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#51Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:55 am


Takami watched all the chaos unfolding around him. It seemed as though more and more people were entering the room in which Amaya's transformation was taking place all the time. The first one to enter had been Joshua, one of Colbolt's followers. He was badly wounded when he came in, prompting Colbolt to begin healing him. At the same time, another Shinigami had rushed into the room. She was a little girl who felt much weaker than Takami. Takami decided to leave her alone.

It was then that another Arrancar entered the room. This one was certainly not an ally. He was Senshu Yamaguchi, an Espada who strongly disagreed with Colbolt. All that he really did was taunt Colbolt, so Takami decided that he would not be getting involved just yet. At that moment, the demon returned, followed by a high level Shinigami, easily captain class. Now, Senshu spoke to Takami, trying to get him to betray Colbolt, threatening him with 'consequences' if he did not. In response, Takami said "I would never betray Colbolt-sama, even if a blade were at my throat. You, Senshu, are talking to a former samurai. Do you know much about samurai? It seems that you do not, if you are trying to make me betray Colbolt-sama. Samurai only serve one master in their entire life. Even if you were Takeda Shingen, I still wouldn't do as you asked."

It seemed that the demon had also heard what was said by Senshu, for he turned to Takami saying that he would defend Takami if he protected Colbolt. "Do not worry. I will fight to the death to defend Colbolt-sama from harm." said Takami to Divus. Now, Takami decided to address everyone in the room. "Everyone, you better be listening! Anyone who so much as looks at Colbolt-sama funny is gonna have me to deal with. Don't try to free the Shinigami, either, if you value your life." said Takami. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword, prepared to strike anyone who attacked Colbolt.

#52Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:06 am

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
ooc: im only using your name (divus) when speaking in 3rd person but not when speaking or thinking.just speaking for myself, idk about everyone else.

Senshu continues to watch in silence as the demon and several others enter the room. The demon speaks to yamaguchi as his rieatsu flares, causing the entire building to tremble and yet in all the chaos senshu remains still and silent. His heart rate does not even increase or skip a beat as divus threatens to ruin him. The espada waits for Divus to finish speaking before responding, still not looking at the man but maintaining his normal frustrated and angry expression. He speaks however in a monotone yet commanding voice.

"Three things. One; the agreement set forth between the demons and the espada was that no member of either party would harm a member of the other, any in-party fighting was not restricted. Two; As the leader of the espada i maintain dominion over all below me, including those involved with you meaning, if our agreement is void it is soley because of your inability to understand the terms of a standard agreement that even a child could comprehend. And lack the sufficient power to 'ruin' me. The very fact that you have let your mind be clouded by such a foolish emotion is evidence of that.."

Senshu grows silent once more until takami decides to speak again

"One master in their entire life you say? well from what i remember you started off with a different master, soul society was it not? I know all about you kawamaru. you are nothing but a coward who follows the path of least resistance in some fruitless attempt at self-preservation, but it seems you have finally made your decision.and so shall you suffer the consequences.."

Senshu sinks back into a watchful silence as he observes the events comming to pass.

#53Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:53 am


( OOC: So you know, Tsubasa, Divus's reiatsu control stat is currently 120 points higher than yours and the attack he used was more powerful than the bakudo you prepared. But, I do not intend for the attack to be fatal or maiming so you know, I was simply restricted in what I could use. I apologize if the counter attack seems excessive or harsh; it's not that I meant it at such, but that my lack of offensive abilities left me with no alternatives. I couldn't use my swords for it. I would agree with it being totally reasonable for Tsubasa to survive the attack unless you want him to die here. )

