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#1Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Alone at last (Invite only) Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:46 pm


Rebecca's day had officially started when she broke out of her 4 hour long meditation just three hours in. She awoke returned to the reality of this world and the horrors that fill it and felt saddened that she couldn't find the discipline to remain still any longer. She lifted herself up; feeling a shiver up her back from the subtle warm breeze that found it's way here through the opened window just over her bed. Second's later a small child-like arrancar walked into her room apparently holding folded clothes in his hands. He held it out in front of him as he walked over to Rebecca. She smiled warmly and reached out to place her hand on his head. "You are very kind, Dathurabo. Thank you for my clothes". The child-like arrancar nodded with a grin on his face; it was obvious that Rebecca's gratitude made his day.

After dressing up in a white one piece swim-like suit which seemed very revealing, She proceeded to leave the comfort of her palace so that she could allow the rays of the false sun within Las Noches to ease her into her regular state of awareness. She looked up at the sky questioning how she should spend her time today before the Arrancar who assisted her earlier, presented her with a answer. "Ms. Sykes, I heard, from a creditable source, that a Garganta opened up outside of Las Noches." He said looking towards the sun with her. His voice sounded warm, and Rebecca wanted to allow it to linger in her mind, but since he brought up the Garganta, she thought that there may not be time to savor such ha pleasant sound right now. She smiled and looked upon his face with kind eyes. "What is the problem with that?", "Perhaps it's nothing, I think it's pays off to be cautious though.". Rebecca thought what he said and decided that perhaps being cautious would be better than just allowing the situation to fall into someone else's lap. She nodded and slowly and kindly put her hands on his shoulder. "You're right, Do me a favor and take my fraaccion to investigate the area of the recently opened Garganta please." She asked kindly. The arrancar nodded and then opened a Garganta to Karakura town because from where they stood getting to the gates of Las Noches would take half a day if he moved at top speed, and getting to the site from the gates would probably take longer. Rebecca hated his impatient quality, and this act implied that he was either too impatient to travel to the site without the use of Garganta or felt that the situation really required immediate action. She didn't care to give voice to her opinion, as it would only steer him from his apparently chosen course of action so she looked back at the sun and told herself that it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

#2Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:17 am


Anamist stepped out of a Garganta some distance aways from where the Cero Espada was currently resting; he had just noted that her Fraccion had left for the human world- This was his perfect chance to percieve the top Espada as a threat or not. The fortress that the espada was stationed at currently was quite large; though infiltrating such a places would be a trivial task for someone with his expertice.

It was unnecassary for him to disguise himself, he was Quinta Espada afterall, no one would dare challenge his power while he strolled through- even if they did, he would leave the rest a reminder as to what happens to weak dogs who bare their fangs to the superior.

It was just as he had predicted, one of the sentries at the front gate had questoned his movements; he made short work of im with soly his sword- he didn't want to alert his enemy that he was here. To stop anyone from making another attempt to stop him; he had completely hidden his rietsu and carried the corpse of the sentry over his shoulder as he strolled through the main corridors of the fortress. His gaze drifted to a young child, holding an empty tray from which he seemed to just had delivered some refreshment or something to someone of importance; he still had am ambience of awe about him. he picked the boy up by his collar and stared into his eyes kindly yet menacingly at the same time.

If you would be so kind; please lead me to Cero Espada, i have some business i wish to discuss with him..

The boy seemed unrespondant to his request, some arrancar needed proper teaching to know when a request was simply a nice way of demanding something; as much as he hated needless violence- he needed to portray the proper image of a villian so that Cero Espada would not take him lightly- it had been the same with Cross & Manda. Anamist bashed the boy's face against a brick wall and pressed firmly until the wall collpased from the sheer impact. A trickle of blood ran down the boy's pretty face and he nodded silently in submission; Anamist sat him down and dusted the dirt off the boy's clothes then pointed for him to lead onward.

they traveled for about five minutes and entered the oldest part of the fortress; the highest level of the building where one could get a splendid view of the unchanging and ever-endless white sands of Hueco Mundo. The boy pointed silently to a closed set od double doors, though he did not speak a word- it was obvious by his eyes that the boy wished and expected his demise once the doors were opened.. things would not be that easy though; Anamist smiled menacingly as the boy turned his back to walk away..

Not so fast..
The little boy opened the double doors to Cero's room after tapping lightly as he always did before entering; he held a tray with refreshments on it along with a glass of wine- such was the refreshment he had always given since he was given his job to care for the Cero. He bowed respectfully to Cero before he sat the tray down on a small table and spoke.

How peculiar- I expected the Cero to be a male for some reason; not a beautiful elogant looking female. Now... die!

