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#21Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:38 am


As the Tiki hollow blocked the path between me and the hollow now known as Biesto my attack finished charging, that was when I saw the charged cero fire from the Tiki hollow.

With a reaction faster than I'd usually have, I immediatly sliced both of Yawe's blades through the air infront of me yelling out "WINDSCAR!" from each blade 3 jade green blades of wind ripped forward, clashing with the hollows cero... both attacks exploding on contact, a large shockwave smashing into me sending my body crashing through tree's until I came to a stop underneath a fallen tree.

All I could voice at this point was a low 'ugh' as the many wounds from the large explosion began to bleed.

----Inner World----

I shot up, looking around I saw I was beside the lakeside, but everything seemed much darker than normal, I called out for Yawe.

'Yawe wh..what happened, that cero couldn't have been that strong...'

Yawe was approaching my side from the edge of the tree's, her face filled with sorrow.

'Your right it SHOULDN'T have been that strong, I think your double blade windscar is too blame for that... and the condition your body is now in... the explosion of both yours and the hollows rietsu impacted mostly on you somehow, your body is littered in cuts and pinned beneath a tree.'

Yawe had spoken all of this without once looking me in the eyes.... something that hurt more than I thought it would. All I could do now though was wait...

((OOC; more or less a sample of my reckless-ness when blinded by anger, leading to getting my ass handed to me D; ))

#22Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:25 pm


I watch as the female run toward me i slip past her as she tried to slash my chest i try to hit as many pressure points to try to disable her for a bit then i start to use lightbringer as well as my natural speed at this stage to try and confuse the hollows but when i jump into the air to make a falling axe kick you see that i am aiming for the blob and if you look closely you see small gold flames the tell tale sign of my dragon flare cannon where the attacks lands in this case the top of the blob a pillor of flames in the shape of a dragon rises up into the air then comes back down again to attack a second time.

#23Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:08 pm


(( ill invade here :D muhaha prepare yourself for a True hollow apperance dont worry i wont really fight ^^ maybe only to get tazuma but thts all Razz)

Damm that biesto he had dissobeyed a direct order and still gone to the human world and if that wasent enough he had brought some minions with him. Oh well there was still time to turn this to his advantage. There was a VEERY annoyed michael that opened a garganta at the place he had felt Biestos reitsu. Accompanied by 4 gillian class hollows slightly modified he exited the garganta immidietly spotted the three shinigamis a quick pesqua revealed that atleast one of them was captain class i turned to order the gillians "gillians fire your ceros at the people down there dont mind if the other two hollows get hit they have themself to blame for dissobeying my order"

The 4 gillians started to charge up their ceros as michael only watched smiling it should be intressting to see how they would handle this and it would reveal wich of them was the stronger one

#24Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:37 pm


Finally able to move again I managed to adjust myself so I could see more than the tree pinning me.... what my eyes beheld worried me beyond believe at this point. A gargantua had opened and 5 figures had walked out, 4 of which appeared to be charging cero's... meanwhile I was useless under this tree.. "dammit!...why can't I do anything right!" my rietsu slowly began to build up to its normal levels as I became more and more frustrated with myself...... 'just if I could somehow help... but in my condition I'd still be useless even after getting free of this tree' to my despair I could only watch on in worry of what may pass.

#25Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:54 am


Tomo's body was quick to fall from it's pressure points being it. All for the better.

The battle now seemed a positive two on two with good numbers. Biesto, seemingly pleased with himself that he had proved his boss wrong smuggly chuckled to himself until he saw Tomo go down. As he tried to move her body it was of no use. Tch, useless shinigami. Distracted, he hadn't seen the human coming at him again. Wide eyed and to late he had been hit directly by the attack. Biesto was quick to vanish, not as strong as he claimed to be, and purified. Leaving the lonely, seemingly more dimwitted hollow by itself. As it peered around at those surround him it quickly realized it was out-numbered.

