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#16th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:50 am


The day's events had taken their toll on Senna. She made a good dent on her list of places and people to visit. Tomorrow she would make in even bigger impact on her list but for the rest of the afternoon Senna decided she would see to matters in her own division. Her paperwork for the day had been finished hours ago, she had sparred with some of her squad til she felt she had whipped them sufficiently for the day, and she even managed to tidy up the barracks a bit. Now she relaxed the best way she could when she didn't feel like meditating, she sat cross legged in the middle of the courtyard surrounded by large stacks of books. Volume upon volume of the law as well as some history books towered over Senna and she had arranged for a life sized portrait of the Captain-Commander to stand behind her.

Before she had gotten into her favorite reading subject, the law, Senna had sent out a few jigokuchō. She watched the little black butterflies float away on their maroon tipped wings. She still had two people to speak to and hoped they would arrive in a timely manner. One was her lieutenant and the other was an unseated officer in her squad. Senna had seen the both of them in various places but she was fairly certain that they had not seen her. Senna picked up the book closest to her and read to herself while she waited.

The ultimate law is to maintain balance.

It is against the law for a Shinigami to give their spiritual power to Humans.

It is against the law for a Shinigami to use forbidden Kidō.

It is against the law for any citizen of Soul Society to create weapons of a dangerous nature not sanctioned by the feudal government. To do so is treason.

It is against the law to attack a captain. To do so is treason.

It is against the law to commit terrorist action(s) or attempt overthrow of the balance of Soul Society. To do so is treason.

It is against the law to commit murder.

It is against the law to kill a Human that a Shinigami has not been ordered to kill.

It is forbidden for a Shinigami to acquire or attempt to gain Hollow-like powers.

It is a crime for a Shinigami to remain in the Human World longer than a certain time limit.

It is against the law for the Gotei 13 to meddle in the affairs of the noble families unless the family in question breaks one of the laws of Soul Society beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It is by ancient law that two Shinigami cannot hold the same Zanpakutō. They must fight for the honor of bearing the spirit, with the spirit going to the winner, and the loser being executed.

It is forbidden for a Shinigami to intervene in anything that is related to Hell.

All Modified Souls must be scrapped.

#26th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:30 am


The slow wind fluttered across the middle of the barracks. Gust was laying in his chair looking around the sky as he smiled. His gray hair blew up from the wind as he stood up. Not even wearing his haori, he began to walk across to the main training area of the 9th division. "been a long time..never thought i would finally wear one of these." he said, as he unrolled his haori. He ripped the sleeves and the back a little, makign it unique to his style. Slowly turning it around, he placed his body into it. filling it out as he smiled. "feels good to be captain.. If only Min was here beside me in the 2nd division haori.." he commented, lowering his head as he looked at the groudn. Shaking his head to remove the thought, he went out of the 9th barracks and headed towards the 6th division, checking to see if any new members were home since he returned to the Soul Society.

"Knock knock!! Anyone home?!" he yelled, knocking on the wall of the barracks. Cheolpa was strapped to his back as his gold eyes looked to the left and right. The red tint in his hair bounced off the sun rays as he watched the squad train. "well. Seems like everything is set here."

#36th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:07 am


Misoka was walking about the inside of the barracks since her return from the world of the living. She was walking and pacing about the hallways when she saw several jigokuchō fly off. She suspected that her captain wouldn't want to meet with such a lowly officer like her as she walked down the hallway. She walked out into the courtyard and sighed as she helped with any activities of the festivity that they were holding.

#46th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:25 pm


The metallic kiss of two Zanpakutou meeting in the middle of a spar echoed through the Sixth Division's training area. The pressure of a weaker Shinigami putting all their force into a relatively bad thrust was against Eaon's considerable swordsman's strength. The harder the Shinigami pressured, the more the scale tipped in Eaon's balance. Just a little more and a sudden shift in Eaon's weight and the hilt of Eaon's Zanpakutou hit just above the Shinigami's right eyebrow, knocking him back and flat on his butt.