As Tsubasa crawled about the rooftops, Divus's psychic eye was still open; it wasn't something you could sense or detect. Around the time Takami had finished speaking, the flash enveloped Divus once more and his hair turned pale white. The wings, too, rose from his back once more, as Tazuma leaped off the platform of swords to defend his own lover. Divus had expected the shinigami to hold his end of the bargain. Divus's vision, however, wasn't limited to just one direction. He was aware of all in his range.... and the room wasn't big enough to be beyond his range, nor was the ceiling too high. In fact, that was how he saw Tsubasa so clearly. What had once been a mere fledgeling running away was now a confident figure approaching his position from above. Divus saw him as nothing less than an enemy, and had suspected such an act from the moment he had fled, yet Divus was merciful and allowed the shinigami to flee against his better judgement. It would be a sore mistake. Divus did not respond immediately; it did not seem the Shinigami was aware that Divus was able to see him even now, but in case the shinigami could see Divus, he behaved normally, sending about ten swords off of his platform. It seemed he was about to attack something; something besides Tsubasa, yet, it was a perfect lie of body language. Divus was very good at lying in many forms. It was what he did best, perhaps, non-combat wise... although he considered himself a better lover, if you know what I mean.

In reality, Divus was waiting for Tsubasa to seem just secure enough. The barrier, he was sure, would give the shinigami confidence and as he sat down to work in his makeshift laboratory, Divus knew he was up to no good. Divus, while psychic, was no reader of minds... but he had a bad feeling about whatever it was the captain was doing, and knew that stopping it entirely was urgent, which was why Divus did not allow himself to exhibit any signs of awareness towards Tsubasa until he felt it was time. It cost Divus dearly, but he did it anyway.

Suddenly, instantly in fact, a tremendous column of black light erupted upwards from Divus - an impossible concept. How could light be black? This was neither reiatsu nor reishi... it was some kind of wicked, dark energy, tiny particles of alien matter that reacted with whatever it touched, leaving only black ash and destruction in it's wake as it ripped through the ceiling in less than a second. The massive energy of the attack. The barrier never stood a chance. It's measly defense didn't last; the effect was comparable to tossing a glass of water on a bonfire. It was gone when it was hit, and soon, the laboratory followed suit. Malign Flash allowed a swift, precise, powerful attack... but not without a heavy price. Divus would be unable to use it for a considerable length of time again as it only permitted usage so often, and even then, he typically could only use it a couple of times in a fight.

The blast was nearly thirty feet in diameter, which Divus guessed would be large enough to overwhelm the shinigami - he'd never seen anyone flash step out of it that fast and he assumed that the scientist specialized in technology and not speed. All in all, Divus knew there was no chance of him evading. Survival was a possibility, as the blast had not been extremely concentrated, but it was potent and the damage it was capable of was tremendous, significantly stronger than cero, if not unreasonably unfeasible. But what it lacked in uses and feasibility, it had in speed and power. It was quite likely that all of Tsubasa's gear and inventions would be destroyed. This wasn't just energy, it was a stream of dark matter disintegrating whatever was unfortunate enough to be struck by it... Tsubasa himself, however, being a captain was likely to survive unless caught overly exposed in the center of the blast. If he attempted to avoid he could very well be hit by the outer, less destructive areas of the blast.

But this applied to him only because of his powerful reiatsu, which was considerable especially for a captain. His clothing and devices would likely be destroyed, but when it came to living beings, Malign Flash destroyed the outside of them first rather than just blow through something, as the intense spiritual power a captain has could likely save them. There was, however, no hope for Tsubasa and whatever he had made; if conscious, he would see all of it lost before he could have acted to save it.

Divus then looked down at Tazuma and scowled at him, with a large hole in the ceiling above his head now. Divus saw that wink. It made him suspicious, and nervous. Divus spawned five new swords, with 75 now. One was between Tazuma's legs in an instant, pointing at his crotch. Divus's next statement was harsh indeed. "I brought you to her, now you shall keep your end of the deal, Kenpachi Koshi. I will defend both Amaya and Colbolt if you shall do the same." Divus spoke. "But if you betray me, I'll make sure you're neutered before you leave here... I suppose you wouldn't be able to use your woman for much after that." He threatened; of course, he was sure the reaction time and speed of the higher level captain Shinigami would prevent him from doing that easily. But it was a clear statement even if it was not a death sentence; Divus was an intimidating sight indeed, especially with that wicked reptilian mask upon his face.

