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#11Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:39 pm


As the clone brought its blade up in defense against the hollows attack it's efforts would be successful in trapping the tip of the zanpakutou within the small gap. However the attempted full power kick would prove to be a foolish choice of action. This would destroy the clones footing for a moment and give the hollow an opportunity to strike in the most brutal of ways. As the leg flew through the air the hollow would make two simultaneous motions.

The beasts left arm would snap into action like a viper shooting out to grab the clones face in its powerful claw-like hand. At the same time the hollow would shift its feet taking a solid stance allowing it to take the kick and receive a few cracked ribs but not have to worry about being knocked back. Especially if it succeeded in grabbing the clones face, a likely prospect considering the clones closest hand was currently engaged in holding back the clones stabbing attempt. Speaking of which the clone would continue to push forwards despite the trapped nature of its blade in order to put more pressure on the clone to keep pushing back. In fact now the clones blade was the trapped one for so long as the hollow pressed in towards the clones body it would have no room to disentangle their weapons.

If the hollow did manage to grab the clone by the head as it intended it would turn its body around gripping the clones head tightly attempting to pull him along as well. Since the clone was being pulled by the head even if it took a solid stance the hollow would be pulling up slightly as well as to the side which would pull the clone from its grounded center of gravity. The hollow would try to spin around so that the clone was between itself and the other nearest clone using him as a human shield. If all went well up to this point an insane flash of fanged teeth curled into a wicked smile would come upon the hollows face as it began laughing. The clone who was grabbed would see nothing but a red light fill his vision as energy began to gather...the hollow was charging a cero in the hand that was grabbing his head. It was going to blow his head clean off if the other clones didn't do something to stop it.

#12Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:27 am


Zoran Zazaravitch kept his eyes on the fight closely, knowing when it was time to react. As the kick made its mark on the hollow, it didn't seem to push it back, meaning it was holding its ground to continue attacking. As the hollow moved its hand to try and grab the clone, he prepared to act. After gathering his spiritual power for a short amount of time now, the next attack he used was sure to be highly charged with spiritual power. He began to speak, his tone subtle and quiet. The aura that flowed copiously around his form slowly faded, being mustered together. He parted his lips, speaking the words- " Hado sixty-one, six rods of light" As the body of the clone was raise din to the air albeit the hollow's strength, pulling it in between the hollow and the other clone, he had obtained data of the charging cero from the clone using sensory. That very instant, he extended his right-hand toward the hollow, a golden entropic energy covering his skin. Just as quickly as the light had appeared, six rods of the same golden energy appeared around the hollow, coming to slam toward its mid-section at speeds most had issues dodging. With the hollow distracted on fighting his clone and attempting to kill it with that cero, it is unlikely they would even notice this in time,. Given the silent phrase and quick nature of the spell.

During this same time period, the clone standing beside the sensory-using combatant was speaking phrase as well, though slightly after Zoran was. Its tone still quiet, the words- " Hado sixty-three," Before finishing the phrase, the clone sued the infamous shunpo technique to quickly traverse the distance between itself and the inner-hollow. It was timed so that the clone should have reappeared behind the hollow as the six bars of light would have hit if the hollow failed to evade, which was likely since they were already in the starting process of charging a cero, which limited movement. The clone quickly aimed to grab the hollow's head from behind, using the same form of grip that was being used on his fellow clone. If successful, the clone would quickly utter- " Raikoho". If all had gone as planned up to this point, a powerful blast of golden energy should have instantly erupted from the clone's palm, aiming to destroy the hollow's head in the same manner it was going to do to the clone. The two attacks should have occurred at the same time, if not having the kido a fraction of a second faster. Though, even though the odds were slim, he still suspected the hollow to escape the scenario and either continue his attack, or attack the sensory-user now.

The other clone that was facing the held form of his comrade didn't make any immediate action, as it knew that it would attract the creature's attention since it was one of the main two subjects being focused on. Rather, it was tensing it's muscles, getting ready to quickly move and intercept any sudden movements by the hollow that were changed or not already in place. The clone actually in the scenario of being attacked did as much as it could, which wasn't much at the time. It pushed back against the hollow's blade, keeping the force between the two balance. Though, as it's kick connected, the hollow wasn't knocked back as planned. This caused more complications to surface as he was grabbed by the face, the metallic feel of the hollow's hand caused an instant adrenaline rush in the clone's body. Though aware of the danger and possible event this lead to, news from his other clones albeit the hive-mind they shared gave a slight relief to it. As the clone was raised in to the air and spun around to the other direct at the point where the glance of the hollow and the nearest clone after himself met. Though a bit late, it attempted to deal as much damage as possible before it's death. In an instant, the clone's spiritual power began to flare, it's zanpakto glowing with crimson hues and his power rising above normal limits. This would temporarily give it strength above that of the hollows, allowing it to exert greater force in the push of his blade. As the red energy started to gather before its eyes, it launched its foot toward the creature's rib-cage, attempting to use the attack as a final deal of damage and to keep its attention away from other events.

