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#1The Traitor in the Rain [Me/Hidane only] Empty The Traitor in the Rain [Me/Hidane only] Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:14 am



Katsushiro was resting in the cave that he had lived in ever since he left the Seiretei so many years ago. He sat back against the stone wall of the large cave and thought about the day that he had left the Seiretei and become an exile. Unlike most exiles, Katsushiro did not regret the killing and wounding that he had to do in order to escape the Soul Society. Then again, Katsushiro did not show regret or any other emotion, for that matter, at all. Taking a break from his thought, Katsushiro noticed that it had become very cold inside of the cave. Looking outside, he saw dark skies, heavy with a threat of rain. A cold wind blew, reaching even into Katsushiro's cave. Heading out into the woods surrounding his cave, Katsushiro gathered wood and brought it back, lighting a fire to keep him warm. However, as time passed, he grew very bored. Katsushiro stood up and fastened his two swords into the obi sash that held his kimono in place as he thought "Screw the weather and what Soul Society thinks. I'm going to find something to do.". Katsushiro walked out of his cave and began to head toward Karakura Town.

He first made his way through the woods on the outskirts of Karakura, for his cave was located three miles into these woods. Katsushiro moved quickly, trying to cover those three miles quickly in case there was anything happening in the town that he did not want to miss. After about half an hour of running, Katsushiro arrived in Karakura Town, a little tired and rather sweaty. He decided to head for the center of Karakura, the most interesting area of the whole town. There was plenty to do there. There were places like parks to just hang out and hopefully be left alone. In the distance, he could hear the roar of a Hollow. He'd leave it alone unless it tried to kill him, in which case he would have to defend himself. Katsushiro had nothing against Hollow or Arrancar. He respected them, as a matter of fact. As he walked, Katsushiro felt a cold drop land on his head. It was beginning to rain. How long had it been since Katsushiro had felt rain? The last time it had rained in his life was the year 1560, when Katsushiro was only 19 years old. He hadn't felt rain for nearly five centuries. Katsushiro had always liked rain, something about it made him feel happy. Perhaps it was that rain could be used to your advantage on the battlefield. Whatever it was, Katsushiro felt happy as he walked toward the center of town.

As Katsushiro reached the center of town, the rain increased in intensity, soaking his dark blue kimono and hakama and washing the sweat left over from earlier away. Looking around, he saw nothing of interest. There were just the usual spiritually unaware humans, very few of them at that, running about to keep out of the rain. Some of those modern human transportation vehicles, cars, Katsushiro thought they were called, drove past every few minutes, on their way somewhere that they needed to be. Katsushiro was glad that he didn't live a life of constantly rushing about like these humans did. Now, he was walking past the high school. As he walked past, dozens of children, most likely 15 to 18 years old, came out from the gates, eager to get home and probably watch TV or play video games. Looking at the high school students, Katsushiro thought "If they lived in my time, there would be no video games or TV for them. They'd all be warriors, winning honorable victories on the field of battle." as he remembered what his time was like.

Finally, Katsushiro arrived in the center of town. By now, he was completely soaked by the rain. Just out of caution, Katsushiro looked around and checked for strong nearby Reiatsus. All he saw were a few humans hurrying about under umbrellas. All he felt were the weak, barely perceptible energies of the souls of spiritually unaware humans. Katsushiro got under cover by a large building and then used his flame-like Reiatsu to dry his clothing. Now, he just looked around, trying to see if anything interesting was going on.


Gust sat in his throne, messing around with the screen to his right. Swiping slowly through each and every continent, Gust sighed. "No. One. Catches. My. Interest." Each and every image on the screen had red dots. Each would flash according to the spiritual pressure coming off from that individual. Gust slowly rolled his eyes as each dot only flashed slowly, meaning they had weak spiritual abilities to begin with. The white room went black once he pressed the button on the underside of his arm rest, causing a bigger version of the map appear in the middle of the thrown room. Leaning forward, Gust placed his elbows on his knees, Pulling down his hood looking at the dots on the globe. "Something has to pop up. Nothing can be.." He cut off his sentence. Zooming in on the map, one dot flashed rapidly. Pulling up his hood, Gust stood up, rolling his shoulders as a Scream butterfly landed on his shoulder. "Gotcha." He said, right before he snapped his fingers as the Divine light wrapped around his body, transporting him to Karakura town.