Divus seemed unaffected by Tazuma's accusations of Takami being a traitor. But, unlike Tazuma, Takami showed no signs of betrayal - no body language, no suspicious winks, no accusations. Tazuma's actions had been typical of the liar. Divus didn't let Tazuma know that he'd seen the wink as he preferred to keep his precognition secret, as the threat would seem rather normal for a Devil lord to make with a new and possibly unreliable ally, and potential traitor. He did not give it away that he had actually seen the wink with his psychic vision. Divus actually trusted Takami more than this 'Kenpachi Koshi'. Taka's future actions, in fact, would fill Divus with a feeling akin to admiration or respect.

Divus had heard of Senshu from Colbolt, and knew little of him... but Divus had been aware of enough to know Senshu was an unpleasant, if not somewhat honorable being in that his pride prevented him from petty acts or lies. That was why Takami's bravery impressed him in that he so readily challenged the higher ranked Espada. He rather liked this boy, now! Divus landed next to Takami with a thud, and two bloodswords were in his hands; created some time between his attack on Tsubasa and his landing here. Above, the swords began to move wildly, some falling to the floor, others rising higher, while many stayed inbetween and along the walls. They moved unpredictably, like a puzzle split apart with each piece shifting rapidly, in such a way that disoriented the eye with sheer confusion. It seemed to be a pattern, and yet, it was too complex to readily identify. The truth was that there was no pattern, only the illusion of a pattern in motion. Sixteen swords rushed around Divus and Taka, circling above their heads and prepared for action.

Divus turned his face to the fraccion, and he would have been smiling, had that mask not hid his face. "You have surprised me with your actions, and I cannot deny that you've earned some respect for your courage. I am with you in battle, then." Divus proudly declared, praising the Arrancar for daring to defy such a powerful foe. He found the display quite moving; Divus also had a concept of honor, except, far less ruthless and brutal than what he imagined of Senshu's. The segunda, or perhaps the new primera, then greatly offended Divus with his speech. "You are mistaken." Divus spoke, facing Senshu and stepping forward towards him while half-raising the bloodsword in his left hand.

He popped his left shoulder as well, as if to prepare something... whatever it was, however, was not certain. But his reiatsu did seem to intensify. This sort of compression in energy occurred only when a being was about to unleash a massive attack, and it felt similar to a gran rey cero in the process of being charged, only it was multiplied and all around Divus's body. Whatever he was planning, it would appear to be potentially devastating. "A part of me lives inside that woman, and not just emotionally." Divus said now. "It grows within her womb. She's pregnant with my child, Arrancar, the flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood, mixed with her's. If she is harmed then so am I, as demon blood lives in her belly. Therefore her death would be a violation of our agreement on your side and thus would be your personal failure entirely. You've no dominion either, not without the consent of your followers - without them, you are nothing, and allowing your Espada to be slaughtered will only end in you losing that following. As is the case with this noble guardian here." Divus spoke, gesturing his other blade subtly towards Takami.

"I don't need to show you my power. It's enough for me to know it. But I do hope you're sane enough to realize that if you do face me here, you would lose more than I would, considering this entire fortress and countless followers of yours would be devastated in the process. That's not including whatever trophies of flesh I took away from you." Divus reasoned, taking a risk with the threat. "And what kind of leader are you anyway if you allow your enemies to prance around in your own fortress? You don't know how many devices or bombs they could have left behind here. It's a sad day when the lord of demons has to defend the lord of the Arrancar simply because he is too lazy to protect his own home. Pathetic waste of leadership, if you do nothing." Divus insulted, tempted to spit on him... but he did not. It was mostly a bluff, really, seeing if he could motivate the Arrancar to help in some way. "Even if you're allowing them here only because you dislike the Espada, it seems cowardly to send the Shinigami to kill her. You must be a weakling yourself to not simply challenge her without their assistance which you appear to so direly need, like a vulture waiting to pick at the scraps of a corpse..."

