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#11Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:39 am


Crow saw his brother's scales take effect an interesting show but nonetheless the tip of his barbs became black with a viral infection, behind him he let bala fly off into the air, freeze then disperse breaking down into a viral pathogen he rushed his brother attempting to send Mortem Articulo at his scales should Cross let him do that a Viral agent would be administrated while another one was taking effect with each of Crosses movements that would soon disorient him

Crow took every hit and the fist though it was a good hit was sent flying back some he felt it but put aside the pain as it was only something believed amidst the dust and rubble that kicked up after the clearing he kept that smile and look on his face gazing at his brother's eyes.

#12Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:43 am


Cross smiled. Letting the polearm hit into his scales, sending sparks off. "your virus's have no effect on me brother." He was right. Rechazar is an automatic defensive mechanism by the parasites residing in Cross. Should some kind of poisonous or harmful technique manages to infiltrate his system, these parasites will seek and destroy those harmful particles, neutralizing them effectively. As well, it affects those that are immediately around him, such as a bakudou for example. Similarly, the parasites will automatically seek and destroy whatever spirit particle is binding him, eating away at it to neutralize it. Cross couldn't get effected by any of Crow's virus's. This was just a beat up fest.

Holding out both hands, 3 balls formed. Smirking, Cross sonido'd into the air as he yelled; "granda!"Granada requires very little charging time, able to be created almost instantaneously, similar to a Bala. However, unlike Bala, Granada is thrown and explodes in mid-air or upon contact. The explosion, which has a radius of 6 yards, can cause severe damage to those nearby including severed limbs and deep wounds. Those who are three ranks below Cross are at serious risk of severe injury and possibly even death due to loss of limbs and blood. Two ranks and below would be in critical condition, while one rank below would be severely injured due to heavy bruises and deep cut wounds. Those of equal rank receives normal damage (bruises, medium to shallow cuts, weakend flesh and bone), while those of higher rank (or tough physical defense) can escape with at worst with light bruises, as well as weakend muscles and bones.

#13Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:49 am


Crow smiled even more for his brother should and would be the first to have counter being as they were both parasite espada, the granada however hit Crow and hard as he slammed into the sand hard a loud thud no need to play cat and mouse but his strategy to let his brother do this damage was impeccable still the point that was trying to be made was never going to get across, laying in the ground most helpless Crow gazed to his brother Cross that ear to ear smile of his and those yellow eyes still showing signs to Cross

Crow urged himself to get up, no, pushed and slowly stood up gazing up to his brother still ready for more, Cross would have to beat him to a bloody pulp literally but would it really do any good to someone who has no regards for any life on this plain of existence or the next? No one could really say if he was or not but Cross knew all to well. Perhaps Crosses ass whoopin would wake Crow up, perhaps not.

#14Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:56 am


Cross remained int he air. Looking at his brother. "You still don't give up? You're just like father! The man tormented us, you are just as corrupt as he is!" Cross's yelling could be heard like a roar throughout Huenco muendo. It shook sand dunes, ripping them apart. "Are you really that foolish?! What would mother say to you? Atleast, even if I am considered a monster, I still kept my promise!" Cross was enraged, his sonido bursted through the sound barrier, running towards Crow full speed. He didn't care if he had to beat his brother to a bloody pulp, he's done it before and he would do it again. By focusing a large amount of reiatsu in both his hands, Cross increases the movement speed of his arm and hands by sacrificing power in exchange for speed. Instead of pure impact, this technique relies on using angles, deflections, and momentum to land consecutive quick strikes that are incredibly difficult to avoid except by someone of a significant rank advantage. The speed gain that he receives increases exponentially each level that he attains. At 0-2, Cross's Speed goes up by 8, giving the illusiont hat he is attacking with 8 limbs.

The downside to this ability is the lack of power in the attacks. It is more suited to wear down an opponent by the constant barrage of damage rather than delivering a knock out blow. As such, those who are of higher level than him or have high defense (in relation to Cross' current level) would be able to tolerate even a stream of successful blows that he lands.

