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A Man with white hair with a Red trench coat and a sword starped across his back that hungers for blood is walking about though the shadows like he was trying to find something but what could it be for this is no normal human this is the human form of Blade the demon of conflict.

"Man, what does a demon have to do to get some fun around here, then again i am not in the mood for just watching anything i need to be in it but what to do what to do?" He said to himself then he smiles evily and release a burst of dark demonic reiatsu to see if he could get any one to come running to find out what it was and if he was lucky he might just get someone strong and worth the time and so he just stands there waiting for anything to happen.

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The news was kind of Bizarre, Ichigo thought as he walked down the streets of Karakura town. The news was not quite astounding but it was a bizarre happening, if you take in the laws of the modern world such we live in. The new was that a person named: Martin Cottrell, had seen the picture of Jesus Christ. Martin Cotterill, 46, was stunned to see an image of the Messiah emerge before his eyes during a visit to a health clinic. He had just undergone treatment at Longford Health Centre, Coventry, and the blue paper towel had been put over his foot to dry it to his amazement the Tissue contained the picture of Christ. Dazzled by reading this article that was in a website he knew very well. Ichigo Kurosaki’s faith had grown little by little over these events, that had been said my normal people in the world. This bizarre event was not the first event to occur in this world there were more. And, more to come....

Brushing a stroke of his hair, Ichigo started walking forward, without rushing. Ichigo was thinking about the great things the world had given him and yet to be given. As some of the great mind of the earth say "The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible."Only a few people in the world had such enlightenment: Da Vinci, Sir Isacc Newton, Aleister Crowley and the list went on,but not so far. Aleister Crowley in the other hand was a visionary mystic in the years 19000, who was the founder of the religion Thelma. And who deemed by the churches "The most evil person who ever lived.." Brighter minds our feared by lesser minds... But does people have the eyes to see this enlightenment? Can Human be trusted over such great mysteries that would even break the fundamental foundations of our modern science. No! Human have not yet evolved to receive such enlightenment yet. It’s true that science has answers for some of our enduring question but not all! Science may have answered the entire questions about gravity, the laws of psychics and their latest world shocking Faster-than-light neutrinos test that has been half correct.. As so science has given us and immense collection of gadgetry for our entertainment. But the illumination that the ancients had about this world is unpredictably marvelous. Even certain, certain groups had arcane secrets about the world. The Free-mason has a secret called the ancient mysteries. In short, the Ancient Mysteries refer to a body of secret knowledge that was amassed so long ago. One intriguing aspect of this knowledge is that lie dormant in the human mind. The enlightened adepts who posed this knowledge vowed to keep it veiled from the masses because it was considered far too potent and dangerous for the uninitiated. Where it was buried is still unknown to us, but the Director of the C.I.A has locked a document in his safe, the document contains references to an ancient portal in and unknown location. The document also contains the phrase "It’s buried out there somewhere..."

Ichigo was now jogging in the lonely streets of Karakura town. The road was quite lonely so he didn’t quite have much trouble. As he jogged he regained his thought about the mysteries he was researching for the past few days or so. Ichigo Kurosaki has spent much of his time researching about arcane stuff and esoteric groups and books that are very rare in two days modern life. As Ichigo, took a bend in the narrow road, he accidently bumped into a human being. It was a hard bump though Ichigo remained standing, but the unfortunate fellow was on the ground on the spot. The person who was on the ground was quite familiar. He had black hair, a red T-shirt with a small design in it and the person whore black trousers. Every thought in Ichigo’s mind was gone. He scratched his eyes a bit to see if he was seeing the truth. Rumors where said that the President, usually takes his morning stroll in the town called Karakura, where exactly Ichigo was living and in the hours of 6.00 am to 7.00 am. Ichigo checked his watch, it was actually 6.15 am. Ichigo checked his watch again to be accurate of himself. No! There was nothing wrong with the time he had seen. The greatest horrors of all were that, Ichigo had bumped on the president and didn’t even give him a helping hand to get up. I’m finished...