"Too predictable, and when you started forcing your weight against my blade you committed fully to the attack trying to over power me. All I had to do was move and it was over." Eaon lectured and he sheathed his Zanpakutou. Eaon reached forward and offered the Shinigami his hand, pulling him up off of the ground. Zanjutsu really was just god-awful. Compared to Eaon's style it lacked skill, ability, or even the basics required to make a decent kill. Eaon could cut easily through steel blades of lesser Shinigami, and the longer a fight drew on the more lethal he got. Zanjutsu got people killed.

Eaon was about ready to start another round with the Shinigami when a jigokuchō came flying in from elsewhere. A message from the Taicho, meet and greet or something a long those lines. Eaon was never particularly good at these things, most people who came through the Shinigami at any point prior to the last three hundred years were likely students of Eaon's anyway so meeting him wasn't really necessary. Maybe the new Taicho was a new soul still? Eaon wasn't sure.

"It appears I'm needed, so I guess this will conclude training for today." Eaon said before sheathing his blade and making his way from the training area to the court yard. Eaon spent relatively little time doing paper work. He actually despised it, and so he always did it as soon as he got it so it didn't build up. Eaon much preferred training and took pride in knowing some of his more promising Shinigami could probably quiet easily take on Division Eleven and do damage. It was time enough someone put the brawler clowns in their place.

Eaon wasn't one most people would take for someone who could kill ten other men before they could scream. He was quiet handsome, and the Shinigami alive who'd trained under him knew him to be quiet fearsome in combat and quiet outspoken against the Zanjutsu arts. However another notable quality of Eaon was the purple ribbon he had adorning his sheath as it was the middle of summer and thus too hot to wear around his neck.

This and his Shinigami robe that he wore where what he had on when he approached his Taicho in the middle of the court yard. Their first face to face. She was a very attractive woman, one that Eaon didn't recognize which mean she wasn't a student of his in the last 300 years, which meant she was probably a relatively young Shinigami. It was quiet interesting, to see who she was, and as he approached Eaon bowed his head.

"You summoned me Taicho?"

#56th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:25 pm


Senna took a moment to glance up from her reading and noticed someone was crossing the courtyard headed in her direction. She sighed and set her book down. "They always show up just before I get to all the exciting parts." Senna thought to herself as she stood and watched what had to be her lieutenant approach her. He was just about the same height as she was and appeared to be equally as confident. He bowed his head.

"You summoned me Taicho?"

She looked him over for a few moments and thought to herself. She had invited him but she had not summoned him. Senna started walk around him slowly while she considered his choice of words. Maybe she read too much into it and this was just the way he spoke. Perhaps he mocked her. It seemed quite plausible in her mind that he might have even flirted with her. She giggled lightly and stopped once she was standing back in front of him. He wasn't bad to look at and according to her reports he was a talented swordsman. She smiled at him and leaned in as close as she could to him and whispered softly in his ear. "You are my lieutenant, I hope you understand what that means. If you break the law I will personally see to your punishment including killing you myself if that is what justice calls for. Your actions reflect on me. Remember that." Senna tilted her head slightly to the side and winked at him before she leaned back out.

"Yes I did invite you, thank you for arriving so quickly." Senna wasn't sure what possessed her to do it but she decided to have a little fun with her lieutenant. She turned and pointed at the portrait of the Captain-Commander. "You may salute his image." She kept her arm outstretched and did her best to remain stoned faced as she waited to see what he would do.

#66th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:21 am


"Helllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" he yelled. Cupping his hands over his mouth, trying to get his voice to cover a major distance in the barracks. Rubbing the back of his head, Gust went deeper into the 6th barracks. The layout was much different than his own. More closed and linear. He wasn't complaining, it was just a new experience to him. Cheolpa was strapped to his back, it's blade touching the groudn barely as he walked towards the middle of the courtyard. He saw two shinigami, one with a captains haori, the other on his knees. "torture? Loyalty? I know you are a captain and all, but you don't always have to treat them like dogs." He commented, walking up towards the group with his arms folded.

Something made Gust annoyed with the way this captain treated her division. "I'm Zeipher Pronto,Captain of 9th. Just call me Gust." He muttered, still looking at the kneeling shinigami. tilting his head, he just shook it, rubbing his hair back slightly as he bounced around the area. "So, you are?"

