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#11A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:58 am



"Looks like I'm late!"

A voice would sound from above as a shadow appeared with the familiar swish noise of a shunpo. Tenju appeared in the air and landed just a few feet away from everyone, he was wearing a fresh uniform however his hair was in a wild mess, it didn't take much to tell he had just gotten up from a nap. There was still some sleep in his eye and he had a look about his face that the gears were still warming up in his brain and that he wasn't fully awake yet.

"Sorry about that Tazu-kun! I was sleeping on the roof of the 11th division barracks..."

He said apologetically as he stood up from landing his jump and turned to face to group smiling nervously as he scratched his head. Tenju would then pay more attention and remember Minoru's face, "YOU! The annoying one at the gate the other day!" He would exclaim as he pointed his finger in a rather rude manner but noticing Kieran there as well, "Ah, and Kieran-kun as well. This is quite the get together Tazuma." Tenju would stand still and cross his arms with a small smile on his face eager to hear what they were going to be up to.

#12A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:12 pm


Looking towards where the new voice came from my face became blank, in slight annoyance I ask Oi 'gateguard' how's it going, its been a while. Before I got too far ahead of myself I calm down before continuing.. So you know Captn's Zuma and Kieran too eh? I guess I'll formerly introduce myself, I'm Minoru Nao, squad 2''s new 3rd seat, nice to meet you. I pick a bottle of my own sake outta my pack and pop the cork and take a swig.

#13A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:54 pm


"so it seems that squad 11 agrees with you tenju that good now now let what in the past stay there for now and tazuma is there any one else we are waiting on hmm?" i say as tenju appears then seeing minwu take a swing of sake i hold out a bottle towards tenju and shake it a bit knowing that he will get what i am saying with out words before i throw it at him he he wants it.

#14A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:00 am


"ahh come i and welcome tenju-kun. It does seem that the eleventh division appeals to you.(i look over at kieran holding out a boittle to tenju) I wouldn't do,that no need to repeat the past and yes Nao I am quite good friends with kieran and tenju all we need is Yai and we can get on or way." I pull out some water and offer it to tenju"this is water tenju no need to worry huh." I say in a half laugh. I offer tenju a seat"so you are familiar with Nao,Tenju?"

#15A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:10 am


Tenju looked at the one whom had given him a hard time the other day, it seemed he was an official shinigami now and 3rd seat too, "Tenju Ichiken, and I don't have a rank or seat..." He would reply only to be polite. Tenju's reiatsu was suppressed and this 3rd seat would likely think Tenju we but a weak unseated shinigami who didn't respect his superiors for now. That was fine with Tenju as he walked over and took both the offered seat as well as the water, "Thanks, Tazu." He would then look to Kieran apologetically, "Sorry, I can't hold my liquor at all." giving reason for why he declined the sake before continuing to explain how he met Minoru, "I was put on guard duty at the gate when he showed up and started loitering around. When I told him to scram he didn't leave." His side of the story told Tenju then took sip of his water and continued, "I know Kieran from a spar we had not to long ago. As for how I know Tazuma, we met when I...returned to soul society after a long mission." He would look at Tazuma's eyes as if to tell him that these two didn't need to know about his past.

#16A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:31 am


I would met eyes with tenju and nod making sure he knew I would keep his past a secret to the grave if need be"don't be coy tenju is well on his way to being refered to as Kenpachi,isn't that right my friend?" I sip some sake and laugh at tenjus comment at his not holding his liquer well"and that my friend is an understatement." I look around "i wonder if Yai is coming?"

#17A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:48 am


Tenju frowned slightly and leaned back a bit as he stretched still stiff from his nap, "You speak too soon Tazu, I might be 11th division captain soon but the title of kenpachi goes to he who loves fighting most within the gotei 13. I do enjoy a good battle however I'm sure there are others in the 11th division who enjoy it more than I do."

#18A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:04 am


I tap on a piece of paper on my,desk"i know you'll be taking your test. I'm in charge of making sure you don't die before the test." I smile at tenju as I say this"and besides you are more then deserving of a captains hoari in my opinion."

#19A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:10 am


"Sorry did not know about that Tenju but then there all the more for the rest of us." I say and i also notice the look between tenju and Tazuma but i shurg it off if they are holding something back from me they must have a good reason for that. so i put the bottle of sake back and take a seat.
"So we are just waiting on Yai are we?"

#20A special trip home(invite only) - Page 2 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:25 am


"yes and as wild as his division is we may be a little while." I place the last bit of paperwork in a bin marked done and take a breath"now that the paperwork is complete. Do any of you have any question or concerns about the journey we are about to depart on?" I lean back in my chair and fold my arms behind my head

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