The boy jumped at Cero with his short zanpaktou drawn and aimed at her neck.

#3Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:32 am


Rebecca had not expected any company since the departure of her fraccion, she didn't think anyone would be so reckless, and so she finally ended her glare at the fake sun and walked over to her bed. She sat on it with her legs crossed in an attempt to start her mediation again. Before she closed her eyes she could hear light tapping against the door. It was Dathurabo again no doubt, but she hadn't requested anything from him. She lifted herself up ready to intercept Dathurabo as he walked through the double doors of her room. She looked at his suspiciously but dismissed such feelings when he sat down refreshments on a table near her bed. She sighed and walked back over to her bed, but before she got back into her original stance the boy spoke.

"How peculiar- I expected the Cero to be a male for some reason; not a beautiful elogant looking female. Now... die!" Spoke the boy as she turned to find him rushing at her with his blade drawn. Rebecca didn't know Dathurabo to have a Zanpakutou and she was surprised at his attempted to attack her. She underestimated him too, as she lifted her hand up to intercept the blade, it stabbed right through her Hierro covered palm quite easily, and still on course to her neck. She jumped back and withdrew her hand as she did so. After the clash she stood near the window of her room with her hand hanging down her side with blood dripping off her finger tips. She looked at the boy with disdain in her eyes. "You would dare make an attempt on my life, boy?" she asked, she knew very much now that it wasn't at all Dathurabo but she didn't know anyone who could control the mind of her subordinates within Hueco Mundo. Then again she didn't know every in Hueco Mundo.

#4Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:46 am


Anamist was a bit surprisd he had peirced her hierro so easily, possbily from catching her offguard suddenly and the intensity of the lunge; he doubted it would be so easy to make her bleed now that she was onguard.

Aww.. I was hoping to make this a clean one-shot kill; I guess this boy is useless now that your onguard..but I'm not who you think I am.

The young boy opened abnormally large and another copy of the boy was regurgitated from the first form- This time it was the real Dathurabo. Now that the form was no longer needed, or the abilities; Anamist reverted to his original form. Tall, fair complextion, crimson mid-length hair and green eyes. he bowed elogantly before he drew his sword.

Anamist Souigetsu; from the old Order heirarchy many many years ago. Former Primera Espada; hm? My current rank? Well, I guess you will just have to find out without my telling.. My, won't that be fun?

He glanced down at the wound Rebecca had already sustained; a small pool of blood had formed on the ground beneath where she fiercely gripped the hilt of her blade.

It seems your already off to a bad start; wounding your hand-Which serves as your focal point for controlling your sword techniques... and of course; the most fatal mistake. being touched or wounded by me is nearly always certain defeat.

Relying on his Iaino skills, he quickly made several slashes at Rebecca's body and then sheathed his blade nearly instantly; sparks flew off her body as her Hierro was properly onguard now- weak swordsmanship would no longer do the job. He jumped backwards and lashed out with his sword in a rietsu blade technique, aiming far off to the right of him, away from both him and Rebecca.

#5Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:45 am


<< I don't have a blade, lol >>

Rebecca watched the boy awaiting his response, instead she obtained a disappointed expression followed by a voice to the boy's opinion. Rebecca's eyes widened, she was surprised to learn that her assailant wasn't her humble servant but instead used him to get close to her. She watched as the man's formed shifted and from his body her servant Dathurabo slid out laid on the floor.

Rebecca looked from the Arrancar who just assaulted her in his new form to Dathurabo then back to the Arrancar. He introduced himself, during which Rebecca considered her options. When she finally heard his evaluation of her situation she looked down to her arm to confirm what he said was true; it was wounded but it was nothing she hadn't obtained before. She looked back up to her assailant with an unchanging expression. "I don't remember asking you to introduce yourself." She said looking around seem as if she was both uninterested and bored with the man himself.

"It seems your already off to a bad start; wounding your hand-Which serves as your focal point for controlling your sword techniques... and of course; the most fatal mistake. being touched or wounded by me is nearly always certain defeat." Rebecca chuckled, his bravado was impressive but it was annoying. She didn't think deeper into what he said. "Fortunately I wield no blade, and this wound isn't even close to enough to guarantee yourself a win against me. I'm guessing you're an Espada as my Hierro has never been cut by a numero no matter how strong they are. I am the 8th Espada. " She introduced herself as she brushed the fringe of her hair off on her right breast so that the number 8 was shown on the side of the boob.

The man then attacked Rebecca, he ran at her with intent to cut into her midsection with the blade in his right hand, Rebecca saw several mistakes in his attempt. The first was simply flying at her; a simple Sonido later and she moved around to appear at his backside to avoid his strikes. She watched as he finished swinging his blade emitting a reiatsu wave blade, one that started flying to his right and Rebecca's left but changed course to home in on Rebecca. Rebecca lifted her hand, the perfect course of action to take was to use her own ability.

