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#41A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:20 am


I felt the entrance of the bount as he crashed into the streets below but i made no notion of caring. There were too many for him to cause a major disturbance and besides. He was a friend of the famiy at least, perhaps even a member by now if the Lord Marshal had his way. Thats when i felt Mizucho's and Xen'Xal's reitsu presence begining to leave the others behind which left me in a predictament. Who should i follow? My original target or Xen.... Both would make excellent additions to the family but i knew that i was unsure how either one of them would react. Finally i decided that i would follow Xen'Xal since he had already spotted me and i had tried to convene to him to meet me at a cafe down the road.

Sitting up i quickly and silently sped my way along the roof tops to the cafe. I wasn't afraid of being sensed due to my cloaks properties but i knew i needed to keep it reasonable. Arrving at the cafe before Xen did, i sat at a table and waived the waiter away as i told him i was awaiting my guest.

#42A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:26 pm


Xen arrived at the cafe and sat at the table with Elenia, My goodness, what a pleasant coincidence, you are definitely someone familiar. Xen gave an empty smile to Elenia, then rested his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together, Now tell me about everything that has been going on, I want all the details you can. The exiles have to be somewhere, I doubt people like Tazuma would go down easy. Also tell me about this Divine Family, they seem to have enough influence to have a cease fire with the Espada.

Xen straightened up and looked up at the sky, No matter how old I get and how much things have been changing at least the sky is always above us and the ground is below us. Perfect balance because they cannot interfere with each other, unlike the world of the living and the world of souls. That's why we're Shinigami, to keep that balance right? All I want is to do my job, but all sorts of politics keep on getting in the way.

#43A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:44 pm


Mizuko moved out of the way at Durza fell down. Looking at the bount she realized he was part of the Family. Not another member of the Family. Where do these guys come from? she thought as she began to walk away. She didn't think anyting of those left but she also didn't think she'd get any of the information she needed either. She sighed as she headed off towards Karakura town. There was a nice sweet shop she could visit to stock up on some of her favorite candies.

#44A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:57 am


"Well coincidences are opportunities the same. Truth was i was trying to find Mizuko to talk to her but since you are the one who spotted me, I figured it be best to determine where you lay on certain subjects," I intoned as i removed the hood of my cloak, thus allowing my spiritual presence to be sensable. I two folded my hand and rested my head upon them as i began to explain to Xen'Xal the situation.

"I do not know the exact details since i was stationed in the World of the Living when it happened. But from what i know I can tell you that the current Captian Commander went upon a rage when he discovered that there were Vizards with the Gotie 13. He didn't care whether they were on Soul Society's side or not. He wanted them dead because they had the 'impurity' of hollows within them. So before they could be executed, the majority of them left along with those faithful to them. From other reports i have so graciously gotten my hands on, the CC is mad with rage at anything Hollow and seeks to utterly erradicate them from existance.Some of the older texts made mentions of him but i had beleived them to be rumors but i was wrong."

About this time the waitress returned with a couple of menus from which i glanced over quickly before ordering a French Vanilla Latte with a sweet roll. Looking over to Xen'Xal i tell him, "Don't worry, It's on me today."

After the waitress left i continued on my explanations of the recent transpirings.

"As for the Divine Family...Only the Lord Marshal can truly tell you our exact plans. However we feel that the current CC of the Soul Society is going to break the Soul Balance and needs to be stopped. If his hatred has been recorded before and it nearly destroyed the balance then, then who knows how far he is willing to go this time around."

Sighing deeply, i shake my head at Xen'Xals comment. "The sky and earth are in perfect balance not becaus ethey cannot interact with each other. They are always interacting with each other. Whether it be wind, rain being thrown down, lightning, earthquakes, it all interacts with each other based on the rules set up for it. Shinigami are just another rule set up so that the balance can remain. The job itself is never easy and often goes against our morality but it is necassary. We just have to make sure that the rule doesn't try to become god and control it all. Some things are just better of without us."

