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#1A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 10:41 am


Mizuko Ichikawa sighs as she looks around Naruko City. "Just how did I get here again?" she askes her self as she walks around. She knew, she just didn't want to face the facts. She had been reassigned once again to another place. Seems like those back in the Soul Society didn't want to keep her in one place for to long. How could she blame them when each time she went somewhere new she'd run across a demon or two.

As Mizuko is walking she spies a candy store. She looks down in her bag and notices that she is indeed running low on her favorite sweets and chocolates. "Seems like now is as good of a time as any to stock up. I never know when I may need these next." she says to herself and walks into the store. She then grabs a basket and begins to load it up with some of her favorite treats.

#2A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 10:49 am


A portal seemed to open as from it Seiko Dropped covered by her cloak to hide her reiatsu signature it was here she landed and her hood draped over her head before dragging her feet to a location where she felt someone's presence she had not spoken to many people in a long long time and was rather curious to see what would commence hostility or not she was fearless and ready to kill if need be.

#3A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 11:00 am


Mizuko looked up for a moment after picking up a chocolate bar with peanut butter in it. She looked out the door for a moment and then shook of the feeling she had. She then continued about her purchasing. After what seemed like hours, only about 30 minutes truely, Mizuko walked to the counter with the items she wanted to purchase. The store clerk gave her some looks as it seems that she had already eaten some of the candy she was buying. As a show of good faith, however, she did pay for what she ate, what she did not eat, and gave the man a tip for all his trouble. This made him happy.

After she was done buying her items she walked out of the store. Once right outside she placed all of her candy in her bag, each candy in it's own little place. Mizuko then looked up as thunder was heard in the distance. She knew that now would be a good time to try to find a place to stay since she did not want to get caught up in the comming storm.

#4A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 11:06 am


She could smell a shinigami in the wind, so close she could practically taste it and she went on the approach her slow stride guiding her to the shinigami's location whilst her face remained hidden in shadow before she approached the store she was at, Seiko decided to lean against a wall and wait for the female the eye atop of her robe indicated her rank but not entirely what she was but people would soon find out.

#5A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 11:16 am


She looked up for just a moment to gage how long it would take for the rain to come about and figured she had at least a good half an hour or so. She pulled a paper out of one of the boxes and began to look thru it to see if she can find a place for her to say while stationed here. As she walked she began to wonder when she'd be able to get back to the Soul Society. She walked in the direction that Seiko was in, but was not fully paying attention to where she was going untill it was almost to late. without knowing she was about to run into Seiko she had stoped to get another candy out of her bag and place the paper she got in there as well. When she looked up she saw Seiko and thought her to be dressed a little odd, but kinda fitting for the weather. She looked the robe up and down, liking the way it looked. She did think it a little odd the eye at the top but she shrugged it off. "Nice outfit you have there. Certainly good for this type of weather." Mizuko said after she's finished looking Seiko over.

#6A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 11:22 am


Seiko heard who she was seeking and listened to her words felt the rain coming since her arrival but yet did not hurry to run inside it was here her shadowed face did not twitch nor fidget nor give a smile or frown she just listened yet did not reply she remained ever silent.

#7A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 11:30 am


Mizuko looked Seiko over one last time. She began to wonder why the silence but decided not to ask about that. Instead she thought she'd ask about something else. "Are you from around here? Do you know if anyone around here has a place to stay?" She was not sure if Seiko was the right person to ask this but felt she should at least give this a try.

#8A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 11:33 am


Seiko still remained vigilant in her silence only listening to her words she would find a way to convert this woman or at least try those who were unfaithful only met the cold steel of her cursed blade but still she just sat.

#9A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 11:38 am


Mizuko soon got fustrated with the lack of converstaion from Seiko. Instead of continuing to wait for a response Mizuko decided it might be best to leave this person alone. Mizuko closed her eyes for a few moments, taking in a deep breath before opening them once more. Fustration gone, Mizuko decided that it would be best to move on, especially since a storm was comming. She then moved and began to walk around Seiko. "Sorry to have bothered you. I guess your busy. Have a nice day." she said before she began to walk.

#10A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Wed May 23, 2012 11:48 am


Seiko pushed from the wall and soon followed in her slow stride behind the young shinigami, Gotei always had a way of partially abandoning their members and leaving them to fend for themselves she knew all to well she was one of those people at one time always having to be casted down from the sanctuary of soul society into the harsh world of the living where hollow existed as well, she looked to the ground blindly as she followed the young upstart.

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