She lifted her uninjured hand and from her palm a ball of energy flew towards the wave of reiatsu. The result was an explosion in which the negative energy filled the room; Negative energy she used to charge her next attack which fired from her middle finger as she aimed it at the Arrancar. From her middle finger shot a cero like beam that split into 4 more narrow beams which surrounded the enemies sides. Rebecca finished off by swinging her arm to the left so that the beams followed.

#6Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:01 pm


OOC:(So you're Octava-8th Espada until you release- then you go to Cero?)

Quite surprised she had anticipated his counter attack already; he was even more surprised when she cast a cero divided into four- Quite clever. Anamist opened his mouth and all four beams dislodged from Rebecca's control and flowed into Anamist's mouth like a liquid being sucked up- She was not the only one who could cast ceros fast; though his had to meet requiremnts first.

He opened his mouth again and directed his attack towards her- a Double Cero; an impressively large jagged red beam of light ripped through the upper floor of the fortress and illuminated the noonday sun for a split second, then everything turned to normal. In her pre-release form, he could overpower her easily. He was a 0-5 tier without releases- He knew her true power relied in her released form; a truly formidable foe if given the time to release, though most foes would not allow that.

He continued to eye Rebecca which stood infront of her, there hadn't been time to redirect or evade a Double Cero when it was created within seconds when a normal cero took more like twenty seconds. Skid-marks were engraved on the floor from where she had blocked the attack and had been knocked backwards- Yet she still remained on her feet. The wall behind her was completely gone; as well as the roof above them and a couple floors below them.

Wow.. that's pretty amazing- To think you're still in one piece after aking a direct hit from a Double Cero. I'll assume you used some of those dark emotions to reduce the damage you received. Normally an opponent would be completely dissintegrated after taking that hit- but I must say... your rietsu- It tastes disgussting; you should think happier thoughts.

He lifted his left hand and directed it at her, a crimson orb began to charge in the center of the hole in his palm- rietsu from the very core of his being. Unlike before; this rietsu gave off a warm & caring feeling; tinged with loneliness & hunger.

If you keep fighting by underestimating me, you will die; as well as this little boy I decided to move behind me before that last blast. Now, let's see a elogant attack. Prestigious Cero!

#7Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:21 pm


<< Yes I am 8th in my pre-release>>

Rebecca's Cero-like beams were absorbed, a feat not uncommon among Espada and one she had anticipated. This would be the man's undoing as her beams were made from negative energy specifically created to decompose her enemy. As he attempted to fire it back, Rebecca's ability to completely control her own reiatsu came into play as the Negative beam was made of her own reiatsu and just as the cero came up to the man's mouth she had it explode in his face. Rebecca didn't move a muscle, her willpower was the only tool she needed to connect with her attack.

AS the blast blew in the man's face just as he attempted to fire it at her there was more; his insides came into contact with the energy, which meant certain death if left to Rebecca's discretion, so the energy that was previously in his body started to burn his insides vigorously. AT the moment it would feel like a small sting, but Rebecca was trying to force the man to get into Resurrection.

His assault hadn't ended with his attempts; for he charged and prepared to fire a red cero of some sort towards Rebecca. She tilted her head at the man's claim that she had been underestimating him, it was the opposite in fact, for him to have thought that he would be able to do anything catastrophic to Rebecca was proof that he over estimated himself and his abilities. "You come into my palace, assault me and my slaves, and threaten our lives? It is you who underestimate me. she spoke as his cero fired at her. She lifted her right arm revealing a tattoo of a cross on her forearm. "Punish; Pecados De Las Siete Cruces" and with that she released into her Offensive Form.

The room filled with smoke after a small explosion of reiatsu took place, and within the smoke Rebecca had taken a transformation on. Her outfit had been replaced and most of her body had been coverd in some kind of purple steel, her right hand had been replaced with a claw and in it's middle was a glowing orb. Her hair color had become darker and her eyes were glowing and purple. After her releases there was no immediate change but the number on the side of her right breast had changed to a 0. She had not changed her expression as she stare at her opponent who had now become her prey before she lifted her hand up contemplating what she would do to finish this one man off.