Inside Tomo's mind the hits hit her body as if she had been in actual life. Her hands caressed the places hit by ash before falling to her knees with confusion. In the same instance she fell, Masa appeared once more in front of her claiming her to wake up several more times. And again she had been pricked with the needle! Angry, Tomo returned to her feet this time in the world of the living. What had happened? Her body acted where she had been stabbed by masa, but they were hardly the pin pricks of the needle her spirit had used. Her shoulder was bleeding heavily, and her body felt very heavy. Blue hues lifted to the surrounding situation. Had she been knocked unconsious? The noticed the blob was gone, and the only people to be left standing were Ash and the Captain [OoC: Assuming he is still with us]. Where had Minoru gone? she found herself asking till a strong spiritual presence made itself known.

Diverting her attention from the hollow now no longer important she searched to find where the riatsu was coming from, and in the process had spotted Minoru. Assuming Ash had the last hollow under control she quick stepped her way over to Minoru. It wasn't until she grew closer did she spot where the new Rietsu was coming from. Her eyes widened. Gillians? And who was the man with them? She had to put them out of her mind temporarily as she helped Minoru out.

"Minoru, what happened?" she asked still confused as she couldn't recollect the past half hour here in the human world.

#26Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:22 am


Finally free of the tree I struggled to my feet, the exhaustion overly present in my facial features, partially due too blood-loss. I lean slightly on Tomoko for support, while trying not to invade her privacy.

Pointing towards the crater caused by the combination of my windscar and the tiki hollows cero I began.. " Too put it simply, I countered that wierd Tiki hollow's cero with my shikai's double blade windscar. The combo exploded, and somehow I took the brunt of the damage.... though it appears that I did manage to kill the hollow." gazing into the sky I noticed the gillian were still charging cero's.

"Tomoko we gotta do something about those gillian and fast.... though I'm not sure if I can be of use presently" The concern I felt was easily read-able as it flickered across my eyes.

With short quick breaths I sat down, leaning against the tree... holding a large gash across my stomach when my back flared in immense pain.. "gaaah! not now... arrrrrrgh" I crumpled to the ground, paralyzed by the pain. Due to my current position my large X scar could be seen through the cuts in my clothing.

#27Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:46 am


I Feel 5 huge reiatsu appear i look around and see 4 gillians.
"What the hell this can not be good." then i think fast there still one hollow here and there not much i can do about the gillians now what they are chargeing ceros well it looks like i will have to use that move. So my reiatsu flares up and burns away the cloak and forms two faint looking dragon talons mauls then i use Spirit of the Dragon: Phyrodemis the fire Dragon then i use lightbringer to get into a spot that i can take out hopefully some of the gillians at the same time with Solar flare cannon so with my arms stright out to the sides i start to charge my reiatsu into a single point as my arms start to come to gether the reiatsu is growing at a fast rate by the time that my hands are to gether there what looks to be a small star in the plams of my hands then there a swirl of fire that go into the star then it flares out into a huge flaming cannon blast that will burn any thing that not as strong as me to a crisp.

#28Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:15 pm


((i think we wait for koshi now before i turn you all to crisp Razz ^^ na but let wait for him anyway)

#29Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:01 pm


(ooc sorry for taking forever guys)

a hollow using sound how cleaver yet I should be able to counter act it by using my reiatsu. I start releasing my vibroreiatsu in bursts hoping to counter the canceling effects of that horribe pitch.

I feel 5 more reiatsu fields arrive and quickly know they are hollow and strong"everyine prepare yourselfs for an attack!" I leap back into the air and land a few feet away from where I was standing."silence,kuriyami no,naka de kashu." My reiatsu explodes forth from my body revieling my zanpacto's transformation. Its already long length grows two inchs longer and two inchs wider. The blade turned a bright red and five holes and slots appear on the blade. On the hilt a mouthpiece and four fimger holes grow.

I look up at the hollows charging the cero blast barrage. I zanpacto against tge ground and swing it towards the hollows above us"fortisimo!" I yell as a blast of my reiatsu and vibration streaks through the sky. Hope it hits I think to myself."is that a big enough distraction?" I adk Nao smiing. The smell of cherry blossoms hangs heavy in tye air as my reiatsu is released

#30Secrets of the Cherry Blossom - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets of the Cherry Blossom Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:27 am


Michael lets two of the gillians fire their ceros hitting koshis and ash attack head on causing a huge explosion in the cover of that explosion the other two gillians fire theirs followed by a few week bala shots from michael one against each person down there just a little test to see how strong they are he can sense that atleast one of them are captain class

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