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#1Rinzler Demon of vengeance  [Demons only] Empty Rinzler Demon of vengeance [Demons only] Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:57 pm


Location: Cuba, 14:00

The hot sun beaded down on the runway of a private Cuban air port, a single private jet was parked on the runway with multiple men surrounding it, Agent Branson wiped sweat from his forehead and shielded his eyes as he looked in the sky. He had been waiting for two and a half hours and still the cargo had still not arrived. “Where the hell is the convoy? It was supposed to be here an hour and a half ago” still he waited, the CIA was pulling every string it had for this little operation and Branson was not going to take any chances.

Just when he thought that the convoy was not coming he noticed a cloud of dust in the distance, after further inspection he noticed that it was the convoy “ tell the pilot to start the engines the convoy has arrived with the cargo” a man in glasses and a nice Armani suit nodded and walked into the plane. It only took a few minutes before the roaring sound of the engine filled the hot Cuban air. The convoy stopped in front of the plane and two men walked out of the first car, from the second car a group of prisoners slowly immerged, most had a black bag over their heads accept for one who seemed to have a motorcycle helmet over his head. The leader of the convoy approached Agent Branson “you’re late!” yelled Branson over the sound of the engines “I know, the one in the helmet caused a little bit of a delay but we drugged him he won’t cause any problems”. Branson leaned looked at the man in the helmet, there was something odd about him he didn’t seem like the others “are you sure that they know anything?” Branson yelled “yes they all know the whereabouts of Rinzler”. Rinzler, the name that Branson had heard over a thousand times, Rinzler the best assassin that the mob had to offer, they had all been briefed on the situation. Rinzler was hiding here in Cuba after assassinating the leader of the Pacentro Family. Branson was briefed to find anyone who could tell the location of the infamous assassin “load them on the plane!” the man nodded and pushed the group on the plane.

When the plane took off the agents all pushed the men to the floor, Branson made sure that they were at the proper altitude before beginning the operation. Branson opened the door to the plane and took the first men in the group and pushed him on the floor, he pulled out a Springfield 1911 and pointed it to the man’s head “where is Rinzler!” he yelled to the man, all he could hear was a silent mumbling “I won’t ask again” he fire the gun out of the plane “where is Rinzler!” all he got was a continued mumble “what he saying!” Branson yelled to another agent who knelt down to hear what he was saying “ he saying Valgren Ultro that’s all they’ve been saying for the past hour” Branson sighed and shot the man in the head and pushed him out of the plane, they were obviously not going to get anything from him. He looked at the line of prisoners and noticed that the man in the helmet was next. “What’s his story?” Branson looked at the man who brought the prisoners “we tried to take the helmet off but it seems to be bolted onto whatever he’s wearing, it’s some sort of motorcycle suite” Branson nodded and walked towards the man, suddenly the man talked “when has it ever been standard issue for CIA to shoot defenseless men out of an airplane? The voice was deep almost mechanical. Branson moved towards the man and knelt down to face level “well since you’re the only one that seems to want to talk than I’ll just ask you then. Where is Rinzler?” The reflection of Branson just stared right back at him “I am Rinzler” suddenly the sound of a much larger and louder aircraft filled the air, Branson looked around in confusion “what’s going on!?” he yelled to his men, Rinzler slowly stood up, the strange suit suddenly started to glow a strange dark orange colour “I’m crashing this plane” Rinzler said.

A plane with the Omega Corporation symbol flew on top of the air plane, the CIA craft suddenly stopped moving, which was impossible, there was nothing attaching itself to the air craft. Branson looked in horror as the other men stood up, they removed the bags from their heads and attacked the agents. Branson pointed his gun to one of the men and shot him in the head, another one yelled Valgren Ultro and tackled a man out of the plane. Rinzler walked towards the men the as they fired, the bullets seemed to have no effect on whatever that was he was wearing. Rinzler looked up and then pointed at Branson, than the impossible happened, Rinzler jumped in the air and flipped around as his feet stuck to the ceiling. Than the plane begun to flip upside down, men screamed and fell out of the plane, but Branson flew to the bathroom door and hit his back on the door. The remainder of the men fell towards Branson and held him in place, still chanting with that ridiculous chant that made no sense. Rinzler, turned towards Branson and began to walk towards him, he reached towards his back and pulled out a disk from his back, the disk roared to life and a small light surrounded the disk, Rinzler stopped a few feet from Branson he looked at his men and slashed the bottom of the plane, the disk cut through the plane like butter. The plane cut in half and fell towards the ground. The men around Branson screamed the chant, before the sudden darkness Branson watched the other half of the air plane tilt upwards and then, nothing.