#15Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:04 am


Crow felt barrages of hits being preformed on him but still he found a way to speak out, "Corrupt...In the eyes of myself you are the real monster, parading around as if you have some virtue as an arrancar, an Espada..You should bite your tongue for that.." Crow replied whilst smiling at him when he heard speak of his mother in the longest of times it was the first time Crow raised voice to his brother in a long time fangs bared and that smile still amidst the face of Crow his voice boomed like thunder cracking across the night sky

"MOTHER IS DEAD!" Crow howled and huffed as that smile of his could get no further but then he continued, "What promise is there to keep They are only remnants only dreams your beliefs are faulty, You have damned yourself to slavery CRRRRROOOSSSSS!" Howled Crow and laughter took its place after he felt each hit but did not feel a pain to surface for it, his eyes gazed widely filled with the urge to fight but yet he held himself back.

#16Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:13 am


watching his brother take each hit while laughing. Cross got enraged. "You are not the first to say that. Nor Do i care." Each and every strike that Cross did, was just felt with laughter from Crow. So Cross backed off, snarling his fangs. This was the first time he was getting fed up with his brother, even push himself to wanting to actually rip into him. Shaking his head, he bit his thumb, letting blood rush over his palm. A large Green ball was formed, having the etching of runes all over the sphere as he pointed it towards his brother.

"Cero Oscuras." He lightly said, as the massive Green and red beam shot towards Crow. Cross knew that Crow would counter or dodge it somehow. He wasn't worried about killing him then and there,

#17Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:17 am


Crow fell from the wall and slowly stood up that laughter still continuing but when he heard his brother say Cero Oscuras that made him even more eager but was Crow going to run? Crow knew his brother all to well and Cross loved to expose weakness and so Crow took the hit full on still standing in the end of the torrent of energy his body convulsed but still that laughter and smile stood while it seemed as if he could not

"Did I strike an emotion, Brother!?" Crow said while laughiing the punishment was enough to kill anyone but Crow was arrogant about dying, was never really good at it and so he began to approach Cross slowly.

#18Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:28 am


Cross just shook his head at Crow. He was already losing so much blood from the cero. "You need to learn when to stand down, Brother." Cross lowered himself to the ground, slowly walking towards Crow at the same pace. The wind blew around him, blowing his hair left and right. Rolling his neck, he listened to the words that Crow spoke. Laughing, Cross just shook his head. "You little naive boy. No wonder you are the weaker one." Cross was just atunting him now. There was no need to release or get serious. It was just playing amongst two brothers. Cross dug into the sand with his boots, waiting for his brother to walk towards him.

"becareful with your next words. Don't say anything too rash."

#19Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:34 am


Crow's laugh lowered to a cackle Crosses words were one of just and words that held some type of honor in it but it was one of Crosses bullshit talks to get someone to realise that they arent what they are Cute but Crow grew up around that kind of talk since they were both just little boys, "You act like I am afraid of you when you are the one who is weak like I, already like a chain of destruction it happened, from me killing weaker one's to you beating me, it seems you are weak as well, brother!" Those words had pride in them

He stopped faced to face with Cross soon his high speed regen would take effect and slowly close up most of his wounds he stood tall lifting Mortem Articulo across his shoulders Crow's eyes still wide and that smile on his face endless.

#20Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darker Side Of The Moon (Open) Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:47 am


Cross stood Eye to eye at Crow. His highspeed regeneration was good, but not better than Cross's. "laughter is a form of self comfort. If you didn't laugh, you would be scared right now. Don't pull them annoying theories on me." Cross was getting frustrated with his brother. He didn't want to cause damage, he's done most of the attacking. maybe because that Crow let him do it. Cross didn't care. He got to beat into someone for a while. It didn't hurt it. he would just heal quickly anyway. "be a man. Actually try to make me bleed. I can see you are wanting to make me do it. You are praying for it. Go ahead. Try it."

Cross did whatever taunting he could do. His brother, for once, wasn't thinking this fully through.

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