The rain bounced off his cloak quickly. The see-er symbol remained on the front of his hood, looking over the city. Sighing, he scratched the back of his head. "This is just my luck." He said, commenting about the storm and rain on the top of the buildings. This would just make it a little more tricky to sneak up on this man. Gust was loving the water, it was just the puddles on the edges and the middle of the buildings that threw him off. Slowly stepping around the currently building, He closed his eyes, focusing on that one reiatsu signature. Taking deep and slow breathes, he finally found it after a minute or two searching the city.

Stepping forward slightly, he walked off the building, before disappearing from a shunpo. He ran on the edges of the buildings, looking down on the traffic. Smiling underneath his hood, He looked forward once again, Shunpo'ing to another building. Every step he got closer to his target. Each step meant that possibly he would gain a new member for the family. All he wanted to do was make Taz proud of him again. Closing his eyes for a moment, he thought about Min. Back to the days when they both first earned their bankai. When they fought each other as equals. Man versus man. Slowly, tears would began to form in the eyes of the see-er.

Finally reaching the center of town. Gust Crouched down on a spike protruding off the side off the side of a massive skyscraper. He was yards away from his target. Just looking down at the man he knew he had impressive power. Watching him dry himself off was just the thing that Gust needed. Leaning forward, He placed his boot on the side of the skyscraper, Running down the side of it all the way to the bottom. Landing on his knees in a group of people. He blended in the group, making his presence hidden to the man as he watched him from 30 yards away.

"let's see what you do.." he muttered to himself, eying the man up and down.


Katsushiro remained under the cover, watching the rain pour down around him. He was rather surprised that even though it was raining people were still going about their normal business. In Katsushiro's time, rain kept everyone inside and doing nothing, most likely because people of that time thought that water made you sick, which is not the case. "Isn't this Karakura place supposed to be the most spiritually active place in the human world? If that is truly the case, why am I only sensing these weak humans? God, it's almost as boring here as sitting in that cave..." thought Katsushiro as he stood and waited for something interesting to happen.

A few minutes later, Katsushiro heard something. It sounded like booted feet running on the side of a building. Running down one of the nearby skyscrapers and not getting yourself killed was, of course, impossible, so Katsushiro ignored the sound at first. However, the sound just seemed to get even louder. It was almost as if it was coming toward Katsushiro. Looking to his left, where the sound was coming from, Katsushiro was just in time to see a figure in a black cloak step off of a nearby building and blend into a crowd of humans. Katsushiro could just barely see the figure in the crowd, and it seemed as if he was staring at Katsushiro. Katsushiro thought the black cloak quite suspicious even without any of the staring. He decided to find out what was going on.

Katsushiro stepped out from under the cover of the building and walked toward the crowd in which the black-cloaked figure was trying to hide himself. He made his way carefully around the spiritually unaware humans, not to make them freak out about bumping into someone who, to them, did not exist. After about 45 seconds of making his careful way through the crowd, Katsushiro was close enough to the cloaked man to speak to him. "Excuse me, sir, but I couldn't help but notice you running down a building and staring at me. I'd just like to know who you are, and why you may be interested in me." said Katsushiro to the black-cloaked man. There was something really strange about this man. All beings had some amount of Reiatsu energy, but this man seemed to have none at all. Just to be safe, Katsushiro moved his hand to a position that would allow him to draw his blade quickly if the cloaked man attacked.


Gust remained emotionless behind the hood once the man approached him. He didn't have to change the tone of his voice with this one, So Gust was really happy on the inside. Rolling his shoulders, he sighed as he began to answer the man. "You're a shinigami, no? I felt it when you dried off your clothes, I know what kinda powers they possess." He stopped for a moment, walking through the group towards the man. He didn't want the humans to hear them, Even if they were not in gigais, there could of been some that could see them. Gust rolled up his sleeves, having the 11th Lieutenant badge still hanging off his right bicep. Even if currently the soul society was not his home, he will not forget his roots.

"Do you currently know of the situation in the soul society? I can summarize it real quick for you. The beserker, or current captain commander, Is a racist, powerful geezer. He changed the soul society. It's not anything like it used to be. We used to be about saving souls, now. All he wants to do is destruction. So we, the divine family are going to stop him. Take him down if you will. We are just exiles from the soul socitey wanting to take back out home. We are lead by a vizard, but also my sensei. One of the strongest people out there. He knows strength when he tracks it down. He doesn't play around."

