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#21A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:45 am


"Nah no questions here, though I would like some more of that sake of yours Zuma, it taste loads better than my own" chuckling I finish my small bottle of sake and lean back in my seat, stretching out I feel a slight tinge of pain in my back, but decide to ignore it for now.

"You know, I hope my back doesn't bother me during training, otherwise it may turn out to be counter productive." I let out a small sigh remembering the incident in Rukongai years ago.

Now knowing more about the one I now knew as Tenju, I recalled our meeting, realizing I seemed rude and quite awkward. 'I owe this guy an apology..'

I got out of my seat and walked over to Tenju, standing infront of him I began in an apologetic tone, "Hey Tenju.... I want to apologize about how I acted when we first met, I now realize I must have seemed both rude and awkward." I held out my hand for a hand-shake.

#22A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:53 am


"i have had years to perfect it Nao but I do appricate your kind words." I say with a slight bow as I pour Nao a second cup of sake. "i can say Nao you are lucky to be surrounded by three captain level shinigami by the time we return you can expect to have control at least on a medium level of your reiatsu." I smile at kieran and nod in approval as Nao appoliges to Tenju for how he acted

#23A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:00 am


I take the second cup of sake with a smile. "Ay I am lucky, and I hope to walk away from this training with more than improved control and skills." Smiling again I took another sip of the sake.

#24A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:00 pm


"Nao you should return with much more.All of us should to be honest." I stand and move to the window of my office looking out into the distance I get lost in the beauty of everything.

#25A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:27 pm


"i am liking this all the more the more i hear about it i just hope that nothing unforeseen happens that ruins it." i say then i go to a corner lean against it then start to pass a small amount of lightning formed from my reiatsu between my hands to pass some time.

#26A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:03 pm


Tenju had taken out his own gourd, however this one was full of water, and he popped off the cork in order to start drinking as well when Minoru moved over to him and thanked him. "Eh?" Tenju would look up at the 3rd seat for a moment before looking back to his gourd, "A warrior doesn't apologize for being himself. If you had not hear I was soon to be a captain just now would you still be apologizing?" He took a swig from his drink and continued to ignore the offered hand shake, "Train hard, become stronger than me, beat me, and then make me apologize for my rudeness, that is the way the world of the strong works..."

Tenju's dog eat dog mindset gained in Hueco Mundo was beginning to show a little bit and he was putting a damper on the mood, however it couldn't help but be himself. As time passes Tenju stands and walks over to Tazuma whom was gazing out to the scenery losing himself to the view. He would put a heavy hand on his shoulder and speak to snap him out of it, "Perhaps our final guest isn't coming after all, shall we be going then?"

#27A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:06 pm


Gaining myself I look over and up at tenju"perhaps you are correct tenju. I'll send another butterfly to him to,instruct him on how and where to catch up with us." I point out into the distance where only clouds could be seen"we are heading there to my home. We leave noe then. Are there any objections?" I ask while grapping my bag and shething my zanpacto over my shoulder

#28A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:49 am


"that fine by me, so i finally get to see your home eh." i say while still passing the lightning between my hands.

#29A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:34 am


Taking a deep breath in to answer kieran's question the memories of the past floods into my mind. The looks on the faces of the slain monks and the destruction of my home still is fresh as it was that day. Whatever did it knew Koshi-sama meant the most because he was laid out on the alter of the maiden,that maiden is now my zanpacto spirit or more my spirit. I look at kieran "yes you will finally get to see my home friend. All of you get too." I turn and head for the door"are you all ready. Its a three days journey to my home?"

#30A special trip home(invite only) - Page 3 Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:52 am


Tenju got up and moved to follow Tazuma, "3 days huh? is it really that far away?" He would hoist his own small travel bag and crack his neck as he got ready for the hike.

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