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#216th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:18 am


Gust turned around as he tilted his head,"All I am doing is expressing Opinion. I am not threatening nor making movements of hostility." He commented looking over Towards Senna, them back to Eaon. "I don't want to cause a civil war in the soul society. so i'll keep my little mouth shut from smart antics. But just so you know. Eaon here, has the right words coming from his mouth. Unlike your belittling ones, Captain. " He said, looking over towards Senna as he scolded the Lieutenant. He tried his best to hold his giggling in. He tried so hard. His eyes flashed gold, dropping his arms that he held behind his head. His reiatsu haori turned from water blue, to a dark pitch black. The only sounds that could be heard coming from his mouth was giggles and the occasional inhale. That was until his voice picked up. The metallic after tone was mixed with his current husky tone.

"Do you really believe in those Naive and immature laws, Senna?" HE commented, raising his head as he form flashed to the shadow of his Inner zanpaktou spirit.

#226th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:50 am


"Captain if you're not here to gain respect then I think it may be best for you to begin preparing your resignation letter." Eaon said clearly annoyed. Who was this child to tell him how things were run? Eaon had been a Shinigami for at least four hundred years, a Lieutenant for nearly two centuries and at Captain's Level for the last hundred. Eaon had the respect of most of the Division, he was hard working, ethically strong, and generally level headed. Additionally he was one of if not the most talented swordsmen in the Seireitei and was more than happy to help train lesser members.

"You might consider the men captain. If you demoralize them here, when you ask them to deploy you will either find them retreating too soon, taking unnecessary losses, or refusing to follow you into combat. You might have the title Captain, but you've yet to prove your worth to the Division other than to those of us here than you are overly dramatic, incapable of controlling your anger, which might I add is ironic considering you're clearly a control freak yourself, and otherwise fanatical towards the Captain Commander who as a Shinigami of the law your loyalties don't even belong to." Eaon said. He decided not to mention the right of the Shinigami to issue challenges of Death Matches to their Captains if they felt it was within their power to become a Captain themselves. Eaon felt at any point he could challenge Senna, probably kill her, become a Captain then step down to Lieutenant level and it would all be legally justified. In fact the Seiretei literally could not touch him for that, however Eaon found such moves to be dishonorable and thus didn't bring this threat out.

Eaon then decided not to interrupt Captain Proto when he went through some...odd changes to his voice and behavior. At this point Eaon was confident the only Shinigami he wasn't superior to here was perhaps Proto, and even then that may only have been in actual power level comparisons. There was actually literally no point arguing with Senna if she continued her self-righteous holier-than-thou condescending to the Division. If she didn't like the way things were, there were other Divisions that needed a blade such as Eaon's, however it would mean the drastic decline in skill and ability from Division Six that Eaon didn't want to see.

#236th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:29 am


Senna shook her head and wondered when she would come across a real man in the Seretei like her beloved Shunketsu-sama instead of these boys she was surrounded by. Most of them talked a good game but that was about it. The ones that did have some experience often times let it go to their head. She smiled and looked at her lieutenant. He had skills but that left him with an entitled disposition. He thought way too highly of himself for her liking. What she liked about him most though was that he underestimated her. Senna was always pleased whenever people underestimated her, she always enjoyed the look in their eyes when they finally realized their mistake by the time it was too late.

The other captain. this Zeipher...Gust. Another male chauvinist pig that thought he could look down on her and belittle her beliefs simply because she was a woman. In due time she would see to him as well. Eventually she would see justice served to all enemies of the law, starting with those around her. She looked back to Eaon.

"Garbage like the rest of them. Remember before when I was talking about smelly garbage standing around being useless? You can forget about it. That was a metaphor. There never was a bag. I was actually talking about you. And I'm sorry. You didn't react at the time, so I was worried it sailed right over your head. Which would have made this apology seem insane. That's why I had to call you garbage a second time just now."

