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#1A special trip home(invite only) Empty A special trip home(invite only) Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:48 pm


It was early in the soul society and I wake up excited. I,get out of bed and send three hell butterfly off to their subject"asking them if they want to join me in a most soecial day please come to the squad ten office." The butterflys fly off into the morning sky.
I pack enough food and water for a three day journey"almost forgot the sake." I say to myself. I grab two sake bottles and clearly mark them sake. I then put on my hoari and sit at my desk,finishing up all the paperwork I need to finish before my trip."so I wonder who will get here first?"

#2A special trip home(invite only) Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:16 pm


I was just finishing off the light bit of paperwork that i had and was glad that it was not that time of year that i get flooded with it i look up and see a hell butterfly and so i lift up a finger for it to land and give it message and smile at it so tazuma is planning a little trip well it not like i got anything else to do today or coming up. So i quickly get one of my squad members to be in charge while i was gone leaving him a message to say to get another captain to sort out any thing that he can not and only get me if i an the only person able to do it and it offer to be done asap. I then shunpo to my room to pack a few things and grab a few bottles of sake and one of another spirit from the human world then i shunpo over to tazuma office knock and enter and give a wave and a bow as a hello for my mouth was holding a item so that i could knock without dropping any thing.

#3A special trip home(invite only) Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:58 pm


"a kieran come in put,your stuff down and relax old friend." I motion for him to sit down a relax"im still wsiting on a couple other people who may,come. I,am going to,share something very special with some of my best friends I have." I smile as I pour some cherry sake into cups and push on too kieran

#4A special trip home(invite only) Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:21 am


As I had finished my last set of kata for the day a hell butterfly flew in landing on the tip of my nose. As I listened to the message I couldn't help but to wonder why squad 10's Captain invited me, deciding not to let it bother me I sheathed Yawe, grabbed my small pack that held my spare clothes and some food.

With a few long distance shunpo I found myself outside of squad 10's barracks, approaching the door I knocked on the frame.

" Oi Cap'n Zuma I got your message, whats with the sudden trip?" I asked smiling slightly, walking inside I noticed that Kieran was there as well. " Hey there Kieran. "

#5A special trip home(invite only) Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:10 am


I look up from my desk at the sound of the knock"ahh Nao come in . Do you remember when I said i'll get you for your training well here it is. Time to get ready and go when the others arive." I pour Nao a glass of cherry sake and motion for him to sit down and drink with us.

#6A special trip home(invite only) Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:26 am


"Ah, I remember.. though I wasn't expecting you to have the time so soon." I walked over taking the sake Zuma held out, then sit in the seat he motioned towards.

"so how's this peaceful day been for the two of you?" I asked, sparking conversation while we waited for whoever still had to arrive.

---Inner world---

'I wonder how Zuma-taicho is going to train you, I hope its fun!' Yawe exclaimed, full of excitement at having new training partners.

' So do I Yawe, and knowing Cap'n Zuma it won't be easy '

--- With Zuma and Kieran ---

"So Zuma, can I get a hint to what the trainings gunna be?" I asked with an almost too happy smile.

#7A special trip home(invite only) Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:44 am


I smile and look at Nao" I can say this I have never shown this to anyone as it only happens ever so often and to expect to be amazedsd" I keep the suprise I,have in store for my friends hidden so,they may think about the possibilities and wonder to themselves."i can also promise that you will return mush different then you leave." I sip my sake"wow I out done myself with this batch!" I say,in amazement

#8A special trip home(invite only) Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:02 am


Sipping on the sake I began to wonder about what Zuma had said. " Hmmm, sounds like its gunna be a lot of fun" I happily said, the smile on my face growing.

'Wow Minoru its been a while since I've seen you this happy, its so beautiful in here right now' Yawe's words emminated with joy, and I couldn't help but to laugh a little..... realizing I had infact just laughed out loud I felt slightly embaressed.

#9A special trip home(invite only) Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:21 am


I watch what happens and take a sip of the sake i sigh at the taste of it in joy then i say after giving a little cough. "i am suprise that you forget who i am maybe this will help. Now the sake it light but not to light the taste is just right but i can not put a finger on something did you put something else into this by any chance?" while i say that i let my reiatsu charge the air slightly just enough to notice not enough to make lightning.

#10A special trip home(invite only) Empty Re: A special trip home(invite only) Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:27 am


"Kieran... I don't think I'm ever gunna get used to your rietsu... it makes the air feel, well weird. " Leaning back iin my seat I finish my cup/saucer of sake and place it infront of me before closing my eyes n relaxing some.

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