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#1[Private] Honing One's Art Empty [Private] Honing One's Art Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:42 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Here comes the Ice Queen

"Destiny was close behind her, phantom of borrowed life, and the sea was a reminder, mirror of given life. From the sky she watched the life she known she leave behind. She said goodbye and gave her people life through her sacrifice"Spoke Amaya gently sitting with her knees folded. Her eyes were closed as her forehead rested against the hilt of her blade. She smiled hearing the response back from her zanpackuto spirit.

Amaya was meditating in the middle of squad 7 courtyard having not much better to do. At the moment as she didnt have any needed requests to fill.

Tier [0-4]
Amaya Nanashi
Kidou list
Family Kidou

©️2019 ANGrey

#2[Private] Honing One's Art Empty Re: [Private] Honing One's Art Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:53 pm


Which would be quite the hour to approach when all things were considered. The gentle stepping of pawed feet on ground echoed somberly through while she was meditating there. The familiar image of Hana would make its appearance as she saw her captain in meditation. Hana wasn't sure as to why...but she at least wanted to spend some time with her captain. If anything, it may prove fruitful to consider.

"Amaya Sensei." The wolven shinigami would speak up. Her posture bows proper in respect to her on arrival.

#3[Private] Honing One's Art Empty Re: [Private] Honing One's Art Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:01 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Here comes the Ice Queen

"Hana by now you should know you don't need to be so formal or bow to me."She spoke turning her eyes to her wereclan subordinate. She slowly lifted herself up before lifting her sword putting it back into it's sheath at her waist. " Is there something that you wish to speak of? Any concerns?"she asked her subordinate while turning fully towards her while combing a hand through her ice blue hair. Her Eyes watched Hana while her left hand rested on the hilt.

Tier [0-4]
Amaya Nanashi
Kidou list
Family Kidou

©️2019 ANGrey

#4[Private] Honing One's Art Empty Re: [Private] Honing One's Art Wed May 01, 2019 1:57 am


Formal or not, Hana couldn't imagine herself shaking off the heirs she has built up over the years. Though she does nod quietly before smiling only slightly. "I did. I wanted to ask if i could be able to take on tutelage with yourself for a while. I have been doing ... various work with Okami and Anna. Though Okami's training has been rather ..."

Hana's voice trails off at the memory of it. Her eyes shut close after before shaking her head. Then she looks on back over at Amaya. "Either way. I wanted to expand my Kido repetoir when I was told about your own personal creations. I was rather hoping that I could see them for myself."

#5[Private] Honing One's Art Empty Re: [Private] Honing One's Art Wed May 01, 2019 2:15 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Here comes the Ice Queen

" Okami is quite interesting to fight let alone train with. The shiba are strong for a reason plus it may not be known outside the noble circles but soon the Nanashi will be in a noble but servitude standard from the marriage contract Okami entered with Anna through the approval from Seishin, the head of my family also being my grandma
She replied "also if your wishing to be more kidou proficient why not transfer to the Kidou Corps to be under miniea and Anna"she said. "As far my kidou are you sure you wish to most are great in maintaining and control your spell. Concentration is the biggest thing you need to keep in mind learning from me." She added folding her arms. She was curious why Hana was so interested in her kidou other then the reason they are ice based just like her Zanpackuto

Tier [0-4]
Amaya Nanashi
Kidou list
Family Kidou

©️2019 ANGrey

#6[Private] Honing One's Art Empty Re: [Private] Honing One's Art Wed May 01, 2019 2:23 am


Hana's ears fold down a bit while looking like she was had at the time. Then she just shakes her head quietly before she stood more proper and resolute. "I can understand. I just wish to broaden my ammunition of available tools for handling hollow and protecting souls. I have been having worries about my performance and I would rather make sure that I am capable of much more."

"Yes, your kido are based around the proficiency I have with the same element. But I also recall seeing the potential for much more with them in terms of other kido combinations such as Josetsuki and Tenran."

#7[Private] Honing One's Art Empty Re: [Private] Honing One's Art Wed May 01, 2019 2:29 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi

Here comes the Ice Queen

Amaya watched Hana lower her ears before shaking off the doubt "Hana don't let anyone discourage you...there will be a day where i will no longer be alive or here to help you. Be strong and stick to your wants and your guns. You are a wereclan you don't back down for anyone enspecially when it comes to protecting the souls that rest here"she said "If my kidou is what you want to learn then yes I will allow you to learn them as i was taught them from my aunt Anna and her kidou library at the estate"She said

Tier [0-4]
Amaya Nanashi
Kidou list
Family Kidou

©️2019 ANGrey

#8[Private] Honing One's Art Empty Re: [Private] Honing One's Art Wed May 01, 2019 2:43 am


Her smile was brought right back in that instance as her ears perk. Then she held her paws together before giving an honored bow in return. "I will be in your care." She replied. No further words were needed from how her confidence bloomed.

#9[Private] Honing One's Art Empty Re: [Private] Honing One's Art Wed May 01, 2019 3:10 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Here comes the Ice Queen

Amaya allowed a smile to form slightly on her face seeing Hana's confidence shot back up "Good now we will start with the one Anna always said was a playful creation of a deadly snowball fight Josetsuki other known as snow blower. First you need to allowrd your reistu out and allow your mind to envision the reistu changing to snow before gathering infront of your palm." She said sitting on the steps of the squad house letting Hana work on this meditation technique till she got it down to a T.

Tier [0-4]
Amaya Nanashi
Kidou list
Family Kidou

©️2019 ANGrey

#10[Private] Honing One's Art Empty Re: [Private] Honing One's Art Wed May 01, 2019 3:22 am


The thought of it rolling into snow did intrigue her. Her reiatsu always had this strange sense of turning whatever kido she used into a cold theme with her. In the end, it must be something that she can use to better utilize it. She goes into her proper meditation as she stands there. Her paws cradle around together while having to expend more Reiatsu than normal. Considering her Reiatsu control being harder, she had to do such.

Her mind clears as her world within would fade. The voices of her blade and mask...slowly ebbing. The image of a snowflake swirls in her mind as it spins around in gentle motion. Then another...and another....and another still. Each snowflake in her mind would gather as she focused her reiatsu to try and manifest. It would be quite a surprise when Anna would see cold vapors of Reiatsu swirling in Hana's hands.

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