#45A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:03 am


The wind, the rain, lightning and earthquakes. Those are feeble attempts of interaction, but the balance is still there. Nature knows not to mess with the balance, but there are those who will begin to upset the balance of the worlds. If the Captain Commander wants wipe out all Hollow then in return plus souls will also need to be killed off in scores, then we will need to begin killing off the living. Xen leaned back in his chair, and looked at Elenia, gauging her reactions.

I'm definitely no genius, and I'm assuredly not even that good at much else, but I know that crusades never work. The crusaders will become drawn out, vulnerable, their people will begin to distrust them. Things will begin to fall apart. Leaning back onto the table he rested his head back on his hands, looking at Elenia.

#46A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:11 pm


Leaning back in my chair i laughed heartily at Xen'Xal. "Feeble attempts you say, yet it causes destruction with each other and takes lives. Yet it also spreads the seeds of plants and causes animals to migrate thus creating life. Nature doesn't mess with balance, no quite to the contrary. Nature of life and death is the balance. Besides if you think that the answer to this situation is killing the living then you have fallen far from being a shinigami."

"Crusades do tend to fall but many years ago there was a crusade that lasted nearly two hundred years in the world of the living. So a crusade for the wrong reason could last for quite some time if you think of it that way. The question is, Who's crusade is in power?" I ask perfectly calm, not even a block of ice could of been as cool as i was at the moment. I could feel both of my swords ready to tear into Xen's flesh and dine upon his blood. Depending on his answers i knew i may have to mark him for death.

#47A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:31 pm


Xen smiled at Elenia, feeling the coldness of her words. I would answer you if I had any answers. But I'm just a nobody right now. And you're right, I probably have fallen far from being a shinigami, but I'm just considering the absolute extremes, because this current Captain Commander won't be half assing any thing. If he kills all the Hollow then the balance of.the Soul World will fall towards Soul Society, and I don't want to know what that would cause, but it would lead towards the Living World also becoming unbalanced. If he is to force all the Shinigami to eliminate Hollow then all the Plus souls will be unattended. If his crusade does last hundreds of years the unguided souls will continue to grow, then some will begin hollowfication, and if no one has stopped him then at that point the shinigami will have been worn so thin and spread out they'll be erased. Xen stood up and smiled at Elenia, and started to walk away slowly, deliberately making each step quietly. Looking back over his shoulder he spoke again.

So if you want to know whose crusade it is, I will say it has become more of a war of attrition. I personally just want to keep my eye on the balance and stay out of this, maybe the Family could help with that, maybe not. Either way I don't plan on dying for any reason other than trying to keep the balance correct.

#48A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:40 pm


Visibly i relax as the tension completely melts from me. I knew if i had to fight him that i would be hard pressed to do so. Xen'Xal may be the type who'd rather be lazing about but he wasn't a slouch when it came to fighting. A smile crept to my face as i reached into my sleeve and pulled out a Scream Butterfly sitting precariously on my finger.

"I know exactly what you mean. As far as i can tell the maintaining of the balance is one of the primary reasons for our existance," I comment as i redo my hood with my demon arm, sealing up my presence from those around me. Bringing the butterfly up to my face i quickly whisper my message to it before it futters away and disappears to deliver its message.

Turning i address Xen'Xal directly. "If you wish to learn exactly what the Divine Family is about, then i can take you to the Lord Marshal if you wish."

#49A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:27 pm


Xen looked back at Elenia and smiled widely, chuckling a little bit, and walked back to her. Well, I'm definitely interested in seeing how all of this will pan out, so yeah, take me to your Lord Marshall.

Xen did not seem the least bit perturbed, but on the inside he was in an incredible amount of.turmoil. He was about to take action for something and cross a very dangerous line, one he probably wasn't going to be backing away from. He had plenty of other options to work with, but he chose the seemingly most dangerous one present to him.

Walking back to the table,I'm sure we're going to have lots of fun.

#50A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) - Page 5 Empty Re: A Way To Meet (Open To Active Players) Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:54 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
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