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#11Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:49 am


Rebecca stood hovering above the ground, her room was completely destroyed with the exception of a few pieces of furniture and the orbs she had surrounding her. Her opponent set in motion an certain attack in which he created 5 red orbs to orbit around him. She watched as he proceeded to charge at her with heightened speed. This burst of speed was a bit surprising but the frontal assault on the other hand was, she didn't think he'd be dumb enough to try and go melee with Rebecca. She lifted her hand and aimed the Cero in her palm at her opponent, as he approached she fired it towards the Arrancar but at the last minute he avoided the Cero and moved to her right. She was stunned; she underestimated the man and forgot for that moment, despite the difference between them in power, that he was an Espada.

She lowered her hand and pressed her left arm against her left breast. Her entire body was outlined with a indigo aura and finally she emitted a narrow wave of her negative energy. It was prepared to create a small explosion upon impact with any incoming rei attacks, and this wave stretched out for about 5 feet as the approaching Arrancar moved towards her with his orbs. Meanwhile the orbs she had created before hand were vibrating wildly, they would erupt in a matter of seconds.

#12Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:07 am


Anamist was correct to attack in diagonal patterns, he had barely grazed by a cero she had fired; she sure did charge those fast. He cancelled his assult when realizing she was prepared for it. She obviously had something up up her sleeve and it was still too early to pull out his ace of spades- but the joker was still in play.

He laughed menacingly at her sudden show of defense; the rietsu that emitted off of her was incredible, it was nowonder she was regarded for her strength- but he wondered how sh had been ranked if none of her foes were strong enough to survive. His sword began to glow with rietsu- which glided off his blade and floated away.

This fight had gone on for far too long now; his initial test of her strength was evidently a passing mark; as well as her loyalty to her suboordinates and those weaker than her. She was a worthy ally, now all that was left was to finish their fight, him to explain the reasoning and survive... the latter might be the hardest part.

That's a pretty interesting thing you're showing there; you show that to all the guys?

#13Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:23 pm


The Espada decided it best to abort his attempt at a frontal assault but he was within range of her orbs now as he stopped. His blade began to glow which led Rebecca to believe he was attempting another attack at her but nothing happened. It was some kind of parlor trick. Finally her orbs erupted as it surrounded both her and her enemy; 5 of them each with the power of a Cero added with Rebecca's negative energy. Once the Explosions took place it was almost impossible for Rebecca to escape as the explosions covered any exit she might need to take, but with her negative energy controlling the blast she simply wasn't harmed by the blast. Her opponent however would have a very difficult time producing the same results.

#14Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:56 pm


he had miscalculated and his range was too closely in Rebecca's range to evade unscathed. The explosions were immense and intensified by Rebecca's special abilities. Forteunately no frontal directional damage was taken and the sheer force of the explosion was enough to knock him farther back and out of the 'Kill-zone' of the explosions. He doubted Rebecca sustained much damage from the explosions though.

He picked himself off the floor; rubble had fallen everywhere and the tower colloms if the fortress had fallen ontop of their open roof, now making it closed in again. He wiped blood away from his eyes- blood from head wounds always bled a lot and made it hard to see propely; his left arm was numb- possibly broken and his left pant leg was completely burned off; deep burn wounds were visible on his bare leg.

Sure enough, as the smoke cleared; Rebecca had remained undamaged from uch a reckless attack; this was nearly the perfect close-range erradication ability- though it still needed work, for he had been luckily knocked out of the kill-zone.

Crimson drops around us fall- spear of heaven; heed my call!

All of the accumulated rietsu that he had released and had floated away had overshadowed the fortress- A giant thick mass of writhing crimson hunger & loneliness. The mass of rietsu moved abruptly and stretched and formed into a giant spear above the fortress- without hesitation; it jousted suddenly into the top of the building where both Anamist and Rebecca were- Instantly a bright red flash of light pierced through the whole of the fortress and continued deep in into the ground.

Just inches before Anamist's feet, a gaping hole was carved into the ground, the rest of the fortress had collapsed around the center pillars and barely remained standing. Anamist fell to his knees holding his left arm and grunted from the lack of strength he had to stand. Even with this; he could still feel Rebecca's presence, but that was all he had been able to do- All of his strength was now gone. He returned to his humanoid form and fell backwards on the floor. He had gone a little overbaord, much moreso than what he had initially anticipated.

