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#1Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:53 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Byakuraaaan-1Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Byakuraaaan-1Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Byakuraaaan-1

"I'm the best in what I do, But what I do isn't very nice"

Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow


Kagamino City December 1st 2012 11.00 A.M

Udarsha was walking along the road, minding his own business. It was quite a busy day to day. People were walking around the streets hurriedly trying to get themselves to their working places. Except for a few drifters, who were hanging around the street doing nothing but drinking sprits? Passing by all of them, Udarsha entered avenue 15 of Mason Street in Kagamino city. The street was not like the other. It was quite inhabited, except for a few folks who were living in the streets with Manson like houses. Looking at the only 5 houses Udarsha walked his hands inside his two pockets. He was wearing a black shirt, which had a small design on it. His jeans were dark blue in colour which glowed quite tremendously. He wore 4 friendship bands in hand. Each had a different colour and a different text on it, which made the person who wears it quite dashing. And on his lower lip, was a black colour piercing, which some people would refer as an emo fashion or a style. But Udarsha knew that he was no such thing.

Emo were people who are mentally down on themselves. They in other words, are quite emotional. People who are low-minded would have misconceptions about it. They would rather, take the incorrect concept and shun the people who are emotional, rather than taking the accurate concept. Emotional doesn’t mean that they cry all the time or they are cry babies. It means, that, they are down on them self’s. In theory, they hate their lives and wish they had never been born in this forsaken world called, “earth”. And as they hate themselves, they try to ruin their lives by cutting themselves or killing themselves. This was very suicidal. As well as trying to cut yourself.

“You should never go backwards in life. You should always go forward. Even in hardest and depressing moments in life. There would be a day, a day, where we would move to success in our day to day life. Still then we should never ever give up!”

80 percent of people who were emos were people with hard and repugnant lives. Those peoples day to day life is a misery. They could not think well of themselves. Every time they try to think of something well, tragedy befalls on them. Such were the life styles of these people. Some of them get abused by their parents. This is the worldwide fact, why emos are born these days in our society. And they are some, who take this, so-called, emo as a style or a fashion. This would lead them in their success, in finding opposite genders. So the opposite gender would immediately fall in love with the person. These kinds of things really does, sicken some people.

Trying to find away to go towards the other side of the street, he walked very fast. As he was walking, he met an old man in the age of 65-70 sitting on a bench, his hands on his face, which truly showed that he was crying. Udarsha who was a curious creature slowly made his way towards the man. By the looks of it the main was crying for more than 30 minutes or so. “Mister, are you okay?” he said gently and politely, as knew that he was talking with an old geezer. The old man looked up at him and said dolefully, “I married a 19 year old girl and...” he stopped and started to cry his eyes out again. Udarsha signed, “I see. So your having troubles with?” he started to end it but he was interrupted by the old geezer, who said quite excitedly, “Oh, no, I have an incredible stamina for my age. We make passionate love 25 times a day.” Udarsha who was stunned by this answer made a confused look on his face. “The fact is that I forgot where I live!”

“Love is deaf. Love is blind. Love is unpredictable. Love is depressing. Love is annoying. Love is...shit?...”

Chapter 1; The Coming Of The Insidious.

A woman was jogging along the pavement taking his early stroll along. It was 5.00 A.M in the morning. No one was up except some souls who were taking their morning stroll as well. Slowly increasing the speed she jogged and she came towards a bridge, which was in a shape of a circle. Slowing down, she turned herself towards the corners of the bridge which had a beautiful cement design worked on it. She crouched down and laid both of her elbows down on it as she felt a cold breeze flowing over the atmosphere. She smiled towards herself and just looked down. Towards her amazement, she saw a big white colour bag, laid on the side of the river. No doubt, it had flowed from the river where it had met it place to stay. Curiously, finding the small staircase from the bridge she started too walked down towards the river to investigate, what was in the white colour bag. Making his way to the side of the river, she found the bag, which she lifted up. She was startled by the weight of it. It was very heavy. Again the feeling of curiosity flowed through her veins as she opened it slowly and cocked her head inside it. Her own scream was the last thing she heard.

