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#61Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:46 am


"you are correct the honor is mine my friend. With these clawed hand an espada is born." I say opening my clawed hand focusing my reiatsu into the hand it glows grey with my reiatsu. I then place my hand over veloz's mask feeling the mask adhere to my hand I get a good grasp on it"for you my packmate,i make you an arrencar." I then rip the mask off of his face. His reiatsu burst forth(ill let,you rp the transformation) I my hand the mask melts and reforges into a zanpacto,veloz's zanpacto."welcome to the next stage veloz." I day to him as he emerges from his reiatsu cacoon

#62Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:00 am


A New Arrancar is Born

As Veloz's mask is ripped of his reiatsu burst forth in an uncontrolled storm, any hollow in Hueco Mundo would feel the flare of reiatsu as this new arrancar is born. Inside the storm of reiatsu Veloz's form begins changing into a more human form, as the storm of reiatsu begins dying down the Ancient One and Jack would see Veloz's new form, a man with spiky white hair and red eyes. His new form stands at about 6'2", wearing a black leather outfit trimmed in white, he has a black leather belt with a skull buckle on it. His forearms are adorned in white hierro plating with 'claws' extending over his hands, from his shoulders to the bottom of his rib-cage is a white hierro rib-cage like plating, a long flowing red scarf is wrapped around his neck and mouth hiding his mask fragment. The hidden mask fragment looks like 1/4 of a raptors jaw with a row of jagged teeth, the fragment is approx 4" long. His hollow hole can faintly be seen in the center of his chest behind the 'rib' hierro.

In his friends hand was Veloz's new zanpakuto, a set of 32" long dual blades perfect for his fighting style. Veloz took a step forth towards Jack laughing a human laugh that was filled with immense excitement. So THIS is what power feels like! ahahaha! I must thank you my friend! Veloz reached out to Jack taking his Zanpakuto and strapping them to his back horizontally, one handle pointing out on each side. Veloz then turned to the Ancient One and bowed too him.

Veloz's form:

#63Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:58 am


It is silent. The only thing which could be heard were the sands of Hueco Mundo whispering his name: Rene Sonnengott. Through the desert he walks, until reaching his final destination- Las Noches, the nights. The cold air blew through his wavy black hair, his white coat and black trousers also waved. His zanpakuto was loosely tied to his hips, though it wouldn't be likely that he'd need it. He opened the gates with is right hand, stepping in slowly making his way into the lair of the espada renacer.
As he continued his trek, he could see hollow in the distance- a fine meal perhaps, however, something was strange. It had torn its own mask, releasing a vast amount of spiritual energy. Rene could only look in awe as the tranformation took place. It was not unlike his own, actually. The reiatsu was nearly unbearable. There were others surrounding him, including the ancient one. Rene clutched his zanpakuto.

#64Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:18 pm


"come veloz its time to see the ancient one about your assignment." I say all the while I can feel the presence of another in the distance. I turn facing the direction of it."come forward if you,wish to be judged for assignment! " I,yell into the night hoping the presence will come forward. Turning back to veloz"remember don't look. I'll be there just like all the others."

(just a note the ancient one is inside a spire not outside)

#65Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:17 pm


Rene steps forward. "Judgement? Please, how can you judge a god?" Rene retorted. He continues to walk towards the man, staring directly at his face with a determined look. His fist was clenched, knowing the man had power beyond his imagining. The outcome would not be in Rene's favor, and he wasn't so arrogant as to challenge someone so tangibly stronger. "As you wish" he sighs.

#66Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:07 am


I approach the table in-front of the ancient one and lay on it, on my stomach. Speaking up momentarily I tell the Ancient One that I'd like my number on the back of my neck. 'So it shall be, do not try to look.. or I shall not finish' spoke the Ancient One before I felt the first prick of the needle. The pain was intense as I let out a slight snarl, the needle ripping in and out of my skin, once in a while hitting bone. After an hour long process the Ancient One finished and spoke, "Rise Quinta Espada, and join the ranks of your brethren."

Rising from the table I look first to Jack and then to the new arrancar in our presence, The Ancient One has deemed me as the 5th, and now you.. I point to the new arrancar, shall take your turn in facing the Ancient Ones judgment. As I finished speaking I brush past the arrancar and stop by Jack moving the scarf I wore to show my number. So Jack, what do you think of the new Quinta Espada? I now turned so that Jack could see the blood red 5 covering the majority of the back of my neck.

#67Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:55 am


"i think I am proud of my packmate." Moving too the new arrencar"the ancient one does the judgement here. He will look into you and assign a number but a warning do not look before he gives the word." Looking at veloz the new quinta espada"we are on our way to avenging the defeat the previous espada felt." I stand near veloz waiting for the new arrencar to decide.

#68Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:07 am


"The Ancient One has deemed me as the 5th, and now you shall take your turn in facing the Ancient Ones judgment" the new espada said as he turned to face Rene. Jack said the same.
Rene laughed at Jack's remark, replying with a simple grunt with a tone of agreement. He then preceded to the same table in which the other espada lay, getting on it with his stomach face up. "Surprise me" he said, as the ancient one asked him where he would like his tattoo. For the next few moments he feels his vision fading out. Not long after, he is woken up by the ancient one. "Rise, ocho espada. Greet your brethren" he says handing Rene a mirror. As he looks into it, he can see that in his left eye, there is the number eight. He turned toward his two brothers smiling from ear to ear.

#69Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:11 am


Walking over to the Ocho I reach out my hand and speak up,Welcome to the ranks Ocho Espada, I am Veloz, Quinta Espada. It shouldn't be long before we meet the others. I walk over to a wall and lean against it, still getting used to the feel of my new body.

#70Re forging the broken swords - Page 7 Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:21 am


As his brother reached out his hand, Rene had done the same. They shook, as Rene made a solemn face. We are brothers, he thought. "You may call me René" he says, allowing Veloz to lean back. René decided to stand upright like a soldier standing at attention. He was awaiting something. This new organization was a mystery. What happened to the espada former? What is our purpose? Such questions flooded his mind, until finally, he felt himself asking. "The ancient one" René said turning to the first espada "how does he judge us?"

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