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#1Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:03 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Chasing a ghost

A Female in a dark blue jacket moved through the town of Karakura. She looked to be about any ordinary 13 year old in looks beside the fact that she had short blue hair with a strange headpiece. She also had a large hole on the side of her head. Which was why she had moved some of her hair over the hole to help hide who she was some. She moved silently like a snake among the crowded streets humming a gentle lulluaby softly as she giggled as thoughts of bloodshed and screams raced through her mind.
Her name was colbolt and so far, she was the youngest recorded Arrancar, well acturally she was kinda like the arrancar called niel. But either way atleast she wasnt as obvious as niel or leave her own kind like Niel did. But what was her purpose for being among the humans? Was she bored to death of Hundeo Mundo? Or could it be she was just there because she was ordered to be there. She smiled at the fact of ever since she had been staying among the humans as now low ranking shinigami are now being sent after this young looking arrancar, to see if she would gve up more of her races secrets to the shinigami and trying to captiure or killed her, So far, they have all failed in getting any information or even caughting her for that fact. She was wondering when the captains were going to come out to play. She wouldn’t have killed the shinigami if they had just left her alone, but some wouldn’t get that message so clearly. She also knew the captains could easily destory her as she was still young and learning slowly becoming better.

She stood in the middle of the crowd looking up at the cloudy sky in deep though before closing her eyes “When am I to go back to them?’she asked herself gently “I know they need their healer sometime soon.”she whispered

Word Count 337

#2Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:35 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha Kiel, know as the former captain commander of the soul society was an isolated man. He never had friends, only the ones from the soul society. Even so now that he was isolated from the soul society, he had nobody to talk with. But he did not care. " Only the weak needs the aid of friends.." Udarsha always thought.

After serving the soul society for 1500 years, Udarsha was now simply living his life in the town of Karakura. He had a small apartment, just for him. And it fit him well. His small apartment was located in the 18th street of Karakura town, though it was not far from the main street. No soul came to visit him, he was simply living a life of bachelorhood. Udarsha always says " All I need is bottle of coca cola and and a good book to read at night..."

It was a good day today, the sun was shining bright, the birds were flying through the skies and some were singing. Udarsha Kiel, was going on shopping today as usual. He needed some stuff. The town was quite crowded with alot people going around it. This is what, Udarsha hated alot! The crowd! Because, they would stare at his odd appearance all day long. Stop staring at me,motherfuckers !!!

Udarsha had long Black hair,Which quite comes into his eyes.Mostly his hair covers his face. His eyes are blue in color.His body is quite slim and worked out. Because every day he trains for 10 hours straight. His skin is quite white with a brownish color mixed with it. He has two piercing in his lips which he doesn't quite were in public. For the reason that people may have some misconceptions with his appearance. Likely call him an American word called "EMO".

Simply moving forward with the crowd, Udarsha felt a quite high spiritual pressure. He thought for a second. "Was it a captain size spiritual pressure? No! It was not!" He thought moving forward. Udarsha looked around enthusiastic as he was directed to a small girl in the age of 13-15. Udarsha pushed the crowd slight forward and walked towards the girl. This had been the first Shinigami, he had met, in 500 years. She wore a dark blur color jacket which was quite good looking. The people were looking at him, eyes widened, some were grunting at him. Udarsha looked at them and grinned,one of the greatest minds of earth said "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits...."


#3Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:50 pm


Ashur flash stepped onto a rooftop peering down at the old Captain Commander. He knew he hated companionship, even the idea of it, but yet, due to Ashur's unwavering sense of loyalty he kept watch over the now interested glance of Udarsha as he broke his usual ordeal of shopping. He followed his gaze, rolling his blade over his knuckles as was per usual, to a young girl with blue hair. The rolling of the blade across his fingers stopped as he focused his senses on the new reiatsu, a kind he had not felt before. His fingers tightened around the hilt as the short chain clinked almost silently against his thumb. With his eyes squinted, he focused on the child. He tilted his head slightly to the side as he disappeared only to reappear on a balcony closer to street lever. He backed closer to the walls of the building, a faint shadow covering his face, content with waiting in the shadows, wanting to watch the young girl as she soaked in the sunlight and keeping his peripherals focused on Udarsha