The newspaper was out. The Sunday newspaper. He was waiting still this day anxiously. The newspaper boy who was one of his friends always had the habit of giving the newspaper right towards his hands. As so in the past, he did in the future as well. It was Sunday. And they boy passed the newspaper towards him and left. He smiled and closed the door of his apartment. As he walked towards the chair; holding his paper.

Making himself comfortable. He lied on the chair. Taking the paper from his hands he started to read it. The headline was printed big. Even a person with low-eye sight could read the heading. The headline said, “The Crusades.” It said. Udarsha who was well versed in history and such was startled by the headline. Anxiously, he began reading the content. It only took him 5 minutes to read the article. It was about a cold murder. A person was killed and was teared or sliced into pieces, which the killer had put the pieces of flesh into a white bag. And a civilian, who had opened it, was killed as well. It is said that, the civilian who had seen this had got a heart-attack, as she met her final fate, “Death.” Slowly, he smiled and licked his lips.

“Death and pain are the costs of fun!”

Chapter 2; Fuck The World

The man black in dress was sitting on an altar. He was looking forward at the huge door in front of him. The door and he had quite a distance. The man was expecting someone. Anxiously, he waited still the person came. He was inside a huge place of some kind. This was filed with praying seats and altars. He was in the middle of it. Towards his back was a giant symbol of a cross. With a man stained towards it. The man knew, he was in a huge church. That’s what made his quest more the interesting. He knew that the Catholic Church was his enemy. He knew that it was because of the church, his siblings’ was killed. He knew that his parent’s last breath was taken from the church. And he knew his destiny. He knew that Christianity had made towards its final year. Thinking of this he stayed patiently, waiting… the door made a small creak sound as it opened slowly. A small south-Asian looking man cocked his head out of the door and made a glass towards the man in black. “Is it done, my son?” the man said with a darkish whisper. “It is done, master.” The small Asian man said in return nobly. The man grinned and stood up, saying, “Very good...”

Udarsha, who read no more if this brutal event trowed the paper away from him. He had no intension of continuing his reading. This had sickened him more than he intended. The way the person was killed was disturbing. Killing a person and throwing away he/her body is bad enough. But cutting it into pieces? That was brutal. But deep inside, Udarsha inner self, he knew he liked it. Doing such a thing would give him a great pleasure of feeling and so. But he knew that he should have his resolve working on. Than rather, thinking of cutting people in half. Thinking of cutting, he remembered that he had to attend an old friend’s birthday party today. Even though, it was a birthday party, there would be plenty of girls to play with. The birthday party would soon turn towards a sex party filled with group sex and stuff. Excitedly, he walked towards his room trying to get some new clothes to wear. Thus he knew that it was gonna be along day.

“Have you contacted are subordinate, my son?” the man asked his worker with a small smile on his face. “No, master, Not yet! Should I make my safe available to do it?” forcing himself a smile, the Asian man said slowly. The muster looked up at him with a confused look on his face. As he started to walk towards the Asian-man. Small step by step he walked. The Asian took 3 steps backwards as he hugged himself. “Why son, are you cold?” the master asked his worker still walking towards him. “No!” he shouted in a rough voice. The master smiled gently, as he slowly took his Zanpakatou, out of his hilt and aimed the blade at the man’s chest. The Asian who was a stout and small man, knew he could not defend himself. “Please no! I beg you! I’m sorry for shouting at you!” he said kneeling down. The master laughed, “I know you are, Jerome. I know you are. Yet, you are not privileged to go on with me in this mission, which I have been working for years. I shall ruin this human world towards the ground and burn everything with it. Then I shall take my revenge, from the.... Yes, I shall.” With that he stroked hard blows, straight towards Jerome’s neck, which his head fell towards the flow thumbing so as his body. The master looked at it, and in a moment he turned himself towards the cross and started to walk towards it. “No one can be trusted.”

“Trusting in someone is the same as depending on them. That is something the weak do. We have no use for it.”