She smiled politely at Eaon then gave Gust an odd look as his voice seemed to change in a bizarre way. "They are laws. Our law, THE law. Of course I believe in them. Without rules to make sure order was kept we would have a dysfunctional world ruled by chaos."

#246th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:50 am


"You little fool. You only follow rules because you have no sense of Independence. You rely on the old ass in the throne sitting on the top over there. If yo want to follow these so called "laws". Go somewhere else. They will only get you killed, over dramatic Idiot." Gust laughed as he spoke the words. Cheolpa was in full control. It was exactly like what happened in the Divine headquarters days ago. Gust just blacked out, letting Cheolpa have his body. Rotating his head, he dropped his palms to the ground as he just laughed hysterically. His blade still laid strapped on his back as his figure started to just form Plated armor from reiatsu over his shoulders. Every second, Gust changed moer and more into Cheolpa. His voice was becoming dominant. Cheolpa just stood there, letting out a sigh as he shrugged his shoudlers.

"Now that the little bastard is out of the way." Cheolpa folded his arms as black goo covered his face from teh nose down as his golden eyes pierced over to Senna. "Why do you follow these little jokes you call laws?"

#256th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:20 pm


Eaon's eyes scanned over Senna in the moment when she started throwing insults around? Him? Trash? Okay whatever she says, Eaon was sure the eight hundred year old Swordsman who'd been doing her job since the last Captain departed and before she got the position didn't know what he was talking about. She'd learn, she might not like it, however she would learn. Besides Eaon didn't actually need to say anything else, she'd proven all of his points the moment she'd decided to start arguing. Rookies would be rookies though, maybe in a few hundred years she'd learn. Besides Eaon tried not to judge people based on the often wrong first impressions they made.

Eaon did listen carefully to the new comer that apparently inhabited Captain Proto's body. Clad in armor and his voice different Eaon wasn't quiet sure who it was they were now talking to, however the lack of change in Proto's noticable Reiatsu made him believe that it was at least the same body, though perhaps a different entity. Eaon was not Division Twelve and the ideas of sciences that may explain what had happened were beyond him, however this new entity did make Eaon think about somethings.

Eaon was one of the best swordsmen in the Seireitei, known for being a swordsman who trained Shinigami without actually having been a Shinigami himself. However if they knew that most of his training was not in a dojo or with his master but rather as a hired assassin by the Police forces of the Rukongai Eaon really wondered what Senna would think then. Technically what Eaon did was illegal, a weapon used in times of bloodshed to become the means of an end. An end that was "lawful" however also illegal. Perhaps it was also the reason Eaon never accepted a Captain's position, not because he felt he lacked qualifications, but because he still viewed himself as a sword, and a sword does not deserve the privilege to wield itself.

"I was a doctor before I became a swordsmen, I wanted to help people, however once I picked up a blade and spent some time with it I could kill ten men before they could scream, even before I was a Shinigami. I enforce the laws because there are others like me probably, and they will not have the philosophies I follow, and thus will choose to kill and take power when available to them. That must be prevented." Eaon said answering what he still assumed was some form of Proto's question. Perhaps it wasn't the answer he wanted, however it was the truth. Eaon thought people who could kill shouldn't hold power, and those with power shouldn't know how to kill as effectively as Eaon could, because if both came together, all could end with a new found form of efficiency. Besides not all enforcement meant someone had to die, and Eaon rather liked thinking he could make a difference here and there.

#266th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:12 pm


She crossed her arms and stood stone faced as she stared at the two men. On the inside she was flabbergasted at the level of insolence she had just witnessed. Her mouth parted slightly then shut again as quickly as they had opened. For the first time in what seemed ages to her Senna found herself unsure of how to respond to such absurdity. Her head tilted slightly to the side while she eyed Gust chewed his words over in her mind. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn't be sure if he was asking her a serious question or if he was just a bit touched in the head. Her hands readjusted the black ribbon in her hair and her eyes glanced to Eaon before going back to Gust.