The president slowly got up from the floor and started to wipe his clothes. Ichigo couldn’t see his face because, The President was crouching and brushing of his dirty trouser. Ichigo closed his eyes and begged to god that he will not fall to any trouble. "God help me..." Ichigo thought as he moved some steps back still closing his eyes. "So you’re the one who toppled over and didn’t even lend me a hand huh?" The President said. His voice was kind of deep with a roguish whisper in it. "Now! My friend, you are getting it." He said as his voice cracked of a bit. Ichigo was still closing his eyes, still praying that he would be safe. After a while, Ichigo opened his eye lids with great lucidity. As he saw the image before him his jaws dropped down. It was Him!

Michael Ash Leigh was an exchanged student from Canada. He was a crappy kid was quite retard, and who can quite imitate other peoples voices. Michael, stood front of Ichigo with a roguish grin on his face. "I scared you to kingdom come, Yo!" Michael said chuckling. Ichigo said nothing as just made a angry stare towards Michael Ash. He laughed for a few seconds and cleared his voice "Well, as you know our school held’s a annual debate every year. So we were hoping that you would join us this year. And the topic we are talking about is a very interesting one. We are discussing about the Holy Grail." Ash said as he exhaled. Ichigo looked at him closely as he took a deep breath and said "I have not interest in anything as frivolous as the Holy Grail or mankind's pathetic debate over whose version of history in correct. I have actually no interest in talking about faith either." Ichigo said sternly as he began to move forward. But Michael Ash was confused with such words as he blocked Ichigo’s way and gave Ichigo a fiery stare. Ichigo took a deep breath and said calmly as possible "My friend, your enthusiasm to involving me in this subject is great. And I honor your passion. But yet, you do not know the meaning of the world. As the great teaching of all ages say "To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching any of the books.."
After leaving Michael Ash Leigh, Ichigo was now walking again. He had no thoughts in his mind now. His mind was totally blank. As he took another bend, this time he walked slowly, trying to see if anyone was there trying to greet him. It was a Man with white hair with a Red trench coat and a sword strapped across his back that hungers for blood is walking about though the shadows like he was trying to find something… Ichigo had a dramatic sense of humor some time that his friends goes nuts. Ichigo stepped a step front and smiled warmly "Hello, nice day for a stroll isn’t it?" As he crossed his hands in front of his shirt. Everything is about to change...

WORDS : 1,500 ( RECORD)


Blade turns at the sound of a voice and see a kid with carrot colour hair for same reason this kid give Blade a thrill but it was not till he looked at the eyes for they are windows to the soul that it just might be that Kid Ichigo Korusaki the sub Shinigami.
Well this day is just getting better and better i might just get a really good bit of fun out of this now to the good part the reeling of him in and with that i release a pluse of dark demonic reiatsu.

Blade see the kid head whips around trying to find the sorce of the pluse of reiatsu and all the while chuckling under his breath till he said.
"Well it seems that all that i have seen and heard about you is correct Korusaki Ichigo you have great power but can not sense all that well the reiatsu of others. well if you are wondering yes that pluses was from me and i just wanted to see your reaction to a demonic reiatsu hopefully i am the first demon that you have come across. Blade the demon of conflict, the Viceroy of the first circle of hell, the weilder of the cursed sword." with a bow at the end and i look up to see how you have reacted to this piece of news. i smile a evil smile and then say.

"Well it seems that it not your lucky day Ichigo for i was looking for some fun and here it is in fornt of me. now if you want to keep your friends and family safe from me you best provide some good fun but since that you will not fully release if any one will get hurt how about we move to a place that not so a disavantage to you." with that i start to move away pretty sure that you would follow and all the while have a hand on the hilt of my blade ready to block, deflect or dodge if you try anything.

