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#1Moon Risers Empty Moon Risers Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:58 pm


The halls of Las Noches were never very well-lit. In fact, the place probably would’ve been rather dank and dark if not for the many large windows scattered throughout. Each was tall and wide enough to let in a satisfactory blade of silvery moonlight enter the outer passages of the massive fortress. A Beautiful setting for the artistic types and for those who could ignore the nightmarish creatures the wandered the desert expanse beyond the walls.

It was in a deserted corridor of Las Noches’ main wing that Gin Ichimaru had decided to settle for the evening. he`d practically sprawled himself out along the length of a lounge chair, his long legs crossed and resting casually over one curved arm of the seat, his upper back propped up against the other arm of the chair and supported by a pair of onyx pillows.

He’d drawn his Zanpakuto, the entire metallic length of it, and now with the hilt in one hand and a soft square of cloth in the other he was polishing it. As every other Shinigami,Vizard,arrancar... whom actually cared for their Zanpakuto more than their own life's, his Zanpakutou was actually alot important to him, it represents his streth and flexibility in a good fight. Gin Ichimaru cared for it nonetheless however right now he took better care of it than he had ever bothered to was he bored or just going insane? Normally he’d have done such a task in his own quarters, within his territory, but it was bright there, what with the artificial sun hanging high above for his so-called 'master' to see all within his domain, and frankly he preferred the way the blade of his Zanpakuto glinted under the light of the Hueco Mundo moon.

One could wonder however, how in the world did Gin Ichimaru even bother, it was a pain he agreed but it must be done, sooner or later, and he chose the first, away from his other Shinigami's, that Gin Ichimaru And Aizen Sosuke had abandoned, in the calmness before the storm,  Gin Ichimaru just had this feeling as if something bad was going to happen soon enough, and it bothered him, so much he could not sleep. It was odd to say at the very least Aizen Sosuke thought he was sick or something along those lines, and yet here he was polishing his Zanpakuto like he had never polished it before, Gin started to doubt his own sanity now, he though that all the years within these walls must have finally caught up with him...

WORDS : 500

#2Moon Risers Empty Re: Moon Risers Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:46 pm


(OOC : I will join it soon)

#3Moon Risers Empty Re: Moon Risers Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:21 pm


(ooc are you considered on the side of the espada)

#4Moon Risers Empty Re: Moon Risers Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:30 pm


(OOC: no, as shinigami. any one can join it.)

#5Moon Risers Empty Re: Moon Risers Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:11 pm


(ooc no what I meant is as Gin is he loyal to soul society or the espada/arrencar)

#6Moon Risers Empty Re: Moon Risers Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:06 pm


ooc loyal to the soul society

#7Moon Risers Empty Re: Moon Risers Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:15 pm


(ooc thanks now I,won't make a HUGE mistake lol)

#8Moon Risers Empty Re: Moon Risers Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:55 am


The sound of whistling can be heard throughout the halls of las noches. The song sounds similar to the theme of the old american show, twisted nerve. The jaunty tune is followed by a tall, deceptively lean man with light brown ebony skin and a serene smile. He seems like the most normal shinigami around aside from one minor detail..His rieatsu. It is extremely well hidden but it can not help but to give off an ominous aura of emptiness. normally , no matter how well hidden, a persons rieatsu always gives off some sort of physical sensation, like a feeling. Maybe it is warm or cool or ruff or soft, but This man..this man's aura is absolutely unfeeling. This man gives off the "feeling" of nothingness. It is as if he is devoid of the most basic component of any living being. A soul..This man is 5th division captain, Hollis Edwards.

"Goly gee son, you sure are goin' to town on that shiv of yours.what's the matter?...are ya nervous or something..."

Hollis recites as he slithers through the open doorway. He then places his hands inside the pockets of his kimono under his white captains garb as he casually leans against the wall of the door way and tilts his head ever so slightly to the right. The new captain of the fifth division had heard of this man , Ichimaru Gin, and what he's done for soul society. To think he actually posed as Aizens minion for all those years, just to get close enough to him to learn his weakness.Ah but there is the rub isn't it? Aizen thought he knew it all yet he still made the mistake of letting people a tad bit too close. Allthough, ichimaru did fail in the end so maybe aizen didn't do so bad afterall. Even though Edwards knows of Gin, he is quite sure the same can be said for him. No matter, after all the man did just become captain, before that he was nothing special, just a blip resting out of the radar. Hell, he's still nothing special really, even a lt could probably beat him in battle. Captain Hollis Edwards. All he is is just another brick in the wall..

#9Moon Risers Empty Re: Moon Risers Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:57 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
it was dark, all one could see was dark. the only light was from the closet door in gin's room was opened a crack. A slight breeze rushed into the closet making somemthing within stired with a slight groaned along with the sound of rustling blankets. A small yawn was heard along with a child sound mummbling. Surely there was something awakening in Gin's closet.

The door was pushed open some more as from the darkness shined a cyan blue eye with a black slit.The being, who the eye belonged to didnt say anything but the eye was moving around, showing the being or creature was examaning its surroundings as if to check to make sure nothing was going to murder it. "I think I am in the soul society right?"asked a girlish voice in a whisper as the door creeped open some more revealing her other eye along with some cobalt blue hair. Clearly the figure had to be a female and probably a child in the way she acted. Her eyes soon stopped on Gin as her memories of what she knew of him flowed into her mind like annoying flies. "He once worked with lord Aizen if I remember right."She commented to herself thinking out loud. She kept watch of Gin and any other movements.

#10Moon Risers Empty Re: Moon Risers Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:54 am


Gin Ichimaru was still cleaning/wiping his Zanpaktou. Gin could feel, two persons spiritual pressure, closing in. One was quite near him. Inside his closet. Gin stood up, slowly took his Zanpaktou and walked towards the dark closet that was few steps ahead of him. Without making any signs of his knowingness, gin stood there for five minutes or so till the inside accomplice would come out terrified. But no! He/she did not. Losing his patience, gin slammed the door open. The closet door, made a small "crack" of sound as it hit the wall. now viewing inside the closet. Gin Ichimaru saw a small dark figure standing there. The small person was trembling probably in fright. Gin made a grin towards himself as he put his arm inside the closet, took hold of the strange small accomplice and pushed her outside with powerful force. The strange small person, knowked itself on the wall as its nose shattered. "Had enough?" Gin Ichimaru said grinning.

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