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#1Re forging the broken swords Empty Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:27 am


In a long forgotten section of los notches a sound could be heard that hasn't been heard for quite a long time. Tat tat,tat tat echos in the hallways. Inside a stark white room with two chairs. I sit in one while a blind arrencar sits in the other a long silver needle in hand and a vial of red ink sits on the arm of the chair. I am laying on my left side silently sitting through the painful process. The needle would slide into my side and out over and over again. As in the tradition I am forbidden from looking until it is completed. The arrencar could not see but could see your power and ability so he would assign the title according to that."it matters not the title but that the espada are formed once more." He says to me"i agree and I will be suee to bring more worthy arrencar before you ancient one." The arrencar assigned titles to the first espada long ago. "now how do I get the attention of the worthy?" I say out load as a thought. "they will come to you "black" to be espada is to be higher then an arrencar can imagine. There done,you may look now." I look now and gasp a large red 1 is tattooed on my right rib cage"uno I am the new uno?" I question"i wasn't wrong about stark was I?" The blind arrencar responds"no of course not. The espada will be different this time. We will overcome where the former failed." I stand and redress I walk into the hallway outside of the room and let loose a yell"ESPADA!!!"

#2Re forging the broken swords Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:36 am


i was leaning up agaisnt a broken down spire in the middle of the desert. Felling a reiatsu i haven't felt before i hear a yell as it echoes through my ears.
I grin, the army was returning, and i wanted to be part of this rebirth. I slide on my headphones, scrolling on my mp32 player picking a track that gets me pumped up. i bounce around on my toes, Taking one big step forward a flash of sand is thrown in the air as i Run towards Los noches. Not using sonido i reach my full speed, dragging my arms against the sand where i run, leaving holes in the sand where i step. A crater remains where i pushed off, but that was miles behind me. I arrive towards las noches, seeing Jack have '1" tattooed on him. I walk by him, just looking at him thinking. "he is uno? he seem s to be powerful but is holding back something."

I look at him once more, before opening my mouth. 'So you are Uno? I would've guessed so...where do i go to see if i am worthy?"

#3Re forging the broken swords Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:51 am


Cross arrives and asks if I was woethy of uno"come with me the ancient one is inside. He found me worthy and assigned me uno." I turn and walk slowly down the hallway small torches light the way. I walk to the only door and turn entering it I address the ancient one kneeling"ancient one I have found a potential espada willing to be judged by you." He has me stand and address me"uno bring him to me to be judged." I nod and turn walking to the doorway I tell criss"come you will be judged.he chose red for use.hope you don't nind." Im laugh slightly turning and leading him into the room. "this,is cross.ancient one he wishes to be judged."
The ancient one turns and tells cross"sit potential,i,will judge you and assign."

#4Re forging the broken swords Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:57 am


(ooc if i get my tat here i want it on right cheek)
I walk towards the ancient once, bouncing on my toes as i sit down in front of him."So you can judge peoples power and assign them to the number bsaed on that? pretty cool ancient one" i laugh before reliazing that this is the same place that other espada were formed. The most powerful arrancars are made here, and i was joking in the spot. "I am sorry Ancient one...Judge me as you will."

#5Re forging the broken swords Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:01 am


In a large building in Los Noches Veloz could sense both Jack's and Cross's reiatsu as he heard Jacks voice yell out across all of hueco mundo 'ESPADA!' So he's forming them already...tch

Veloz took off heading to the structure, the closer he got the more he sensed a 3rd more ancient reiatsu, but he paid it no mind. Heading inside the structure Veloz found Jack, he now had a large red 1 tattoo'd on his ribs. Nice color, red looks better than the old black... you even snagged Uno, I knew you were strong Jack but now I know you've been hiding something Veloz said while smiling his toothy smile.

#6Re forging the broken swords Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:06 am


" been hIdIng It from myself veloz I am as suprIsed as you are and I lIked the red too." I say to my pack mate"don't worry you'll joIn us soon I promIce you. come let the old one look you over just to get a peak huh." I turn and walk over to the door and walk to the room cross Is InsIde gettIng judged.
the ancIent one holds hIs hands over cross' head and runs them down,to hIs rIght cheek" I have judged and am ready are you? you must not look untIl I say. If you do look I,wIll never fInIsh you and you wIll be dIsgraced forever." I approsh the acIent one and kneel agaIn" ancIent one wIll you judge my packmate. I wIll be In your dept for It." the ancIent one speaks"I can feel another he Is savage and fIerce brIng hIm now before me." I stand "as you wIsh acIent one." I turn and go to veloz"come lets see where you stand huh."

(ooc gust what,bunumber and Nao where dId you want to end up as well?)

#7Re forging the broken swords Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:12 am


(ooc 3rd or 5th, you choose what is best for cross.)
I nod my head, closing my eyes as i do not want to watch the process.
I hear jack walk into teh room, with veloz nearby. I keep a straight face, thinking why he was here. he wasn't a arrancar yet, but i would like to see where he would be placed during his form now.
"I am ready for you to start whenever Ancient one.

#8Re forging the broken swords Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:20 am


Veloz followed Jack inside, spotting Cross and an ancient looking arrancar. So this is the ancient one... I suppose it can't hurt to let him see me.

To Veloz it seemed that Cross was a bit ticked off at his presence here, but it mattered not to Veloz. He watches Jack kneel before and speak to the ancient being before telling Veloz to come forward.

Ancient one.. I am Veloz 'The Swift' Heulga.. It is.. an honor Veloz tipped his head forward in a slight bow before walking forward. 'Now I see where I stand..'

(ooc; hmm in the end of Veloz's evo I'm hoping he'll make at least #5 but if 1-5 get taken He'll take whats left lol. If the ancient one is gunna examine his current power only for now then idk w/e you think is suitable xp)

#9Re forging the broken swords Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:25 am


"very well cross." The arrencar draws his zanpacto-a small tanto and speaks its release"engrave his flesh." The sword becomes a long silver needle like device the ancient one changes some too gaining several horns and arms. He dips the needle in the ink and begins. The process is agony. Cross will feel every needle hit and every move. The process take about an hour and a half. "you may look now cross I have completed my work." As cross looks he see a large red 3 in his cheek. The ancient one turns and appears before veloz he holds his hand over his body and head. He stands and moves to me. He whispers into my ear"really !" Is all I can say. "thank you ancient one I am in your debt. I will bring any more potentials to you." I,turn and face cross walking to him I extend my hand"welcome third espada."

#10Re forging the broken swords Empty Re: Re forging the broken swords Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:29 am


I grab my cheek, still bleeding anad sore from the process. I bow towards the ancient one, thanking him for the number. My eyes tear up as i touch it, i was joking but it did hurt more than most realized. looking towards Jack he extends his hand congratulating me. i extend mine out to meet his, grabbing it tightly.
"Thank you uno.."

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