Stepping out of his apartment, he looked at the road. It was empty. Checking he’s watch, he noted that it was 11.30 in the night. Exhaling he started to walk towards his friends house. Anxiously, anticipating a sex party. Drinking a bottle of coke he walked slowly. As he accidently bumped into a large man with a punk looking hair cut on his head. The man looked at Udarsha and growled. “What the fuck think you’re doing, ass hole?” he said spoke grabbing Udarsha’s collar. His accent was American and a rough one. Though he looked like a teenage punk. “Don’t use such strong words.” Udarsha said calmly, taking the man’s hand off his collar. The man stepped back and laughed heartily. “Big talk aren’t ya, bitch?” the guy said giving him a smile as he whistled. Udarsha, who knew what he meant, just forced a smile on his face. He knew that, people who were retarded swear a lot. And this guy was the exact.

The small whistle brought a gang of old looking with bizarre hair styles on their heads. Udarsha, who was well versed in these kinds of things, actually knew that these people were looking for a fight. “What’s wrong Taka?” one large looking punk with a piercing on his ear spited out. “This kid is acting big” taka laughed as he said. Kyle was exasperated by this. Even though he had an American accent and am American look, this guy had a name belong to Japanese or a Chinese. “No, he probably must be a mix” he thought scratching his head. “Whatcha thinking, boy? Let’s get him!” Taking said getting his spike knuckles from his pocket. “You don’t want to do this, guys” Kyle said calmly taking another sip from his cola. “Shut the fuck up!” said one charging his fits towards Kyle.

“Stop!” Kyle shouted as everyone stooped and looked at each other. “Just came from the dry cleaners.” He said taking out his new coat and placing it on a nearby post.

“They were helpless. They cried in agony. Yet, nobody came to their assistance. They had met an opponent way far beyond their comprehension. Yet, they were ignorant as well as arrogant. And they all were defeated. Their deaths felled in vain. As their inner parts, gushed towards the toilet shit...”

Chapter 3; The Day After Tomorrow

On the altar of the devil up is down, pleasure is pain. Darkness is light, slavery is freedom, and madness is sanity.


#2Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Re: Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:06 pm


I walk though a small mass of people paying no mind to the ones that only see a man with white hair wearing a black shirt and jeans with a red leather trench coat over it. The ones that do see the demonic vibe sword that hungers for blood straped across my back i give then a look that makes then hurry on as if they seen nothing out of the norm. I chuckle lightly to myself at that the reason why i am in the human world is that i am looking for souls that can be turned into black hand demons for there a war around the corner i can feel it in the very core of my old soul. That and the fact of the grim murder of some poor soul i want to see if the murderer is able to see my sword then i may just see how well he can handle a blade for he may become a demon of some use maybe but first i have to find him. I leave the mass of people behind and continue walking at a nice pace i notice when i get a follower then another one joins and another one too it not too long before there a good size group around me. With out breaking my pace i stop in the center of a shadowy court they surround me and when the first one steps out to say something i turn and punch him in the windpipe before he could say a word and killed him. It takes a few seconds for that to sink in then they pull out weapons and charge one after another. The first had a butterfly knife which i disarm him and using that to sever the brain steam from the spinal cord, the next had a folding razor which i used to silt his neck ear to ear, one had a cleaver which a catched and bury in his head the next one had a chain but i broke his arm leg and neck. There was a break in the melee i take a ready stance and make a come on movement ready for what ever coming next.

#3Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Re: Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:17 am


It was near midnight, perhaps even beyond the hour by now, and a young man with moderate length grey-silver hair was atop the roof of a hospital over looking the city. Out there somewhere in the city the young man felt something with an immense feeling of darkness and evil, the young man knew the feeling was not hollow, no this feeling was something much worse. In the brisk air of the night the young man rushed for and leapt from the roof he had been on to land on another closer to the ground. Once landing on the roof the young mans attention turned to the shadows of a nearby building, an area he had just felt a hollows reiatsu in just as he landed.

