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#1Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Hybrid tier/stat system Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:46 am


I know what you are thinking, but before you shoot me in the foot, or the head hear me out first. I have an idea that I would like serious deliberation on.

Our old system focused on stats purely- it worked okay until I broke the system. Our new system is rather free-forming by the "Honor code" as well as a general guide based on tier. The problem with this system is that it is still rather vague and too free-forming for each individual. While I agree that it is a nice system, the old system had merit as well. I propose a hybrid system of the two- yes it will be maintained, but so is our current system: a hybrid system has both the benefits and limitations of both systems- provided a free-flowing way for each individual to build their character their own way, as well as gives them incentive to train and become stronger when they can actually see the benefit.

The stats included would be four separate attributes. Strength, Speed, Defense & Reiryoku

Strength: This stat will revolve around melee combat, including swords and other weapons. The higher the stat, the stronger you are physically and more adept with using weapons.

Speed: This is rather simple, it determines how fast the individual is. The only difference from the past and now is that the Speed stat solely revolves around the use of shunpo/sonido & the like of other high-speed movements. Anyone not using a highspeed movement is rather easy to see and keep track of, if someone attacks you with a regular rush or swing of a weapon- regardless of tier & powergap, you have an adequate amount of time to counter. This eliminates auto-hit & godmod. If someone uses highspeed movement or attacks, you counter with highspeed movements or attacks yourself- the success is determined on the higher speed as well as the ingenuity of each individual- this eliminates auto-hits & godmod as well.

Reiryoku This stat has to deal with not only the overall spiritual pressure of each individual, but also the use of spiritual attacks(Such as kido, cero, getsuga, elemental attacks & the likes).

Defense: This is rather simple as well. The only time it comes into effect is when taking damage. The amount of damage is based on the total points in damage they take OVER their own defense. Say someone with 50 Strength punches someone with 30 Defense- the defender takes 20pts of damage. Much like our current tier system, the point system will have a guide to determine how much damage is scaled by points. That is a LOT less difficult than it sounds. Further I will give a good visual aid.

Alright. I will be posting our current tier/rank system in the spoiler below for simple reference and comparison.

I talked to Yuki- she wishes to expand the tiers a bit to include the 0 tier. A member's tier will be capped at 1-1 & only release forms may surpass to the 0 tier. Only NPCs and other event situations will provide opponents stronger than 1-1. This way, each and every member is able to reach the pinnacle of power and not have to worry about becoming so powerful that they will eventually fade away. On top of that, with how the current tier system is set up- a certain amount of stat points are given for each corresponding tier & rank up. I will use a human for my example.

[ NEOPHYTE || Tier 5 ]

Weak Level [5-3]: Individuals new to their spiritual powers and fairly untrained in their use.
» Example: Sado Yasotora(Chad) when his powers first awakened.
  • A 5-3 is given a certain number of points(Undetermined at this time, so I will use 25 per tier)
  • A 5-3 is given 25pts to mitigate between his four stats(Strength, Speed, Reiryoku & Defense) of course the stats are measured in integers of 5 pts, so there will be no uneven and odd-numbers stats like 23 or 38. A member will mitigate this 25pts based on his character's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Say he wants to be stronger than he is fast, so he puts 5 points in Speed, Reiryoku & Defense, but 10pts in Strength. This has used all 25pts at 5-3 and clearly shows what he favors in stats.

Average Level [5-2]: Those who's spiritual powers are trained slightly however remain fairly undeveloped.
» Example: An average shinigami in training at the Shino Academy.
  • Alright, so the 5-3 human has tier'd up. He is now equal in strength to a shinigami being trained in the Shino Academy.
  • When ranked up to 5-2 from 5-3, he is given an additional sum of stats to use on his character.(In this case we will say 10pts) This will allow him to put that 10pts wherever he wishes for his character. 5pts in his weakness to round out his weakness, or maybe 10pts in his Strength to become that much stronger in his area of expertise(In this case, his Strength)
  • Instead of having 10pts in Strength, at 5-2, he has put his 10 tier-up stat points in his Strength, now he has 20Strength, 5 Speed, 5 Reiryoku & 5 Defense.