If the clone was killed by the cero and not released to aid in dodging the other attacks in place, the repercussions would become apparent. The clone, if such happened, now headless, would revert back in to spiritual energy, breaking off in to the air and leaving the initial blood used to create it on the ground. A sharp pain would also rivet throughout Zoran's left-arm, the hand suddenly being torn apart, blood and bone falling to the ground below. he gritted his teeth to avoid yelling from the pain of the hand instantly exploding and falling apart from the inside out like that, but if his attack worked, it was worth it. Granted, losing a hand wasn't a major loss for him, since he could regenerate to a degree. It would take time though, which left him more vulnerable during that time. Though, he still kept his guard up, tightening the grip on his blade and gettingr eady for any incoming attacks from the hollow.

#13Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) Wed May 02, 2012 4:45 am


A few things outside of Zoran's expectations would happen. The first of which began with his own spell. As the six rods of light formed around the hollow they would indeed slam inwards to halt his movements however he forgot to account for the close proximity of his own clone. Three of the rods would slam into the clone as they slammed into the hollow. This would press the two even closer together and the shock of the action would cause the hollow to fire its cero prematurely.

The cero would only be half charged however it was a point blank range blast which was sure to burn through the undefended eyes. It was likely the inside of the clones skull was going to end up as a slightly burned soup of grey matter. Survival was not impossible however it would require some kind of split second miracle reaction on the clones part.

Regardless this would provide a unique opportunity for the hollow. As the clone turned to blood and reiatsu it would create a moment of slack within the bakudo. A moment it would use to sonido straight up in hopes of escaping. But Zoran's clone had begun action before the hollow and as it attempted to jump the hand grasping its head would prevent the hollow from escaping. It would not nullify the force behind the hollows houhou technique. It's body would indeed raise up and out of the bakudo just before it slammed inwards on empty air however its head would stay in place.

Working off instinct the hollow knew only one thing. It was held from behind and whatever was doing so needed to be attacked and so the beasts reiatsu flared wildly wrapping its body in a thick cloak of power as it flipped up. It was end upside down with it's chin digging into its own chest. Now this would be uncomfortable sure however it would put the hollow in position to grab the wrist of the clone and slash outwards towards the clones neck.

The hollow's movements would not make it in time to kill the clone before its hadou was fired however considering the positions the clone would probably not be fast enough to guard its neck from harm. The hadou would erupt on the hollows head violently however the cloak of reiatsu would weaken the damage allowing it to escape death. However the searing flesh and the wretched howl of pain the hollow let out would make it clear that damage had been done. Instead of spine-like hair, only blood flowed from the back of the beasts head and down its back as it fell to the ground amidst a great pillar of smoke and dust.

It was a heavy hit however being honest the hit Zoran had taken would be greater assuming the hollow succeeded in taking out both clones. Now the hollow was ready. Zoran had wasted reiatsu and power making his precious clones too early and now it was the hollows turn to play the numbers game. If all went well the beast would stand among the aftermath of the attack and bring one hand to the back of its head before wiping the blood off on the blade. More smoke would be produced and the hollows reiatsu would burst outwards with as much power as it could muster creating a monstrous force of energy. It was the depths of power Zoran could only tap into when in the greatest of danger and yet the hollow was wielding all of it freely as it began to create two clones of its own. Each one forming at his sides 10 feet away from him.

#14Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) Wed May 02, 2012 7:10 am


Zoran Zazaravitch inhaled deeply, relaxing himself as he began to ponder what to do next. It was true he had used quite a sum of energy himself throughout the fight, being shown from a degree of panting due to energy loss and fatigue. On the other hand, two of his clones had yet to even engage in combat, giving him two vessels that were still nearly in peak condition. One of these two was the one performing sensory arts throughout the fight, as sensory cost a very low amount of energy to use. Though, it did require concentration from the individual using it. It was through this that the battalion learned about certain attacks in time to react, much like the one currently in place. With the premature loss of the clone due to an early release of the cero, things progressed faster than he wanted them too. Though, there was a good side and a bad side to this. On a positive note, the raikoho blast had managed to connect. However, due to unleashing a large amount of raw energy, the hollow was not killed, but just highly damaged. Not only that, but it had managed to escape the bakudo and send a slash directly toward the clone currently firing the kido's neck. He couldn't afford to lose two of them in one phase of combat. Thankfully, one of his clones had already been tasked with a keeping a close eye on these kinds of things, and the sensory technique allowed the movements to be noted as soon as they began,