Unknown to the young man he was being watched, the creature that was stalking him from the shadows was a gillian strength hollow, its body built like that of a spiders. The hollow was stalking the young grey-silvered hair man looking for a tasty meal, unaware that the man was not a normal human with faint spiritual pressure like it had thought. In the shadows the dull clicking and clattering of the hollows eight legs could faintly be heard as a stronger clatter began to sound from its mandibles. Now the hollows eyes opened, suddenly 16 bright emerald green eyes gleamed into the night, fixated on their prey. With a hiss the hollow leapt from the shadows, its needle like limbs ready to strike, and the mandibles hanging below its mask ready to tear into flesh.

Not even ten seconds after the hollows leapt out of the shadows had an arrow been fired between its mask, destroying the hollow and any souls it may have devoured. For the spider like hollow, today was not its lucky day, for it had chosen to prey upon a human who came from a long line of quincy. The grey-silver haired man now stood, his right arm held outright, traces of reiatsu and reiashi dissipating into the air around his hand. In just a mere ten seconds the young quincy had both formed his bow and an arrow before firing it into the hollows mask.

The young man walked into the moonlight as it shown down, now his features could be seen better. The mans body was of slim, but agile build, he was wearing a medium-short length trench coat tan in color and a pair of black jeans. Beneath the coat the man wore a grey shirt, the collar of which came just below an ornate tattoo on his neck. The mans dull grey eyes were now looking out into the distance, he was in search of the next hollow to rid the world of. This young man lived for one thing, to grow stronger and revive his clan, to do this he would continue to train and hunt the likes of hollow.

It was only now, somewhere between midnight and one in the morning, that the young man noticed another dark source of energy. Though the feeling was unfamiliar to the man he had been told of 'demons' beings much darker and more sinister than the likes of a hollow. The gentle sound of calm breathing could be heard over the light breeze as the young man started out again, forming reishi beneath his feet to 'walk on air' he took towards another area of the city.

Word-count; 570

[ooc; Udarsha asked me to join with Azezal even-though the app is still w.i.p]

#4Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Re: Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:32 pm


A swift moving yet silent palm slammed into the side of a hollows mask. As the palm connected the tissue between the hollows neck and it's head separated easily. Though the neck did stretch to try and contain the swift moving blown the unseen warrior was far too strong. Seeing as the mask hadn't been destroyed rather its head being forced off the hollow was alive. Using what little vision it had left the hollows gaze let it to a man with long purple hair. He had a cigarette in his mouth, a pretty goofy expression and what seemed like a haori over his shoulders. "Good a night as any to clean up the hollow mess." Radsen spoke lightly then he took a pull of the cigarette. Turning his head quickly Radsen stared out at a group of hollows baring a smirk on his face. He threw his arms back allowing his robe to catch some wind while also showing off his clothing. With a quick thump swipe over his top lip a smirk was plastered on Radsens face. "Bring it on." He taunted the hollows.

As a result of his taunt Radsen was bumrushed by four hollows of varying sizes and shapes. Lowering his head and stance all the first hollow could see was flowing purple hair. While out of site Radsen delivered a swift palm to the gut. His palm strike lifted the hollow into the air and forced him back even. After sending one hollow flying towards the other one Radsen spun three hundred and sixty degrees. After spinning he sent a punch right for the mask of another hollow. His fist crushed the mask it went through it along with the hollows head. Before Radsens fist could exit the other end of the hollows head it had already turned into dust. Jumping up into the air Radsen scissor locked one hollow by the neck with his legs and spun horizontally. His horizontal spin ended with the hollows face meeting the ground crushing his mask to bits. Radsen pushed up off the ground and began to do the break dancing move known as the turtle. Instead of waiting on the two staggered hollows to recover and run towards him Radsen flipped up and onto his feet. With a quick thumb swipe over his top lip Radsen's smirk was still plastered on his face. He then threw his arms back causing his robe to fly up, he then immediately started walking for the downed hollows.