Gust let down his hood, thus letting his reiatsu finally show itself. His blonde hair went over his eyes as he looked at the man with his blue eyes. "if you have any questions, just ask."


Katsushiro listened as the cloaked man replied to what he had asked a few moments ago. The man asked Katsushiro if he was a Shinigami, but hen seemed to answer his own question when he stated that he felt Katsushiro's Reiatsu when he had used it to dry himself off. The man also stated that he 'knew what powers Shinigami possessed'. Since he could not feel the man's Reiatsu, Katsushiro was still unable to figure out what the man's race was. The thought that this person was a member of some new race that had come into being while Katsushiro was in exile crept into his head. If this was the case, Katsushiro was not sure whether a new race was a good or bad thing. However, the man rolled up his sleeve, revealing a badge that Katsushiro easily recognized. This was a Lieutenant's Badge from Soul Society! On closer inspection, Katsushiro found that it was from the 11th Division. That answered his question as to what race this man was. Katsushiro knew that the cloaked man was almost certainly a Shinigami.

As Katsushiro was thinking those thoughts, the cloaked man began to speak again. He asked if Katsushiro new the situation in Soul Society. As Katsushiro was about to answer that he did not know what was happening in Soul Society, the man began to speak again. He began to explain what was currently going on in the Soul Society, the place that Katsushiro had not seen for a whole century. Apparently, the current Captain-Commander was some sort of berserker. He was apparently both powerful and racist. Katsushiro assumed that this meant the spiritual being version of racist, not the human meaning. According to the cloaked man, the Captain-Commander was forcing the Shinigami to destroy instead of save souls and maintain balance. This was why the cloaked man, apparently along with several others, had left Soul Society and had the goal to change it back to how it was. Katsushiro also heard that the man's group was lead by a Vizard.

After the cloaked man finished speaking, he took off his hood. When the hood came off, Katsushiro could finally sense the man's Reiatsu. This man seemed to be at the level of an advanced lieutenant in terms of power. He seemed to be just a little weaker than Katsushiro himself was. Looking at the once-hooded man's face for the first time, Katsushiro saw that he had long, blond hair that hung over his eyes, covering most of them. He told Katsushiro to ask any questions that he might have. Katsushiro had a few things to say.

"First of all, I'd like to know more about this crazy, racist, raging Captain-Commander. He doesn't seem all that smart to me if he's exiling a bunch of his Captains and Lieutenants. That leaves Seiretei wide open to attack." said Katsushiro before moving on to the next thing he had to say. "Anyways, I sort of agree with your group's motives. Part of the reason that I left 100 years ago was the excessive killing. From what you say, it looks like that's gotten a lot worse. It seems that it may be in my interest to help you and your group at some point. After all, I planned to return to Seiretei and change it for the better ever since I left." said Katsushiro.


Sitting on the throne of the divine with one leg extended and the other up under me. In the inner sanctum screens light,up and show symbols flashing in intervals faster then most would be able to see. I watch intently learning from it and taking in all information. I smile"so gust,is taking to his See-er position quickly." I say looking to the screens. "he is before the potential now I see. Perhaps I should go and introduce myself." I stand walk to the center of the sanctum. My eyes flash blue light as I am enveloped in the divine light.

I feel the power surge through my being and I am gone on my way to see what this potential is about. On the building overlooking gust and the potential I arrive in a flash of light. I walk to the edge of the building. The slight rain falls lightly over me the hood of my cloak being up is rimmed in the sheen of water beading at random points. Looking down"lets see gust." I say to myself




Michaelis M Sepatuaganist wrote:Open?

Hi as I have never seen you rp before I must ask do you have any active app. I see on the side bar that,you have a canon app which sadly are banned from this site as of a while ago.


Gust smirked as he walked over to the man, placing his hands in his cloaks pockets. "Why would he need others when he can defend it himself? The man is that strong. He has not need for other captains. If anyone has a trace of being half blooded shinigami, he will force them out someway." Gust continued to look at the man as he leaned into a wall nearby, pushing his wet hair back. Rolling his neck, he sighed. He had explained this story many times before. He could of mixed it up, but he couldn't even if he tried. Closing his eyes, Gust continued to speak again. "If you want to return home, help the family. We are going to save the only home we have. Currently, even the Esapda are allied with us. They know the threat this man has, We as one, are going to take this man down, and make a new captain commander."