#4Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:02 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt turned her head to look towards the man that has seemed to smell different from these humans. She turned to face him. Wondering who this dude was by her standards we were way too old for her looking in either of her forms. She turned to face him having to look up as she pulled up her hood before place her hands back into her lower pockets. She said not a word as her blue eyes strike through the darkness as she watched him closely, not trusting him one bit. He wasn’t human; she could tell that from the reaistu she was getting from him. He must be a shinigami or one of those fullbringers that seem to now be coming out more and more. When will these surprises end.
She guessed he wasn’t shinigami on the fact of how he hasn’t spoken saying how she broke crimes or to even ask who or what she was like every other shinigami has. There was still a possibility that he was a shinigami, but maybe a retired one that doesn’t keep in contact This she did not like that opposition for she had enough fighting to last her a month, She didn’t need a possible retired soul reaper looking down at her cause for all she knows he could easily toss her like a rag doll. She had enough of that for a lift time acturally, So if he wasx to try to engage her, She would have to run, and hope michael or jacob or someone comes just in time. Why me! Cant I just blend in and not have possible shinigami on my tail once again. Oh please let them be weak. She thought watching him closely.
She also noticed some more movement of another male. Most be the first guy’s companion for sure Her eyes watched his movement closely. So he reminded her of a cat flexible and fast, this was going to be tricky to try getting away if it called for her to do that. She knew running was not good but she wasn’t that strong to take on people she definitely cant tell if they are stupid, clever or what. This frustrated her. Before he could eve n ask anything of her. She turned her back to him. She bent her knees slightly before she dissappeared then reappeared on top of two buildings ahead of the two figures. She stood on the ledge of the building with one leg bent slightly while the other was bent at a major bent as that foot was not touching the ledge as her first was.. Her hands were by her side as she looked back at them. The shadows of her hood covered her features from her nose up..

Word Count: 462

#5Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:37 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha Kiel, looked at the girl facing him. she had short blue hair with a strange headpiece, She also had a large hole on the side of her head. Which was why she had moved some of her hair over the hole. Udarsha saw her, facing him now as she observed, his wonderful looks. Udarsha grinned to himself, feeling quite joyful about this. Look at me, all you want,girl...

Suddenly Udarsha, felt a strong spiritual pressure gaining on him. Udarsha knew where he was, as he just turned his head directly towards the person. He was peering at Udarsha Kiel from a roof-top, not quite far from here. Udarsha grinned again, he knew it was a shinigami. Not just a shinigami, A shinigami assassin. Working for the Captain Commander. Udarsha fully turned himself towards the assassin and released a small amount of his immense spiritual pressure at him. Don't mess with me,boy !

Now turning again towards the little girl, Udarsha Knelt down and inspected her. She was quite shaking hard. He knew that she was an arrancar, and he hated them alot. But she was different, she was just a little, nice girl, who didn't know anything about the world yet. Udarsha Kiel, who lived nearly for 2000 years, knew lot about the outside world, including the soul society. You are not enlightened yet,Dear....

Now standing up, Udarsha quickly touched her hand. And slowly looked around: to his suprisement no one was there! "Did I release too much of my spiritual pressure ? Beats me!" Udarsha said to himself shrugging as he squeezed the Small girls hand and used a fast step, to get away from the street.


#6Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:58 pm


Ahsur smirked as he watched Udarsha turn towards him and feeling the familiar strain on his reiatsu against his being. As strong as ever old man; but, I, too, have grown stronger. As he shook the discomfort of the alien reiatsu from his being he leaned out from the shadows resting his forearms against the balcony. His eyes narrowed further as Udarsha flash stepped from the street. He chuckled to himself, "I was the asp you had hidden in your sleeve, you really think I can't follow your scent?" Ashur stood and peered quickly at a pigeon who had landeded on the rail in front of him. He watched it for a brief moment before he almost instantly disappeared from sight, a faint breeze swirling around where his feet once stood forcing the pigeon to fly away.

Word count: 139

#7Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:25 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt watched the man raise his reaistu briefly as if to warn the other figure to either 'back off' or 'Dont interfer.' She was confused at why the man did that to the other being as both looked human to her, atleast compared to how she looked.
She honestly looked like she ould be form halloween town from her colors and everything, it was her crazy colors and the odd hole in her head that was just out there, not bleeding or scabbing, you couldnt even see her brain or anything but blackness through the hole. If this was so, does that meen she has no brain or anything in her child head. If so, that would be odd how she is able to think on her own, even though she is much like a doll to two people she follow from two different organzations.
Her eyes widen when the man infornt of her grabbed ahold of her hand.She honestly wanted to send a Cero straight at the man, point blank range, since she didnt like strangers touching her, for her own reason. She kept herself calm, not speaking a word as she suddenly was pulled along in a quick flash step. So it was true this man was a shinigami, and if he knew flashstep, He either had to be high in the ranks or just be old enough to master the speed like this one has.
She felt light as a feather as one fact was that she weighed about 83 lbs at the most due to her small figure and everything along with the fact that, she didn’t fight back or anything since her zsnpackuto was in the sleeve opposet of what this man was holding of her hand. She honestly, once again felt like a ragdoll with no weight. This was the annoying fact of being so small when she finally became an arrancar though a painful formation at that. She looked around then back at the man that was technically kidnpping her from the street

Word count: 240

#8Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:56 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha took the small girl to a very secret location that know human being would ever know. It was called : Mezhgorye. It was were Russians, massive secret underground facility at Yamantau Mountain and the city of Mezhgorye is rumored that the Yamantau Mountain project was associated with the so-called ‘Dead Hand’ nuclear retaliatory command and control system for strategic missiles. The place was an isolated place, know living soul would go there. But Udarsha Would...