"Thought you guys were gonna do something since you attacked me in a group. Don't bother getting up it'll be over before you know it." Radsen tilted his head which lead to him using hirenkyaku. During the motions of hirenkyaku he pulled out a seeleschnider cut both of their heads off and slipped it back in. Looking back at the decapitated hollows Radsen took a pull on his cigarette. "Boring and to think I was gonna spare you." He lied with the same grin on his face. Holding his hand out he reached out and touched a spiritual thread. Looking down at it for a moment his smirk widened. Throwing his arms back he made his robe once again go flying upwards. Before it came back down Radsen was already on the move, he was using hirenkyaku here an there. He was following a spiritual thread of someone he knew.

Once he reached the necessary height he began to skip along the air. The night lights gave his body a very warm and visually look to it. Though his thick robe did mislead people into thinking he was a bird. Radsen was wearing his standard quincy outfit; a sleeveless white turtleneck with a zipper up the front. The zipper itself was a smaller version of Radsens quincy cross. Befitting of his shinigami fixation Radsen was wearing a pair of white hakama's and gem shoes. The six seeleschinder he always allowed to be seen were easily visible on his left side. Overall this he was wearing an intricate royal blue robe with long sleeves. Around the edges of the sleeve was a turquoise ring and on the back of the robe was the quincy logo. Radsen took a pull of what looked like a cigarette in his mouth. Though in all actuality this cigarette was a bit special. It was a ginto tube made to look like a cigarette and the smoke itself was Radsens doing.

Radsen squinted to see Azezal's back prompting him to once again smirk. With his robe blowing in the wind Radsen jumped out along side Azezal and gave a simple whats up nod. His purple hair blew to the right side since he was looking at Azezal over his left shoulder. After nodding Radsen turned jumped in the air and sent a quick towards Azezal's face. Radsen was kicking hard enough to send him flying down and backwards quite a ways. He knew he was he was the stronger of the two he just wanted to know where Azezal's abilities stood. He could already feel the demon they were getting closer to and he'd prefer if Azezal wasn't in the way.

If Azezal got kicked and launched too far Radsen would stand there and take a pull of his cigarette. "You shouldn't get in the way if you can't even dodge a simple kick." Radsen would patronize him then toss hisarms back to make his robe flare upwards. After doing so he would turn and head in the direction of the demon.

If not Radsen would simply wait to see what Azezal was going to do.

#5Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Re: Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:13 am


Noba was taking a care-free walk, while he was suppose ot be getting supplies for the 4th, with not a worry in the world the city was bright and bumping, while the shinigami walked phasing through individuals. Noba really didnt find it impolite since they really didnt even feel it. Noba soon wanted a bird's eye view of where he was, he shunp'd upward and appeard a good 50 feet in the air. It was enough to look over the smaller buildings and see more and more people rushing off for thier day. Noba soon sighed as thier really wasn't much around, until he heard a faint scream. His eyes sharply looked in the direction. He quikcly make his way over to the screaming as it got louder the smell of blood grew stronger as well...fresh blood at that. As Noba cleared a building a, pink haired woman was running for her life. Her arm torn off she was petrified, but anger was in her eyes along with sadness somehow.


Before nOba could speak a swarm of hollow were chasing her, there paws were tearing through the ground, as they digged into the ground to catch up with thier prey. The young woman cut a quick cornor and leaped over the 4 foot wall using her one good arm for extra support. Noba shunpo'd in as the hollow stopped smelling for her blood. He knew he didnt have much time, as he approched the woman.


She screamed giving her-self away, the hollow burst through the wall. She soon then passed out from exhaustion, and being scared for her life. Noba was outnumbered and a soul burial was gonna take a moment. He took stance the hollow circled him.


The hollow jumped in Noba shot a quick byakurai without finishing incantation. The other 3 closed the gap, soon one more jumped in from behind. Noba quickly grabbed his sword and stabbed from behind. The young woman was coming to her senses, watching as she laid on the ground. With 2 hollow left Noba wasn't sure what trick he could use without casing too much damage. One jumped in and Noba grabbed its face and blasted it with a rather powerful Sho Kido spell. The last one tried to take advantage from behind, the young woman screamed but Noba had just enough time to cast one spell.