Strong Level [5-1]: Those who have received decent experience or training in their spiritual powers and now have a basic understanding of them.
» Example: An unseated shinigami fresh out of the academy or a fullbringer whom can summon their full bring at will.
  • Okay, so the 5-2 has tier'd up again to 5-1
  • He is given an additional 10 stat points. He sees he has a severe weakness in Speed, so he puts all 10pts in Speed.
  • He now has 20 Strength, 15 Speed, 5 Reiryoku & 5 Defense

Say he fights someone similar to his fighting style- his opponent is slightly stronger, maybe by a tier or two. His opponent has 25 Strength, 15 Speed, 5 Reiryoku & 10 Defense.(This is fighter B) Fighter A(Which is the human who has tier'd up from 5-3 all the way to 5-1 now) is attacked by fighter B.
  • Fighters A & B have equal Speed, so it is fair and partially up to the "honor code" whether Fighter B punches fighter A or not. But let's say his attack is successful right? He punches Fighter A with 25 Strength, Fighter A's Defense stat comes into play.
  • Fighter A only has 5 Defense though.
  • Fighter B's 25 Strength deducts Fighter A's 5 Defense(25-5=20) Fighter A who defends, takes 20 points of damage.
  • This 20pts of damage will be based off of a damage scale further worked out in detail.

Damage scale

Alright, so Fighter A took 20pts of damage right? I'll use a simple and easy scale to help you understand how the damage is moderated to be fair.
5pts difference: Minimal at best, maybe a slight bruise.
10pts difference: Mild bruising.
15pts difference: Moderate bruising.
20pts difference: Heavy bruising.
25pts difference: Hair-fractured bone.
30pts difference: Moderate bone cracking.
35pts difference: Complete broken bone.
40pts difference: Shattered bone.
45pts difference: Pierces opponent's body.
50pts difference: Punches complete holes in opponent.

As you can see, the damage varies greatly depending on the difference in attack and defense. Given how the system works, even a much stronger opponent can take equal or greater damage depending on the two opponent's strenghts/weaknesses and abilities. I find this system to be very realistic in terms of Bleach Universe, as well as balanced and fair.

AR Boosts & fighting style

This hasn't been covered too much yet, but the general idea is to use AR Boosts to boost an individual's fighting style, not their whole battle aspect. If someone specializes in Strength- their application will specify that Strength is their specialization: when using an AR boost such as Bankai- they are given a certain number of points to their fighting specialization(In this concept, a Bankai increases someone's AR by 2, which would be 20pts)
  • The member's Strength is increased by 20pts alone, not his other stats.

Racial boosts

These need to be reviewed, but naturally- when a character is approved, on top of all the stat points befitting their tier: they also get certain stat points for their race. In this case, I'll use the arrancar for example- their heirro(Steel skin) grants them a +1AR in defense. This would be a passive +10pts to Defense.

Overall, what do you guys think of this? I believe it is rather fair and easily monitored/controlled to prevent godmod or misuse- while also allowing the members to choose where they wish to improve themselves and legitimately gives everyone a fair chance of damaging just as well as being damaged. Naturally- there will be a necessary cap in place amongst stats. This way, one cannot put a ridiculous amount of points into one area to be godlike in that stat alone. I recommend a cap between 25-50pts difference between their strongest stat & weakest stat.

#2Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Re: Hybrid tier/stat system Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:23 am


Sounds reasonable to me. May need some tweeking here and there but otherwise is fair. I would assume the damage points would total 100 for all meaning 100% healthy, and go down from there as the battle progresses. If not, how would that work?