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
The unknown person, gave him a small roguish smile, that quite unsettled him. With that he released a pulse of dark demonic Reiatsu, that quite startled Ichigo.As his eyes widened, and began to make some thing of the strange person who was actually in-front of him. Ichigo could not make anything of it,he was totally blank. Ichigo took one small step towards him, as his legs went rigid. He couldn't move or say anything. He tried to speak some words out, but nothing came out. Ichigo could feel now his lungs getting sour and dry. He could feel that his body was totally out of control only, the thought that ran thought he mind. Get the hell, a way from him !!!

Ichigo, tried to move every muscle of his body.but he just had no luck. His body was like a statue, totally unmovable. Ichigo closed his eyes hesitantly, and began to think, of his past. How he had fought many dangerous and powerful enemies... How he had gone through many obstacles...How he had first been a Shinigami. With that, he heaved an enormous exhale, and took a deep breath and exhaled again. Now Ichigo, could feel his lungs getting filled up by air... He could feel his muscles getting relaxed. His rigid movement slowly disappearing. With that he opened his eyes slowly and now widely and made a pathetic grin towards the stranger, that he had never know. "Yo!, you rang?" Ichigo said making another lopsided grin towards him.

The stranger chuckled as he covered his mouth with his hand and looked at Ichigo and said "Well it seems that all that i have seen and heard about you is correct Kurosaki Ichigo you have great power but can not sense all that well the Reiatsu of others. well if you are wondering yes that pluses was from me and i just wanted to see your reaction to a demonic Reiatsu hopefully i am the first demon that you have come across. Blade the demon of conflict, the Viceroy of the first circle of hell, the wielder of the cursed sword." as Blade looked at Ichigo anxiously, waiting for his answer. Puzzled Ichigo, scratched his head as he leaned towards the wall behind him. He did not know about demons much. He had read enormous kind of books about demons. Some books he read were very rare and estortic, even Ichigo had a hard time trying to understand the conceptions in it, including the information. Ichigo coughed a bit and looked up at Blade "Demons you say? So your telling me that your a demon? A race? Are you the demon guardian of Lucifer? or are you something else?" Ichigo questioned him quite skeptically, waiting for an answer, that Ichigo thought had good information. Come on, Spit it out !!!

Blade did not reply. Instead he made a smile and started to talk again. "Well it seems that it not your lucky day Ichigo for i was looking for some fun and here it is in front of me. now if you want to keep your friends and family safe from me you best provide some good fun but since that you will not fully release if any one will get hurt how about we move to a place that not so a disadvantage to you." Blade said as he started to move towards Ichigo, holding some kind of weird dagger or blade in his hand. Ichigo looked at this closely as he stepped a few steps back, bewildered. Giving blade a fiery stare, Ichigo tooked his Soul Reaper combat pass and held it in-front of him. "Look here Mister, I do not want any trouble but your finding yourself some damn trouble coming up! So be ready, never take your eye of your opponent,never get distracted, never stare into the wide space upon you and never give a damn if you loose! " Ichigo said sternly as he used his combat pass, to turn himself to his Shinigami form. Beginning to feel the Rieatsu flowing in-towards him, Ichigo made an exhale and took his Zanpaktou and pointed it towards him. "There's an old saying, don't raise more demons than you can lay down. Your father raised one too many." Ichigo said as he grinned psychotically and made his first step.



"well now it seems that you have some fire in you after all my boy and that how i like my opponents all fired up and me a guardian of that false demon Lucifer as if i would ever follow or guard a fallen angel a demonic angel on the other hand well that a different story. and no i am not the guardian of said angle/demon for i am under a different master but let not get into that for i any come here to have a bit of fun making conflict my boy." i say just before you take a step towards me but i easily side step to the side and deliver a short sharp blow to your ribs to let you know that i am not a opponent to take lightly. then with a smile and a step back i say.
"Well if you want to fight here, well lets say that i will not be hold responsible for any humans that get into the cross fire for i give you a chance to fight were no normal human would go." then i launch a attack to see your fighting reflex and instinct then i say to you.
"Now if you are wondering about why my sword is called the cursed sword well it just that as soon as it is drawn it will not go back till it has tasted blood."