It seems, that attack just now was more destructive than I originally thought...Sorry if I killed any of your people..

#15Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:48 am


The result of her explosion threw the man back, it's force was too much for his body to handle and it was capable of saving him. Rebecca scoffed at the folly of her technique and let her hands hang at her side. Instead of following through with a melee assault she was hoping for a brief pause so they can continue talking. She didn't want to kill him without getting answers first.

She took a deep breath and waited for the smoke clouds to clear. Then her opponent finally appeared in her sights. She had the same expression she had when this man assaulted her in the form of Poor Dathurabo. She looked over to find the corpse of the child; her facial expression then took the form of sadness. She turned her head back to her opponent to see him preparing another attack.

With her Palace already in ruin, she didn't find it fit to remain inside but before she could take the fight outside a large red reiatsu composed javelin appeared over the tower her and her opponent occupied. With the destruction the two caused there was barely any tower left. Then it came down. It was incredibly large, Rebecca learned her lesson before; nto to underestimate her opponent because he was an Espada. So she prepared to enter her alternate form, the one she uses primarily for her defense. She lowered her right claw and whispered; "Gorillo Nueva Spectos" and with that the purple metal surrounding her body became blue and her hair reverted back to its original blonde color. The claw on her right arm became a large blue rapier that had an extreme curve. After she entered this form she swung the rapier and spoke "Absoluta Negacion"

With the energy's her Negative energy consumed it was easy for her to identify her opponents reiatsu and use it to combat this new technique, it brought up a barrier between her and the backlash of the spear as it pierced her tower. It stayed up for a few seconds before finally the attack broke though the barrier allowing a torrent of reaitsu to rush though and hit Rebecca directly. The torrent consumed Rebecca's entire being and pushed her back.

After the attack had hit Rebecca stood tall, the Rapier on her right hand had been chipped in a few places and the metal covering her right breast had been torn off, but a fringe of her hair had covered anything too revealing except the number 0. She had a few burn spots on her skin and on her armor but outside of that she was still capable of fighting. After the result she looked over to her opponent who knelt down in the sands below; the tower she resided in had been destroyed and most of the slaves she had acquired were dead. She looked around at the scene and then back at her fatigued opponent.

She slowly hovered down to him and stood a mere 3 feet in front of him still in her Resurrection. His ressureccion sealed back into it's sword as he hadn't enough reiatsu to sustain his form. Rebecca looked upon him when he apologized for any deaths he may have caused and the damage he did to her palace "Do you expect Pity from me? Do you expect me to say something like; 'I understand why you did this and it's alright'? The truth of the matter is you attacked me and now you will pay for it with your life." She lifted her rapier over his head prepared to bring it down and cut his head off like a guillotine but she halted. She thought about the damage he wrought and lowered the Rapier.

"No, death is not for you. I've decided that you will become apart of my Fraccion. You will remain an Espada but you will be apart of my Fraccion. You will heed every order I give you and carry it out without question. Your life belongs to me until I die, is that understood or would you rather take your chances and try to kill me right here?" she said with a cold expression. She was a Hollow so there wouldn't be any remorse or caring for this creature in the first place.

#16Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:04 am


No, he didn't expect forgiveness or pity; he had done much more than he originally intended- He had killed slaves needlessly and had thus forfeited his own life. Her request, or rather.. her demand was right in of itself.. It was his duty to attone for for the needless damage he had caused. Pride was nothing to him, only the vain saw themselves with any position of importance; his only reasons in life were to see Rui be happy and to ensure the respective lives of humans.

He was too weak to lift his head or even look at her boots, she stood three feet from him; they were now outside of her palace- the sheer magnitude of the attack had consumed the center portion of the palace along with the remaining pillar and the whole place had collapsed into the deep crator; a fitting graveyard for all those countless slaves. He coughed up a bit of blood and then spoke.

Oh I don't expect pity or forgiveness; forgiving such a stupid act of mine would make you human-like- some might see that as a sign of weakness; yet you stand resolute and hold me accountable for my misbearings. Fine, I'll be your fraccion; but if I am, there will be no other. I work best when I don't work with the weak.

After a moment, some strength came into him and he forced himself onto his knees; he bowed as best he could and lowered his head.

I am yours to serve- I have but one request.