"Bakudo #8 Seki!"

The spell formed onto Noba's hand the Hollow lunged right at it and was repeled back into a wall. Noba quickly took advantage and disperced it with a quick byakurai. The woman thanked Noba but he quickly tied her arm off, and gave her a soul burial.

"...I was suppose to be getting supplies maybe if I hadn't have shirked off I wouldnt have gotten in that situation.....Oh Well!"

Noba walked outta the path through the hole and kept on his lounging.

#6Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Re: Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:29 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Byakuraaaan-1Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Byakuraaaan-1Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Byakuraaaan-1

"I'm the best in what I do, But what I do isn't very nice"

The Costs Of Fun

The four men were down on the fall. They could not get up. Nor they could not speak. They laid down in pain and agony. He could hear their desperate moans. Some were trying to get up. But they could not do it. They were too weak. Udarsha looked at them with a disgusted pain. He knew that their lives were miserable. He knew that he had the destiny to end it. So he did. He was regai form, yet, he could change his form quickly. Taking out his Zanpakutō from his hilt, he lifted it upwards and he licked the edges of the blade. A pleasant feeling came towards him. A rare feeling that only came, when he was brutally murdering people. Making a smile on his face, he slowly picked up a dude by his collar and lifted him up. The man was unconscious. “Ah; good! The pain won’t affect you!” He said with a whisper as he striked the Zanpakutō straight towards his neck. As it fell off towards the ground. Blood started to ooze from his neck. Grinning psychotically he trowed the corpse away and looked down. “1 down, 3 humans to go.”

"We are all born dead. The end exists before anything begins. If living is a constant quest for awareness,
the awareness we gain at the end is the real goal. In other words, death is the discovery and complete understanding of the end. We are not permitted to seek awareness. Those that cannot transcend death,Will not find awareness in anything."

He started to walk again now. Killing them of only took his 7 minutes approximately. Sighing deeply, he wanted to clear the things out of his head. He had no intention trying to remember it. He wanted to cast away the scene from his mind. The great way of doing it was finding another battle. Putting his hands inside his pockets, he started to sense the atmosphere. He could feel a strong presence nearby. A presence of 3 or 4 people at-least; with great spiritual pressure. This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing a large amount of spiritual power which is finely controlled. This level of spiritual power is common amongst those of an average Captain rank. Or maybe higher or lower, which wasn’t the point. The fact that amazed Udarsha was that he had the chance of killing every captain level Shinigami, who fought him.

“I loathe sol reapers...”

The subordinate was hiding near the old broken downed house. Watching the moves and actions of the man. Feeling that he should call his commander, he took out a small gadget from his pocket and pressed 1 upper number as he leaned the phone against his ear. There was no sound for a few seconds as a rough voice answered at the other end. “Yo, its Ho. Tell me the good news.” The rough voice said in a stern voice. The man smiled towards himself, “I got him. He’s heading towards the inferno-palace.” The other end of the voice laughed. His laugh was rough as his voice. “Good. Very good. Begin stage 2.” That was the man’s last words as he hunged up the call. The man grinned.

“People have hope, because they cannot see death standing behind them.”


#7Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Re: Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:26 pm


The sound of battle, screams of the died and the cries of the fearful last well into the night even though the sounds had passed into the realm of the spirits well before the end of the fight. After dispatching the last punk by slamming his head into the ground so hard that a small dent was made before the head turned into bloodly mist then shredding his soul body limb from limb all the while he was screaming. I look around at what i have done and smile at it but also giving a disappointed sigh at the fact that it was just so easy. I bring up one hand with a finger that has a drop of blood on it i lick it off closing my eyes so enjoy the many tastes of it. The heat of rage, the tang of iron and fear, the zing of fight or flight syndrom and the most tasty of all the realizing of facing a monster. I open my eyes to the sight of a mass of blood and bodies both real and spirit kinds and i am hardly worse for wear about from a few bullet holes in my trench coat and i should have blood on me just by the fact of the amount around me but i have not one drop after i licked that single drop off from before. It then i sense the reiatsu and fighting spirits of two quincies and a shinigami i just say out loud. "well it seems that i may have to put that murderer aside for now. It seems that tonight going to be a hell rising night and a fun one to boot as well." with that said i use demon flash and with a flash of flame and a dull thud i head towards a area that has a massive church on one side of it and a complex building on the other with a insanely massive open park like area between the two i head towards the center of it where it will let me have the clearest view at all angles i appear in another flash of flame i then walk a few steps before sitting in a full lotus form i then wait for the first one of the three to arrive for i do not mask or hide my demon nature if anything i push it out so that it will stand out.