#3Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Re: Hybrid tier/stat system Fri Jun 19, 2015 8:19 am


I don't really intend to make an HP bar, but we can have an alternative HP bar for members who often misuse & abuse the system & the "honor code" Naturally, it is easy to tell when someone has had too much damage- if they ignore the damage and pretend to not be phased by damage- we will have them use the HP system to keep them from abusing.

  • The alternative HP system will be directly dependent on one's Defense. There will be a limited amount of Hp per point based on Defense. I believe 5 or 10HP per point in defense is reasonable.
  • If Opponent A has 25pts in Defense, they have 250HP(based on 10hp per point) Any damage they take to their defense subtracts 5hp per point of defense damage they take.
  • If they take 20pts of damage, they lose 100hp

This is the spiritual side of fight, such as using kido, cero & the likes. This will be solely based off of one's Reiryoku stat. With our current kido & tier system, one can only use specific kido per tier bracket. However, that is only for shinigami- this doesn't include other races such as hollow and quincy. I propose reworking the kido system into the Reiryoku system where the power and skill of their kido & other spiritual attacks are based off of the total amount of Reiryoku points they have. This limits everyone regardless in their skills based on kido & other energy-based attacks.

Here is a quick idea for basing the ability & power of one's spiritual attacks. Reiryoku is equivalent to spiritual Strength: so there is no need to create an additional damage system. There only needs to be a system to restrict members from using certain high-skilled spiritual attacks(Such as 90level kido or Gran Ray cero)
10 Reiryoku: Up to Lv20 kido & bala
20 Reiryoku: Up to Lv40 kido & cero
30 Reiryoku: Up to Lv60 kido & custom cero
40 Reiryoku: Up to Lv80 kido & Gran Ray cero
50 Reiryoku: Up to Lv100 kido & Cero Oscuros

The only issue with this is that a Reiryoku-based fighter could dump the majority of their points in Reiryoku to obtain Gran Ray and Lv80 kido at a fairly decent level. Granted that kind of boost in power alone would leave them very weak in other attributes such as speed or defense- they would be glass cannons. Alternatively, we can use the current kido system and format it with the stat system.


The issue I immediately see is that if we try to force the stats to follow this tier bracket- we defeat the whole purpose of allowing the members to free-form their characters with the given stats per tier-up. I count it up and a member would need to be at least tier bracket 3 or 2 to be able to use 60+ kido/cero without having their other stats too severely handicapped. What are your opinions? Should we limit their ability to not-cap their Reiryoku per tier or no?

#4Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Re: Hybrid tier/stat system Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:02 am


I like the maximum levels for the Reiryoku/attacks. Just the level of attack they can use. I say we can let them set their ability skills themselves as planned, but cap the ability to use higher level Reiryoku/attacks themselves even if they have enough to be able to do so so as to prevent god mod and the like. As they move up they gain more knowledge and so forth so they can use the higher level attacks and what not. That way they can still build the character the way they want but we still limit them as to the higher level attacks. Hope this makes sense.

#5Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Re: Hybrid tier/stat system Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:38 pm


Initially, I have to admit when I read the word stat I immediately disliked it. When I read the explanation, I could understand what Ana is trying to accomplish here. Putting numbers to damage and abilities is something I don't like but I have to admit it has become a necessity now. Members who rp for the fun of it, like me, may not like this but those who rp to idk, dominate or whatever; they have made this essential.

About the Hp system, I like the association with defense but I don't like how it's depleted. It kinda makes it harder for me to understand so I suggest a more simpler way of calculating the remaining hp. Let's say someone has 25 pts of defense thus giving him/her 250 hp points. If the character takes 5 points of damage, then the damage taken is 20%. In order to faint, one will need to take about 85% of damage after than one can't remain conscious unless one uses resolve drive. The resolve drive will extend this to 95% after that one will faint. The remaining 5% will only be depleted in death enabled threads and that will mean the end of one's character.

As for the general structure of this system, I honestly like it now that I understand it. It has put numbers to everything and those who could manipulate their way around it now have no choice in the matter. Those who continuously used shunpo to avoid attacks their character couldn't have avoided, can't do that anymore.