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Blade smiled and said "well now it seems that you have some fire in you after all my boy and that how i like my opponents all fired up and me a guardian of that false demon Lucifer as if i would ever follow or guard a fallen angel a demonic angel on the other hand well that a different story. and no i am not the guardian of said angle/demon for i am under a different master but let not get into that for i any come here to have a bit of fun making conflict my boy." as he takes deliverers a small blow towards Ichigo. He couldn't react him as it hit him slightly. Ichigo couldn't feel anything, it was a week attack, Blade made. Ichigo, looked at him and smiled "Lucifer you say? So you people worship Lucifer? I knew it. But Don't give me the bullshit about that you worship Lucifer." Ichigo said as he cleared his throat, a small current of wind came flowing by them as Ichigo made his voice a whisper. " As a demon you should know that, the devil is not Lucifer/Satan, that's what you people think as. if you ask your local Bible, Christian (I'm sure you won't have to look very hard to find one), they'll tell you that the Devil is just an angel created by God, who tried to take over God's throne and was kicked out of heaven for His pride. Now He roams the Earth, trying everything in His power to destroy the souls of women and men. that's what the Christians think. If you ask your local fluff-bunny Wiccan (who might be a bit more difficult to find than her Bible-thumper cousin), she'll probably tell you, first and foremost, that the Devil isn't real. She'll probably say that "the Devil" is really just a Christian bastardization of her pagan Horned God. That's why the Devil always has horns and hooves on television; He stole them from Pan! As you can see the both answers, are accurately wrong! The devil who people say, is actually not a person, but a thing..." Ichigo said as he made a wicked smile cross his face. The devil is in thy heart..

The wind current was getting stronger and chiller, the clouds went black immediately as it was going to start to rain or something. Ichigo Kurosaki, looked up to the dark cloudy sky. He could feel something unsettling in the air. If its like something deadly evil is coming upon earth. Ichigo looked at his opponent again and made a faint smile "The New Testament uses a number of titles to describe the Devil - perhaps the most prominent being "the prince of this world" (John 12:31) - but the only part where it actually describes what the Devil IS, in and of Himself, is Revelation 12:9: "The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. So as you can see, you people believe that the devil is a dragon. I'm quite stunned to see that you believe in Lucifer. It frightens me." Ichigo stopped and made a glance towards his Zanpaktou and thought a bit. It's time...

Blade, who actually didn't reply to Ichigo's, questions made an another smile. "Well if you want to fight here, well lets say that i will not be hold responsible for any humans that get into the cross fire for i give you a chance to fight were no normal human would go." blade said as he launched a powerful attack towards Ichigo Kurosaki, who grinned and used a fast step to dodge the attack and move towards another place. Blade nodded quite satisfied and said again "Now if you are wondering about why my sword is called the cursed sword well it just that as soon as it is drawn it will not go back till it has tasted blood." as he pointed his Zanpaktou towards Ichigo. Guess it will be delayed...

Ichigo looked at him straightly and firmly said " I have no intention of fighting a person, who doesn't even know his master and a person who fights to no reason. But if you insite, I shall fight you!" Ichigo grinned as he took a stance, moved his Zanpaktou towards Blade as he touched his right hand with his left hand and shouted "BANKAI".



"You say that lucifer is a dragon well then you're half right but the name is wrong i could tell or well give you a hint to his true name but i will not but his called name is Jacob Chambers my boy and oh man i am so srace now... not for i have seen what you are capable of in Bankai and i fight for a reason to enjoy the conflict and the death that comes with it. and now it seems that i have to get the anty up as well." and with that the shadows come and form around me and when they slide away i stand as a Shadow Swordman with smoke and/or shadow tenacles then i call forth shadow fire to attack you and then i fire off a shadow sword swing at you as well then i move to the side and wait to see what you do.