Rinzler walked up the plane towards the cockpit, as expected the two pilots were killed by the magnetic force from the spell that the Omega craft created. A door opened at the bottom of the Omega plane, Rinzler ran towards the windshield of the plane and jumped out of it, he flew right towards the door in the Umbra plane and rolled on the metallic floor of the cargo bay. The door closed and Rinzler looked upwards a intercom “ set a course for Japan its time I was reunited with my master”


Rinzler couldn't feel the reiatsu of the one passenger on the plane sitting on the seat with his back to him. A total of fourteen expensive seats arranged in a circle was set before him. A set of hands could be seen on the left hand a dragon signet ring wrapped gently on the armrest. A voice cut through the darkness of the cabin the voice belonged to the one rinzler was wanting to reunite with.

"Why wait rinzler?" I say to,his comment to the captain of,the aircraft. It has been a long time for me to find and reunite all the high class demons of hell but soon they will return home and then the seals will begin to be broken. I stand up from my seat and turn to face rinzler's direction"i'm right here." I open my arms and motion for him to sit.


Rinzler turned around, the one who he was searching for was here, this would save travel time and valuble energy. He walked towards his master and knelt on his knees "Master, I live to serve" he stood up and sat next to his master, he made sure no one was watching and the helmet around his head slid back to reveal a man with long brown hair, his face was wrapped in white bandages " I have been searching for you, the CIA will no longer be a problem, and I have made sure that the Pacentro Family will serve us" unlike when he had his helmit on Rinzler's voice was soft almost girl like.


I raise my,hand to rinzler to say raise when he kneels. "i know you are faithfull rinzler. I've heard of your explaits here and decided its time for you to return home. The seals that bind us need to be broken and all demons are needed to,do that. I am relieved that the CIA will no longer be a problem and that we gave a new"cult" to work through.(i sit down in my chair) they are black leather with the omega symbol embossed in the head rest in gold silk thread) so tell me what you have been up too in the time you have been away from your family?" I look at,rinzler and my eyes flash green ligjt a bit


Rinzler lived for the approval of his master, he nodded and looked towards his master " I have been doing as instructed, I have made contact with various Criminal Cartels, I have mader them pay for my services. They bet for the highest price the highest bidder's money automatically goes into a bank account I created in Switzerland under Omega's name. THat money can be used as you see fit. Over the years I believe I have accumulated 2 million. Also after I do the job for them I make sure that all that I kill are sent to the nethers of hell. Even the mob must pledge them selves to our cause, if they say no I kill them. I believe that most criminl orginizations across the world are now ours"


"excellent rinzler you have done well very well in fact. I am pleased. When we return to,hell I will make sure you recieve a heros welcome." I lean back in my seat and let out a breath" how long has it been since you were last,in hell? How is the seal placed upon us binding you." I reviel my hand to rinzler and the seal,that binds all demons shows itself to him in blue light. "i am bound the worst by it you know. I think its time to call the family together and start our plan in motion."


"I have not seen hell in over a millennia, I would like to return, but if I am by you're side it matters not what realm I am in" Rinzler smirked underneath the cloth over his face " yes let us call the others, I think soon we will even have the UN in our possesion"


"then it has been too long but I understand your feeling. As long as you remain by my side you will have nothing to fear. Do you,recall the name Blade from the past?" I remove my,tie to,get more comfortable after all this is going to be a long plane ride"would you care for some food perhaps?"


(is this open?)


(ooc I would say yes but its rinzler's post so,its his say)

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