One thing, what about defending with reiatsu? let's say if one has some exceptional reiatsu like Epizon. Shouldn't that provide an additional defense like the previous system allowed? From what I understand, if one has a lot of reiatsu but little defense one can still be damaged. What I'm trying to understand is the thing with Zarraki, Ichigo or many others just couldn't cut him because of the reiatsu his body gave out unconsciously. In other words, in order to cut something the reiatsu of the attacker needs to be equivalent or greater than the target, in accordance to the canon. However, that is not the case with this system so how are we going to incorporate this? Or are we not going to incorporate it?

Racial boosts do need to be looked at and I'd like it if the fighting style thingy was explained more.

#6Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Re: Hybrid tier/stat system Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:59 am


The alternative HP system is a minor detail and easily fixed. The only concern I'm seriously worried about is the Reriyoku & possible effects.

In the lore- Reiryoku could be used for many things, including speed, defense and attack. In this system each tier has their own Reiryoku, the beauty of it is that it allows for lower tier fighters to possess an enormous reiryoku but still possibly being weaker in terms of combat.

The downside is that this system limits to uses of Reiryoku. Instead of using your reiryoku to boost your speed or bolster your defense, those mechanics are left to the individual Speed & Defense stats. So in that regard, our system is slightly non-canon. If that's not a major issue to any of you, then we can work around that by thoroughly elaborating each individual stat & their role in the system.

#7Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Re: Hybrid tier/stat system Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:08 am


Mhmm, There isn't much I can say except this:

It is quite good in my eyes I like the hybrid feel of it and it adds a bit of uniqueness to it. It negates ant any RPers from manipulating and finding loop holes in the system. In my eyes I find it an improvement over the new system although if this new system is approved does everyone have revamp their character?

#8Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Re: Hybrid tier/stat system Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:13 am


Yes, I will require revamping of character apps. The only thing needing to be changed will be the individual fighting styles. Techs and abilities will be considered, the users' fighting styles will have to mirror their stat choices. Once staff give their approval, they'll be given stat points to divvy to their character traits.

However- this system cannot be implemented until racial boosts and the character templates are altered. As well as anything else Yuki has in store- otherwise there will be lots of re-re-revamping.

#9Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Re: Hybrid tier/stat system Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:22 am


Okay. Well may I add in the option of the Togabito/Sinners to be included or maybe we recreate them so they can actually die? But back on track, is the training systems being changed as well (tier training, tech and ability etc.)

Also with the racial bonuses etc. I suggest you give the option of +1 AR to everything for an Arrancar if they give up High Speed Regeneration. If we are following Canon then that would exist as Ulquiorra once said Hollows usually give up High Speed Regen for more power when they become Arrancar.

#10Hybrid tier/stat system Empty Re: Hybrid tier/stat system Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:03 pm


It is indeed a troublesome decision when we consider reiryoku. If we restrict it for spiritual attacks and spells only, the versatility of it is compromised. Honestly, I don't like it; the benefit of having high reiryoku is being negated here. I suggest, another alternative to reiryoku considering numbers are in place.

As Ana mentioned that reiryoku could be used to improve speed/ strength or defense. I think I have a way to accomplish that in our current system. Instead of treating reiryoku like the other stats, let's keep it separate. The initial points that a character gets after approval are thus removed since a part of it can't be assigned to reiryoku anymore. I suggest we use reiryoku as a multiplyer, assign an integer and multiply a stat being used.

Allow me to elaborate, let's say someone is using reiryoku to boost his/her defense, the assigned reiryoku number is multiplied by the defense points. Similar to that, if someone is using it for speed the speed points are multiplied with the number assigned to reiryoku.

For a more numeric example: let's say Anamist has 25 points each for all stats and his reiryoku is 10, if he uses it to boost his speed; 250 points is the resultant speed.

I think this relates a bit more to the cannon version of reiryoku and it allow reiryoku to add up with other stats like it should. What do you think?

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