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#1Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:08 am


Las Noches, a place that always wreaked of such history and where the night always beckoned all kinds of hollow to come from it's lands to feast upon one another in glorious battles and disputes of power, Buildings that looked as tall beams stood proudly as a sign of life but yet was there any? Atop one of this building a child sat and his weapon was place lightly on his back, his red hair was shining brightly underneath the moons gaze and a sadistic smile was placed on his small lips

Crow was enjoying the night he had already collected some more skulls for his belt some were from the lieutenants of shinigami others were from hollow and even some arrancar were collected and collided vibrantly with each other chipping off some skull chips as the wind forced them to blow, he had not seen the rest of Cross' team yet but was sure he was going to meet them soon, did he care, did he really care? No, was anyone a liability? Yes if it was to be, people had to die even if it were his own but Crow would have to see what would happen see who would show up but right now would only enjoy his sanity loss, gazing at the moon.

#2Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:21 am


Giggling, falling. These are all the things that Cross enjoyed. So he did this. just falling straight off the top of Los noches. "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!' The little boy yelled, twisting and turning as he fell faster and faster towards the ground. His red hair blew backwards as he held onto a book with his arms. The smile on his face was wide as the air pushed his cheeks back. Allowing saliva to go around his mouth. Each and every second he got closer and closer to the ground. When he finally did, a sonic boom was sent throughtou Huenco muendo. A large dust cloud appeared as well as a crater forms at the base of Los noches. Brushing himself off, Cross looked over the area as he spat out some sand. "Dis is just too much." he said as he looked at the crater. Cross didn't like causing damage to his home. So he just shrugged, as he began to bounce on his toes.

He took one step as a thunderous boom was felt. This was the primera just joking around. he flipped and jumped as he ran. Picking up on his brothers reiatsu signature. "bwother." He commented, dropping the smile from his face as he threw the book towards the direction of him. Cross would hide his reiatsu as he got closer and closer to Crow. once he neared him, Cross would throw a rock towards Crow, trying to hit him in the head.

#3Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:27 am


Crow's eyes veered towards the markings of the moon, how it looked as if there were holes in them how it looked as how the ball of light had so much markings on it, more bruised than the earth was it was a spectical to remember, but..A sonic boom was felt and Crow knew who it was instantly his eyes faced forward and to the sands of Las Noches how empty it was they needed more of a croud

The air changed though feeling as if it moved more towards them than more freely Crow laid his head back as the rock wizzed past him before he sat back his eyes fell on his brother that little smile on his face, as if he had lost all of his sanity long ago but that was exactly it, "...Cross.. Crow said to himself as his smile got a little more wider tonight was going to be intense and Crow's fingers were getting itchy to play with his brother.

#4Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:36 am


Cross just giggled as the rock missed him. He started to walk towards him as he sat down beside him. "wut are yu doing out hwere?" he asked Crow. If it wasn't for their mask remnants and they way they acted, no one would be able to tell them apart. Cross just leaned back on his hands as he looked up towards the moon, squinting his eyes slightly. "ya know. The human moon is bwetter." he said, turning his head back to Crow. Cross was right. The human moon was much bigger and mroe full than the one in the desert. His blade dug into the sand on his back as he jsut smiled and giggled. It's only been a few days since he found his brother. Cross was just happy to have him back. He turned his head back to los noches.

"Thats where our family lives. I HAS DE BIGGEST ROOM DERE!" he said with confidence, standing up as he placed his hands on his hips.

#5Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:48 am


Crow's itchyness vanished he was still fresh and ready to brawl but his brother was one to play just as he did and it would get annoying to soon, crow's eyes moved from the sand to his brother hearing him speak about humans and their moon, their moon..What difference did it make? The moon was the moon and humans were weak, the thought riled Crow a little bit he liked and loved to kill humans as they were most inferior out of all he hunted

"Humans...Hah'..." Replied Crow with that young voice of his, Crow's voice was filled with hate filled with an uncaring tone about him, was Crow really same as he used to be Crow didn't care as long as they could die he would be the one to kill them his eyes ran back from his brother Cross to the sand then to the moon, thinking about those humans he killed so long ago a glorious kill for a glorious outcome.

