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#1Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:40 am


The mission to Karakura was suppose to be one of ease, but hunting this hollow seemed to be proving difficult for the fourth seat Tomoko Kokoru. It's not that she was unable to find it. It was more simply she was to distracted to mind herself of the hollow. Unprofessional to most, but to Tomo the town seemed quiet so what of it if she decided to take a leisure stroll through a park. Already she had pinpointed it now it was simply getting to it.

The soft "clack-e" of Tomo's getas were the only thing disturbing the silence on the beautiful day in Karakura. Even the birds seemed to be respecting the sound of silence. It was that progressive thought that had Tomo stopping in her tracks. Bringing both of her feet together her head turned to the sky. Why was it so quiet? The report stated I would be exorcizing a low-level hollow, enough to cause small terror among the humans, but this

Tomoko didn't have time to finish the thought before a scream echoed into her ears. It was all that was needed to have Tomo vanish in thin air towards the source of the noise. Sure enough there was the hollow she had been tracking. However, the low-level of riatsu it had been giving off had quickly jumped. It stood as high as a two story building with a girth to match. The 5'3" Tomo pulled her eyebrows drew together and a "tch" left her mouth as she drew Masa from her side. This didn't seem like a time to have to use her shikai, and she hoped it stayed that way. If the beast got any stronger though that may no longer be the case.

"Hey now, relax," she called to the hollow drawing in it's attention, and with a quick Shunpo behind it she drew the blade down between the beasts shoulders. In response it let out a quick roar, and from the cut she had made a quick burst escaped from the wound sending tomo flying backwards and the hollow bleeding.

After regaining balance mid-air she fell to her feet sliding back several inches more. Stunned eye's lifted to her opponent, the baby blue of them confused. What was that about? she asked herself before standing upright flipping the katana and going straight for the hollow with the blinding speed she was known for. The attack landed deep in the chest of the hollow, as she was falling back down to the ground her body was caught by the colossal hand. It was the first time she heard a hollow speak.

"Puny shinigami..." it drawled, "This is only the beginning." The chuckle that followed after it sent a shiver down Tomo's spine. How could she have misread her opponent so horribly? She was always on point. This was the hollow she was sent to find right? There was no time to think about such things cause the hollows grip was only growing tighter beginning to crush the petite form of the woman. Her breath began to rasp as her she ran her finger along her own blade drawing blood.

"Split...masa..." she said in a breath, with a brilliant dazzle of black and what the katana split into two nine inch long blades similar to the commonly known wakizashi. One had a black hilt wrapped in white strings. The other had a white hilt wrapped in black strings. Tomo took one in each hand bringing them down into the Hollows hand. Instantly she was released and dropped to the ground. After catching herself she jumped back as the hollow roared.

"You will die here shinigami!" it yelled at her opening it's mouth wide and releasing a Cero at her. Raising her blades in front of her she accepts the attack head on being pushed back several more feet, but ultimately coming out unscathed. The two blades began to hum softly with a hue of black and white. She turned her gaze down then up to the Hollow.

"We'll see about that," she muttered beginning to hammer one of her blades against the other. The more she hit it the more the hues began to grow. Once she had managed to get the hue to become solid she held it out towards the hollow who had been steadily making it's way towards her. "Yang." With the release of the words from her lips a black beam shot from the end of her blade straight into the forehead of the beast. With a loud burst it knocked the hollow off balance. Quick to follow her attack she appeared before the hollow shoving the two blades into it's face where her first attack had hit and fell with the hollow this time. By the time they reached the ground the hollow was gone and purified.

Standing, Tomo returned Masa to her original form and sheathed her at her side. The eerie silence was back, but with the hollow gone Tomo was ready to return to the Soul society. As she turned her back she felt a second presence, had she been watched this whole time?

#2Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:41 pm


I had shown up as the hollow had grabbed the short female soul reaper in its hands... quiet frankly I was very troubled deciding what too do, on one hand I was worried the woman would be killed by the hollow, but at the same time I felt things would be fine. I just hope I'm making the right choice doing this...things could go so wrong for her... As I was worrying I failed to notice the woman's spiritual pressure rise as she brought forth her shikai. Hey Minoru... I know you failed to notice but I didn't, the woman will be fine, just watch. At Yawe's words I managed to calm some as I looked back out to the battle, what I saw confused me at first then nearly amazed me. The woman had taken a Cero from the hollow head on, not taking a wound, which after seeing the glow from her zanpakuto I assumed it was due to her blades abilities. I watched on as she said something then a black beam shot forth from one of her blades, after which in a blur she had thrust her blades into the hollow's mask.

With the battle over I decided to reveal myself, and hopefully not get attacked by an adrenaline filled soul reaper, whom I could now somewhat tell was at least 5th seat...even with my lackluster sensing ability.

Walking out from the grouping of tree's I had been in I started of towards the woman. No longer focused on the battle that had taken place I looked over the fellow reaper, she appeared to be in her what would have been her early 20's had she not been a soul reaper, she had long silvery grey hair, finally focusing in on her eyes, I almost choked as I lost my breath, her bright blue eyes felt like they pierced through my soul.

"Hey there, sorry if I startled you!" I called out as I approached her from her blind spot.

