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Quickly realizing that keeping Gust's blade locked with his was a rather bad idea Joshua stepped back while undoing his blade's grip on Gust's blade. However Gust's reishi push caught him off gaurd and he was sent flying a few feet back, though he landed on his feet and prepared to block Gust's next blow


Cross changed the temperature of the water on his blade, making it steam slowly, but at a high temperature. He would then send the water bubbles towards Josh, with keeping one nearby his hilt. Shunpo'ing aroudn behind Josh, he would do multiple slashes with his blade, still on the blunt side. He would then Shunpo around Josh in circles, creating afterimages from the shunpo.

hoping it would distract him, he jumped in the air, spinning his blade preparing a Kido.


"You're using your Shikai already?" Joshua asked as he began shunpoing to avoid the bubbles that were thrown at him. He didn't know what they did and truth be told, he didn't want to incase it was bad. He then noticed Gust was no long in front of him and curse before turning around and barely blocking the first slash. Keeping as cool a head he could he blocked and parried every one of Gust blows before gust began shunpoing in circles around him

~~Calm myself.~~ he thought as he watched~~ observe what he does and react accordingly~~


The bubbles made the groudn and weapons most near Josh. The one thing gust wanted while he was in the air.
"Hadō #63. Raikōhō" The lightening shot downwards the groudn, where it was wet as well as heading for joshua's blade, hoping to use it as a lightening rod.


~~So that's what he wanted~~ Joshua thought looking around him before raising a hand

"Bakudo Number 81: Danku" He said forming a transparent wall above him that blocked Gust's Raikoho" Sorry mate you're going to have to try harder then that"

~~Though it was close~~ He thought looking around him~~ Water and lightning. Opposites that work well when used to gether~~


Gust smiled down towards Josh, holding up his fist in the air. "That's great! good job! that's Kido down!" Gust threw his blade in the air, sheathing on his back as he stepped on the ground.

"Now it's time for hakuda" Gust closed his eyes, activating the monk form he has had for a while. Blue reiatsu wings formed behind him as a white hood covered his eyes. Armor shined int he sun light as water flowed to his hands forming gauntlets.

He spread hsi legs, putting one arm to hsi waist and the other in an open palm.

"well? come at me."


"Incase you haven't notice I aint one to reckelessly charge my opponent" Joshua said calmly, sheathing his zanpaktou as he studied this new power Gust was exhibitting" At least not anymore, most of the time anyway. Plus charging you with now know what that light show of yours allows you to do is pure folly. So I think I'll pass in charging at you like a reckless berserker and watch for a little while"


Gust smirked behind his hood, clapping his hands. "good, good! You're doing great." with the last word, the very last sound, Gust was already mere inches away from Josh, His head beside his as he whispered; "Even a blink can make you lose a fight." He commented before bringing up his right arm aiming for Josh's Gut, If hit or not, He would back hand spring away from josh while he formed a orb in his right hand.

"North Monk waters; Gyro orb." Gust muttered underneath his breath as he ran with increased speed and flash stepping in a zig zag pattern towards Josh, creating a after image that he swapped places with.


~~Son of a...~~ Joshua thought before moving back to avoid the blow to his gut before leaning back to avoid the backhand~~ Alright he's fast but he's also taller then me. in order to hit me he'll have to overextend, if ever so slightly. Gotta use that to my advantage~~

He was too focused on Gust to notice the orb just yet, waiting for Cross to stop playing his after image games and come at him


Gust let the orb sink into his gauntlets, keeping the water on them stirring around. He came up nearby to Josh, Stopping before he reached him, closing his openings on his sides and chest, adjusting to the size of Josh.

"when you're facing a smaller enemy, you always judge their reach first, before you charge in. You always think of the places that they will strike" The afterimage of gust jumped off the Gust that was in front of Josh, Bringing his palm up and attempting to land a hit on his shoulder from the air.

Landed or not, it was a distraction so The real gust could come up and Scizor kick the legs of Joshua, attempting to bring him down.

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