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
"You say that Lucifer is a dragon well then you're half right but the name is wrong i could tell or well give you a hint to his true name but i will not but his called name is Jacob Chambers my boy and oh man i am so scare now... not for i have seen what you are capable of in Bankai and i fight for a reason to enjoy the conflict and the death that comes with it. and now it seems that i have to get the any up as well." Blade said making a small grin. Ichigo lifted up his head and stretched his hands and legs a bit. "You know something? You suck at education studies!" As he made a psychotic grin at him.

Ichigo Kurosaki, took one step closer towards Blade as Ichigo's cell phone rang. Ichigo groaned as he tooked it out of his Shinigami uniform. "How can a phone go inside into this rare uniform?" Ichigo thought bewilderingly. He pressed the enter button and placed the phone on his ear. "Hello, Is this. Mr. Kurosaki Ichigo?" a person with a southern accent said with a sour voice. Ichigo hesitated too long. " I know its you! We need you for an important mission,Mr. Kurosaki Ichigo." The receivers voice made a stop. Bewildered, Ichigo couldn't say anything. He thought for minute. To see if the accent was familiar, but it wasn't. Finally, Ichigo said " Who is this? How the hell did you find my number?" As he stooped kind of angrily. The anonymous replier chuckled " How did I find your number is not your concern. What should concern you is the coming apocalypse!" the voice was stern and firmly said. Ichigo was more bewildered now. " what the hell are you jabbering about, huh?" but he was interrupted by the anonymous caller. "Listen Mr. Kurosaki Ichigo, the apocalypse is gaining and we need your help to stop it. Oh, and remember, the final code is THE IMMORTAL CITY !" the called hung up. Ichigo looked at the cell phone, as he checked his number. He tried to trace his IP but it was unacceptable. The final code is THE IMMORTAL CITY.....

Putting the phone inside his Shinigami uniform, he glanced at his opponent. Blade was grinning towards him. "Something wrong?" Blade said with a rough voice. Ichigo shrugged and shook his head "none of your F***ing business." Ichigo shot back. Staring into space, he remembered the bizarre call he had gotten. Something was wrong...something very strange... something we've never uncounted before... Something F***ing bad, damn it !

WORDS : 500


"Ok ok geez only trying to see what it was if it was demons or something about the world ending i might just help you for you know what i like this world it a lot of fun to watch and so i want it to stay that way. but if you say anything rude to me again lets just say you will not like it." i say with a evil smile and walk over to a tree and jump up to a breach in one bound and lay on it waiting for your reply.

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
"Ok, ok, geez only trying to see what it was if it was demons or something about the world ending i might just help you for you know what i like this world it a lot of fun to watch and so i want it to stay that way. but if you say anything rude to me again lets just say you will not like it." Blade said quite annoyed with Ichigo. As blade walked over to a tree and jumped up on a breach, in one bound and lay on it. Bewildered Ichigo, looked at him, Waiting him to come down from the branch. But Blade did not...

Ichigo, who was quite annoyed with the demon, crossed his hands over his Shinigami uniform. But even though, the person did not come down! Ichigo took his Zanpakuto and kept swinging it, as he grinned. Here it comes! Ichigo took a quick glance as he opponent. Seeing him quite not observing his opponent, Ichigo took it as an advantage. Ichigo took some steps backwards and with a very powerful kick, he ran towards the tree and jumped high on it. As he came towards blade, Ichigo made a fast grab on blades face as Ichigo, trowed him away from the tree with enormous power.Blade, who was being trowed away, tried to mange his posture, but the pressure was enormous. Ichigo, grinned as he saw his opponent was struggling to mange his posture, but he couldn't. Another 25 feet and your finished blade !!!


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