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#61Just goofing around karakura Town.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Just goofing around karakura Town. Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:20 pm


Nakajima's blow was knocked off course, cutting into Cross's shoulder instead of his head. His nodachi reached the critical point, white energy streaming off the blade. Cross, you thought the sun meant nothing, but you were wrong. All this time, my Bankai's been absorbing the sun's energy and converting it to pure energy. Also, he felt a surge of Hollow power. Hmph. Seems like my mask is ready again. And then, a Gaki Rekkou began forming around Nakajima and Cross. Nakajima, no longer touching Cross, Shunpoed away, getting just out side the range of the Kido. Then, Nakajima put his mask on again. Smiling, he began charging a Cero, pointing his finger at the place from which the Gaki Rekkou had from. Recall your Kido, human, or I blow a hole in you!! Nakajima was very upset about the interferance. And, to make matters worse, the sky had turned purple. weirdest day ever... muttered Nakajima as he looked for the place that he should launch his nodachi attack at.

#62Just goofing around karakura Town.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Just goofing around karakura Town. Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:34 pm


Cat uses he phase walk to go deep underground of one of the many houses in town. She would hide while her butterfly finished it's build up. The skies now glowing purple the butterfly brightly lit up everything around it. Cat smiled as she knew what was about to happen on the surface. She could tell that they had both been wounded already. She could tell all there bodies vitality thanks to the tattoos she marked them with, She even knew where they where and if they started to come close she would run in the opposite direction underground.

The end of the post:

Purple streams come down connecting Taka and Z to the purple sky (this is mainly representation you can try to doge but the streams will still connect wif you). Tho this does not count as one post of the effect being activated they start to feel there spirit being drained slowly.

#63Just goofing around karakura Town.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Just goofing around karakura Town. Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:41 pm


A purple beam comes to my chest, draining me of energy. I look up, seeing it go to the butterfly i yell towards the vizard. "Oi! Why is our energy going to that thing? Suddenly kido blasts came my way. I take a few to my legs as I sonido across the building walls. I sense the reiatsu as it's coming from the human, but i ignore her with these silly kido blasts, I head in the direction of The stronger reiatsu, sonidoing ina zig zag pattern so the humans kido blasts would not hit me. I enter the main town, near the reiatsu i was sensing. But it was moving, constantly.

#64Just goofing around karakura Town.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Just goofing around karakura Town. Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:24 am


You know what? we need to stop fighting. That way, maybe, that thing will stop. I'm gonna stop these techniques. Nakajima fired his Cero into the air, causing no harm. He then removed his mask and stopped building energy. truce?

#65Just goofing around karakura Town.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Just goofing around karakura Town. Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:50 am


Orihime and cat now post back to back i guess cause i am guessing it is 2 v 2

She stops firing her previous kido, "Good luck I am not letting you touch her" , says Orihime. She takes a stance she could not track them with her eyes she lacked the speed. She closes her eyes and uses her advanced spiritual sensing to keep track of movement her eyes would be unable to see.

"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws," Orihime says this in a low voice. She builds up her spiritual pressure making it stronger she keeps her hand in position ready to reales it on a moments notice. Tho even a kido specialist such as her self useing these tech, back to back where starting to take it out of her. So after this shot she would need to use her fairies to give her time to restore her energy.

#66Just goofing around karakura Town.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Just goofing around karakura Town. Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:53 am


Cat continues to suck out the life out of the two men. At the end of this post they will not have enough energy for a huge attack or a huge move because they will have 2/3 the life they had sense the attack started. Cat feeling confident that even if they stop this attack she has plenty of strength to take them on head to head. With the human girl up top using those high level kido attacks they will be forced to use more strength for defense. With them both marked running away was not an option. She didn't want to kill them, but then agin she didn't exactly know the situation.

She says to her self, "Come on human girl keep it up. I just gotta keep moving."

#67Just goofing around karakura Town.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Just goofing around karakura Town. Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:12 pm


"Hmph..This is not worth my time anymore." i snap my fingers, As a burst of reiatsu covers my body. Revealing my original form floating down to the street. I was already pissed from teh human attacking me, with the account of the vizard attacking me also. I was short to judge that human, the only one so far i messed up on. I slowly land on teh ground looking at my chest, then to teh sky."I'll be back!!" I yell to the mystery person doing this weird move.

I walk across the concrete towards the store nearby. It was closed but i placed my hand on the door, snapping my left hand as a Gargunta opened,allowing me to step in. :I am not going to be done here. if you really want to fight shinigami, then fight head to head and stop hiding!" I yell, as the garunta slowly closes, showign my red eyes as teh last sight the area sees.

#68Just goofing around karakura Town.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Just goofing around karakura Town. Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:27 pm


Nakajima was not happy about having his energy drained. He knew that he couldn't put his Bankai to good use with his energy almost gone. Then, Cross suddenly opened a Garganta and stepped through, vanishing from Nakajima's view. "Pfft." said Nakajima. "I only came here to get that Espada out of the town and now he's gone." he said. "Plus, my energy's nearly gone and I'm not in the mood to lose all of it, so I'd better get going too." said Nakajima. Nakajima sealed his sword. Now he held only his normal katana in his hands. Then, he inserted his sword into a spot in the air and spoke the word "Open.". A large gate looking rather like the door to a traditional Japanese house appeared and opened. Nakajima stepped through, the doors closing behind him. He had gone to Soul Society.

#69Just goofing around karakura Town.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Just goofing around karakura Town. Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:36 pm


As he leaves cat comes up out of the ground, she knew where each was going they would forever be marked with her tattoo. She is coming out of the ground behind Orihime. Suzan disappears and the claw returns to Cat. She gives orihime a hug,

"You poor thing those mean men must have been horrible, for you to call the S.S on them"

She was happy this was the first battle she had fought in and it turned out really well. Go team female, she guessed.



As she is being hugged her face goes blank.....

"Actually i forgot why we where fighting........"


Cat walks away with her head bowed she thought she had done something important, and she walks away.


Orihime still dumb founded that she could not remember.

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