"You're right! Let's just fling the laws out of the window and throw order to the wind because we all know how well chaos works out. Might makes right after all, is that it? Let's just start killing people. That'll teach them to exist." Her hands rested on her hips, her purple eyes glared at Gust. "I suppose you have carefully thought all of this through and have a better solution than my silly little laws. Let's hear the master plan."

#276th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:24 pm


"Oh it's really simple. We kill the Geezer." Cheolpa walked among the 6th barracks slowly, looking at the sky, the grass, the shinigami. Everything he looked at, he didn't like. "tell me Senna. If these Rules are so important. Why are you the only one following them?" Cheolpa had made sense of the whole deal before flimsy Gust could ever be able to. Gust was just messing with the girl. Cheolpa was more straight forward. More to the point. Tilting his head, he folded his arms together. "Ah. might as well introduce myself. I am Cheolpa. Gust's little Zanpaktou spirit. More so I like to be called a Corrupt. It' just what I do. Gust isn't what he talks to be. He's just like the man up there, only in a shell." he pointed to the captain commanders chambers, smirking. "He would only need a push really. But time to time I step in. He remembers all that i do, as well as I remember all that he does. I am no hollow, nothing like that. They can all rot in hell for all I care."

#286th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:51 am


There sat Taisho looking at once again piles of silly reports from every single member of his unit, Really he needed to sit them down and ask them not to go on and on about such little details. With a sigh he closed the file and taped his fingers on his desk. He was truly bored out of his mind, he had really nothing to do today, and He wanted to speak to a few of the other captains. Though the only one he didn't really know was the 6th division taicho, She was new and most likely Eaon would be giving her a hard time are normal.

Taisho rose from his seat, grabbing his sword he placed it on his left hip. He would then look in the mirror making sure his uniform was just right, His jacket was also perfectly pressed. He was just lacking his hair ribbon what he had seemed to have miss placed, He would have to question his vice captain on it later.

Taking a deep breath he began on his way, quickly leaving his own Division he made his way to the 6th division, Not really moving to quickly he enjoyed the walk and needed some fresh air. He nodded his head to a few of his division who he happened to see on his walk. Once he got to the 6th division he moved through the halls with grace. Nothing had changed since he called this division home. Once he got closer to where the group was at. He seen the two jackets of pure white a chuckle left his lips. Killing two birds with one stone, perfect he thought as he got closer he stopped just about seven to six feet away from the group, right away he noticed the huge picture of the Soutaicho. He would then turn to the captains.

"Taisho Techimaru Second division Taicho. Nice to meet you."

His voice was calm and cool all most relaxing to the ears. His eyes then turned to Eaon a smile came across his face. "Fukutaicho Norellia" He then turned his eyes back to the captain's he had got reports when these two became captains. Nikono Taicho of the sixth division and Pronto Taicho of the ninth division. A smirk came over his face, It was very nice when you worked in the shadows and got reports from your members about all most every single shinigami.

"I must say that's a pretty big picture of him. May I ask why?"

He looked at the 6th division captain again wondering perhaps what she would say, She was very good looking so that was a plus with begin around her. Lucky Eaon he thought.

#296th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:04 am


"That's very interesting and highly illegal Cheolpa. I would request for your host's sake that you refrain from any more comments. Corrupt or not I have no gripes taking you in over such talks." Eaon said with a tone of seriousness. That was treason, one couldn't simply waltz up and kill the Commanding General of the Shinigami and expect to get off unscathed. Cheolpa wanted to fight, he either had to do it in one on one single combat or he simply would refrain from talking about it. The law as the law and this was quickly becoming a matter of law enforcement.