#8Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Re: Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:32 am


As Noba briskly and care-freely walked the city, he felt a rather odd reiastu. He tried ignoring it but it was just sitting and just sitting. Noba wasn't curious but this reiastu just wasn't normal it wasnt human it wasn't shinigami nor fullbringer. His next through made him grow serious.


Noba wasnt sure but he was alone and going in alone would not be a wise choice. He made his way towards the reiastu, hoping the hollow was just resting and Noba could attack it without too much of a fuss. Hoping for the best and with a few quick shunpo's and turns Noba was standing on top of a nearby building watching where the reiastu was coming from. The park where he thought of hollow sat was filled with people still. Children were laughing and birds were chirping, people jogged while other casually talked. Noba inspected the reiastu for a moment to make sure it was a hollow.

" is....and double's strong. What can I do?"

Noba stood in thought as to what he can do sparking any upfront confrontation would cause battle between them and Noba knew that from previous experiances with hollow.

#9Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Re: Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:14 am


As the silver-grey haired youth continued to move place to place using Hirenkyaku gather reishi under his feet before pushing off to continue on. The still unknown youth was making quick headway towards the demonic pressure he was feeling, as he finally noticed three other energies. The youth came to a stop on a roof as he noticed that one of the energies, nearly identical to his own Quincy energy was closing in on him. The silver hair youth could feel the power emanating from the being approaching him. Suddenly the hair on the youths neck stood up as he slide his feet, shifting his weight to the side. In the air, passing through where the young man just stood, was the foot and leg of a purple haired man.

Damnit...if that kick hit...*mental slap* damn it Azezal pay some attention for once.. The youth thought to himself as he watched the foot slip by and the purple haired man land. Azezal watched as the man pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "What the hell was that?" Azezal shouted to the man as he began to feel for his energy, and noticed the purple haired man was a Quincy like himself. "Why the hell is another Quincy attacking me?!" Azezal questioned, his tone edgy and impatient. Azezal's right hand was now grasping his tribal looking Quincy Cross which was brimming with energy, the cross itself about to form. While his right hand had already taken his cross from his left wrist, his left hand had also reacted, moving to the hilt of one of the few Seele Azezal carried on him at this time.

If the purple hair man turned and inspected Azezal closely he would notice the young man's eyes were alight with black energy, and that the two rings on the youth's left hand were also aglow, one a ruby ring the other emerald. On the wrist of the youth was a silver looking bracelet, and above that the tie that held the cross in the lad's right hand to his left wrist when not in use. Azezal thought about starting a fight with the man for a moment, but decided against it as he could easily tell the larger man outclassed him. Turning his attention from the man for a moment Azezal let his senses guide him as he picked up the demonic energy again, and two energies that felt like shinigami. "I don't know about you, but I think I feel two shinigami...and something else I'm not familiar with.." Azezal informed the man before continuing on to introduce himself, "By the way, I'm Azezal. Azezal Uluthrek." Azezal would hold his hand out towards the man in a respectable manner after introducing himself.

While Azezal held his hand out his attention would turn to the other energies he felt, while he could feel his own, the purple haired Quincies, and two shinigami for sure Azezal was still very unsure about the other strong power he felt. Azezal could also feel lower hollow in the area, some of their energies fading as the were purified or killed. Knowing not what was out there killing the hollow was beginning to interest Azezal, although he didn't quite want to risk running into something stronger that himself.