#54Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:23 am

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
Senshu still does not move as divus spawns several swords and fights with one of the shinigami visitors. The angry demon then walks up to senshu and begins to speak. His rieatsu seems to be compressed in a more enclosed space as if he is ready to attack. As Divus talks about cobalt baring his seed, Senshu's face squints in disgust as his stomach is filled with malcontent. The very thought of a new born demon-arrancar hell spawn is absolutely vomit inducing. After Divus finishes speaking, Senshu looks at him and retorts with a half digusted, half annoyed expression on his face.

"Good Lord.Are you telling me you actually mated with an entirely different species than your own? And with the lowest possible manifestation of said race nonetheless? My God man i know you're a demon but even animals don't eat where they piss. You know what, i believe you are correct, I am violating our agreement. The agreement that neither one of us actually set fourth personally. The agreement that our former superiors initially created. Yes, i do believe this is my failure..."

Senshu then slowly stands up simply because his back is growing a bit sore from sitting down for so long. He then casually stretches his back as he starts to finish speaking. he does not bother to unsheathe his sword in response to divus lifting his a bit. At the moment he really does not care.

"Because there is no possible way in 'hell' that she or that disgusting mutant child growing in her whore belly will leave here alive..I have already degraded myself once by allowing that womans bones to be crushed by my hand, and now that she has that abomination festering in wretched womb i would rather not further dirty my palms by killing such an insignificant pion. You see i lack something that you have shown to have in great abundance. Fear. I do not fear losing this fortress because it can be rebuilt. I do not fear losing followers because from here on out i will have none, only soldiers. i do not fear losing my flesh to you because you are not capable of taking it. And i certainly do not fear these shinigami because they are on the same level as your lover which is why i am allowing them to end her.I have no business getting involved in the affairs of ants."

senshu stands upright staring directly into divus' eyes with no sign of hostility on his face.

"So you see nameless demon you have already lost more than i ever could by coming here to defend this woman, your pride. I am the rocks of the eternal shore. All who oppose shall crash against me and be broken...I will not attack you despite your idiocy, but if you wish to oppose me then come forth and allow your woman to be slayed..."

Senshu stands still unmoving and unchanging, not caring either way what happens since what he desires will come to pass soon enough.

#55Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:13 pm


As I watch amaya thrash about in the chains. The traitor Taka threatens everyone not to move towards amaya or colbolt or else they would deal with him. The thought of him attacking me made me laugh. Then divus made a sword appear between my legs threatening to strike my most personal area. I look up at him and with a quick burst of shunpo I am 15 feet away and my groin is safe.

Divus then joins taka and alligns with him for a battle to come. Looking at amaya again"amaya hear my voice foght this like I did. Come vack to me!" Hoping she could hear me and that it could help her. I begin walking towards her slowly allowing my steps to echo. All the while I am pumping vibration around me to see the surroundings. No need to let my guard down

#56Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:32 am


Colbolt sighed “Honestly, I feel sad for you of how your existence is truly pathetic.” She commented as she finished up healing Joshua, before she stood up turning towards Senshu moving over to divus’s side. “I do not give a care what you want or what you feel is right but then again you are not the one who hates the very being of the molecules that make up the barbarian I see today. If my death comes today, my child and my virus will live on free and safe from any harm from those who do not believe in a future….your scared of change Senshu and I will be watching you when your dying, just as you will do for me.”She commented taking her arms out of the sleeves of her kimono revealing her wrapped torso and cheast. “Not everyone was ment to be a barbarian for this world would be destroyed.”Sbe commented “There are times where I wished I was a demon and not an Arrancar, I serve them cause I iwe them my life thanks to you Senshu when you beat my younger form nearly senseless even though I was fighting a captain…If lord Jacob hadn’t come ad treated my wounds, I wouldn’t have survived.” She commented. “They treat me equally and not all of them are barbarians” she commented sighing turning to the shinigami “She is lost shinigami, the virus is almost completely take over her, she is too torn down to fight, she can’t hear you as long as the hollow is dominate.” Said colbolt as her red eyes turned brown and softer as her voice changed to another girl’s voice “Weaken her! What happens here also happens In her mind.” She commented before cupping her hands over her mouth as her brow eyes turned back to red “shut up parasite, no one wants your advice.” Growled colbolt.

