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty Re: A Chance too Meet the Captain. Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:44 am


((Depnds I guess, though you're rarely on the same time as the rest of us from what I've seen captain))

Amelia was at the training grounds resting. She had just finished recovering from her last 'spar' and she had headed to the feild as soon as she was awake and ready. She had been practising a move she knew about called Utsusemi. Her training partners were some of the other females in the squad, since her general feeling of trust towards males had decreased. They used bamboo swords for now, so that they didn't harm Amelia and invoke the wrath of their captain. The last fool who had done so was now in a grave somewhere and the captain had executed him herself. They also made sure not to push Amelia too far so that she didn't have an attack, something that was common knowledge within the swuad by now.

#10A Chance too Meet the Captain. Empty Re: A Chance too Meet the Captain. Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:54 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
((yep you can join in tazuma i would love for you to))

Amaya laughed seeing him fail epicly at getting his sake back " You got to think quicker then me and be faster to get your sake back. Come on I will be at the training grounds with your partner when you decied to show up not late again."She commented standing at the door 10 yardss away from him before shunpo away down to the training field landing beside Amelia "How are you all doing? I do hope you are going easy and helping Amelia- chan here get stronger."said Amaya sweetly seeing amelia was training with the other females of the squad. this was good that she was getting out there and not being afraid to train.

Amaya Shunpo into a tree not far from the battle holding the bottle of sake with her left hand as she hid waiting to see what her lieutinent was going to do

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