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#61Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:02 pm


Seeing a Byakurai shooting at him, Takami tried to dodge, but was hit in the palm of the left hand. Then he noticed blades of wind shooting toward him. Bakudo #39: Enkosen!! This formed a round shield that stopped the wind blades that were shot in his direction. He turned toward Zeipher who was in a sphere of water and said Hado #11: Tsuzuri Raiden!! Electric current shot toward Zeipher in the sphere of water. If it hit, it would electrify the water and probably Zeipher too. Takami then turned and shot a blade of darkness at Minoru.

#62Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:01 pm


I smirk, making the water shield became motionless, asborbing the electrical current as I rolled out. But one of Minorus eindscars caught my calf, resulting in gash, dripping across my leg.
TOok that long to get blood drawn, atleast it was worth it
I twirl my shikai, sending the electric filled bubble towards the skin towards takami
Hado number 33 :Sōkatsui! I shot the wide blue energy blast towards the ubble and Takami, if struck the bubble would make a "electric rain" dripping down on all shingami in the fight, resulting in some shocks. Takami was in the rang of the blast, which could hit is whole body.

#63Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:07 pm


Smirking I reply to Zeiphers remark with "And first blood goes to me! This is just too fun! I now begin laughing as I charge into the fray, failing to notice the blade of darkness in my over-excitement it cuts a 6" long gash horizontally across my upper body. Muttering to myself 'damn I got hit after all'.

I then notice that Zeipher is open to an attack after his attacks on Takami, I charge towards him with shunpo, and activate my Shunko increasing my speed further, I bring both my blades forward to slash an X across Zeiphers upper body. If succeeding Zeipher would suffer two 6" long and 1.5" wide gashes.

#64Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:41 am


Takami noticed the Sokatsui coming toward him. Crap!! I need to do something quick! Bakudo #39: Enkosen!! A round shield formed and protected Takami from the blast. Then he saw electrified rain coming down. Bakudo #37: Tsuriboshi! A large net formed in the air, catching the electric rain. As a final touch, Takami used Hi Shiro to shoot an X of white fire at Zeipher.

#65Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:56 am


I smirk as I see the rain being caught by the net. Suddenly a shadow of Minrou appears infront of me. I catch on of his blades on my staff as one makes a gash across my shoulder to my chest.
"seems like you are having fun making me bleed~"I raise my leg, attempting to thrust a kick in the fut of Minoru, if succeeded i would attempt to whip my tridents blunt side across his face.
I look over towards Takami, watching the white X coming towards me. Raising my hand towards the sky, i yell in all my anger Hado #38 Hyōsekkai Sennari!"
Large ice stones fall from the sky, not only at takami, but at Minoru and myself, once i close my hand the ice will stop falling. I turn my head towards Minoru, smirking. I looked at him as a friend, but a worthy rival.
""Why don't we let Lt. Takami get some spilt blood on him? See if he can close my hand. You can try too.

#66Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:38 am


Taking a hit from the blunt end of Zeipher's trident I get knocked away from the fight, as I regain balance I notice Zeipher's hado go off causing large chunks of ice to fall from the sky. I now begin dodging ice fall as I begin chanting "Scattered Bones of beasts, spire, vermillion crystal, Steel wheel, If ‘tis moving its wind, If ‘tis still its sky, the tone of clanging spears fills the empty castle!" I point the palm of my right hand in Zeipher's direction before finishing, "Hado #63 Raikoho!" a large wave of yellow energy fires at him with full power.

My attention then shifts to Takami as I point a finger from my left hand at him yelling out "Hado# 4 Byakurai!" A concentrated lightning bolt fires from the tip of my finger streaking towards the right shoulder. I then take of with shunpo trying to get above the two.

#67Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:53 am


Watching the three vice captains battle it out I am constantly forming battle plans for the three and myself" gust can manipulate his shikai well for being and awkward shape, very interesting he may be perfect for the postion." I say quietly to myself

#68Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:20 am


Takami smiled as he realized just the thing to stop the ice. Bakudo #1: Sai! If this succeeded, it would lock Zeipher's arms together. In his effort to stop Zeipher's Kido, Takami didn't notice the Byakurai.It hit his left arm, making a hole in the wrist. Several ice stones hit Takami. Where they landed, thy made 1-inch deep holes. I need to put a stop to this. Bakudo #8: Seki!! A bubble that would last for 1 post formed around Takami. Now to get you back, Zeipher!! Bakudo #21: Senkienton! A blast of red smoke spewed everywhere. Takami did a Shunpo and appeared in front of Zeipher, pointing his hand at him. Hado #54: Haien!!! A blast of purple energy capable of severing a limb or causing severe organ damage if it hit shot toward Zeipher.

#69Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:44 am


Looking at both attacks coming from every direction, i drop out of the sky ,dodging the direct kido blast from Takami on the side of a ice shard, jumping form each one, dodging every kido attack landing on the ground below in front of Min. Still keeping my hand open i look up towards Takami.
not just kido and hado is going to down me boy!" I rush towards Min, flash stepping agsint random shards, as a dual head forms on the base of my staf, brachning off into a staff floating behind me.,I slide agsint the ground, taking dirt and rocks with me as i jump ona shard right above min.
bakido number 26 Kyakko!" The light form the bakido bounced off the shards of ice, magnifing teh light to make it brighter as I jump behind him. Rushing towards minoru with quiet footseps, aiming for a blunt attack to the back of his thighg. I send my floating staff up to takami, as it mimics the movement of my actual staff.

#70Retriving the days work(Open) - Page 7 Empty Re: Retriving the days work(Open) Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:06 pm


Blinded by Zeiph's Bakudo I let out an 'Arg' as I feel the air currents around me shifting, something was closing in on my leg. I drop my left blade over the trident as it hits my thigh, the chain of my zan now looped around it I yank on it loosening Zeipher's grip on it I grab at it while I bring my right blade in for a hack at Zeiphers torso. "C'mon Zeipher gotta do better than blinding me!" I begin emiting large amounts of reiatsu with Zeiph in close proximity, both of us getting caught in the now cutting winds.

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