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#1Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:52 pm


The time was perfect,everyone was busy battling in this"war". I stand in the outskirts if Soul Society waiting. Pacing somewhat back and forth in a three foot line."so get in,find her,get out. I have someone on the inside to assist me." I say quietly to myself. Summoning several hell butterflys I tell them the message" it is now time if you want to assist me please come to the south wall on the outskirts of Soul Society. I will be waiting for two hours." As the butterflys get there message and fly off in many direction I just wait and see who is going to come

If you are involved in another "WAR" thread you can't post here due to time continuance matters.

#2Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:07 pm


Amelia was helping the servants of her home escape the battle when she received the hell butterfly and stopped briefly to listen to it's message. Once she received it she eyes widened and she decided to do something different
"Hana I have to go. Captain Tazuma is planning on rescueing Mama and... I just have to go" She said

The head servant of the house nodded
"Go then. It will be nice to have the head of the house back. I'll make sure everyone is safe" she said

"thank you" Amelia said before leaving, using shunpo to follow the hell butterfly back to Tazuma, a smile on her face. She was going to get her mother back and if someone stood in her way, someone would have to help them, cause would give it her all to get past them. the moment she arrived in front of Tazuma though she stopped smiling and looked more serious. "Captain Tazuma, When do we leave? Do you really know were Mama is?"

#3Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:00 pm


Amelia shows up as I would have expected for her to show. She looks at me and quite seriously says"Captain Tazuma, When do we leave? Do you really know were Mama is?" looking at her I,take a deep breathSoon amelia. We will be leaving soon and I know where your mother is...i have an inside connection looking around to see if anyone else is coming

#4Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:09 am


Colbolt Nanashi

"Its time for the completetion and the birth of a new espada to rise from this pathetic shinigami."She said laughing to herself walking through the halls of the espada HQ, she was wearing magnificent dark blue kimno with white snow flowing down the kimono to the bottom with a huge blue and white bow behind her. she had her hair up in a bun as she moved through the halls leaving the clicking sound of her heels echoing behind her. She smiled seeing the demons she had first put on guard of the priosoner, bringing her in as she was about to go make sure all te bindings and all the barriers were in place to complete this little expriment. She was going to prove that a simple virus can help expand espada and arrancar numbers and will take over the shinigami once and for all.

#5Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:56 am



Beside Colbolt there stood a tall, occluded figure. He was exceedingly attractive and yet there was an unsettling quality of malevolence about him, a devious wickedness of an inhuman sort living within those chilling yellow eyes. Divus stood beside Colbolt, wrapped in a black cloak, with his head exposed and long black hair flowing past his shoulders. He nodded at Colbolt's speech. Usually, a demon would require a mask or a body when entering other worlds... but Divus had found a loophole long ago.

The trick, in fact, was that he could not be forced back into hell unless several conditions were met. First, recognition; Divus's telepathic prowess enabled him to evade those who would return him there, whilst the hood he wore could easily hide his face if need be. But even so, he would not be recognizable unless he entered his true form, and thus had nothing to fear so long as he did not use his greater powers. But the real trick, simply, was that all of Divus's chains to hell had been cut. They were almost impossible to work through.... but there were ways, such as Malign Flash, that could be used to destroy his binding. It wasn't a permanent solution, but it had allowed Divus to remain here with Colbolt.

HE didn't care about her plans or the captain he'd captured with her. All that mattered was Colbolt herself; Divus knew he shouldn't be here, so involved in an Arrancar. But it had happened and his affections for her were true. He'd done it only to make her happy. He stepped with her, walking beside the Espada. "If you could do this on a mass level, we could convert entire squads into hollows..." Divus suggested "But it's best simply to kill them. Much more efficient."

#6Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:13 pm


Los Noches

Takami Kawamaru

Walking beside Colbolt on the opposite side from Divus was Takami. Today, he chose to wear a kimono and hakama that were completely white. His black hair hung over his face, covering what little of it was not already concealed by the black octagon mask fragment on the left side of his face. He was trying to look calm, but being near two beings that were much more powerful than himself made that quite difficult. "Thank God we're on the same side." thought Takami as he walked. Also, it was unlikely that he would be harmed when Colbolt was around, seeing as Takami was one of Colbolt's most loyal followers.

Up until now, Takami had been holding his head down, but a comment from Colbolt made Takami look up in excitement and interest. It seemed that Colbolt intended to turn the captured captain, Amaya Nanashi, who was actually Colbolt's sister, into an Arrancar. "Yes, today is a great day for you, Colbolt-sama. Today is the day that everyone will see how intelligent and powerful you are. Because of your hard work, we will gain a new and powerful ally." said Takami.