#6Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:03 am


Cross listened to the tone that his brother had. It wasn't the best. Cross just clenched his fists, puffing out his lips. He hated how his brother just killed many humans for fun. Cross was nothing, if exactly the opposite of that. He kicked the sand, turning his back to his brother. "Don't not, talk about de humans in front of meh like dat." he said, losing his light childish tone, as it changed to husky. Cross almost wrecked his brother once, he could of killed him if he wanted to. But he just dropped him that day. Shaking his head, Cross looked over towards Los noches again, as his eyes flared red. He just let out a sigh, dropping the red flare.

"Wut have you even dun here since you have been back?"

#7Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:08 am


Crow heard the sand shift in the hand of Cross hearing words of warning never bothered Crow as Crow was the one who took hits and when those hits were given it just urged him to fight more, like some monster out of a movie or some machine that only lived for fighting if he were to die or to live the words triggered a reply for Crow but it was not with words but an ear to ear smile and a chuckle in that childish tone

When asked what he had done since his coming back home he spoke, "Cleaned up, killed some hollow here some arrancar there." Short but hurtful in the same manner a wolf in sheeps clothing, the mass murderer of Hueco Mundo, the monster of the espada more so a Tyrant than a hero but loyal still to his brother and the creed he held dear to him more than anything else.

#8Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:21 am


Cross was starting to get annoyed with Crow. He raised his left hand, tempting to slap crow, put lowered it as he sighed. "to one another.." Cross was enveloped into a red reiatsu bubble. His hair breaking from his pony tail style to a let loose style. His body and limbs grew as he gained a black and white half shirt, covering his back. his blade goes into gauntlets, covering both arms from the hand to the shoulders. He turned back around towards crow, rolling hsi neck as his tattoo gleamed in the air. "Now. Tell me again why you did that? Be truthful brother, you know how i take it when you lie. All i gotta do is read the beats of yoru heart. Why kill arrancar." he wasn't asking a question. he was demanding that Crow tell him.

#9Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:26 am


Crow stood up and and chuckled only a bit before stomping his foot wildly the dust that seemed to kick up around him swirled as did his reiatsu, he now assumed his grown up form his eyes turned from blue to yellow as he gazed to his twin brother he never wanted to really hurt Cross but playing with him was another thing, he wanted a reply well he was getting one, "Hollow and arrancar are like cockroaches...Not all of them need to live just enough to reproduce and survive." Crow said with an ear to ear smile the answer was true enough but you could tell he also did it to cure his boredom, those whom he had killed earlier rest off of his chain belt the skulls of those who had fallen to his blade

Crow knew Cross was going to attack regardless of his answer so he just prepared himself anyway though he knew Cross far outmatched him in terms of power but weapon to weapon was Crow's expertise and he extended the polearm to its maximum length preparing himself for the worst but with a cold smile about him.

#10Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:34 am


Covering his entire body with tough scales like that of an alligator, Cross receives additional defensive benefits, making cutting him extremely difficult unless it was executed by someone that is higher level than him. An opponent of equal strength with mastery of its weapon can penetrate his scale armor. Those who are proficient, but not extremely skilled, will have to be at least one level higher than Cross. Those who have little to no weapon skill will need to be at least two levels higher. He also uses reiatsu from exposure that he hads to the hierro, only cuting power from the reiatsu type attacks by 3/4s. He also adds the said Reiatsu to his parastic worms that rotate aroud him.Six sharp spiked forelegs, much like of a praying Mantis, branch off from Cross’ body. These raptorial legs have a wide range of motion, so much so that they can reach and grab its target without moving his body. The four legs that protrude from his arms can reach 10 feet, while the two from his legs are a bit longer and can reach 15 feet.

Cross also receives mantis like vision, able to see with a range of 300 degrees.

Rolling his head, his snapped, Sonido'ing behind Crow, holding his mouth open, firing 150 bala point blank, for each bala that came out, a punch followed. He wasn't trying to kill Crow, he wasa going to go easy on him. He was just trying to get a point out.

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