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#41Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:14 am


A door appears in the room the two arrencar are in.the door opens slowly and a rush of powerful reiatsu comes streaming out. A figure steps out of it and stands there looking over the scene. My black pin striped suit and green silk tie. I lift my sunglasses and bathe the surrounding area in green light from my eyes. I look over and see colbolt laying on the ground bleeding out. I walk to her and crouch down close to her and whisper in her ear " your too talented at hiding your reiatsu colbolt-chan. I.m sorry it,took me so long to find you. Come now. Let me take you home." I pick up colbolt and carry her to where the,door is. I stop and speak softly to her" did you want to go with me?"
(ooc sorry for jumping in if i'm not allowed just say and ill delete my post)

#42Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:15 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt didnt have much time to respond anything besided "I dont need to scream, they will reveal themselves...and god has betrayed all of usunfortunately"She commented coughing up some more blood before letting out another scream as she was sent flying down leaving a large dent like crater from the impact. She laid there in too much pain to even want her blood to pace through her veins. She hadn't shed any tears, finding there was no point.

"W-Why fight for revenge...It only leads to know not everyone was made to be fighters, such like yourself Sen...shu."She commented coughing up some blood trying to get back up and fell many times as she winced in pain but tried to keep from showing it the best she could "this will relfect back on you, I will have my revenger when you least expect Senshu...Just wait."She said.

She watched her sight foucs in and out as she watched him walking away. She felt a new stronger reaistu as she knew exactly who that belonged to. She smiled letting out a light laugj before wincing as laughing lightly even hurt."maybe I shouldnt hide it as well as I was childern learned to hide it at young ages because of arrancar like senshu...being a bully."she commented letting out a gasp "careful...I hurt way to much to want to be moved or evem care where I long as this pain goes away soon."she commented laying limply in his arms.

Her zanpackuto reappeared in its sleath in her sleeve as when he walk there was a lightly dotted trail of her blood following that was small

#43Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:31 pm


"no need to worry colbolt chan. I'll take you to a safe place and get you fixed up. I will protect you now." I release my reiatsu and holding colbolt it cloaks her as well. The door opens again and we go through the travel is quick.
We arrive at a familar location, jacob chambers office in the Omega building. I quickly but carefully lay colbolt down on a couch in my office. Her blood drops like red rain onto the marble floor and couch.i swipe a panel on the table and begin to speak"i need a medical team up here now!" A soft voice came through the other end "enroute now mr chambers." I move close to colbolt"hang on colbolt.i'll help you."

#44Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:36 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
'I'm not worried."she commented weakly closing her eyes trying to manage the pain. She bit her lip as he placed her down on a soft surface. She opened her eyes wincing at the light difference of night to his office "It isnt that bad compared to all the other punishments and torture I have been through before."She commented gently looking up before closing her eyes "You are probably wondering why I am how I am and what caused this situtation huh?"She asked "But I am in your debt again for finding me when you did, I was surely a goner if senshu was really going to kill me."she commented

#45Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:53 pm


"mr yamiguchi needs to be taught a little lesson huh." There is a knock on the door"enter!" Is my responce within seconds a team of five people are in the room and addressing colbolts wounds. they bandage stich and apply pain killers to the wounds."they say we are evil and mean but in reality we are just misunderstood. Just relax everything will be fine." I say softly and calmly to colbolt

#46Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:22 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"no, its his is just like that shinigami that tried killing me before he came along. They want a good fight and believe everyone is made a ighter and if not a fighter they are to die in their pathetic exstience."She commented "Not all us arrancar were made to fight right away...Some of us were made to be in the back lines...I dont know how much tearing down i went through to be as loyal and obedient as I am today from aizen."she commented.

She kept relaxed with her eyes closed "I am not scared, I know you wont allow them to harm me for its in the contract you had me sign."she replied gently with her eyes closed "you have a tiny bit of good in you that allows you to be as you are..dont lose it ever."she commented

#47Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:03 pm


Hearing colbolts words I smile slightly"you may be right colbolt perhaps tye small bit of good I have makes me as strongs as I am. Relax now you are safe here. Let my men do their work ok." I sit down in a chair that I pull next to the couch colbolt is on"i'll stay right here ok." my voice is almost soft or father like in tone.

#48Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:33 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt listened becoming relaxed as she soon feel asleep echausted and too tired to stay awake any longer to speak to anyone. This was usual for her to sleep off wounds, which worked since she didnt really do much fighting at all even in aizen's army. she snored very lightly in her sleep.

#49Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:43 am


"leave her be if she's stable" I order my men who start to clean up and leave without a word. My office door closes and I sit at my desk every so often looking,up to make sure colbolt is ok. "sleeping after almost being killed. I wonder whay arrencar dream of when they sleep?".i comment while looking at my,lap top screen

#50Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] - Page 5 Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:20 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbalt coughed a bit in her sleep Stirring some as she moved to a sitting up position coughing lightly. "Where is some water...God healing hurts."She commented taking in deep breaths wincing feeling her ribs slowly. She moved her shirt some before looking around seeing jacob "Do you have spare clothing I can have to get out of my bloody clothing and maybe get cleaned and patched the rest of the way. I just know i am going to relax."She commented to him

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