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"I think you mis heard me Amaya" Joshua said smirking" I said my did have any ranged attacks. When I said that I meant that in the past tense. But now though..." Suddenly several spike of pure reiryoku erupted from the ground, on of them just inches from Amaya. As the seconds passed more spikes erupted, some near Gust, some near Amaya, some ner Joshua himself, and it didn't seem like they would end soon"... now she's as much a sword as she is a sheild"


Gust was laying down paying attention to his calf before spikes shot up and started to come towards him.
"Damn it Josh!" He said, shunpoing out fo the way holding onto a tree. "You should know not to make something come near me. Dear Lord." he said, Slashing at the spikes with his blade. He was getting aggrivated at the two, makign it last longer than it should.

"You need to end it now. He's proved himself anyway"

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"You are right He has proven enough just wanted to see whether his zanpackuto was just a shield like anna's or if it was a blade as well...This test has ended."She commented sliching the spikes from her before she resealed her zanpackuto moving towards him putting her hand on his shoulder "Welcome to the captains Joshua...there will be a ceremony later and I will be the one giving you the proper welcome..."Said Amaya with a smile


"Fine, fine whatever, though I still wouldn't call that fight a proper test" Joshua said, pulling the katana out of the ground, which caused the spike to disappear but not the damage they caused. He sighed as his bankai vanished and he sheathed his seal zanpaktou" So do we get to go hunting for the kids now?"

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"We will do Kido for the hell of it...I seen you fight with Kido several times...It is unessecary."She commented to him adjusting her blade "So you decide whether you wish to show kido or be done with that part.'She commented


"Gust over there already passed me on everything but Bankai which you just tested me on" Joshua said, shrugging" Besides we have other things to waorry about. Say Anna and your kids, who are wondering around the Seireitei and either avoiding, finding, or getting into trouble. Especially Jack. And if Elyse gets upset you know what'll happen. Water does run under the streets you know."


Gust fell from the tree as the two other captains conversed. Rubbing his back, he stood up, limping towards josh and Amaya. "I wouldn't mind her giving you the Haori. It would mean more to you anyway." he smiled, holding his hand out to Josh, looking over to Amaya. "To be honest, you've gotten rusty."

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya Moved over to his side before within a few quick seconds ad a few punches in a few pressure points around the body She folded her arms as if the punches and moves were affective gust would fall to the ground paralyzed for a few hours "Atleast I am not the one limping....I just went easy."She commented

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