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#51Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:35 am


A gargunta opened between the rest of the espada standing around. As it opens a re"3" appears first slowly as it continues to opens. Cross looks out the gap seeing new faces and some old ones.

"I see while i was gone to the living world we gained some new numbers." My eye catches Colbolt first as I step out sonidoing towards her. I look her over as i smile, knowing she has been accepted back into her original position
[color=green]["I told ya miss colbolt you would be back in power."/color]. i said while humming. As i look around the group of people i notice the number "2" espada standing nearby. I walk over to him, extending my hand as i look over his form.
"I'm cross...3rd espada."

#52Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:43 pm

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
The ancient one takes out a needle and begins the ritualistic process of imprinting upon Senshus left shoulder blade. Each individual prick can be felt but to Yamaguchi it simply feels like someone is poking him. His entire life has been nothing but pain, both literal and metaphorical. Back when he was in the yakuza, he was forced to have his entire backside tatted with a pointed slab of rock, this is commplace to him. As Yamaguchi waits his stands utterly still, not even blinking.

A New Plateu
After about an hour and fifteen minutes the ancient one informs him that he is done. The espada already knows what number he is. He doesn't put his cloak back on and doesn't look at the ancient one as he speaks. Blood drips down his backside, sliding past his muscular back. Sweat carelessly drips down his immensely developed torso, his muscles course with power. At last the espada have reformed, and he is the second in command. Soon enough he will destroy whoever is the primera and take his position as the top arrancar in al of hueco mundo. Then, his ambitions can truley be realized, and all that oppose him shall fall at his boot. The segunda espada does not even bother to thank the ancient one as he slowly walks back outside to where everyone else is. He wants to just walk past them but since they are in his way he figures he may as well stop anyway.

"I'm cross...3rd espada."

The ghostly warrior looks the tricera up and down before glaring at him directly in the eyes in silence. He looks at the mans hand but does not extend his own. He looks back at the man and speaks.

"I am Senshu Yamaguchi, the segunda. Tell me...who is the primera.."

Senshu smells the air to get a feel for the mans power. Like a beast in the wild his greatest sense is his nose, it has never lead him astray.

#53Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:52 pm


"I am Senshu Yamaguchi, the segunda. Tell me...who is the primera.."

The man didn't extend his arm to meet mine. I was the one to be civil at first, introducing myself could of been a mistake or an honor to some but this one didn't care. I itched the top of my head looking the Segunda over with my own eyes. I rolled my eyes at him, turning around before pointing behind me.

"Ask black jack about this primera espada."
Rolling up my headphones up my neck i smirk looking out into the desert. Iza was out there calming herself down after i made her upset in the human world.(ooc;in another thread .) i scrolled over my music player, looking over the music i have in my possession. The white headphones gleamed in the moonlight as i took one step forward, blasting sand in the air as I glide across teh desert towards the reiatsu of Iza.

#54Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:15 am

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu gives a nod to cross instead of saying thank you before strolling past him and up to the primera espada. Yamaguchi stands in silence for a moment before sniffing the air to get a feel for the mans power level. From what the segunda can tell, this man has a powerful rieatsu but it doesn't seem to be any higher than his, if not exactly the same, this could be a problem. For a warrior such as senshu, it is important to know where he stands. If this person were significantly stronger than him then he could despise him and try to get stronger so that he may take his rank. If he were much weaker then senshu could simply write him off as unimportant. But because these two arrancar are of the same strength, it can only mean one thing, this person has proved himself in battle at some point in time where senshu hasn't. A situation like this spawns something that has gone on between different warriors of different races for several centuries. A rivalry..But, a development such as this also means something else. The traditional espada hierarchy will not be sufficient. Since they are so close in battle power, it would not make sense to choose a leader based soley on rank. For all he knows this man could be an idiot, and where would that lead the espada? Only to death, the past would repeat itself. The muscular arrancar decides that despite what he prefers, the Espada as an organization must be brought into a new age. There must be a judical style of government. There must be a council. Senshu's already scowling face grows a bit angrier as he squints his eyes at the man.

"Primera espada. I believe the time for foolishness has come to an end. I do not mix words nor do i pander. The espada need to unite as one. To be run by council. I am not asking for your permission but telling you what needs to be done. what say you... "

#55Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:57 am


The second espada come to me and from what I can tell sizes me up. He then goes on and on about how the espada is going to be run. In sure he thinks that idea is his own but I know differently." The ancient one has made that suggestion already and I am in agreance with him and by proxy you. Make no mistake we will be victorious where the previous espada fail for two we WILL rule as a councel and two,we have the ancient one. The previous espada,didn't,use his intense knowlage to get better.,he has agreed to stay and help us where we need it." I extend my hand to senshu"is that agreeable with you 2nd espada?"

#56Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:03 am


Veloz had not felt like waiting around on introductions for once, he wanted to begin the hunt and grow stronger. Deciding this Veloz had left the halls of Las Noches to wait outside for Jack. Inside a roar could be heard coming from Veloz as he 'scouts' Hueco Mundo for worthy prey.

[ooc: figured I'd explain where Veloz was currently, since this bit sorta ties in with my training thread for him.]

#57Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:55 pm

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
Senshu stands and listens as the primera speaks. He too seems to be streight foward, he doesn't waste time with idiotic pleasantries like everyone else, he has a little bit of hair on his balls. Yamaguchi listens , with his arms crossed and then looks back in the direction of the ancient one. He looks back at the primera and from behind his coarse beard, a miniscule smirk almost reveals itself.

"Hmph...i like the way you speak espada.."

Senshu extends his hands and grips jacks to shake it. He releases after a second or two.

"It would seem we have a mutual understanding then..for now at least."

Senshu then begins to walk past the man as he speaks.

"Just know, that i will come for you eventually to take your rank. not for the power, not out of spite.."

Senshu turns his head slightly as he pauses his movement.

"But for the pure sport of it.."

Senshu continues to walk off to his quarters in the castle.
even though things will be run by council, senshu still wants to fight the primera to the death at some point. Just so that he can take the title of the most powerful being in hueco mundo and eventually, the entire universe.

#58Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:39 pm


Hearing senshu's words as he walks away "and when you go espada expect no mercy for I,am a warrior as well. For now though we should concentrate on the task at hand,the rebuilding of the espada and our vctory over soyl society. The previous espada fought within themselves and look at the outcome we will do what the others coyld not." I stand there the wind blowing my cloak behind me"we sre espada and we will win our war!" I announce into the night

#59Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:31 am


(reopening the thread)

I having just witnessed veloz evolution enter the spire of the,ancient one. The torches light one their own as if,in responce to me being there. I,turn and enter the ancient ones chamber. He turns and faces me"ahh black,what brings the primera to see me tgis night. Your friend is about to,join isn't he?" Caught off guard by the ancient ones ability I answer" yes, I seek the knowlage of how to assend him to an arrencar so he may join us." The ancient one looks at me and as a matter of factly states"the ability,is in your hands black. Its always been. Just focus and remove. The mask will do the rest." I rise and turn"then I shall do it here then." I walk,to,the door" if your ready veloz enter."

#60Re forging the broken swords - Page 6 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:36 am


Hearing Jack beacon him in Veloz hastily replies, Don't gotta ask me twice he enters the room and bows his head to the Ancient One before addressing him, Ancient One today you witness not just the birth of a new arrancar, but the birth of a new espada! Veloz then turned to Jack, preparing for what he knew was coming although not knowing what to expect.

So my friend it seems it is time, and I am as ready as I can be.. the honor is yours. Veloz leans over slightly his mask and face mere inches from Jack as his mask split in his toothy grin.

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