#3Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:09 pm


A second senkimon opened near by as a shinigami walked through the hoari which was much longer then normal danced in the wind. I pull the hood of my hoari up and begin to feel for reiatsu"ah there they are over there." I say as I feel the reiatsu signatures of the two shinigami. In an instant I am within about ten feet of the area the three shinigami are standing in begins to smell of cherry blossoms as a tiny bit of my reiatsu is released I look up at the two shinigami and begin to speak" so I ask myself what would two shinigami be doing here?"

As and if the two shinigami turn to look they see a 6'0 foot muscled frame wearing a custom captain hoari which is sleeveless,much longer the normal,has red silk lining and three clasps on the chest to close it if need be. Im holding my zanpacto with my right hand as it is over my right shoulder. My left arm is tucked into my robes a silver music note charm dangles by my right wrist.

#4Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:25 pm


As I was approaching the short woman the sudden smell of cherry blossoms catches my attention, then as suddenly as the smell came I was hit by a new rietsu, belonging to a shinigami. 'Wonder who it could be, maybe a captain...but why would one be here?'

Turning around my eyes came across a 6' tall man wearing a custom captain hoari which was sleeve-less,'Much like my own',much longer the normal,has red silk lining and three clasps on the chest In his right hand was his zanpakuto resting on his shoulder.

'So it was a captain afterall, what did you do now Minoru.' Yawe teased, meanwhile I was wondering exactly that.... why was a captain here.

Wanting to be on the safer side of things I decided to draw Yawe from her sheath, resting her on my shoulder, I walked towards the captain in a relaxed but defensive stance.

"So, what do we.." I waved to myself and the female shinigami in the background "Owe the pleasure of a captain showing up too? After all I watched the lady over there kill the only hollow I know to be in the area."

#5Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:42 pm


I look at the shinigami approshing me and address him first" third seat of the second division, Minoru Nao. Am I correct? I am captain of the tenth division Tazuma Koshi and the reason I am here is,two fold. The,first is as the tenth division captain I am to learn and remember any and all shinigami so I may better form squads for special missions and the second well that hollow is most likely a scout." I look over to the other shinigami present" and whom might,you be I have yet,to see your face come across my desk."

#6Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:54 pm


"Ah, that'd be correct.. Though Captain I gotta say I don't recall seeing you around in the short time I've been with the Gotei 13.... And just a scout you say? sounds... FUN!" I briefly noticed that my voice had momentarily sounded slightly like Yawe's own. "If you don't mind, since I didn't get to play with the scout, can I have the next one?"

Looking over too the woman I decided to give her time to answer before saying anything more myself. And so with that I walked towards a tall tree, and with a leap perched myself on the uppermost branch, laying Yawe across my kneww's in a swift motion.

#7Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:25 pm


"i tend to be everywhere and no where at,once." I move towards the two shinigami as Nao jumps onto a near by tree after commenting on how the next ones are his I laugh "there will be plenty I think." I say to him

#8Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:30 pm


I was doing some free running near a park when i felt a hollow reiatsu i quickly stop what i am doing and scan to sin point the location of it then i hear a yell of help from a female from the park and that were the hollow is so i rush over getting ready to release my fullbring when i see a female with sliver hair and in shinigami dress take on the hollow so i stand were i am to watch and feel her reiatsu rise and finally finish off the hollow i was Going to introduce myself but then not one but two male shinigami appear one who reiatsu is producing cherry blossom scent so i calmly walk over and call "so what are three shinigami are doing here?" while i run a hand throu my spiked flame like coloured hair while the other one is rubbing my tiger stone amulet and he any of them look over they will see a well toned and fit body in a red t-shirt with a dragon symbol on it with black pants that have gold flame print on both legs and black runners to top it all off

#9Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:42 pm


'He did say plenty riiiight'Yawe asked in a sweet innocent voice. 'Yes, Captain Tazuma DID say there'd be plenty, and if I know you partner-of-heart, then your as excited as I am for battle.' The combined joy myself and Yawe felt caused an almost insane grin to appear on my face.

'Say, Yawe...I'm gunna try something, please don't get mad...' Before she could retort, I took her blade of my lap and ran it tip first into the tallest point of the tree, proceding to stand atop the end of Yawe's handle.


Yawe's yell reverberated through my mind. 'Woah calm down Yawe!' I entered my inner world and walked over too her, and wrapped an arm around her. "Come on Yawe you know I wouldn't do anything that'd actually harm you, I just suddenly felt I'd be comfortable sitting like this'

Back in reality I failed to notice the approach of a human with an odd spiritual pressure. So when I came forth from my inner world I was surprised to hear him addressing the 3 of us.

From my new found perch I looked upon the person walking up... deciding to throw caution to the wind I called out..."Yo who're you?? As for why 3 shinigami are here.... I dunno...perhaps cap'n does." I finished pointing down too Tazuma.

#10Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:55 pm


"oh sorry my name is ash wyvern i was in the area when i heard a yell for help so i rushed over here to give help to only find you three here mind if i ask who you are my good friends?" i say to the shinigami who called out to me in the tree and for the moment i want to keep a lowish profile not sure how they would react to me being a fullbringer.

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