Eaon didn't like to throw the law around like it was some sort of weapon. Yes the law was useful, but trying to legally trap everyone was a dick move in Eaon's books. While the law kept people in line and kept order it could be also used as a tool to harass and ruin lives because sometimes people mess up. Not everyone who was a criminal was so because the liked it, or because in some cases they had a choice. The law needed to protect these people while not over stepping its bounds. Eaon respected this, or tried to, even if it meant being a little less strict in some circumstances.

Eaon was not sure the outcome of the situation until something interrupted the tension that anyone and everyone could feel. From behind him a relatively calm voice simply stated his name and title. Eaon pulled his body and gaze back to the left a slight bit, looking behind him to see Captain Taisho. Eaon preferred to call Taisho Captain as opposed to the traditional Taicho that Taisho himself used. This was because the title and the name sounded repetitive and silly to Eaon back to back.

Eaon was lucky too though that Taisho was here, because Taisho had been Eaon's Lieutenant once back before Eaon had become anything other than a seated officer. If anyone could attest to his ability and understanding of the laws, as well as his ability as a Shinigami it would be Taisho. Likewise Taisho, unlike Eaon was good at Kido which meant if someone needed to be brought down they were a good team. Besides Eaon and Taisho were friends and knew each others styles well enough to work in complimentary with each other, the two were naturally a very skilled combination.

"Captain Techimaru." Eaon greeted formally before returning his gaze to the other two Captains. Eaon felt confident with a friend at his back that if any opinions were going to be forced, Eaon would luckily be at an advantage versus the other two. Eaon seriously hopped Senna and whatever Proto was becoming would listen to reason. These things were too dangerous and too dark for a first time meeting for many of them. If this was how they interacted in times of peace how would they interact if the Hollows became a threat or the Shinigami suddenly had to move out?

#306th Division meet and greet [OPEN] - Page 3 Empty Re: 6th Division meet and greet [OPEN] Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:34 am


The courtyard rang with the echoes of Senna's laughter. The level of absurdity had far surpassed comical as far as she was concerned. Moments later when her laughter had finally subsided she wiped a tear from her eye and in grand fashion curtsied low to the new comer then swept her arms towards the portrait of the captain-commander. She was about to explain it's presence when she shook her head all of the sudden and returned her attention to Gust. "Maybe it's Chalupa now or whatever he said it was." She wasn't sure anymore so she just shrugged it off.

"Well that sounds like a marvelous idea. Let's just kill the geezer! It all makes perfect sense." Senna threw her hands up into the air with her statement then crossed her arms back across her chest again and started to look over his shoulder and around his sides. "Where's your army? Or do you plan on killing him all by yourself?"

A part of her wanted nothing more than to lock this dissident of the law in the Nest of Maggots til he learned how to speak properly about his superiors. The other part of her was just amused. It was like watching a child rebel against a parent. When she lived in the Rukongai she often dreamed of the life she would have in the Seretei. The order, justice, and sense of pride she would have but all she found were enormous egos, stubborn old men, and silly young boys. Not a shred of dignity in any of them no matter how hard they tried to project a different image or either wise disguise their true nature. They had all chosen to forget the chain of command and why they had these rules in the first place. All around her she watched as captain and lieutenant, seated officer and unseated officer alike all went about interpreting the law as they saw fit.

It was enough to drain all the hilarity out of the situation for her. She looked around her at all the people in the courtyard, at all the buildings around her, and finally down to her own shinigami clothes and captain's haori and wondered if in the end it would mean anything. She wondered what a life outside the Gotei would be like and if just maybe she wouldn't be better able serve justice if she weren't constantly surrounded by dissidents. It seemed to Senna more and more with each day that passed that the Gotei 13 were their own worst enemies and things had ceased to function as they were supposed to a long time ago.

The entire place appeared devoid of respect and decency and she struggled to find a shred or scrap of honor amongst any of her fellow captains. Even the lieutenants were brazen enough to speak out against their captains. They were all just so arrogant and full of themselves. Senna sighed and continued to look around, to look at all the people, to look at nothing in particular as she forgot about them all and lost herself in thought.

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