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"your wish is my command my lord. Done the fool will be here soon one of this might just get human tested soon and the kid will be here a bit after long enough to clean up any mess that might happen. Ok here the prototypes the wrist darter it based on the demon dart but it only half solid and uses the user reiatsu to make the darts so they are only as strong as the user and it can fire up to ten shots before it needs to 'reload'. Here the overclocker it from a idea i got from watching our regen hellfire in action the shot from this will cause the area hit to in into overdrive in healing so much that it will harm the person then help them again it runs on the user reiatsu so it only as strong as the user but the up side no need to carry any ammo for it." i bring out a wrist band with small tubes on it then i bring out a foldable rifle and place them on the table and wait to see the reaction to them.
    (ooc: this is all i can come up with at the moment.)


(ooc it is fine ash)
I inspect the two weapons making sure I completly close my reiatsu off to not activate the weapons. I pick up the wrist darter. I engage tge safetly before handlung it. "its heavy.maybe we can work on a lighter weight model and maybe a power source so none reiatsu users can use this as well." I pick up the rifle next, I point it to,the ground and examine it closely" this is fine a prototype but ready for testing. Good work the both of you." I place the rifle back on my desk


"hmmm maybe a lightweight alloy that has a high heat handling ability or maybe some hell smithed metal what do you think rinzler? And thank you my lord it all in the job of serving you." i say not really thinking that rinzler will talk but i had to ask my viceroy since he was there i was not one to let a other view point go by with out asking.


"perhaps even a low weight high density carbon fiber could work as well. Make it go up the arm a bit more to provide protection from projectiles. Add an optional battery assembly here and an aiming redicle and I'd say this is good for first phase testing and production." I look towards blade to see his reaction


"hmmm the whole thing about the darter is that it is easy to hide but we can work the ideas of yours into it but it can fold up tightly and the targeting system as a pair of sunglasses and it seems that the fool is waiting outside my lord." i smile at the knowledge of jacob and i look at my phone before saying the last part if you look it shows the layout for this part of the tower and there a blinking red light that is set on the other side of the door.


I look,at my screen and see he is outside. "let him in blade and as for your idea I like it but for military use my,idea woyld sell better. Don't you think"


"Maybe my lord but then again i think my one would sell better for it is really useful to have a hidden weapon that no one would even think that you have." then i get up and walk over to the door open it then i walk out pick up the fool and smile a evil smile and throw him into jacobs office i give a look at the secertry but she wisely was looking the other way so turning a blind eye i just smile and walk back to my seat and on the way i give the fool a kick.


Looking at the man I shake my,head in disbelief"now tell me why the project I placed millions of my money into failed until a younger less experenced person came in and fixed a 100 million dollor mistake!!!." The man recoils from me and my angerSir the capaciter malfunctioned and the relay would burn out everytime. was the man responce I look at him from under my shades and smile"oh so the oarts are too blame not the fact that you coyldn't build it correctly even though we including the two heads of your department gave you multiple oppertunities to fix the problem." I stand from my desk and walk to where rinzler is sitting " mr rinzler please show this man what failure leads and blade you show him what it means to blame others for failure." Don't kill him I,use whispers so only blade and rinzler hear ne


I smile and i start to fold out the overclocker then i say.
"Rinzler i will let you go first then i will show off the effects of this overclocker it might just heal him abit but it will harm him more." and so i go on with finishing folding out the overclocker then the man says.
"Oh god please no i will do anything to not get punished for what i done oh please god have mercy." to which i reply with.
"It your unlucky day for we are not god or angels and you must pay for your failure."


"oh he'll pay blade." I stabd and remove my suit jacket I then roll up my sleeves of my shirt. On my right hand and up to my forearm a golden band can be seen and around my hand and fingers golden rings. I open my,hand palm first revieling a red gem glowing brightly. I move my hand about a foit away from the mans forehead. A flash and a beam of bright light red and swirling comes out of the gem and bathes the mans face.
He screams and squrms in his seat but remains paralized with pain. His eyes start to glow white. I,stop the light,the white light fades " please stop give me one more chance!" The man begs "i'll do anything!" I smile and move my hand back to his face again the light comes and the man screams in agony once agaiun the light in his eyes show itself."its his soul trying to escape the torment." I say stopping the light again. The man breathing heavy and couching blood slounching in the chair."now what did you learn?" I ask him

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