His Double Cero continued at her but that was a simple matter to dismiss, she lifted her hand and from the middle of her palm a dark energy emitted towards the cero, it consumed the cero en-route and converted it to a dark cero while condensing it's energy into a orb which slowly levitated into Rebecca's palm. She held onto the Orb and around it 5 tiny orbs orbited the original orb. Rebecca looked at her opponent and narrowed her eyes. "Cuántica Convergir" she spoke before shooting the orbs at her opponent in front of a cero to increase it's speed. The orbs had incredible destructive capabilities that rivaled a Osuras cero but it's power was split into 5 so each orb had the destructive power of at least a Regular cero in each orb. The collection of orbs split into separate directions while Rebecca aimed her middle finger at her opponent, a a pitch black cero charged within it. This was indeed the Cero Osucras, and it fired at her prey as the orbs hung suspended in the air in several different places in the room.

#8Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:09 pm


The burning sensation in his body, the searing pain across his face from the attack he had sustained close-range; and now this rediculous cero she was casting in such a short amount of time... she really intended to kill him without knowing his full intent- Still somewhat naive. he grinned menacingly and protrayed himself as a crazed person who didn't fear death, but revelled in the glory of a fight.

So that's your true form! Aha! magnificent, such elogance & beauty- It's a shame your an espada though; you might've made a good mother figure for my little Rui.

It seemed it would be an apparant clash of willpower between their ceros, her cero was rediculous no matter how he looked at it; but fortunately he had been charging his special cero also. Nemuri- Slumber with me.. He released his Prestigious Cero as he released into his Sleeping Ressurection; all the countless razor-thin wires of his cero formed tightly together and assaulted the mid-point of Rebecca's cero.

The sheer impact of the two clashing forces was enough to push Anamist backwards since he was the closest to the attack. Though in the second of inertia where both forces clashed and slowed down the black cero- All of the countless razor-thin cero wires stretched out in all directions; redirecting the flow of the whole mass into many directions; destroying the walls, floor & ceiling around Anamist, but leaving him unscathed.

he breaathed hard for a moment; it had required a lot of concentration to redirect that amount of energy- ontop of that releases simotaneous to casting his unique cero. Anamist took a deep breathe and forced all of the vile rietsu out of his body and dissipated into the air. He held his curved scimitar in his right hand and rose his left hand to direct towards Rebecca.

That was an impressive attack; without that quick thinking and forced Ressurection; I would have surely been dissintegrated. Good job!

He smiled warmly to her, but it was likely she would not percieve it that way through his fanged teeth. two rietsu spears formed at his sides and jousted them into the ground on either side of Rebecca- He slashed his sword down at his feet and a large blade of rietsu shot through the floor; rebounded from the floor below and sliced through the tiles at Rebecca's feet. At the same time, the two spears extended and shot through the roof above her and connected in the middle- in the form of a guillotene- A guillotene both above & below her; Double guillotene.

#9Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:26 pm


Rebecca's expression shifted slightly at the collision of the two Cero's she was surprised that this man's cero can hold against the Espada's Cero, She was also surprised at the damage done to her room from the resulting clash which only ruffled her hair. She stared at her opponent through the smoke and can tell that he dissipated the dark energy burning within his body. He was quite the survivalist but he was now and will be for the next few minutes; her prey. She didn't wait to see the results of the clash, she immediately opened her Pequisia; found her opponent and felt he had gone into a grotesque ressureccion state. While she was the Cero Espada there was a limit to how much she could do within a matter of seconds and so she thought it best to take the fight to him.

Just as the man complimented her, Rebecca jumped off her feet and in a swift sonido was in front of the man. She lifted her large claw and charged cero in it, she didn't have the power to fire it just yet so she thrust her open palm towards her opponent's face with all her might. If the man were to continue with his attempt at attacking Rebecca with his spears and energy wave then Rebecca would connect with her attack before jumping back with a sonido and avoiding the falling spears, as for the energy blade; she lifted her left arm to intercept it and with a thrust to her left, she shattered it with little effort, however, the form she had was not meant for Defense and the result of her actions left her with a deep gash on her left palm.

#10Alone at last (Invite only) Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:42 pm


Despite his new form and his increased speed- His body was somewhat larger than he was normally accustmed to; dodge her thrust was improbable. Had she been charging the cero before-hand, when her hand connected to his face; it would have likely been deadly. The sheer impact of her hand knocked him backwards and through the closest wall, he stood up and noted her wounds were regenerating at alarming rates- he would have to do something drastic to get the upper hand... but he never was too good at gambling.. could he pull this off?

A thought occurred to him and a wicked smile cross his face. Five large crimson orbs appeared around his body and began to swirl, a rush of rietsu poured out from the center of his being- he shifted the mass to his back and used it to propel himself very fast at Rebecca, the mass of rietsu seemingly floated away. He repeated this process several times while changing the direction of his lunge as he neared Rebecca; a direct frontal attack was likely suicide, switching sides and elevation gave him the advantage of surprise.

Do you gamble? Because I'm about to bring down the house with a joker!

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