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#31Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Sun May 27, 2012 7:47 pm


"as if. at least all the members of this squad want me dead, I'm sure of that. I just don't want my former position taken over by some weakling" Joshua said calmly, looking up at Mizuko"I'm Joshua Tamashii, former Lieutenant of division 10"

As he announced this a lot of the division members surrounding Mizuko, Aki, and Joshua began muttering darkly, with words like traitor and murderer being the most common

Joshua heard these and shrugged
"I aint gonna deny any of the accusations. I had my reasons for doing what I did." he said calmly"But you all don't deserve a weakling Leitenant. This one has potential. I just want to see if she can at least put up a fight against me, after she's rested a bit."

#32Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Sun May 27, 2012 10:21 pm


Mizkuo looked around at the squad members that had gathered and didn't even realize that there were that many people watching her fight with Aki. She also somewhat knew what Joshua was going thru with the threats and all that. She'd been though that, but many years ago. It was only due to the CC at the time that everyone had left her alone and allowed her to continue on with normal life. Eventually most forgot about it as she showed how loyal she could be to the SS, but there were still some who wished her harm. They mainly stayed away from her now. "Again, I never said I wanted the Lieutenant spot right at this moment, but if you really want to fight that bad then fine. I'll let you have your way, Mr. Former Lieutenant. I feel that if I don't you'll just wind up making me mad to the point that I'll just go forth and attack you anyway." she said, accepting his challange. As she spoke she sounded a little mad already. "Name a place and time if you feel the need to wait." she then added.

#33Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Sun May 27, 2012 10:25 pm


Right here will be just fine, Little miss" Joshua said, although Mizuko was probably taller then him"As for the time, whenever you feel like fighting me is fine by me"

#34Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Sun May 27, 2012 10:44 pm


"Little Miss?" she asked, looked at Joshua. She was a good 2 to 3 inches shorter than he was. "Just becasue I'm a tad shorter than you are does not mean that you can call me litte." she said, getting even more mad at him. She had been feeling better since being healed by Aki and felt ready to take Joshua on right away. "Why wait. Captain Aki is here right now and you seem itching for a fight. So why not right now as well as right here? I'm feeling up to it." she said.

#35Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Sun May 27, 2012 10:53 pm


"Ladies first then" Joshua said, drawing his Zanpaktou and a slightly cocky smile on his face. After seeing what Mizuko was capable of in her last battle, he was sure he'd present her with a good challenge

#36Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Sun May 27, 2012 11:10 pm


Mizuko didn't draw her sword right away. Instead she closed her eyes and begain to concentrate. When she opened them they were glowing a sapphire blue. "Hatsuden' she said, jumping back from where she was. She then called up a wave of water and sent it right for where Joshua was. She then drew her sword and flash stepped around behind him to attempt to slash at his back.

((The wave she sent out to him is more to get him wet than anything. It might push him back a bit as well.))

#37Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Sun May 27, 2012 11:17 pm


Joshua reacted calmly, shunpoing out of the way of the wave just before it hit him and just after Mizuko made her move to attack him, thus avoiding both attacks and possibly getting Mizuko wet

#38Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Sun May 27, 2012 11:38 pm


The wave the missed Joshua was cut in half by Mizuko and sent flying towards those from squad 10 who had come to watch the fight, getting them wet. Knowing that she miss and hoping that, maybe if she covered a wider area she woult hit him, she used a different attack. "Chilling Frost Touch." She called out, using her ice kido to cover the area.

Kido used:

#39Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Mon May 28, 2012 1:28 am


Joshua held his zanpaktou in front of him then let it go as it floated in mid air. He then tapped it's hilt causing it to turn around and roate at a steadily increasing rate
"Hado Number Fifty-eight" he said before grabbing his zanpaktou's hilt again"Tenran"

From his zanpaktou a tornado blew forth, pulling in the mist and causing it to fly at Mizuko instead now

#40Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 - Page 4 Empty Re: Come Women And Men, Come To Squad 10 Mon May 28, 2012 1:34 pm


Mizuko held out her hands to stop the attack from comming right back at her. At this point she was becomming more and more fustrated. "Come now. No one can dodge or negate every attack. I'll find something that'll get ya."

Mizuko began to think hard. She soon remembered something that she did a long time ago. With her Hatsuden she summoned 4 large balls of water, one in each direction, around Joshua. She then sends all 4 of the balls right at Joshua, all at the same time. As she does this she draws her sword and begins to flash step right towards Joshua, aiming to slice along his side.

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