Gust smiled slightly as he showed him the 11th badge. "I was infact the Lt of 11th division. The leader of the divine family, is my captain. He should be here shortly after you accept the offer i am about to give you." Gust smiled, holding out his right hand towards the man. "Do you accept to take down this monster, regain what is ours, become reborn once again, and help the divine? He said, proudly with a smile.



"As a light grows brighter, so does the Darkness which follows it grow stronger."

The steady rain was a gentle downpour; the windows of skyscrapers were slicked, the streets accumulating puddles and pools in sinkholes and fractures in the pavement, while the world calmly went on throughout the lazy day of rain; it was the perfect day. A day of relaxation, of peace; even Divus came here for these kinds of days. He preferred the sorrowful rain to the emblazoned flames of Hell.

He was wrapped in a great black cloak, his long, raven dark hair swaying with the breeze... he was utterly soaked. Upon his face was a golden mask, eerily reminiscent of the crocodile, adorned with the finest carvings an artisan could provide and numerous ruby and onyx gemstones; it seemed ugly and terrifying. Not like something you'd use to scare children... it seemed more as though it had been torn from a fearsome nightmare, something which did not belong in the world of the living. And beneath it, the face of the Dark Lord was hidden from the rest of the world.

But then that light - that rotten, accursed light! Divus could see it on that skyscraper. He sensed that familiar presence. The traitor. The one who had betrayed him, who promised that Colbolt would live... and there she lay dead, a pile of dust in Las Noches, leaving only the smallest bit of blood to be remembered by. His right fist rose from the over sized, starchy, tattered black cloak, clutching a black metallic cylinder engraved with two silver snakes tightly coiled around it. It was attached to a small, delicate necklace of silver chains. Divus had found it in Colbolt's room after her death, but had added the snakes and the vial; it had once been a necklace too big for the Arrancar, and it was now his. within that cylinder was that same vial of blood, the final reminder of his lost lover...

He rose his fist and put the necklace around his neck, glaring forth with deadly, avaricious golden eyes. Pulling aside his cloak, he no longer hid his body; powerful, rippling muscles and an intimidating build was exposed, broad and strong. His pale white skin glistened in the wetness of the rain, and his lower half was clad in fitting black pants and leather straps, leading into a pair of tall armored boots.

Black fire gushed outwards from him, leaving behind only a dark streak as he moved at speeds the eye could not follow. He loomed over Katsushiro and the other near him, as he flew down and struck the sidewalk silently; the sudden and unnatural landing had not so much as even cracked the sidewalk. The humans panicked around him, throwing up their arms and staring a weak wail; but black static roared from him, and in an instant, the powerless humans fell to unconsciousness. The massive discharge of spiritual pressure had been enough to knock them out without so much as the lift of a finger... his freakishly powerful reiatsu roared about him, not hidden at all.

All Divus heard was 'help the divine'. He recognized those words. He had witnessed Tazuma attempt to recruit those three shinigami with similar invitations, although he had failed to stop them. The supposed 'leader' had been much too slippery for him to catch so far. But this time was different.

"Hold. Cease right there." Divus demanded, a black liquid rising from beneath his feet. It rose and floated around him in modest clumps and formations, like reversed rain in slow motion, each drop of fluid merging with the other to form glossy spheres. "Do not go with this man. I've seen their tricks before; they will send you to your death. And that doesn't help anyone, does it?" Divus offered, crossing his arms and placing the heel of his right foot just in front of the toe of his armored boot, his fingers clutching over his elbows. "I am Abyssion, lord of Demons." Divus spoke, slowly tilting his head sideways, whilst those voracious eyes peered forth from his masked eye sockets. "Fight not in wars, or for empty causes. You do not even know if their sword truly raises for justice; all they have to offer you is honeyed words, and dubious promises. Don't let a simple cause win your heart, strong one; I can offer you something much more substantial." Divus continued, gesturing an open, clawed hand towards the rogue shinigami. "I offer you something real and sincere; power, personal gain, and profit. I can sense that you are strong indeed. Use this strength to defend and aid me, and for each task fulfilled, I shall reward you. You may never have to know the pain of aging to death. The loss of a limb will be a scratch to you, as I can do anything with the flesh, least of all heal it. I offer you forbidden knowledge, new power, and near-immortality. Just one of these things would help you more than what this idiot speaks of, I am sure. What do you say?" Divus offered; and oddly enough, he had not lied about what he could provide...

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