Placing the little girl there, Udarsha looked at her. She was shaking like hell. "Do not worry, little girl. This won't hurt a bit." Udarsha said As he, took his famous Zanpaktou called: Akuma No Bachi (Demonic Punishment). The small girl eyed the zanpaktou, frighteningly. "This is where I come to train everyday! I train for 10 hours a day." Udarsha said touching his Zanpaktou and moving 20 steps backwards away from the small girl.

Udarsha Kiel eyed her as she took out her Zanpaktou. He smiled and said " let me give you a hint/advice about my zanpaktou, it is made from the hardest metals on the soul society/earth and sharpen to a almost impossible edge making it one of the most formidable in the soul society, Over the years I have trained my self to use yoru no kōtei to the highest degree. As I became Captain Commander I was able to reach the limit of what can be done with a zanpakuto. In a good way MY human abilities seemed to have aided in the forming of his blade making it a one of a kind weapon..." As he made a psychotic grinn towards her.


#9Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:10 pm


"Reap the dark wind, Val'lyn" a light voice spoke, echoing within the bunker. The familiar clanking of chain links started to be heard as Ashur appeared to the side of Udarsha. He spun the blade once and released it, letting it loose to pass over Udarsha's hand that held his Zanpaktaou. The blade wrapped once, twice, and then three times around Udarsha's forearm before burying itself into the floor almost to the hilt. Ashur jerked his arm towards his body, tightening the chain and lessening the range of motion of Udarsha's arm. In the silence of the bunker they could hear the skin on Ashur's knuckles tighten as he gripped the chain and made his way to stand between Udarsha and the young girl. Having realized the small hole in her head he knew what she was but a feeling in his gut told him that she was no threat at the moment. He gave her a quick glance before turning his face towards Udarsha. "It seems that time on your own has driven you mad, Captain," he said smirking with a small twinkle in his eyes.

Word count: 188

#10Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Empty Re: Chasing a ghost [Amaya/ Senshu/Ashur] Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:19 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Udarsha took the small girl to a very secret location that know human being would ever know. It was called : Mezhgorye. It was were Russians, massive secret underground facility at Yamantau Mountain and the city of Mezhgorye is rumored that the Yamantau Mountain project was associated with the so-called ‘Dead Hand’ nuclear retaliatory command and control system for strategic missiles. The place was an isolated place, know living soul would go there. But Udarsha Would...
"Do not worry, little girl. This won't hurt a bit." Udarsha said As he, took his famous Zanpaktou called: Akuma No Bachi (Demonic Punishment). The small girl eyed the zanpaktou, frighteningly. "This is where I come to train everyday! I train for 10 hours a day.",
Udarsha Kiel eyed her as she took out her Zanpaktou. He smiled and said " let me give you a hint/advice about my zanpaktou, it is made from the hardest metals on the soul society/earth and sharpen to a almost impossible edge making it one of the most formidable in the soul society, Over the years I have trained my self to use yoru no kōtei to the highest degree. As I became Captain Commander I was able to reach the limit of what can be done with a zanpakuto. In a good way MY human abilities seemed to have aided in the forming of his blade making it a one of a kind weapon..." As he made a psychotic grinn towards her.

Colbolt saw the land change rapidly form the flash steps that the captain used taking her to some subcluded place in the human’s world. She blink now finding herself in an underground facility. She gulped a bit watching the captain speak of how this isnt going to hurt a bit, even though he was taking out his zanpackuto. The only fear she had right now was the one of her life going to end. It sucks being a child arrancar since everyone was stronger then you will ever be in a million years along with shinigami trying to end your life, might as well have it end with some captain or retired captain kill you. Atleast that was a considered honor…Not.

Colbolt calmed herself bringing out her zanpackuto from her sleeve holding it infront of her with her left hand moving side ways as her right stayed limp at her side. She opened her mouth to say her first sentence of this memeter “Why did you bring me here shinigami? Is it to end my exstience like some many before you has tried? For if so then why tell me about your blade and tell me this won’t hurt? Or are you wishing to train or something? Cause I know I am no match for anyone in my rankings of any way due to age and lack of experience…”She commented to the captain commander “Plus my two bosses relaly don’t lik shinigami basically kidnapping me.”She added as her eyes narrowed as she held her blade ready to fight

"It seems that time on your own has driven you mad, Captain," he said smirking with a small twinkle in his eyes.

Colbolt’s eyes widen watching the shinigami turn on his own captain to more keep her safe “what are you doing…why do you interfer, against your own captain Shinigami? I don’t understand why you wish to help a enemy like me.”She asked the shinigami very confused Maybe not all shinigami were as bad as she thought and were told, beside the gin incident, but that might have been her fault on sleepwalking or whatever the hell happened on how she ended up in his closet

Word count

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