#17Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:14 am


Rebecca considered his acceptance and thought perhaps he was building his strength to take out her with her guard down. But she dismissed his claim when he coughed blood at her feet. She looked at him and then over to the rubble which was her ruined palace then back to him. Then he had a condition, he demanded to work alone. Rebecca moved over to a boulder big enough to support her as she sat and considered his request. She shook her head. "You misunderstood me, this isn't a request of mine that requires compromise, you only have two choices in this particular situation; swear loyalty to me or die" She said with no change in her cold expression.

Then he lifted his body, struggling to get to his knees, and bow before her before proposing another request. Rebecca was probably going to deny him his request but she was curious as to what it may be. "Oh? And what might that be?"

#18Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:24 am


It was as best he could do, but in the end it was up to her to decide on decisions; all he could do was show courage and resolution even in the face of defeat.

That you would aid me if ever should my little Rui be attempted to be eaten by the likes of us or killed by Shinigami.

An arrancar requesting the protection of a human was probably the last thing Rebecca thought he would say, but she didn't know yet that Rui was human; a slight smile creapt across his face, but he supressed it. Requesting such a thing was unheard of and likely it would be a difficult promise to keep should either of those situations happen.

#19Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:41 am


Rebecca listened to the Espada's request and thought to herself. It was odd that he would ask for her to help protect another arrancar and didn't like the idea of her needing to come to the aide of another Arrancar. She looked at him with an unchanging expression; "If it is convenient." she replied looking right at his face. "First thing's first, take me to your palace. As you can see mine is in need of a few repairs."

#20Alone at last (Invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Alone at last (Invite only) Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:24 am


Fortunately with his powers originating from spiritual manipulation, his strength always returned pretty fast due to the over-abundance of spiritual energy in Hueco Mundo; by now he was able to stand and he had stopped bleeding, he could now walk.

Her evasive and un-fully committed promise was not too reassuring to him, but it was the best he could obtain for now- He only hoped that by continually supporting her that she would favor him in time. now he had the support of three of the Espada- albeit in a round about fashion.. He bowed slightly as she gave her command for him to escort her to his abiding place.

Yes, Milady..

Means of transportation in Hueco Mundo were simply walking or flying- monsters didn't have a use for cars or planes. Even so, it felt odd that serving as her Fraccion- he should have to bear to watch her walk rather than rest when traveling. They traveled for quite some time; so long that the moon in Hueco Mundo rose high and shone brightly on the white sand- Giving the area a serene celestial look.

His palace was not finished yet and still under construction, but his livig quarters were intact along with a few of the other rooms- The whole estate was actually that of the old Order, nearly 700 years ago; it was by far the largest complex in Hueco Mundo, even to current comparisons; and as such, it was taking a long time for his limited amount of servants to finish repairing. Things such as rain never happened in Hueco Mundo, so he never worried about weather damage.

As you can see, i have recently returned to Hueco Mundo and have decided to rebuild the old Order estate and use it as my personal palace. It overlooks the Jagged Forest below; quite often do lesser hollows and Adjuctas appear from there and swear allegiance to me so long as I help them evolve into arrancar. It is a very successful means of recruiting servants- please use them at your disposal.

As they neared the palace gate; the two guards bowed to them and let them pass; the adjacent halls between and beside the bedrooms were finished and decorated nicely with an old-fashion Victoria style. A chandeleir hung in the main fouyar along with lamps along the walls which were powered by the abundance in spiritual energy in the surrounding area. The carpets were all the same color and connected from every room & door- Crimson, the walls were pure white and of a soft hugh and the ceilings were high-arched with the same white. All in all, it was a beautiful restoration from when he had served the Order in his young days.

A servant appeared and led them to Anamist's official meeting room- A high vaulted ceiling room with chandeleirs in each of the four corners and what appeared like a spot-light centered on the rectangular ivory table with several seats all around. The seats were custioned and had high backs to support irregularly sized Espada nad their own unique weapons. They were served refreshments as Anamist explained about his past life with the Order and his time in the human world- He sat down at the table and Rebecca had followed his movement. He pulled out his wallet and set a picture on the table of a little 9 yr old human girl with purple hair & eyes- the wallet sized picture also atched a couple pictures that hung on the walls of the room.

You see, Rui is a little human girl; I began to look after her only recently. I have spent many years in the human world since the collapse of the old heriarchy nearly 700 years ago, only recently have I returned. please forgive my lack of a proper number of servants as of yet; I expect that the numbers will double within the month.

<-- End

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