The clone waiting for such actions to occur sprang into action, using shunpo once more to instantly cross the gap of distance between the two engaged in close-range combat. He didn't have much time to react, since the two were so close and the hollow wasn't exactly slow, As it arrived, the clone attempted to intercept the hollow's strike, though upon appearing, the blade was already slicing in to the clone’s neck. It was too late to save the other clone, but Zoran could get some more damaged inflicted upon the hollow now. The clone next to the hollow sharpened its spiritual power around its zanpakto, sending a swift slash toward the hollow’s arm with the aim to slice through the flesh and slice the muscles and tendons inside the appendage, hopefully immobilizing the use of that appendage for a time. If successful, the loud scream of the hollow indicated that the attack was successful, at least to a degree.

The clone quickly pressed its feet against the ground, using it strength to push it away from the beast before it could be counter-attacked. It continued to move back until there was a forty feet gap between the clone and the hollow. It stood its ground, ready to act just as it had before.
While these actions were going on, Zoran Zazaravitch moved toward the clone engaged in sensory, relaxing his body and preparing to take its place, seeing how the clone would be much better for this fight than he was right now. With the loss of another clone, the remainder of his left-arm burst apart, blood rapidly falling from the stub that remained. The bandages fell, no longer being supported by the appendage. This caused Zoran to wince in pain, but he couldn’t afford to leave himself vulnerable. Even without a limb, he could still function. A laid-back position is what he needed to recover. As he set up for the technique, the other clone didn't budge, still focusing. It would not change until Zoran was set up. With the closing of his eyes, the sensory was triggered, his mind focused on the hollow's movements. As soon as this occurred, the clone that was doing the same activity prior opened its eyes, taking orders on the battle field from its superior now.

Zoran knew the signature of his cloning power, detecting the spiritual energy flowing through the hollow's zanpakto as it began to press the blood against the the steel. Though, to make clones took a few brief seconds. That was an opening for the new combatant to make an impression and land a decent strike. Not something too risky. A simple attack that didn't leave it open for much while the other clones were standing guard. Though, Zoran also noticed a fluctuation in the hollow's power..It was tapping in to its full power now, which would prove to be an issue. He needed to be even more cautious at this point. Regardless, he continued with his plans. The clone formerly using sensory vanished with a shunpo, appearing fifty feet above the hollow and the forming clones as the process started. Holding both hands toward the smoke cloud, the clone briefly spoke " Hado thirty-three, sokatsui" in a silent tone, not wanting the target to pick up on what was occurring. Like before, he could use the smoke to his advantage. It blocked the visage of sight, and by speaking in a tone inaudible at such distance, he had a good shot at dealing some damage here. By using both hands, the kido's power was also augmented highly, at the cost of more energy. The reason he picked sokatsui? It was a spell able to cover quite a large area when sued with enough power, enough to hit both forming clones and the hollow in one massive blast. The damage may not be that high on the hollow, but the clones, having not been fully formed may suffer highly from it. Blue energy rapidly poured from the clone's hands, the massive double-uped sokatsui blast following and coming toward the hollow and forming clones at high-speeds, threatening to burn anything in its path.

( Overview to avoid any more misconceptions
First cycle- Zoran moves over to sensory clone and the clone waiting for a chance to do something attempted to slice the tendons in the hollow’s arm.

Second cycle- The clone close to the hollow jumps back, getting distance. Zoran concentrates and begins to enter sensory mode. The clone using sensory leaves said mode when Zoran enters it.
Final cycle- Clone formerly using sensory shunpos above hollow and forming cklones and uses a double-uped sokatsui to try and hit all three with sokatsui's plausible size. Which reached as large as building in Byakuya's hands. We are at a tier above Byakuya's ATM Edited)

#15Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Kanzen's Awakening ( Closed) Fri May 04, 2012 5:59 am


The shinigami's zanpakutou would strike true as the blade cut into the hollows arm cutting down to the bone. However the shinigami should not have backed off. He should have continued to attack the wounded hollow as even now its cell division began to heal and repair the damage it had taken. The bleeding flesh on its head and back was moving about unnaturally as it healed at an incredible rate. The tendons in its arm were already beginning to reattach themselves as well however receiving that damage would change the hollows course of action. It could not afford to bring its clones into the world with this level of damage nor was it foolish enough to do so.

It was a beast of instinct and instinct told it to retreat for now and so taking advantage of the fact that the clone shunpoed away the hollow would sonido itself. Not just once but three consecutive full speed, full distance sonido would launch the hollow away from Zoran and his clones at high speed. The hollow was retreating backwards so it could keep its eye on the shinigami as well. On its last sonido the hollow would actually launch itself upwards and let is momentum carry it through the highspeed movement as it opened its mouth and immediately began charging a cero there.

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