#76th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:06 am


Misoka was in the middle of pouring a drnk when she saw that one of the jigokuchō approach her. She nodded as she received the message it was carrying. Then after she finished the task she sighed and straightened herself. Misoka then turned around and walked to where the Captain was supposedly at. When she arrived she noticed that another captain was there as well and that another but lower ranked shinigami was there also. Not wanting to be rude; Misoka just stood there and waited to see if the Captain wanted her or not.

#86th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:05 am


"I don't doubt that you would Taicho." Eaon said in a particularly uncaring fashion. His sword skills coupled with his actual experience and affinity with a Zanpakutou in all of its forms made him particularly doubtful and uncaring that his Captain would do anything to him with any form of ease. However such doubts were also moot because Eaon had no real desire to break any laws at really any point ever. Likewise he also didn't doubt his Captain's intent to carry out her duty. People didn't get her rank without being willing to do that which must be done.

"Responding to their Taicho's orders are the responsibility of the Lieutenant. I take my job incredibly serious. Let me simply return the favor by stating if you turn traitor Taicho, I will kill you." Eaon retorted. He wasn't normally this serious, but this was Division honor. The Captain and the Lieutenant were the figure heads of their division, and Eaon spent too much time training his men and working in the division for so long to risk someone bringing dishonor to it.

"I will not." Eaon said not saluting the Commander's image. Eaon would lend the man his blade at any point, but Eaon preferred action to words and posturing. He was just stubborn that way.

#96th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:50 pm


Lieutenant Norellia did not disappoint in rising to her challenge. It was reassuring to know her lieutenant was as dedicated, if not more, to the law as she was. he did however disappoint Senna when he refused to salute the captain-commander's image. Without batting an eyelash she continued to stare at Eaon. "That wasn't a request, Lieutenant." she said cooly but did not get the chance to press the matter further. Two more visitors had arrived. The first was another captain and to her astonishment went on to berate Senna, the other was the other member of her squad she asked to see personally. She waved the young girl over to stand at her side while the other captain droned on and on about how she should treat the men and women under her command.

Senna looked him up and down a few times and decided that she did not like anything about him except his looks. He was fine to look at but the rest of him left something to be desired. She didn't want to be so judgmental but he brought it upon himself when he felt it was necessary to address her in such a vulgar fashion. She blinked and tilted her head ever so slightly as she continued to take in the measure of this captain, she had completely forgotten about her lieutenant's refusal for the moment. Her hands dropped down to her side and her fingers twitched occasionally whenever they brushed against the hilt of her zanpakuto.

"It is against the law to attack a captain. To do so is treason. It is against the law to attack a captain. To do so is treason. It is against the law to attack a captain. To do so is treason." Senna repeated over in her mind as she stared him down longer. She took a few more moments before she deigned to answer him. "Captain Senna Nikono....welcome Captain Zeipher Pronto. Pleasure to meet a member of the 9th division." She shifted her eyes and her attention to the girl. "Miss Misoka Sakitoki. Over here by my side, please. You may salute the captain-commander's image or kiss it gently if you prefer."

#106th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:35 am


"Ha. Orders." He commented under his breath. He always believed that one makes their own decisions. Not forced by another. Yawning slightly, he brought his right hand up to cover his mouth, showing his great manners. Opening his eyes from the yawn, he looked at the portrait. "That's one..ugl..Huge painting.." Zeipher didn't care for the captain Commander. He wasn't even really serving him. He had his own reasons for being there. Blowing air into his cheeks, he looked back over towards Senna, whom was staring at him. "do I have something on my face? Don't let it crawl damn it." He commented, brushing off his cheeks just incase something was in fact crawling. He watched the other shinigami come over besides Senna. " be a little more calm with your orders at least. She is just a girl." Zeipher said while folding his arms. Shaking his head, he looked back over to Eaon.

"Oi. You actually think you can kill a captain? I don't believe you will, I see the way you look at this one." He muttered under his breath as he walked around the area, looking at all the decorations. "You don't expect the Beserker to actually come down here do you? He barely leaves his own barracks. That's just to kill." He Turned his head back over to Senna, looking over his shoulder. "against your so called law you follow."

He shrugged his shoudlers, turning back around. "it's a new time. Those Rules are no longer viable."

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