“No I won’t shut up cause this is not what I wanted I the wish of my sister.” yelled Annamaria as colbolt covered her mouth again angry “you better be glad we are I one body, I would have destroyed you a long time ago,” Said colbolt. “Dot flatter yourself.” Said Annamaria angery as well.

The hollow Amaya continued to roar ad struggle as it twisted and turned suspended in the air. The chains broke with a few slashes as the hollow felt them release it finally. She then started to fall as she twisted and turned lading on all four crouching, just like a cat as a prage tail began to form along with some armor with black spikes growing as the plain white mask bega to gain some color. The hollow then stood up extending her left hand up as a prange ball of reaistu formed I her hand. She tossed it up slightly as her right hand came around hitting it as it shot off like a rocket at Amelia and Tazuma as it greatly grew in size. She then sodio behid where she sesed Amelia would be f shuno. She twisted aroud coverig her foot in the same orange reaistu , backed with increased power. She sent the round house kick for the lower part of amelia’s back, if it connected Amelia would be sent flying into a wall leaving a big crater. Hollow Amaya the sondio right infront Tazuma. She was a quick flash from here to there it seemed. She laughed in his face before she set a volley of kicks and punches at secods behind eachother as she kept up with him.

#57Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:46 am


Joshua followed Colbolt over to Divus' side and took the opposite position. he listened to her and after Annamarie broke through not once but twice he desided that if he was going to follow through on his promise to her.he flipped his already drawn blade around before shoving it through Colbolts bandaged chest, his back still towards her
"Sorry colbolt" he said, loud enough for her to hear"But Annamarie asked me to do this and I follow her orders not yours"


Amelia watched as her hollowfied mother landed on the floor then suddenly vanished using sonido after throwing some sort of ball at them. she barely caught a glimpse of the kick the hollow was aiming for her before it connected... or so it appeared. just before Amelia should've been sent flying she vanished leaving her cloak behind
"utsusemi" the real Amelia said, a few feet away, her zanpaktou drawn and released"Thank you for teaching me that mama"

#58Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:54 am


Colbolt was taken by suprise as her eyes widen feeling a blade slice straight through her cheast. "So what is your real purpose for all of free a damned soul aizen split in attempt ot learnig if evil can be removed from a pure soul."She said coughing some blood up."She moved forward removing the sword from her cheast "Dont hurt him divus...he is but following order just like you and taka do...One last thing before this process cotinues, search my chambers for my goodbye gift....I know it is safesrt with you have to wait till the time is up before it is allow out of the container"Said Colbolt as her rapid regeneration was attemptig to heal the wound quickly "all those expriemtns do take alot out of someone."She commeted falling o to her knees.

#59Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:58 am


"For all I know Colbolt I just damned Annamarie. But I pray that she'll forgive me if I did" he said, his voice strained and his facial expression slightly pained,. After a few seconds he decided not to leave anything to chance and turned around while slicing at Colbolt's throat, hoping to show some mercy and kill her more quickly and painlessly by doing so

#60Rescue Of The Sword Lilly  - Page 6 Empty Re: Rescue Of The Sword Lilly Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:06 am


Takami watched the sudden turn of events in shock. Joshua had come up and stabbed Colbolt right through her chest. Takami's eyes widened as he stood there, unable to comprehend what had just happened. He watched in shock for a few more seconds as Colbolt coughed up blood and fell to her knees. That brought Takami back to his senses. "NOOOOOO!!!!" yelled Takami in shock and anger. He used Sonido, appearing at Colbolt's side. Getting on his knees before her, Takami said "Colbolt-sama! You can't die! Please be all right! Please don't die!". Now, he turned to Joshua, saying "You traitor filth! I swear, as soon as I finish attending to Colbolt-sama here, you are a dead man.". Takami stayed where he was, hoping Colbolt was okay, even though something inside him told him that she was not going to live...

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