Takami also heard another comment, this time from the demon Divus. He suggested that entire divisions of the Shinigami could be transformed into Hollows. Takami liked that idea since it meant a gain of around a hundred allies, but it seemed that Divus had another idea. He thought that killing was much more efficient in a war. In response, Takami said "Killing works as as long as it's done right. By that, I mean slowly and painfully." Now, Takami stopped talking, because they were getting near to the place that Amaya was being held.

#7Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:18 am


"Not only that but if this works, I can then work on infecting the whole shinigami and uman race to take over the soul society and the human world."Said Colbolt to taka smiling as she lifted her hand up upon stopping at two large double doors. her hand glowed and so did some symbols on the door before it opened allowing colbolt and her followers into the depth the door held. walking past the huge and thick doors, closing behind them she opened three more before they stoo on a ledge looking down at a large crystal floating in mide air held by several wrecking ball size chains that glowed brightly then dimmed. inside was amaya's small figure also chained but with much smaller chains that weaved in and out of the ice. her head to her elbows hung out of the ice with with the middle of her upper leg down to her middle of her fore legs were out of the ice as well. Amaya's head was hanging as a dark aura was swirling around her as her hair covered her face. color and her once radiant look of life seemed to have drained away along with some of her skin looking to try to peel off her own flesh revealing another skin underneath. Her once magificant captain uniform and hoari were nothing more then rags stained with her blood. She honestly looked lke a homeless person that got ambushed and nearly killed currently.

"It is nearly complete, if there was any chance of her being able to resist and fight back, it would not work this far into the process"Commented colbolt leaning forward falling off the edge falling seventeen stories towards the bottom.there were symbols on every floor along the way down, these symbols helped reinforced the barrier as since amaya is a strong person, so will her hollow so she couldn't do the normal changing as she did with joshua and taka.

#8Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:51 am


With the sudden sound of shunpo the 12th division captain would appear behind Amelia just as he had before. He reached his hand around her however instead of grasping her chest like last time there was a long wrapped up object in his hand, "It is as requested." The taichou said to the girl before looking up to Tazuma, "This thing is ready to depart." The man said staring at Tazuma intently. While Tsubasa was eager to go to Hueco Mundo he did not like leaving his lab while soul society was under attack. He wanted to complete the rescue as soon as possible so he could return and make sure none of his more sensitive inventions were harmed.

Once Amelia took the wrapped up Jian from his right hand Tsubasa would raise his left revealing his signature hat which he promptly placed onto his head. He then tossed a set of black cloaks to Tazuma and Amelia before donning one of his own, "These will give this group the element of surprise." The preparations were complete. Tsubasa had nearly all of his combat based inventions on him and they were in full stock. He was ready to go.

#9Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:03 am


Amelia tensed up when she heard Tsubasa speak but then she spotted her new weapon, which she took gingerly from his hands. she pulled the jian from it's sheathe and examined it for a few moments
"Thank you very much Captain Tsubasa" she said, bowing to the captain of the 12th division. when she straightened up she had to quickly catch the cloak and managed to do so without cutting it. Sighing in relief she sheathed her new sword then put on the cloak, after which she would put her new jian alongside her zanpaktou so that she could draw it easily.

In Hueco Mundo

Joshua was outside in the desert, having made the excuse of going to blow off some steam to Colbolt. He was brooding a bit. He had to rescue Amaya today and he prayed Tazuma would show up while most of the espada were buissy fight in Soul Society. He also knew he's have to kill Colbolt which he was reluctant to do but he had no choice now.
"DAMNIT, DAMNIT ALL TO HELL" he shouted to the air, kicking some of the sand in front of him

#10Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:21 am


Catching the cloak and putting it on. Looking at tsubasa"are the sensors in the 12th division focused on the battles tsubasa? I would hate for them to pick up this." Knelling down to amelias level"close you eyes amelia. I don't want you too see this ok." My tone was almost fatherly and loving. Standing now and watching amelia's reaction

As amelia closes her eyes I look at,tsubasa"i trust this goes no further then us her." I then let out a roar causing my hollow mask to form and grow into it's open helm like shape. My eyes go pure silver with a purple scleria. Turning now I draw my sword slashing the air three times creating a gargunua to form in the air large enough for all of us to walk into. Reaching up and dispersing my mask into purple reiatsu I speak to amelia again"ok you can open your eyes are you ready. Amelia and tsubasa? If so please enter."

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