#10Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow  Empty Re: Beginning Of The Death Of Tomorrow Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:59 am


The corners of Radsen's mouth stretched to their peak as Azezal so easily dodged his kick. Pinching his own chin Radsen stared carefully into Azezal's eyes and nodded approvingly. Turning from Azezal he stared out in the direction of the Demon but furthermore the direction of the naive shinigami. He was rushing right towards the demon as if to get himself killed. Radsens expression returned to normal before he started to walk towards the edge of the roof. He walked quickly and easily using spiritual particles to walk on the air even though he was so close to the roof. Tossing his arms back he smiled with the cigarette in his mouth. "You've got good eyes for a quincy. Rejoice for the moment you've passed my test Uluthrek. Come let's frolic with our unwanted to guests. " Radsen demanded with an assertive attitude. His voice was very light and rough at the same time, as though he was the god of charisma.

Even without hearing the quincy's name Radsen knew he was an uluthrek. His fathers books could no fail when it came to quincy's and Radsen knew that. He looked back long enough to see the quincy on edge, it was amusing. He hadn't formed his bow in an instance nor did he pull out a seele schnider. Radsen didn't like the shaking determination, he'd surely lecture the uluthrek about that later. Radsen ran right off the roof catching the last bit that slipped from the uluthrek's mouth. Once he touched air Radsen tossed his hands back causing his robe to flair up. After it flared he took off with a hirenkyaku headed towards the nearby energy sources. Touching base with the ground he began to as hardly as possible. The sound of his feet repeatedly hitting the ground would sound like a small army approaching from the rear. Radsens aim was to terrify the shinigami he wasn't too far behind. Just looking at his spiritual thread Radsen knew he was but a novice.

Before the shinigami could fully turn to face the rampaging noise Radsen used hirenkyaku. In the motions he lifted up his robe so thats all the shinigami could see for the next moment. As he passed Radsen grinned lightly and stared into the fellows eyes. He stopped but fifteen feet infront of the shinigami facing front. His flaring robe would allow him and the uluthrek to see that he did indeed have seele schniders. In addition to this was his quincy outfit which would be blocked by the robe. As the robe fell into place on his back the massive quincy logo was all the shinigami would see coupled with longer purple hair. "Yo shinigami, aren't you the little optimistic one. If my hunch is correct that thing above isn't a hollow but a demon that escaped from hell. Is this your first mission shinigami?" Radsen spoke over his shoulder while looking at the shinigami. His silly smirk and cigarette could be seen clearly.

Radsen reached down into his pocket from some ginto tubes. Their clanging sound could be heard from quite a ways as he tried to feel for the right ones. Taking out two ginto tubes he looked down at them with a mischievous grin on his face. Reaching out with his left hand he felt the Demons spiritual thread and grabbed onto it. "So that's where he's at huh. Good now it's time to start my attack." Radsen talked to himself for the moment. Taking a half step back he threw the two ginto into the air as hard as he could. The two little ginto cubes were flung far because of how light weight they were. It was the equivalent of throwing pennies, being a quincy Radsen was sure to hit his mark. Though that's not what he was going for. After traveling a few thousands feet Radsen looked down at his hands. "Take aim old horse , be ready at the front line. Take them by surprise Tojaner!" Radsen incanted the ginto from quite the distance. The only ones likely to even hear the incantation were the shinigami and the uluthrek.

After speaking the incantation the two ginto tubes that were about fifty feet in the air over the demon exploded gently. To the demon it probably looked like an aerial smoke bomb but the smoke only covered where the tubes were in the air. As the smoke subsided it revealed two Radsens each holding a Rabeke in their hand. The mod souls implanted in the Radsens took aim at the demon at began to fire arrows down on him. The arrows were pretty normal and standard for all quincy's to shoot. They weren't moving mod souls but they would aim for him wherever he went. They could keep up this torrent of fire for at least five minutes. On average together they were shooting approximately one hundred arrows per second.

Ginto Trojaner, lasts two more post.

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